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You thought i had quitted this challenge because i didn't posted anything last week... And you were wrong!
Here is the second character for this challenge. I chose the most red of the characters, even though is not Hellboy but a gender bent version of him.

As in the previous post i added an alternative transfem version of Hellgirl and a clothed version for all the other social media

next color is orange, leave your suggestion in the comments. Orange can be the skin of the character, the hair, some clothes she wear… impress me with your ideas!

Here is the video of the making of: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8d7q4x71ht02ghpk11tpe/colorwheel-hellgirl.mp4?rlkey=oo85o8jgd7owmmyqij28ff7pd&dl=0



Rankin Bass

Gender-bent Ernie from Sesame Street