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One of my favourite Disney movies. It’s strange cause I wasn’t fully happy with this cosplay. I mean, the cosplay was average and the bow was pretty rushed but it was mainly my lack of make up I hated 🙈 nothing wrong with being more natural of course but I felt it should of been more ‘standing out’ since I was cosplaying a Disney princess 😅 if that makes sense haha 

The images I think are really cool though!! We tired to make still frames from parts of the movie ☺️

Also I’m sure you’ve noticed I’m not posting daily cause I’m just so over run with orders for my store and me running round crazy trying to finish orders in time for Christmas 🙏🏻 But I promise when I have the time and a little energy (like now) I’ll post more 😇 

Most of these cosplays are super old and if you’ve been my fan for a while, you’ll have seen them before but I’m gonna try post some new aswell ❤️






I feel a little responsible for the added stress on your Etsy store since I did order an Oddish a few days ago lol I think you look great in the cosplay! I'm wondering if you've done other Disney stuff? I don't recall at the moment, but I do love these blasts from the past 🥰