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Here's another short, sweet commission I thought I'd share with y'all. As usual any uninterested in futa should look elsewhere, although I'm beginning to suspect that particularly warning isn't particularly necessary with you guys lol

Oh and this was inspired by/based on an image you can find here!

Both women were completely naked as they sat at opposite ends of Shepard's bed, Liara shyly crossing her legs to hide her arousal while Samara meditated with a serene smile. Neither of them had said a word to one another after disrobing and sitting down. They'd simply waited in an endless silence for the woman who'd brought them together to finish showering and return to them. All the while basking in the soft glow of a dozen candles and the gentle music she'd put on before hurrying off to wash the blood and sweat from her body. But while one of them was perfectly content to wait forever the other was finding it harder and harder to avoid working herself up into an eager little frenzy. Even if she hadn't found herself sitting beside another beautiful Asari.

“I don't know how she talked me into this.” Liara remarked. Glancing at Samara out of the corner of her eye and drinking in her much older companion's full, buxom figure she softly added, “How she talked us both into this!”

“Shepard can be remarkably persuasive.” Samara remarked. “I found myself wondering the same thing as soon as I laid eyes on you.”

“Are you still wondering it now?”


“Oh . . . well that's good.”

Liara glanced at the bathroom door and let out a pent up breath. After a moment or two she felt Samara's inscrutable gaze on her back and she snuck another shy little glance. The moment their eyes locked her companion said, “There's no need to worry. I'm certain Shepard has a very pleasurable evening planned for us. One we surely won't forget.”

“That's what worries me the most.” Liara joked.

Samara's smile widened just a little bit and her deep, unfathomably eyes sparkled. Liara couldn't help but blush as she basked in that grin, “If you're truly uncomfortable with my presence I can—”

“No! I-It's not that! It's not that at all! I've just never—this isn't something—Shepard and I talked about this a great deal but I never imagined we'd actually go through with it. I'm still trying to process everything.”

“I can help with that.” A wonderfully cocky voice remarked.

Liara sprang to her feet without so much as a though, spinning around to see Shepard standing in the bathroom doorway with a wide grin. Her toned, muscular body was still glistening with flecks of water and watching them roll down her abs and between her perky breasts was truly exquisite. Almost as equisite as watching them drip from her wonderfully hard cock with every eager twitch of her turgid length. It was enough to send Liara's cock springing upright even more than Samara's delicious looking shaft, but of course she'd always had a soft spot for her Human lover. One nobody else could ever hope to match.

Throwing aside the towel draped across her shoulders Shepard walked into the bedroom and smiled at both of them. Samara stood up behind Liara and after a second or two the pair were standing nearly shoulder to shoulder as they watched their Commander approach. But while Liara was a nervous little bundle of excitement and uncertainty Samara had never been more composed. Excluding her wildly throbbing cock and endlessly tightening balls.

“Don't worry love,” Shepard cooed, reaching out to caress Liara's cheek the moment she was close enough to touch her, “You'll forget all about those nerves in no time.”

As she spoke she laid a hand on Samara's shoulder, lightly squeezing a split second before their eyes met. “Perhaps she would appreciate a demonstration Shepard.

Delighted by the almost mischievous tone in their companion's voice Shepard bit her lip and grinned at Samara with a gleeful sparkle in her eyes. “Perhaps she would.” She agreed, glancing at her shy lover before letting out a breathy sigh, “And I know just how to start!”

Those tantalizing words had barely left her mouth before she was on her knees and giddily licking her lips. Liara let out a breathless moan a heartbeat later while Samara took a sudden, deep breath. Neither of them had a chance to finish before Shepard's calloused, wonderfully skilled fingers were wrapped around both of their pricks. Before she was tenderly stroking both of their lengths with long, smooth motions that sent shivers tearing through their bodies. And gooey beads of milky white precum oozing from their swollen tips.

Like she always did Liara reached out to her lover without even thinking. Tangling her fingers in her soft red hair she held on for dear life as the sheer anticipation of it all finally came crashing down in the most visceral way imaginable. Her other hand slid around Samara's waist faster than she could comprehend and she felt her beautiful companion do the same a split second later. But instead of gripping Shepard's soft, wet hair she reached across their bodies to teasingly cup and play with Liara's frantically heaving breasts. Gently pinching one of her unimaginably sensitive nipples and rolling it between her thumb and forefinger she sent the younger Asari into fits of dumbfounded quivering so fast her muscles almost cramped.

Liara threw her head back and moaned in pleasure, staring up at the ceiling for a moment before looking at the woman beside her. Samara smiled back at her while Shepard grinned up at them both and leaned in. Those gorgeously soft lips wrapped around her aching cock a moment before she and Samara were lost in a deep, passionate embrace. Her entire world came crashing down the moment after that.

As easily as a normal person drew breath Shepard effortlessly inhaled her lover's cock. Without so much as a moment of difficulty she glided all the way down to her base in a single gurgling movement, her lips planting a soft kiss on her trembling skin while she was left shuddering in abject delight. Her tongue emerged to lick at her balls and tease every last inch of her quivering sack while her hands slid around and across her hips to find her adorably clenched buttocks and give them a nice squeeze. Just hard enough to make Liara squirm yet just soft enough to no distract from the pleasure of the kiss Samara was sharing with her. A kiss she sank deeper and deeper into with every passing second. She was utterly overwhelmed by the pleasure of both women attacking her at once and completely at their mercy like never before. She almost couldn't fathom what she was feeling as the love of her life slowly glided backwards while the most impressive Asari she'd ever met teasingly groped and played with both of her tits. It took everything she had to stay upright in the midst of their pleasure and even that was a near insurmountable challenge.

How could it not be with Shepard eagerly deepthroating her cock like she had so many times before, her ever more sloppy movements growing faster and faster by the second? Even if she hadn't been locked in a beautiful embrace with a beautiful women Liara's knees would've buckled from that pleasure alone. But alongside being tormented and held so close by a truly gorgeous woman, feeling her supple breasts and soft curves pressed against her, it was utter madness. In the time it took Shepard to reach her full enthusiastic rhythm Liara had completely lost every shred of composure she might've had. And it only continued to get 'worse' as the seconds turned to minutes.

Soon enough she was thrusting into her lover's throat and clinging to Samara in fits of shuddering desperation. Her balls slapped against Shepard's chin as spit and precum drooled from the corners of her mouth in a truly lewd display. Liara couldn't possibly hold on. She'd never been able to hold on when they first started making love and bringing Samara into their pleasure weakened her even more than usual.

The fact that she lasted two full minutes was nothing short of a miracle. And the ecstasy she felt as soon as those two minutes had passed was indescribable. Finally breaking that wonderful kiss to hold on to Samara and bury her face in her shoulder she squealed in ecstasy and thrusted with frantic abandon as load after gooey load sprayed into her partner's throat. But no matter how hard she moved or how violently her cock twitched Shepard never so much as batted an eye. She just kept deepthroating her gorgeously hard cock like it was the easiest thing in the world. Even as her throat distended and her empty belly was absolutely flooded with thick, pent up jizz. Nothing short of their ship exploding could stop her from greedily slurping up every last drop and watching Liara with Samara the entire time only sent Shepard into an even more wild frenzy. One bordering on mania as she lurched back and forth with giddy abandon until Liara couldn't take another second.

“Oh Goddess!”

Hearing that almost pained cry and feeling her lover shudder was all the warning she needed to gently pull away. To finally release her cock with a soft little slurp and let it fall down between her legs as Liara pulled away from both of them. She stumbled backwards and collapsed onto the bed in a trembling heap, barely able to sit upright as she gasped for air and stared at them both. As she watched Shepard immediately and eagerly turn her attention to Samara with a sultry look in her eyes and a wicked grin plastered across her face.

Neither of them had every actually seen each other with another woman. They'd talked and fantasized and dreamed about it but until the moment Shepard's lips wrapped around Samara's cock it'd never been anything more than that. Finally seeing it happen outside of her mind and outside of their roleplaying was a treat Liara wasn't the least bit prepared for. She genuinely couldn't wrap her mind around the sight of the woman she loved greedily deepthroating another woman's cock. Seeing it from a totally different angle and hearing all the pleasured moans and gurgling slurps filling the air was without a doubt one of the best pleasures she'd ever known. It sent her whole mind spinning and the rest of her body shivering like never before. An ear to ear smile lit up Liara's face almost instantly and her slowly softening cock sprang back to full attention before Shepard had even started bobbing back and forth in her usual wild rhythm.

“C-Can I join you?” She asked, pushing herself upright and approaching them both. Slowly stroking her cock without even realizing it she locked eyes with Shepard for a moment before looking at Samara and shyly adding, “If you don't mind . . .”

“Of course you can.” Samara replied, a hint of amusement in her serene tone, “I'd love nothing more.”

With her mouth full of madly throbbing cock Shepard was too busy to respond with words but she still gave a loud slurp and flashed a lewd smile as she nodded in approval. Liara shivered even harder and stepped in, nervously offering her dick and sidling up next to Samara before she could think twice about her shyness.

As if she'd done it a hundred times before Shepard glided back to the tip of Samara's cock while gently wrapping her fingers around Liara's. She guided her love closer and opened her mouth wider, happily taking them both at the same time. Suddenly all three of them were groaning in utter delight as their pricks rubbed together inside her mouth as her tongue swirled around their sensitive cock heads like it was her life's mission. But of course she didn't stop there. Shepard couldn't have stopped there even if she'd wanted to. With both hands stroking their lengths and a truly manic grin lighting up her gorgeous face she slid further and further down their shafts before they'd even finished reacting to her taking them both at the same time.

Inch by inch she slid their cocks into the back of her mouth while Liara and Samara were pushed closer and closer together. Not that either of them were complaining as they turned their attention back to one another without even thinking. But rather than sharing a passionate kiss that stole away all their focus they started teasingly playing with each other's tits and kissing all along one another's necks. Or at least Samara did. Liara was still too overwhelmed to do much more than nuzzle against their companion while softly moaning her lover's name.

But even that was enough send all three women into fits of giddy shuddering. Especially as their cocks slipped into the back of Shepard's throat as she swallowed up more and more of their shafts. It was almost impossible to believe how much of them she was taking simultaneously even when they glanced down at her and saw her cheeks puffed out and her throat bulging more than ever. Thankfully it didn't matter what their eyes saw. Not when her tongue was sliding all over their picks and her mouth was closed so tightly around their shafts she was sucking harder than ever! It might've defied all reason and left them completely dumbfounded but that was part of the fun!

Particularly when she started lurching back and forth along their dicks in wild bursts of passion. After sucking up more than half of their impressively thick shafts and finally hitting her limit Shepard was more than happy to slide all the way back to the tips as messily and loudly as possible. Thick strands of precum and spit dribbled down her chin and across her tits as she retreated and the loud, indecent squelching of her every slightest movement only seemed to enhance the lewdness!

At least until she came to a stop at the tips of their shafts and suddenly lurched forward with a throaty gurgle. Samara and Liara just happened to be watching her at that exact moment and watching more than half of their pricks disappear into her throat simultaneously was beyond incredible. They couldn't help but moan in delight and tease each other all the more as soon as they were done gawking.

Shepard slid her hands around both of them as she slid back and forth along their dicks, eagerly pulling both her partners closer and squeezing them together even more. And of course grabbing two big handfuls of Samara's plump ass and Liara's pert little cheeks. She squeezed them both as hard as she could and delighted in the creamy deluge of precum her groping earned her. To say nothing of the wild shudders coursing down their spines and the eager smiles lighting up their faces. Seeing her love reacting so viscerally to it all was intoxicating and watching her get groped and teased by Samara was even better. To say nothing of getting to watch Samara indulge her baser instincts with the only woman she loved in the entirely galaxy.

It was all enough to send Shepard slobbering over their cocks and positively flying along their shafts as the seconds passed by. She tried her absolute best to deepthroat both of them, succeeding much more than she expected, but sadly it just wasn't feasible. There was no way she could get them both balls deep in her throat without merging them together, although that didn't stop her from trying as she soaked herself in a lurid mixture of spit and precum. Her whole body trembled from the excitement of lurching to and fro across as much of their pricks as she could get her lips around and the endless joy of watching them both react fueled her more than anything else. Though she couldn't pretend not to love the simple taste of Asari cum and the endless delight of acting like such an unapologetic slut. She'd always been a giddy little whore at heart and letting that come out again felt amazing in ways Shepard could never fully describe. And never possibly explain to anyone. Luckily neither of the women she was sucking off cared one bit about her motivations. Just as long as she kept working their dicks and absolutely ravishing them with pleasure.

Which was undoubtedly why they both stopped what they were doing almost the moment she did the same. As soon as Shepard's lips, and her tight little throat, disappeared from their dicks Liara and Samara pulled away from one another on instinct. Or rather they looked down at the woman so happily grinning up at them with near identical expressions of surprise and longing.

Rather than explain herself with words Shepard slipped past them both, cheekily pushing between them as she did, and climbed onto the bed. Pushing her tightly toned ass out and letting them watch her madly throbbing cock twitch between her legs she crawled across the sheets and rolled onto her back with a giddy little moan. Stretching out across her bed and biting her lip she looked at her lover and their beautiful companion in turn, slowly lifting a hand.

“Don't keep me waiting . . .” She moaned, reaching out to them with a knowing smile, “I don't think I can wait much longer . . .”

Samara and Liara exchanged dumbfounded looks for all of a second before scrambling onto the bed and joining their gorgeous partner. Any semblance of self control and dignity vanished in an instant as they immediately broke away from her and moved to either side of Shepard, eagerly stroking their cocks and gasping for breath as they did. Like so many times before Liara straddled her lover's grinning face and slid her cock into her throat in a burst of eager desperation. And while she was busy stretching out her mouth and giving her a lovely cock to deepthroat like she wanted Samara was lifting up Shepard's legs and pushing her cock against her tightly clenched asshole. Much like her fellow Asari she didn't think twice about sliding balls deep inside the gorgeous woman between them and much like her fellow Asari she let out a long, gasping moan as soon as she did.

All three of them cried out in delight as Shepard was filled from both ends, a wave of pleasure crashing down on her as surely as it crashed down on her partners. Shudders tore through each of them as their backs arched and their muscles trembled and they gasped like they were in pain. Samara draped Shepard's legs across her chest and over her shoulders while Liara grabbed her perky little tits and started groping with all her usual abandon. Neither of them moved in those first few seconds as they just basked in the tightness of her inner walls. But of course that couldn't last for long.

Quite surprisingly Liara wasn't the first one to break and lose control. Instead it was Samara who let out a gasping moan and pulled out, her cock absolutely raging in the tight depths of Shepard's amazingly soft ass. Her hips lurched backwards in a flurry of movement and her cock nearly emerged from that oh so delicious ring before she suddenly reversed coursed just as wildly and sent her entire shaft plunging back inside her even more frantically. Shepard's entire body lurched upwards and her back arched higher than ever as another woman's cock slammed into her depths. She moaned around Liara's prick and clung to her lover in a shuddering fit as the sheer ecstasy of being impaled on that fat dick while sucking her love's nearly sent her over the edge then and there.

It nearly sent both of them! Liara couldn't believe what she was seeing even as she watched Samara slam balls deep into her lover's ass. Nor could she comprehend the swell of excitement, delight, amazement, and lust crashing through her as she did. Hearing every wet thrust and feeling Shepard tighten and tremble around her was indescribably good. Better than she ever dreamed and so completely amazing she started thrusting as hard and as fast as she could soon after. She didn't even have a chance to think about what she was doing. Liara just went every bit as wild as their companion.

In the blink of an eye both women were thrusting away with the kind of giddy abandon Shepard had so desperately craved. Samara was absolutely pounding her ass while Liara was slamming balls deep into her throat with a ferocity she almost never showed. And all the while she was left to shudder and squirm between them, desperately clinging to Liara as wave after wave of pleasure flooded her senses and ravished her body. It didn't matter how they fucked her, whether or not they were in sync with each other, or anything similar. Just as long as they were ravishing her from both ends and she could completely lose her mind to the endless cascade of pleasure everything was right in the universe. They forgot all about the outside world. All the troubles and worries of their lives and the weight resting upon their shoulders. For a few wonderful minutes their entire reality began and ended with each other, with the pleasure of their bodies and the thrill of sharing themselves with the other two. Liara and Samara lost themselves even more in another passionate kiss as they spitroasted Shepard and that sweet little embrace only spurred them on more.

Reaching their peak in no time at all and staying there for what seemed like an eternity both Liara and Samara hurtled towards their ecstasy almost as fast as Shepard. All three of them were completely losing their minds after only a few minutes and within five or six they were gasping and groaning and making the most bestial sounds imaginable as their cocks throbbed and their bodies shuddered. After all the build up leading to that moment it was a wonder any of them lasted as long as they did. And after barely ten minutes of wild, ball slapping ecstasy they finally succumbed to their desperation and reached their limits in the most explosive way imaginable.

Thick, gooey strands of cum erupted from Shepard's cock a split second before Liara slammed into her throat with a climactic moan. Her spunk flooded her lover's belly once again barely two heartbeats before Samara followed suit and absolutely drenched her asshole in a pent up deluge all her own. All three of them squealed in abject delight and convulsed against and around and inside of one another as they lost their minds to the pleasure of it all. All sense and reason vanished from their heads, seemingly to never return again, as they shook and shuddered with every convulsive swell of pure bliss. They sounded more and more like wild animals with every passing moment and the longer they remained lost in one another and the boundless joy of each other's bodies they more bestial they seemed. Nearly every twitch of their cocks and explosive jet of cum sent moans and gasps and gurgling whimpers tumbling from their lips. And even after they stopped pumping Shepard full of spunk the pair of women on either side of her didn't and couldn't stop moaning in abject delight. Neither could the woman stuck between them, the heat of her own warmth soaking into her stomach and dripping down her tits after she unleashed the biggest and most spectacular fountain she'd ever known.

When her partners finally pulled out she couldn't really say. It could've been seconds, minutes, or even hours after they'd all succumbed to their bliss. At some point both cocks slid out of her as both women slumped against the bed on either side and Shepard was left to soft moan in the gooey aftermath of their passion. But unlike either of them she had just enough energy to smile up at the ceiling, her mind already racing with even more lewd ideas as the heady afterglow settled upon them all. And the moment she could take a proper breath she'd share them with Liara and Samara . . .


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