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I am still snowed in, so it's looking like at least a few more days of free time. I've still been hard at work on going through the game and changing all of the directions. The work is going pretty well so far, so I don't expect it to take more than this week to finish up. After that, I'll be releasing the new update and then moving on to the big V1.6.0 update. I've already got a good idea of everything I want to include in that, and it should be pretty simple to code, as there's an obvious bottleneck in what story paths you can have taken before arriving at the final area. That makes my life much easier after the complexity explosion that was V1.5.0.

I think you will all enjoy the new endings coming your way. Stay tuned!

Tasks for the week:

1. Complete direction changes

2. Release V1.5.2

3. Begin work on V1.6.0


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