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This is it! The testing is finished. The bugs are worked out (at least the ones I found). The game is now content complete. Future updates will be rare and focused on minor fixes that may crop up over time. Please feel free to continue commenting about typos and bugs. You guys have been a massive help in that regard. It would take me weeks of constant work to debug the entire game alone. I feel my time is better spent on the development/writing side after a point.

Anyway, thank you all for your support. You've been super patient as I work on this game. Be sure to check my Contest post from yesterday to possibly get a mini game made based on your idea.

From here on, I'll be switching gears to the next project.

Here's the link. Enjoy!




small typo in the finale with lilith "you do nthing but lay there"


Well done! Both in finishing, and in execution! This has become one of my favorite transformation interactive stories. Maybe the top.