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Last week went well. I encountered an unsurprising number of problems with the initial coding for BE JOIful, but I was able to come up with solutions or at least workarounds for everything. With the game's intro taken care of, this week will be all about setting up the main menu and settings menu, with hopefully enough time to add in at least one module for the game. If I can get that done, then I'm planning for an initial release of V0.1.0 late next week. It'll be a very limited version of the game, with maybe 2 modules to experience, but then I can work on adding in another handful of modules for V1.0.0.

That does it for the weekly check-in! I'm getting to work on things right away!


1. Complete coding of Main Menu

2. Add in Settings Menu

3. Begin work on 1st BE scenario module.


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