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Results of poll: As the police found out in their base, there is no such person as Jeremy  Banes, and according to the fingerprints, it was Jeremina Banessa in  front of them, so... It's all a trap that Jerry fell into and someone changed the police database (60%)

Part 3-5: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lawyers-part-3-5-99769132

Part 9-11: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lawyers-part-9-100601424


“Damn it, Jeremy, pull yourself together,” he thought to himself. "I'm still me, despite the fact that I used this device to transform and what I now have two huge boobs, and this body, and..."

Jeremy felt a twinge in his belly. And lower down, in the lower abdomen, as if a sharp knife were being stabbed into him.

"Ai!" Jeremy whimpered, bending over and pressing his hands to his belly. He looked down and noticed a dark wet spot forming between his legs. "¿Qué clase de tontería es esta?" (what kind of nonsense is this?) he shouted.

The translator quickly looked at him, confused. "Miss, are you... oh my god! You are on your period?" than he called a police girl who was passing by and asked her something. Jeremy saw how girl looked at him in shock and then taked his hand.

"Follow her, she will bring you something. Do you understand? She will help you." The translator pointed to the police woman, who was waiting for him. Jeremy stood up and walked, or rather hobbled after her.

"Oh espera, ¿el baño de mujeres?" (Oh wait, the women's restroom?!) he said with dismay. "Pero yo no soy una chica..." (But I am not a girl). Police women squinted her eyes looking at him with misunderstanding and led him to the toilet. He closed his eyes and went in, hearing as door behind him closed.

Inside the bathroom was another women officer who looked at him with disapproval. She washed her hands when Jeremy entered, and then said something another now unknown word in English and left the toilet. Jeremy sighed, noticing a reflection out of the corner of his eye. "Dios mío" he whispered, shocked. His image, or rather her image in the mirror was completely alien and unrealistic to him. At that moment he felt a slap on his ass.

"Move your ass to the stall, puta," said a voice a police women from the entrance, looking at him with a contempt. "Hurry up!". She threw him tampons box, which he catched automatically. Jeremy stared at the box, unable to believe his eyes. Image of pink and purple flowers with smiling girls which holding their hands on their cheeks looked at him cheerfully it seemed to mock him. "Feminax" said name of product and in big red letters "For painful periods". Jeremy wanted to cry and break all the mirrors in this bathroom.

"Esto es una pesadilla" (This is a nightmare) Jeremy muttered, entering the stall. He closed the door behind him and seat down, cursing his gigantic breasts and their weight, which was now making his back ache. He felt miserable, humiliated, and helpless. "Estúpida, estúpida, estúpida!" (Stupid, stupid, stupid) Jeremy kept saying under his breath, looking at pink cotton and plastic inside the tampon.

"Hey! Shut up, puta, faster!" the police girl yelled at him from behind the door. Jeremy clenched his teeth in anger. This was just too much. But first he need to deal with this period thing, he decided. He saw for the first time his pussy when spreaded his legs and carefully tried to stick the tampon into it. "¿Cómo coño se hace?" (How the fuck you do that?) he whispered and felt as strange sensation of pain mixed with pleasure filled him, making him shudder.

Coming out of the toilet stall and walking with something foreign that was now inside was an uncomfortable and embarrassed, but it was better then have period without tampon, so Jeremy just clenched his teeth and try not to show how awkward he feels.

He didn't expect, however, what happened next. When he left the bathroom, the policewoman was waiting for him and led him back to the interrogation room. There, he found a tall, skinny, black-haired young man dressed in a gray suit. The young man smiled widely, revealing two rows of perfect white teeth.

"Hi Mina! Glad to see you, my dear!" the guy said in English with accent, looking at Jeremy, who stood at the entrance of the room confused.

"Mina?" Jeremy repeated, not understanding what was going on. Who was this guy, and why was he calling him 'Mina'?

The young man chuckled, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, sorry, Jeremina." He turned his head to policeman and added "Yes, it's her. Thank you, Officer, I will take care of her" he took papers, which the officer held and walked to Jeremy, whispering softly as he got close "I will help you. Do everything I say. Trust me. Understand?"

Jeremy nodded hesitantly, not knowing what else to do. His confusion only increased when the man turned to the officer and officer said, "Alright, Jeremina Banessa is under your charge now. Send to us your report after the meeting with the immigration service." he looked at Jeremy's gigantic breasts and added "Oh... and send the copy of nudes... sorry, I mean, medical report to me personally, I will check it."

"Sure, no problem, officer. And thank you for helping me with this tricky bitch. She is really troublesome and needs special attention." the man smiled, his expression a little scary and cold, when he looked at Jeremy. "Come on, Juicy Mina. Time to go" and he grabbed his arm and whispered "sorry for this masquerade, Jeremy, I didn't have time to explain everything"


When they finally was in car, Jeremy couldn't control himself anymore and shouted "Who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you behaving like I'm Jeremina? Why did the police let you take me away from there? And where are you taking me, motherfucker?"

"Relax, Jeremy. It's just a cover story," the guy said, starting the engine and pulling out onto the street. "My name is John. I work for the FBI."

Jeremy gaped at him, his mind racing. "Wait, what?! FBI?! Are you serious?"

John nodded, a grim expression on his face. "Yes. Unfortunately for you, somebody decided to mess with your data and put the information about Jeremina Banessa instead. They probably knew that you planned to use Heverson & Associates' device today and took advantage of the situation."

"Shit..." Jeremy whispered, running a hand through his hair. He was a smart and successful lawyer, and has people who envied his success and could be a reason to make all this shit happen.

"So... okay, you know everything and that means we're going back to Heverson's office?"

"Unfortunately not," John shook his head, his expression serious. "The one who arranged all this, did his best and deleted your personal data from everywhere and replaced it with data of this woman from Venezuela, Jeremina Banessa, who does not exist and have never lived. He even used AI for creating her photos. Look here" he pulled out his cell phone and showed Jeremy facebook page of her, where in the last post on the page Jeremina seated in some cheap cafe in burgundy sweater with a sad expression on her face with caption - I'm very tired from the flight. My dream came true and I finally in New York. Wish me luck and love. #newlife #nyc #mydreams #behappy etc"

"What is that for? This is not my account!" Jeremy shouted in shock, staring at the screen. "And last post dated on March 23, 2021, while today is 2024"

"I know, but it looks like it's always been like this! We don't know who did it, but this man is clearly an expert" John explained and sighed. "Jeremy, I'm very sorry, but until we find out who's responsible, you have no choice but to live as a Jeremina Banessa. Officially, she... sorry, you arrived here in 2021 with a tourist visa. After that you stayed here illegally and...




Why did he stop speaking Spanish in the third caption?


Well, if you look at the second caption again, you will see that I wrote there “Hi Mina! Glad to see you, my dear!" the guy said in English with accent, looking at Jeremy, who stood at the entrance of the room confused. And by that I meant that he also speaks Spanish. Not very obvious, I agree, but that was the point and that’s why in 3 captions they communicate freely. =)