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Into every generation a Taskmaster is born: one girl in all the world, a Chosen One. She alone will wield the strength and skill to create tasks for the reactors; to judge the tasks out of 5. She is the Taskmaster.

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p2rj3eaea2hlvmxuhguvp/Taskmaster-Buffy-The-Vampire-Slayer-Reactor-Edition.mp4?rlkey=34h03ozi07s5sr8tdln53q5qb&st=d77750sl&dl=0


Today we have 5 widely beloved reactors who spent the past month completing a series of tasks in order to find out who is the most widely beloved by me ...and also to win a cameo by none other than James Marsters but they mostly just did it to win my adoration.

Taskmaster is a comedic game show, in which a group of five contestants – mainly comedians, but sometimes including other well-known television personalities – compete against each other by completing tasks assigned to them.

This is a spin on said Television show.

Spoilers for Buffy seasons 1-7 are in this video.



0:00 - Introduction.

3:25 - Task 1: Prize Task - Buffy Memorabilia.

14:04 - Task 2: Photo.

14:43 - Dakara's Photo Submission.

17:17 - Domi E's Photo Submission.

20:13 - Liam Catterson Photo Submission.

22:57 - Liam Duke Photo Submission.

28:07 - Shiny Antics Photo Submission.

33:59 - Task 3: Rap.

35:10 - Liam Catterson Rap Submission.

40:31 - Domi E's Rap Submission.

45:21 - Dakara's Rap Submission.

48:33 - Liam Duke Rap Submission.

54:26 - Shiny Antics Rap Submission.

1:03:24 - Task 4: Advertisement.

1:04:11 - Dakara's Advertisement Submission.

1:06:19 - Domi E's Advertisement Submission.

1:11:52 - Liam Catterson Advertisement Submission.

1:15:25 - Shiny Antics Advertisement Submission.

1:21:38 - Liam Duke Advertisement Submission.


1:27:54 - Task 5: Drawing.

1:31:09 - End Credits.


The Reactors Channels:

Dakara:  She's a self confessed geek and lover of TV fiction who spends most nights daydreaming about the well known blondie bear, Spike.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DakaraJayne

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DakaraJayne

Domi E:  Part time reactor. Full time Jenny Calendar Supporter.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@domie

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/domie

Liam Catterson:  Anya stan, quirky and nerdy and will never shut up about the F1 and Doctor Who.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LiamCatterson

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/liamcatterson

Liam Duke:  A nerd surfing through life on vibes, TV and terrible puns.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LiamDuke 

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dukeofswindon

Shiny Antics: That guy who makes Charmed videos and who knows what else?

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShinyAntics

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ShinyAntics

After Show Reactions:  The Dork that love to talk about TV shows with people online.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AfterShowReactions

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AfterShowReactions


Video edited by: Tony (thank you Tony!)

Animations created by: Aninamated (Thank you Aninamated!) / https://www.youtube.com/@aninamated3984  

Thumbnail & Promotional Images created by: Shiny Antics (Thank you Sultan!)



Jim Lewis

Asmazing. Gonna watch right now. 👍👍👍👍👍

Jim Lewis

Oh wow! How good was this? Seriously, it was brill, thank you. Love the use of the actual Taskmaster music and the animations done for the ad breaks, brilliant all round. And I have to 100% gree with Liam Duke there about The Gift episode having the best music/score because it really is.

Brandon Wiesner

This was a lot of fun. Buffy is how I discovered your channel and reactions in general. The panel of contestants are all really funny and cool as well. Lots of laughs and loads of creativity. Good going everyone involved!