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After the summer break i decided to restart this challenge and i wanted to do it in the best way, i hope!
Although I'm not very much into muscle girls (not too extreme, I like girls with visible muscles, they can enhance femininity too) i wanted to draw She hulk for the green color! Drawing muscle girls is pretty challenging and this is another reason for which i chose her!
Here you can see it in 3 versions. Clothed, unclothed and with a very nice cock :D

And by the way, here is the video of the making of: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2ecy5ntpbwzyjhp622z7c/colorwheel-shehulk.mp4?rlkey=y8ff93zfcmk7rqr373q34w6ts&dl=0

Click here to see the previous posts of this challenge! 






Here's a suggestion for Light Blue: Nicole Watterson from The Amazing World of Gumball or Blue Diamond from Steven Universe