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Jordan St. James

I didn't like the idea of Batman killing the Joker either. But maybe that's just the purist in me. This show is its own universe with its own continuity. They may feel obligated to follow parts of the source material out of respect to it and the fans, but they don't actually have to. We don't have much choice but to respect their vision. It's like Superman killing Zod in Man of Steel. Also, while killing the Joker does take away from the Red Hood's original motivation from the source material, if the show did follow that storyline, it would be a Batman story, not a Titans story. So we'll just have to see how this version plays out and judge it then.

Jordan St. James

Tim Drake can be summed up as "The Smart Robin". His intelligence was what made him unique among the Robins. His skills as a detective grew to rival those of Batman himself. Even Ra's al Ghul deemed him worthy enough at one point to give him the moniker of "Detective", an honour that he originally reserved only for Batman. Tim Drake's Robin can also be considered a trailblazer in several respects. He was the first Robin to have the leggings and boots as part of his costume as opposed to the bare legs and Peter Pan shoes of the original Robin look. He was the one who popularised the use of a bo staff as Robin's trademark weapon. He was also the first Robin to have his own solo comic series. His many relationships with other heroes are also pretty iconic. He was best friends with Superboy. You could say he was the Bucky to his Steve. He was also very close to Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl and Bart Allen/Impulse. He was also quite the lady-killer. Caught the attention of a lot of characters. Miss Martian. Secret. Rose Wilson (even though she did try to force herself on him). Even his own best friend's girlfriend. Of course, no one's going to beat Stephanie Brown. So yeah. Tim's a personal favourite. I wish he got more love in other media adaptations.

Jordan St. James

Not sure if they'll go into detail about it, but Barbara did mention getting shot by the Joker in the last episode. So maybe we can assume that, in this universe, instead of getting shot in her mid-section such that her spine was damaged, she may have been shot in her leg so badly that they needed to cut it off.

Jordan St. James

That Red Hood opening scene was taken straight from the animated movie. He called a meeting of crime lords and showed them a bag with their lieutenants' heads to prove that he's not to be fucked with. Even the 40% cut was accurate. He wanted to control crime since he came to conclusion that just stopping it was impossible. In the movie, he added the condition that children were off-limits.

Jordan St. James

The person they were talking about last episode was not Dawn. It was Donna. She died at the end of the last season. And Rachel went to Paradise Island with her body to see if she could find a way to bring her back.


I don't know if it was ever explained in the comics but did Jason choose the red Hood persona cause it was a former thing Joker used to go by before he fell into the chemicals ? Idk just always curious about that


babs in this verse is still paralyzed but she also lost part of her leg to the joker. steph is my favorite because one of the first comics i read was her batgirl series and she's just fun. she once slapped batman because he was being an asshole. that takes guts. i'm still confused about why babs is a police commissioner though, she's way too young.


Where do you recognise the scarecrow actor from?