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Journal taken from Deviantart


Hi, everyone!

How are you? A few days ago, while I was checking my old pictures and journals to get some inspiration and ideas from "younger Lucky-JJ", I noticed something: I used to have a crapton of Original Characters!

Well, that makes sense. After all, when I created this Deviantart account almost 16 years ago (16 YEARS?! WTF?), I used to upload just my OCs from my, back then, Pokemon fanfic, my high school days and my original story "Balmung" that I was writing (and sadly, I never finished).  However, since I needed to get more atention as an artist, I started doing more fanarts, and once I got a bigger audience and clients during the process, most of my OCs were forgotten to give space to my commissions and Clover who, as my oldest watchers know, she started as another character from my pokemon fanfic until I adopted the whole "luck, clovers, and irish themes" as my artist identity (thus my nick "Lucky-JJ"), and eded up being my official mascot. I also recently brought back to the spotlight her older sister, Liby, thanks to a patreon and seems like she's becoming quite popular in the process.

Since my adult life became busier, I have less time to draw, and now my gallery just consist on fanarts, commissions, patreon commissions, Clover and Liby pics and my novel (where I created even more OCs for my now long list of them), so those forgotten OCs became, well, even more forgotten. I even remembered I adopted the original character from a dear friend, Kuusune, who sadly passed away years ago.

You know? watching those old OCs, not only I remembered how much I loved drawing them, but also, How I really f*cking adore drawing! and don't get me wrong, I still do, but since I became older, and having to struggle everyday with adult responsabilities, got me a little more bitter with everything.

Anyway, the point of this journal is to say that I'm planning to give some OCs a new life in different ways. First of all, I'm bringing Kuusune back. Not sure if as part of my ongoing novel or as part of Clover and Liby's daily life, but I am not going to keep my late friend's legacy forgotten. and second, if I am not using my OCs anymore, then I'll give the chance to different artists to do so. That's why I'm planning giving them on adoption. I'll make a poll to see if people is interested in the idea and, if so, 3 OCs will the the first chosen ones and, depending on how everything goes, I'll do he same for the rest of them.

I hope you all like the idea and help me with all these stuff, until then, once again, I thank you all for your continue support and please, keep enjoying my lewd content :)

JJ's out!


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