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Gonna start by saying... I wasn't going to upload this set. I’ve had it for a while now and I convinced myself not to post it. How mean of me to deprive you of it’s goodness 😌 

It was my mind and my crappy self esteem. Every single day we are brainwashed by airbrushed, photoshopped, filtered, edited and flawless images. This set is UNEDITED. It has around 40 images and would of took the photographer a long time to edit and we shot so much that I told him it was fine if he left it the way it was. 

Then I obsessed with it. I could see all my ‘flaws’ as people like to point out and call them. But I’m so done with hiding all these parts of myself. Nobody ever looks PERFECT.  We are so hard on ourselves. I hope you guys remember that too. I’m sure there are many people out there who will be mean about the way we look - I’ve had many people point out the ‘bad parts about me’ but there are also people like me. The first thing I notice in a person is never something negative etc. I see kind eyes, an infectious smile, shiny hair, a cute face, a fine ass haha - I just see the good in people, I always have. And anyone who tries to judge you or put you done over anything you don’t like about yourself - fuck them. I guarantee they have their so called ’flaws‘ too. We all do. And we should be better, kinder people not just to each other - but to ourselves.

Sorry if you’re trying to enjoy my new set and I’m ranting all this to you annoying you 🙈 I’m just on a mission of self healing at the moment and I know I’m never struggling alone - you guys are always there for me and I wanna remind you that despite how I can go into my withdrawal phase, I’m always here for you too.

Hope you enjoyed this set, again, I’m not perfect, but neither is anyone else. Instagram is dangerous for convincing us otherwise though 😅 

I’m hoping to get my booty into action tomorrow and shooting some selfie stuff for snapchat and onlyfans ❤️

Hope this week is a good one for you all!







David Denham

It's your little difference that make you amazig. OMG can not wait to see your next set. X


Thanks guys ❤️