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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: Eddie's DRUNK THOUGHTS on "creativity"! We ask "What is NATIONAL REPEAT DAY?" Also, we ask, "What is NATIONAL REPEAT DAY?" And, we salute this weekend's big winners in heavy-weight BOXING and championship SOCCER!


Todd Flora

The Champions League Final IS the Super Bowl of CLUB soccer, as in your professional team from whatever city. NOT Country-based soccer, like the World Cup. Every year, the top 3-4 finishers from each of Europe's Top 5 Leagues (skipping official names -- England, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain -- as well as top finishers in a few other European leagues) play matches during the WEEK. Their clubs then play within their own leagues on the WEEKEND. So the leagues play concurrently. Which means if your team is really good -- the elite -- you're probably playing twice a week for a good portion of the year. This year, it was rare and exciting (for some of us) that the two finalists for the Champions League cup were both from England. ... hope this little bit helps.

Steve Ashton

Then there is also the domestic up competitions, The FA cup and the League cup ..NFL play like 6 games per year? 8 if they get into the Super Bowl?


Hi Ralph! For someone who thinks Slayer is an audio abomination, you did a great job at picking a song to play in honor of Kerry King’s birthday. “Angel of Death” rules 🤘🏼