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Good Morning!! 

I wanted to take a second and wish some of my favourite people a Merry Christmas before the craziness of the day sets in. 

This has always been my favourite holiday, and there’s no chance in heck I’d wake up on a day like today and not have all of you on my mind and in my heart. 

2023 has easily been one of the best and most challenging years of my life and so much of the joy I’ve experienced and the pride I feel comes from what I (and what WE) have done here in the last 12 months. This year started with me getting shut down on this platform and wondering if I could do it all over again from scratch or if I should just retire Cat and move on… and it’s finishing with me dreaming of what Cat will be doing this time next year, 5 years from now, etc. I wouldn’t be so full of enthusiasm and vigour if not for all of you and your love and support this year... I feel a sense of purpose and direction that I’ve never quite felt before and it’s all because of this, because of you…

SO whether you celebrate Christmas itself or not, please know that on my very favourite day of the year, a day that isn’t without its difficulties (always a little bittersweet when we are missing loved ones who’re no longer with us ♥️), I am thinking of you. 

I appreciate you, I’m forever grateful for you, I LOVE YOU, and I hope you have the most wonderful day today ♥️🤓❄️ 

PS: whether you celebrate this holiday or not, you’re all on MY naughty list 😈 but that’s a good thing and it means ima reward you for your bad behaviour sooon. Like Saturday December 30th perhaps? 🤔 (keep your eyes and ears peeled for more info soon ;p) 

❤️❤️❤️ with so much love, 

Kate xx



Merry Christmas Cat! 🥂


Merry Christmas Cat!!!! Thank you so much for all that you do and all that you are!!!! Hope you have a wonderful time this holiday season! ❤️