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So I really did want to save the reveal for later, but Taylor just wasn't going to let that happen. The man himself even lampshades my original plans in-chapter, as a sort of inside joke about how things changed from my initial intentions.

Now that everyone has had a chance to freak out (or not) about Jackie, we can move onto advancing the plot a bit more next chapter. As much as I wanted to try and extend this Singularity out so that everything wasn't happening in a single week or less than two, the structure of things in London makes that sadly impossible, so it looks like we're going to finish things fairly quickly — although not, it seems, in fewer chapters than Septem or Okeanos, the way I originally thought.

EDIT: Moving down all the way. 4/28/24



Technical question. Given that both the second and fifth sorcery governs time travel to an extent, would Rayshift invalidate their state as sorceries? Also, lol at Rika going full Hermione over Flamel


Rayshifting only properly works inside of Singularities, which aren't properly fixed on the axis of time, so it's not technically time travel. The answer would be no, I'm saying.


Yeah, Taylor's far too paranoid and careful (when she can be) to let Caster get away with not revealing his name before he fights on their side. Also, question: is Jackie going to be closer to her level in the game, or more like she is in the lore? Because in the game, she's quite a powerful Servant, but in lore, she's one of the weakest ones.

Geoffrey Sullivan

And yet, she managed to give most of "Apocrypha's" cast quite a bit of trouble . . . Much like Taylor *herself,* it's all about *intelligently* maximising your *advantages,* no?

Noah Andrulis

This is a bit late to note, but Flamel is shown during his interlude to be able to heal cuts and other physical wounds when he heals himself after Mordred slashes his chest.