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heh heh heh

I think the drawing speaks for itself so instead of that I wanna talk about Miks 'white' markings

Over the last few years Ive been doing an odd tint to them

They are still white, but I decided to layer on a few properties just to justify the splashes of green and blue I now use

I imagine it one of a few different ways

The easiest way to explain it is that these are special hairs that develop bits of reflective or light absorbing material similar to 'ghost pearl' paint

Another way is either a microscopic crystaline/ bubble/ barbed structure that absorb light one way and filter it out another, similar to blue jays - who actually have brown pigments but appear blue due to the way light is scattered internally and reflected back

The exact mechanics are unclear - I never set in stone whether or not its an avanced reflection of ambient light or if its a material that changes the specular reflections into blue - meaning the color/ intensity is changing depending on the direction you are looking it at.... none of it actually matters - I just want splashes of blue for now and mulling these ideas over is how I am justifying it lol




It’s cute, so I don’t need you to justify it. I do, however, love the ideas you came up with.


Love to see mik in poses like this