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This weekend I've finished the jet fighter minigame with animation and sound.
Animating all of those enemies, I've discovered the inefficiency of the simple animation system I've wrote.
I have few ideas for a better system planned in my head, however, it needs some experimentation with time keeping a drawing the images on the screen.
I have gone down that rabbit hole and almost spend half a day reading documentations, but didn't really get to test much of what I wanted to do and it has to wait till later.
For now, let's call this minigame done and move to something new. I have few fun minigames in my head that might fit the visual novel format better than a retro game.

The code is in the attachments, give it a try and let me know if there's something you want me to improve on.


Kia Azad

I didn't notice that the code haven't finished uploading yet, pushed the button too soon. It's attached now. Sorry about that ^^