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In no particular order - I have these sets on the way very very shortly 😌 

I really haven’t been as active as I planned too, I wanted to start this year as best as possible but life always has other plans for me. I don’t really like talking about it but I know some of you guys really truly care about me so I feel you deserve an explanation why I am not creating or giving you enough content or interactions. My grandma has been told she has just a few weeks left and I’m doing everything I can to be with her and what I can for her to be comfortable etc. I’m closer to her than my own parents and I’ve never suffered a loss before so this is just a lot for me to take on. I’m also doing almost everything financially for her so I’m really down on funds at the moment for literally everything 😅 so haven’t been able to pay for new things for content etc - but today I did put together some things I’ve not wore yet so I’m gonna try sort a new shoot soon and if I can’t manage one yet - I’ll just do what I can for onlyfans/snapchat and upload my sets I have here until I can get more done. 

Sorry if this has been a downer to read. I just feel so so awful I’ve not been a good friend to anyone and I wanna try force myself to reach out more.

Please remember I love you all and I’m trying my best as I always am! im so so thankful to have you 😭❤️ I’m getting soppy now so I’m gonna stop 🙈

So on a bettee topic! Let’s talk positive! what set are you looking forward to most? 😛😛

lots of love, 






I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. ❤️


Thanks guys 💕