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I like dick/kory just fine but dick/babs have my heart. i think it's the fact that kory to me always felt like a first love while babs feels endgame to me. lil trivia, they said barbara's middle name was gail in this episode. It's gail after Gail Simone who wrote Babs famously in Birds of Prey. In the comics her middle name is Joan (and on Gotham it was Lee after her step-mom, leslie "lee" thompkins)

David Brown

About Jason's friend, she did have an older sister type of relationship/friendship with Flint on Agents of SHIELD. With the same age difference.

Jordan St. James

Why do I get the feeling that the voice for Oracle was based on Alfred Pennyworth? He is British after all.

Jordan St. James (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-20 20:31:12 This version of Victor Fries was hanging out in an ice cream factory? What is this, Batman & Robin? "What killed the dinosaurs? The Ice Age!"
2021-12-19 14:38:41 This version of Victor Fries was hanging out in an ice cream factory? What is this, Batman & Robin? "What killed the dinosaurs? The Ice Age!"

This version of Victor Fries was hanging out in an ice cream factory? What is this, Batman & Robin? "What killed the dinosaurs? The Ice Age!"


1. Yeah mah bad.. We name Scarecrow Connor... But then we also HAVE a Conner on the show AKA Superboy ...It gets a bit confusing for me too 2. Almost got it Froots.. The correct quote was "Driver picks the music, Shotgun shuts his cakehole" 3. I suppose they pulled off the look of Barbara standing up by just filming the actress waist up 4. Did mah dude just calculate the distance of a knife throw?? How did he know the EXACT speed at which the assassin threw her knife by listening to a sound clip?? And he did it within a couple seconds too.. Can someone explain that shit?? ...I mean they really showed off how good Dick is at solving things.. Which I agree.. I like too.. But from a sound clip though? That's the kinda shit I'd expect from Conner seeing as he has Lex's intellect 5. I think Lady Vic knew about the bat phone cause she's working for Crane/Connor.. Who in turn is working with Jason 6. Barbara and Dick were stealing shit? I must've missed that.. Surely there'd be a good explanation for that? Like maybe they needed a certain something for a secret Bat mission and they for some reason couldn't get it through any other means? ...I dunno.. Yeah seems a bit weird for them to do 7. GHWAT!? There's a computer at GCPD with better hardware than the computer at the batcave??!!? I am VERY disappointed in Bruce ...I mean.. Makes sense I suppose... Dude is old.. Probably can't keep up with the new tech 8. Oh it's Oracle.... You'd think that the Batcave is hooked into this computer ...But nah... Weird 9. Jeebus that lady went up in smoke.. Kory just straight up killed someone.. I wonder what Dick and them are gonna think of this 10. I like me some cool looking costume changes.. Lots of shows and movies lately are doing the nanotech suits.. They look so cool! ...I kinda feel it all started after that Iron Man suit in Infinity War 11. Yeah I don't really care for seeing Barbara and Dick together.. But I'm also not invested enough in wanting to see Dick and Kory be together since I'm not all that familiar with Titans before this show 12. The actress playing ?Jasons friend? is 9 years older than the actor playing Jason.. I dunno I've seen MUCH larger age gaps ...I don't think it's that weird.. If you mesh well then age doesn't matter ...It'd be weird if he was like.. YOUNG young.. But he's not sooooo 13. Still no Raven... Beginning to think she's not coming back


barbara's actress probably just had prosthetic leg for the scene. she's not paraplegic


No shot we are spoiling stuff that happens in Gotham right???