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Gates are a permanent structure within the market though only the strongest can be seen by all.  Their origin is unknown but it is widely accepted that they offer trade between worlds and tourism from other realities.  A gate to the Night Market exists in nearly every world but is often times hidden. Unless you specifically know what you are looking for, or have an invitation from the Night Market yourself, you will not be able to pass through.  In the beginning, the gates served as a way to broaden the market's populace and to provide a variety of cultures to come together. Now, gates are a sign of refuge for the outer worlds and an omen of sorts, perhaps even highlighting that that particular world is about to come to an end.

Stationary gates within the market that still provide tourism and commerce are heavily monitored by the Velvet Guard. The more problematic gates are the ones that are popping up seemingly at random through the market. The Velvet Guard has tried their hand at closing them in unsuccessful ways and now are forced to wait for the Gatekeeper to close them or, hope that they do not bring anything through that is untoward.  Often, the Guard is unaware of a gate even opening.  It is closed before they become aware, or the gate is so weak that many can not see it. Although, recent theory suggests that the inability to see a gate is due to the magic surrounding it.

In order for a gate to form, it does have to cut a hole through the fabric of the Night Market itself.  While the gate is open, the hole is patched. But once a gate is closed or dissipated, the market has to close the wound left behind.  In recent years, the toll it has taken on the market has been catastrophic, entire districts suddenly disappearing, along with all the contents.  If a gate is left open too long, it does run the risk of decaying, leaving an even bigger tear through the market’s reality.

Currently, the gates are being monitored, but there is little solution to how to control them.  The Velvet Guard is trained to bring the Gatekeeper in as soon as they learn of their identity.  The only time they managed to arrest a Gatekeeper, the man escaped, leaving an open gate within the holding cell.  There is no word from the Velvet Guard if that gate ever closed.



One thing I'm curious about is what changed. Why all of a sudden did these gates signify something so drastically different from their original purpose? I hope we'll learn something in the next book!