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I don't know how long I've been working on this farm but you, puppy. You're a new addition. We're coming to the end of Fall, and you've been here since the start of the year. You've learned a lot and been a great companion. Now let's wrap our last big day of Fall up!

Stardew Valley is one of if not maybe the most important game to me. It makes me feel at home, comforted and it breathes life into me. Very little will ever come close to being this special to me.

And I accidentally turned a roleplay audio into a Stardew roleplay 😵

This was originally a 2 part audio, one where the farmer does things with his puppyboy. I couldn't do it, it felt so unbelievably wrong. So I didn't and I made the best friends older brother audio instead. I am much happier this way. 

I can leave these two happy people wholesome and fulfilled.

Side note! Thank you all for the wonderful support on my post about my health, I took a bit more time to rest and relax compared to my normal amount. I'll be resting after this goes up again, but I am back at school full time again.

I am aiming to get commissions and this months audios done by the end of the week 🥴

Yeahhhhhhhhhh.... We'll see how that goes, I don't have a very busy week. So if luck is on my side, we got this



U love stardew valley. Well the dude that made it just said on Twitter he’s working on the 1.6 update for it! I’m looking forward to it!