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After a very long time I started again drawing on a sketchbook! I always tell you this, but it's a very relaxing thing to do... very close to meditation in some ways! I'm keeping it in the next day is after the first drawing (this is not the very first, but I wanted to start from this one), and I hope I can draw something today as well!

I particularly like this drawing because it makes me think of one of those finds you can make in an attic of an old house that belonged to some far relatives, those boxes scientifically concealed in some corner or under some floor joists, hiding a sinful treasure from when eroticism and sex were not so much around the corner. Photos that perhaps, thanks to some detail such as that chair with such a vintage look, reveal that they were taken in that very house, and then you pray it is not the old great-aunt who, when you were a child, confused you with a thousand other grandchildren and who pinched your cheeks so hard when she had you within reach!

It never happened to me, unfortunately or not, but I was thinking about this story while I was drawing it! By the way, here is the original drawing without colors!

More to come in the next days, i hope... and here is the video of the coloring process: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0j8zqdsp5p901ni0cgsaa/molesketch.mp4?rlkey=ox5olozck6rvwmsdf00swclbo&dl=0 



