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In the show, the Others have a macabre habit of arranging corpses into weird patterns, which could be interpreted as a sort of warning. This doesn't happen at all in the books, though, so it might not have any special meaning.

The draft script has recently expanded – it's ~3500 words now, about 18 minutes' worth, so my goal now is to edit it down and condense it into something tight and punchy. It's always a challenge to be both comprehensive and concise... But yeah the script is going well, I'm hoping to finally finish it soon so I can get to recording and video production (:




The longer the better, dude!

Paul Barry

It seems to me that when the show adds something like that, and reinforces it a few times, they're doing it for a reason. Like adding the Night's King and the baby. I wonder if this is about their Gods. Some kind of ritual offering. Perhaps foreshadowing finding out they are even more human.

Alt Shift X

In the audio commentary for S1E01, it's mentioned that the dead wildlings were originally going to be intact, but they decided to make them a gruesome mess basically for the shock value. So there doesn't seem to be a special meaning to the arrangement of the corpses.