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That's right, ya pervs! I'm coming at you with a surprise drop! I've had a very productive weekend, and all of the major work on V1.5.0 came together at long last.

As mentioned before, this is a rougher release than normal, so expect typos and minor bugs to show up.

I did spend this morning and last night running through the major new options to make sure it wasn't totally busted, but that's all the debugging I've done so far. I'll be pumping out V1.5.1 in a week or two with the rest of the stuff cleaned up, so if you want the extra polish, I'd advise just waiting for that release.

Version 1.5.0 has quite a few things added in, as I'm sure you're aware, this includes:

6 new endings (5 standard, 1 hidden)

3 epilogues

1 new room

1 new character

1 new wife expansion sequence

additional sequences in previous areas are now accessible

lots of new sexy prose scenes

So, without further ado, here's the kinky linky:




a few typos I noticed and some bugs(?) that I'd noticed before but never got around to documenting: from the journal entry dated october 2nd, hitting previous takes you to october 11th, and next takes you to november 19th (and hitting previous from november 19th takes you to october 11th like it should) putting on the bra doesn't seem to set a flag, every time you walk in to the closet you're still presented the option to put the bra on wishing to unlock the books doesn't do anything? there's no option to check the books after they're opened. in the wish for the biggest boobs, there's a paragraph with two typos. "size of a coiled boa in your lab" (lap?) and "stretching out to the point that it looks like a set of umpbrellas." (umbrellas) looking forward to the finished product


All very helpful! Thanks so much! That saves me the time of searching for those issues. Most of them are as simple as you mentioned: I didn't put a flag in place to prevent doubling back or put one when I shouldn't have.


Always exciting to see a new update from you! You did such a great job! A bug I noticed in addition to ones pointed out by GnomeSane: After wishing for the ghost to disappear, if you go to the room, it's still there, and you get an ending when trying to enter. The text when approaching the door: "You stand before the eerily boarded door, behind which resides the ghost of Countess Arana Von Busen." It seems to be connected to if you've examined the door before or not. It works just fine if you didn't approach the blocked door before wishing. But breaks if you did.


Sounds like I missed the flag for her disappearing. I know I have a check on the room.


Thanks for the compliment! Glad your enjoying it! And thank you for the bug report!


Fantastic stuff. You've crafted a great adventure! Fun guessing the results of each wish~


The good news is that I didn't miss the flag on having the ghost disappear. The bad news is that the bug seems to be coming from the horrifying messy tangle of ifs and elses that I created for the boarded door long ago, when I knew a lot less about what I was doing. This will take some work to untangle.