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The walk back felt long compared to his mad rush there, all the more so for the new wounds he carried with him as he forced his body on while he slowly made his way back to the group looking after Thera, finding them to be in the same place he left them.

“Is it done?” The leader of the lot asked Ben as he arrived. “Is it over?”

“As over as it’s going to be,” He shrugged, trying to ignore the pain the small act caused in him. “We’re going to be having a ghost problem for a while but not much we can do about that.”

And it will only get worse with time.

Even without anything controlling them, as hints of sanity and understanding came back to the disembodied souls they would once more gain control over some of the powers they held in life. Sure, there would be those who would simply pass on once free from the hells and there were going to be plenty who didn’t have a skill set that would translate well to their new astral forms, but there were sure to be great mages among them who would be able to cause unheard-of levels of devastation.

But that’s officially not my problem. The world is saved and the gods can ask the light and death spirits to help handle everything that escaped. For the time being, I have other things to worry about.

<We all do.> Myriad said in his head, sounding so very tired. <It looks like you had quite the adventure while I wasn’t watching you.>

This entire day has been quite the adventure but hold that thought for one second.

Thera was still unconscious but he was going to try and speed up her recovery just a little if he could as he connected to both her and the group around them, transferring over the mana within his own soul as he stole it from the surrounding people and kept passing it over in the hopes of waking her up, keeping the process going as he did his best to estimate everyone’s regeneration rates to keep any of them from being knocked out by the process.

In the end, it had to be nothing but a drop in the bucket when compared to what her soul could hold and the speed it would regenerate by itself, with no more than ten thousand points of it being passed over to her, but after twenty minutes it seemed to have some effect as she began to stir and eventually opened her eyes.

“Everything hurts,” She was the first thing she groaned out, letting a small smile slip onto Ben’s face given how big of an understatement that felt like in the face of all they’d dealt with. They’d walked away with worse injuries from lesser threats in the past, as unpleasant as it was he’d happily take the current pain as he joked with her.

“It looks like you really are capable of getting mana exhausted. How’s it feel to be as mortal as the rest of us?”

“Terrible, I hate this.”

“Ha, well you should be back to roughly around a hundred thousand by this point so focus on healing yourself up, and then maybe if you’re feeling up to it you could help your sweet little boyfriend pretty please?”

Saying that forced her to actually focus on him instead of just her own soreness and see the state he was in, her eyes going wide as she took in not only the range of cuts he’d closed himself, leaving ugly stitches across his flesh, but also seeing all of the deeper strain he’d put his body through thanks to her mana examination as she started to reach out to him, only stopping when he tapped her head.

“You. First,” He told her firmly. “I accidentally exposed way too much of my mind to you before, if I managed to accidentally damage your brain then it needs to be fixed. I will live until you’re done.”

“Fine, then catch me up on what happened while I was out. Did we do it?”

“The outsider’s dead and I closed the gate to hell,” He confirmed while avoiding giving any more detail when people he didn’t know surrounded them still. No matter how justified he was in killing one of the world's few demigods, that wasn’t exactly an accomplishment he wanted to spread and she seemed to pick up on that, not pressing for more at the time, even as she wondered where so many of his new wounds had come from.

<I’ve already got a meeting about your encounter with Ather too on top of everything else that happened today so we’ll have to talk more later. I can already tell that all of this is going to be a headache.>

You don’t even have a head, but fine, go on, I have stuff to do too anyway.

What he didn’t say was just what that stuff was as he laid back and closed his eyes, sending up a small prayer to Myriad as he didn’t try to go to his god’s realm, but instead followed the path it made as it went to the cube, finding himself standing among a meeting of the gods that none there would have wanted him in as the divine around him began to take notice as comments and cries went up among them.

He didn’t particularly care though. Seeing if he could pull off a move like that had been a test of the limits of his sacrilege but since he had succeeded, he had something to get off his chest as he yelled out at all of them.


He didn’t wait to see what any of them would say, he didn’t care. Having got that out of his system he went back down to fume and plan on how to survive in a world where so many seemed like they’d be more than happy to see him dead.



This chapter seemed short. But good chapter

Arson Void

Just the beautiful start to Ben giving some how even less shit about the gods

Luboš Hemala

I would expect nothing less from Ben. Though I really though he was going to milk it for what it's worth and demand more mana for himself or regeneration for Thera. I am curious if she got any titles as well.


Honestly, fair. That’s a pretty reasonable punishment for the gods basically allowing Ather to try and kill Ben. I imagine it would be even worse if he knew that Eneth had specifically encouraged the attack. …I really hope we get a chapter showing us the gods’ reaction to all of this. Especially to Ben’s stunt.


I love how he just casually entered the meeting of the gods and yelled at them


Ben needs to kill some gods already, show them what real fear is




Fair reaction from Ben. Poor Myriad will have more things than ever to work on.


I mean, his comments on his prices are... Pointless. Since we have no frame of reference. Hell, I'm pretty sure he doesn't know himself what he's charging by this point since I don't think it's ever been mentioned. Are we talking the equivalent price of a used handgun on the black market? Or a state of the art Apache helicopter? A cruise missile? And... Who's he punishing, exactly? Sure isn't the gods. In the end, it's not their money. They don't need money. If anything Ben's taking money from actual people. Maybe they're having to divert funds from... I don't know, orphanages? There's already been made a point about how worthless money is for him, essentially. Especially since he's doing fuck-all with it. Maybe if he actually Spent a fraction of his cash. Right now, he's starting to become worse than the worst of billionaires in real life. He's sitting on a dragons hoard doing a fat load of nothing with it. Spiting not the gods, but the people who the money would have actually gone to.

Josh Jackson

Way too short of a chapter

Dan Nicolae Barzu

You know the saying "self-made millionaire", well Ben is the epitome of a "self-made trillionaire"


Thanks for the chapter!


The gods deserved this, the spears that Ather threw without a care in the world could easily be family heirlooms for generations to anyone with sense.


I agree with some of your points but honest question: what would you ask for then? The gods already denied giving him blessings (either way thats a one time transaction) cause that would spend faith and blessings are the cheapest thing a god can give, so what is the other option?


I want to see the Thera gains, she used a life-death spell and "defeated" dozens of ghosts, that deserves some levelups at least. I pity Ben, he wants to help the world but has to work with a bunch of selfcentered beings to do so. Tftc :)


He's actually planning to crash the economy by having *all* of the money in the world.

Josh Jackson

The gods have shown that faith is a transferable commodity as well why not have them pay his friends in faith Hectic you could even have them pay him just his god holds it in trust then he can trade with the gods in their own currency

Joshua M

Gotta love the clif hangers


I think I have to agree with Swinter just a bit. Ben has been kinda obsessed with profit, but there's not a lot of feedback besides people calling him greedy.

Torbjørn Nilsen

Rare materials, if a god or demigod dies, he gets their corpses, bargaining for x amount of corpses. Favors owed, land. A planet when they go on attack. Like he can ask for literally anything. Starting to dislike the stupid.

Torbjørn Nilsen

What? The gods didn't have to give him anything. It's the mortals that suffer from this. He can ask for x ammount of demigod corpses or gods corpses if they die in the next invasion. Rare materials gathered through the ages. A planet, when they go on to attack the aliens, or a massive amount of land. Starting to get tired of the stupid of MC.


What's the schedule? If there is one. I'm new. 😁


I mean, he can ask, but who's going to give him anything? I bet large part of those gods gathered to argue (again) whether to throw him in the infinite hells. Ben already makes weapons, he only changed the price. Any new dealing with him would have to be approved by majority of gods, which is a headache and may not happen. Unless he's ready to take his sacrilege and do something drastic, of course.


Others have already mentioned options. Faith, given to Myriad. "Favors owed", which is the traditional divine currency. Blessings. Promises. Sanctions towards gods that displease him. Pretty much anything else would be worth more than just... more money on the pile. The gods might not agree to his demand. But then he'll either have to negotiate, or hold off on weapons production even if it makes the world less safe when the invasion starts again. At least anything about that would be interesting. Asking for more money is the Least interesting option. Unless his greed starts having actual consequences for the world and him. Greed isn't even a good word for it. He don't even want the money. He's just being an idiot and needs to be punished for his stupidity if he keeps at it.

Random Guy

Well he himslef is also quite selfcentered, not that I blame him since he thinks of the bigger Picture when absolutely necessary. xD


Regular chapters on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Each person at $100 tier gives 2 extra chapters, they usually go out in the beginning of the month between regular schedule. Also there's a side story at the end of each month.


Are you all forgetting the gods already voted they wouldnt pay him in faith? Why would he need land when he already has a workshop, and all the rate materials anyone can have since his teacher is a 3rd tier and no one is going to kill a god or demigod only for him. As for asking for favors... would you trust the gods to upheld their deal? That is far mor stupid than asking for material stuff, the gods can just decide to not do the favor and that will be it for Ben since he would have already made all the weapons, etc. Y'all are tired of "stupid MC" when your options arent good either xd


TFC He finally yelled at them lol


The thing he is asking is for the gods to stop giving the weapons he makes to his enemies, I don't see how that makes Ben stupid.


So MC is stupid because he doesn’t want his weapon in the hands of the people trying to kill him ??? Quite the interesting take.

Josh Jackson

It's called renegotiation. They've already agreed to spend some of their faith to give minor blessings so that sets the president that faith is up for negotiation now it's just about how much money equates to it


I'm hoping he finally tries to kill one of the gods in their own realm.


I really hope Ben completely destroys Eneth's collection and vandalises his realm at some point soon. He's even out of the house and busy with a meeting right now :-P It would be a much better punishment than tripled prices, too. Doesn't have that sense of detachment that comes with residing in a higher dimension and being above consequences. Strip him of his sense of total superiority and security >:)

Carl Mason

Just wait until he finds out what Eneth did. Even if it WAS a literal misunderstanding on Ather's initiative, Eneth was not nearly clear enough for the attitude he has to KNOW his son has toward Ben. Boom goes the statue, "Oh, time to replace it," and Ben has a legitimate excuse to be there and follow the faith trail up to his realm. Then we see.

Luboš Hemala

I would think he would be after knowledge more than money, though tripling the price seems more like spur of the moment kick in the shin after what happened. No one says he can not ask for more later, once everything is delt with, but keep in mind how close to the second wave they are.


Generally yes, tho that could make churches poorer. However, I think that now it was more intimidation tactic


I agree with the sentiment, but Ben has created thousands of weapons. The gods can't possibly monitor every single one of them, and check that no one in possession of one ends up selling one to some other merchant who then gives it to some random guy buying for Aether. He's basically asking them to monitor the entire market, which seems a little unreasonable. And the gods aren't at fault for the actions of one lunatic demiogod. Eneth is at fault, but I don't see how this would be the fault of other gods - even Myriad and Helori who are more invested than the other gods in Bens enemies, didn't notice anything.

Torbjørn Nilsen

Mc is stupid because the gods aren't omnipotent. It has been shown time and time again that they aren't. So they literally can't do the first thing he's asking for. Money, what is he going to do with more? It's also a resource he can easily get himself. The money doesn't affect the gods at all, just the mortals which money now gets diverted to someone that doesn't use it for much. Take it from the orphanages and give it to Ben. So he should trade it for things that matter, favors owed. Rare materials in the future. First dibs when they invade planets. Faith at a later date. He could ask for so much more, instead MC is throwing a tantrum.


I am just going to mention. Ben literally spend a good chunk of his money on the people that was petrified, giving them funding for their lives for a few years a couple chapters ago so yes he could use the money. Another point is that's money is measured by work hour. Ben increasing the price isn't for that he would get the same order. He would make less for more money and he would spend less time on weapons that were ultra high rarity that the gods would miss manage the distribution or the churches to hoard them like with Athel. Also some people here talked about material trade. Isn't that what the money is for , so he could afford to buy those rare materials even if the prices would rise unreasonably as the war affords goes on . He can also just materialize them. Lastly, Ben getting faith for Myriad while helpful to his friend , not really directly beneficial to him is it. They have a deal made for weapons. Changing the agreement would be harder than just the slap on the wrist the price going up is.


SacredSteel: Sources needed. He spent money on it, yes. A good chunk? Highly doubt it. More like a minor fraction of his wealth. I'm certainly not joking when I say he's got a dragons hoard worth of money. There was maybe a couple of hundred petrified people, at most, and he provided them with a couple of years worth of funding. If we assume that he's Bill Gates level of wealthy right now, or about 152 Billion USD equivalent... And we assume there was 300 people petrified. And he's giving them each 1 million USD equivalent per year for 5 years. Then he'd have spent 1.5 Billion. Or 0,9% of his total wealth. Hell, at this point his wealth equivalent is probably way higher. He's offering unique goods of Extreme value, has multiple patents bringing him ludicrous passive income, and has been paid for global projects (such as the gates). If the gate project alone didn't give him a bare minimum billion USD equivalent then I'd be shocked. That'd be a bargain /per gate/ value.