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First, uploaded some more old modelling pics, I feel like I change all the time when I look back at them 🙈 hope you enjoy looking through them!

Second, I’ve got a really cool idea! From 1st of December I’m gonna do a Cosplay Christmas Countdown!! So once a day I’m gonna post a picture in a different cosplay! Most of these will be cosplays ive already done in the past but I’ll try my best to throw in some new ones too! 😁

I also really do plan to finally set up my gaming PC very soon and will try my best to be streaming again very soon! Well, as soon as I’m up to date with my store orders which I never am haha 🙈 not mad about it though cause it means im doing well! 😁😁

Hope you are surviving and keeping busy! My inbox is open if anyone needs a friend ❤️ Even if I might take 10 weeks to reply 😭 damn I’m so crappy at being a human haha 😅

See you again soon!






*hopes to see Darth Maul cosplay* 😍 I’m really digging this look to the past to see how you’ve grown. I’m so massively proud of you 🥰🌹❤️ I can’t wait to see what the future holds. You rock 🥰🌹💍