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A big aim of mine is to do more casual book reviews and discussions, so that you know what I read and why, over on the second channel. The books I'll be reviewing are typically the ones that'll show up in the On Writing series — as I try to read a wide variety to give me a lot to pull on.

This one is on William Gibson's iconic novel Neuromancer, which you may know better as the inspiration for the card game Netrunner and the recent (hit?) game Cyberpunk 2077. As a real cyberpunk nerd, this was right down my alley, but I want to explain why I felt Gibson's Burning Chrome book was better.

Do know that videos are coming. The first one is currently being blocked by Paramount, which I am fighting, the second (an on writing video) is fully written and filmed, and the third (an on worldbuilding video) is fully written and filmed. The fourth is getting underway now. These were all meant to be out in the end of Jan/beginning of Feb, but clearly, the world has deemed otherwise.

I can't give you those just now, but I can give you this, in other words.


Neuromancer book review, or why you should read Burning Chrome instead

Neuromancer by William Gibson is THE quintessential cyberpunk. I'm making it a big effort to get content out on my second channel this year, and this is the first of it! TWITTER @TimHickson1 INTSTAGRAM instagram.com/tim_hickson_hfm/ MY BOOK https://tinyurl.com/y5mwpyyj PATREON https://patreon.com/hellofutureme


Steffen Schmidt

"Oh! Hello, Momo." - "That's Supreme Leader Momo to you, peasant! Hmpf."

Steven Seril

I feel like you would love to hate my book