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Jim Lewis

oh yes, your here, final two episodes of this season are great. Oh and RIP Dale. Was no chance of survival after that, ripped him open like a... Erm... i'll get back to you on that.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. You about your decision to probably do Season 3: "Well to be honest I probably will continue.. Nothing has scared me off yet.. But I don't want to commit and hurt people's feelings ..But I'm feeling pretttyyyy... 80% on it" .....Froots... At this point you WOULD. be hurting people's feelings if you decided NOT. to continue ...It's not like you did just 1 or 2 episodes and decided it was too scary ...You've almost done 2 seasons ...Not only are people probably looking forward to it here on Patreon ...There's the people on YouTube aswell who anxiously await more ...But that said ...Hey... If you decide to quit ...Less of a strain on my PC (not that I mind) ...But seriously though... I'll support your decision regardless ...However in this short time I do believe you've made great steps in trying to overcome your fear ...That's something to be proud of.. I certainly am proud of you for it ...And that's ultimately the reason I helped you start this show ..To help you conquer your fear 2. HA!... That's lowkey kinda funny ...You: "I don't really want to defend a character that sexually assaulted another character" .........Looks at Spike ...Looks at you ....Looks at Spike ...Looks at you again ...raises eyebrow 3. Ok... Stop.. Please... Take away the fact that it was Shane who made the observation ...Imagine instead ANY. other character said it (Aside from Andrea.. Fuck that bish) ...."The right choice is the one that keeps us alive" is a VERY. solid point to make in a world overrun by walkers ...We can hate Shane all we want ...BUT... I am definitely in agreement with that observation ...Hopefully you can set aside WHO. said it ...It was the OBSERVATION. I was agreeing with ...NOT. the person who said it ...Shane can go to hell too 4. Yeeeeeeaaah... The way this kid confessed he saw 2 teenage girls who looked cute ...He came off as a bit ...Strange ....I don't think he didn't touch them like he's implying 5. Soooo ...Imagine you HAVE. to survive in this world and you're given the choice ....Follow Rick's idea and kill the kid cause you're looking out for your own ...OR... Follow Dale's idea and try to negotiate with the group this kid comes from? ....Keep in mind that this is a world where everyone is looking out for themselves and their own ...Dale's "Hope for humanity" view on the world would likely get you killed regardless cause they might shoot you on sight .....Tough decisions need to be made ...THAT. is also by the way what "The right choice is the one that keeps us alive" means ....I think Dale... While his intentions were good ...And he was a good guy ...His vision would've gotten everyone killed (And the women probably kept alive for ...Worse things than death) 6. Both Shane and Andrea are outside the shed talking about how they should just go in there and kill the kid ....NEITHER. of them are actually following up on it though ...All words but no action ...Again 7. Yeah Shane was being too harsh on Carl (Which btw.. It's NOT. his place to try and discipline someone else's kid) ....Sure he snuck into the shed which is something he probably shouldn't be doing ....But Carl was smart enough to stay out of range of the kid ....Carl is smarter than they give him credit for ...He's learning fast how to adapt to this new world 8. Aaaand turns out Daryl is not that dumb either ...He found out Shane killed Otis all by himself ...Pretty sure nobody told him 9. Ok maybe I was a little to hasty on saying Carl is smart ....Yeeeeeaah... Going off into the woods by yourself ...Trynna play with a walker ...You got Dale killed mah boi 10. Ok that's kinda weird ....Hershell is comforting Beth (a 16 year old) by uttering some children's rhyme ...Yeah I looked it up... It's a rhyme for little kids ...NOT. a 16 year old... THIS. and the fact she got married at 16 makes me think she's some kind of special 11. This family moves fast ...They've known the Greene's for almost a full season and Hershell is already approving of Glenn having a relationship with his daughter... Or more accuratly what looks like something even more than that given the fact he let his other daughter get married when she was 16 12. Yeah... You WOULD. back up Dale ...Hell... A side of me would probably back him up too ...BUT... Knowing the world they now live in... Dale's outlook was flawed ...The bad outweigh the good ....Too many people out there wouldn't hesitate to kill another human being on the spot if it meant protecting their own ...That's the world they live in ...Not the one Dale was holding out hope for 13. So yeah to repeat what I said in voice after you recorded the episode ...The former showrunner for Season 1 and 2 got into a bit of a disagreement with the producers of the show and AMC (the network that aired the show) ...He wanted to reshoot certain things and wasn't all that happy with the budget they were given and how AMC wanted more episodes ...Soooo... Dude got fired... And since he was friends with the actor who played Dale ...The actor asked to be written out of the show out of solidarity to his friend .....Which kind of makes his death look a bit out of nowhere ...I mean... It still works for this show since sudden deaths happen a lot ...But Dale was a good guy ...He didn't HAVE. to die ....BUT... Ultimately it ended up being one of the most memorable deaths on the show in my opinion ...One of many 14. That said ...Notice how the walker was VERY. noisy earlier on in the episode when Carl found him in the woods ...Yet here he's able to sneak up on Dale?? ....That didn't make any sense 15. Yeah take a good hard look Carl.... It's YOUR. fault he's dead ...You little shit 16. Also notice how Rick can't shoot Dale ...But Big-Mouth Shane also wussed out ....It was Daryl who stepped up this time 17. Yup... 11 Seasons and characters can die at ANY. moment ...Dale is gone ...Any bets on who is next Froots?