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Jordan St. James

While I appreciate that the show has given Clint plenty of attention, especially when there was some concern that the focus on Kate might overshadow Clint, I don't really like that the show has spent so much time exploring the backstories of characters other than Clint. I mean, Kate made sense because she was going to be Clint's protege. But then we had a whole childhood backstory devoted to Maya and now we have a whole opening focusing on just Yelena. Like I said, there's still a decent amount of screentime that's been given to Clint. But we only have six episodes of not very long length. Would've been nice to actually see some of Clint's background, his training, his time with S.H.I.E.L.D., or even more specifics about his time as Ronin and how he was feeling during that time.


It sucks even worse because there was heavy speculation that Kingpin was gonna be in the show at least as far back as August. Like people were 90% sure he was and Vincent D’Onofrio more or less confirmed it so ever comment about Kingpin was a spoiler

Jordan St. James

Yeah, you're one to talk about bloodshed, Yelena. How many people have you and your sisters killed? Oh, of course, that wasn't you. You were just the mind-controlled victim of some rich, white, Harvey Weinstein-looking mo-fo. You hit the nail on the head, Shan. Such an ill-conceived idea that was. You know what else that means?

Jordan St. James

That was nice of Grills to offer Clint his couch. But I really hope that Clint hadn't already paid for that hotel, though.

Jordan St. James

There was a little something with Clint's face on it plastered on Kate's message board. But maybe she doesn't have a lot of posters or whatever of him because... Hawkeye merchandise didn't sell well? Poor guy. Though he probably wouldn't have liked the attention anyway.

Jordan St. James

While I did enjoy the Kate and Yelena interaction and thought they worked well off each other. I can't help but think about the fact that, if they were to work together as peers, Yelena already holds the dominant position due to her superior training and experience. At least with Clint and Natasha, their skills and abilities were more even.


Yea I wish people would have held off on that so Shan could be surprised when it was actually confirmed.

Jordan St. James

Maya has a fake leg. That's why it wasn't slashed to ribbons by Clint's sword.

Jordan St. James

Paging Matthew Murdock, time to put the devil suit back on because guess who got an early release from gaol.

Jordan St. James

Probably not gonna happen, but seeing that Kate and Yelena scene makes me wish for a film or show where you put them together on a team with Peter Parker, Kamala Khan, maybe even Johnny Storm or Kitty Pryde when or if they introduce the Fantastic Four and X-Men. I know everyone's clamouring for Young Avengers since we've basically introduced all the members with these shows. But I would really like to see all the next generation heroes on a team, not just the ones from the Young Avengers line-up. Maybe they got up against a powerful enemy about their generation. Like a variant of Nico Minoru that went bad. Like I said, likely never happen. But I'm just brainstorming. We're all fans here. Let's geek out over stuff.

Andrew Polinski

There really is two types of theories, one is bad the other I have always felt is generally fine. The bad theory is one based on prior or external knowledge, like for example here speculation on Fisk being in the show which influences the theory on whether it is true or who someone maybe talking to and so forth. These are generally calculated guesses rather than theories tbh. The good theory is the one based on the clues in the episode or episodes themselves and making theories based on them without any external influences. I for one watch trailers, read casting news, and so forth but my theories are always based on what has transpired in the current or previous episodes, these are just my thoughts on theories in comments issues.


Just an in universe thing to remember. As far as we know the public doesn’t know that Natasha sacrificed herself for Clint and the Soul Stone. The most they could probably figure is that they both went on a mission and only one of them came back


I don't think its fair to call out Yelena and the other widows that were mind controlled on how many people they killed...they literally HAD to kill they weren't given a choice, whereas Clint decided to kill people on his own. Also, even though Yelena was mind controlled, she probably still feels guilty as hell...I also don't think she has ever said she is innocent of those killings and if I was her I would probably be replaying every kill I made as a widow over and over again in my head. I don't know how any of those widows could even function after being cured...I would be a complete mess.

Brandon Wiesner

Yep, your exact reaction to the Fisk reveal was what I was afraid would happen. Lesson learned, hopefully for those that couldn't help themselves talking about it beforehand.


Sadly it won't be the last time. I've argued this same topic on another live show. People need to keep their speculation and their so called "rumours" to themselves. Both Fisk and... other stuff.. started as "rumours" and people started speculating about it and sadly some of that got through and it managed to ruin her experience. This needs to end, but it won't.


yelena and kate scene was fun, yelena is always a dog person. i enjoyed the little bit where the Widow at the beginning says she adopted a child, it was sweet. Showed that even if you cant have bio kids, you can still be a mom.

Jason Usher

Great reaction, I absolutely love how when Yelena blipped and came back they showed how her eyes would have to catch up to the changes in the room, her eyes remembered the white walls and had to catch up to the new paint. Yelena and Kate's scene was fantastic, they are amazing together. Also when Clint starts talking to Nat, it really gets me emotional, Renner really put his whole heart into it. Oh on the bulletin board above Kate's desk there was a magazine cover with Clint on the cover, but yeah it would seem like she would have some Hawkeye posters.