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Here's another simple little story I thought I'd share with y'all. I'm trying to release more of the stuff I work on instead of letting it languish on my hard drive forever. Anyone not interested in furry content should give this one a pass.

Bobbing her head along with the music and singing softly under her breath Cassidy danced her way to the bathroom completely unaware her roommate was still inside. She was too busy thinking about the long, warm shower she was gonna take and jamming out to her favorite morning workout routine to even consider where Ayaan might be. Indeed she was so lost in her groove she even started undressing in the middle of the living room, all but putting on a little show for nobody else as she kept dancing and swaying to the music blaring from her headphones.

Inside the bathroom Ayaan was much too preoccupied with brushing his luxurious mane and drying off his black and white coat. Though he could just barely hear Cassidy's paws lightly moving across the carpet outside he wasn't thinking about her at all. Instead his thoughts were focused entirely on looking as good as possible for the nude selfie he was about to send. Which meant brushing his main, smoothing out his coat, and making sure his cock was good and hard before he grabbed his phone. He never dreamed his roommate would just barge into the bathroom without thinking. Or that she'd be completely naked when she did. And yet despite how absurd the thought was that's exactly what happened a few moments after he'd finished grooming himself.

“Holy shit!” They cried out in unison.

Ayaan dropped his phone in a desperate bid to cover himself and Cassidy stumbled backwards as she did the same. Despite both of them knowing full well what the other one looked like naked, “Ever heard of knocking?!” He demanded.

“Ever heard of locking the door?!” She retorted.

They stopped covering their bodies a heartbeat later and she returned to the doorway as he folded his arms. An impish little grin spread across her face as she looked at the hulking, muscular Zebra standing in the tiny bathroom. He wasn't the least bit amused as he looked back at her, though his cock did twitch a little as he looked at her lithe, athletic body. He'd always had a thing for Foxes and Cassidy was no exception. Much like how Ayaan's truly massive dick never failed to send a little shiver down her spine.

“What were you doing in here?”

“Taking a selfie.”

“Oh yeah? For Becky?”

“Her name's Rebecca and yeah that was—”

“You weren't gonna take it like that were you?”

In spite of her goading tone and mischievous demeanor Ayaan still looked down at himself for a moment before asking, “Like what?”

“Like that!” She exclaimed, stepping into the bathroom and gesturing to him. Although he noticed her hand linger a bit longer as she pointed to his cock.

“Like what?”

Cassidy laughed and clasped her hands behind her back, pushing her perky breasts out and smiling up at him while he tried and failed to stay composed, “You're not even fully hard!”

“So what?”

“Well I just think it's rude to send a naked selfie without showing off allthe goods!”

Before he could respond to that with anything more than an amused snort Cassidy sank to her knees and lasciviously licked her lips. In the time it took him to process the look on her face and the telltale smell of her excitement her fingers closed around his prick. After that he didn't care about much of anything as the softness of her touch and the familiarity of her tongue as she ran it along every inch of his manhood overwhelmed everything else.

“Ohhhhh fuck!”

Her eager little giggle filled the bathroom as she reached the base of his shaft only to glide all the way back down to the tip once more. Between the musky taste of his freshly cleaned prick and the even more musky scent of his precum dripping onto the floor Cassidy was practically swimming in the scent of his arousal. Her head was spinning to fast for coherent thought and her little shudders were coursing down her spine with every passing second. It'd been so long since they last hooked up! Long enough that she'd forgotten just how big he was. Not to mention how good he tasted. But she was more than happy to remind herself as she lifted his steadily throbbing prick into the air and planted a soft kiss on the flat, flared tip.

Even when he wasn't fully erect his dick was so massive she couldn't get her fingers al the way around it! Hell she could barely manage that when she was completely limp! But of course that'd never stopped her from stroking every last inch from tip all the way to the base. How could she not when every pass sent a little more precum oozing from the head? When she earned herself another mouthful of bittersweet cum to gulp down like the delicious treat it was? It only took a few gooey helpings to remind her how much she loved his jizz.

And to send her tongue swirling around his tip as she continued stroking his length with one hand while the other drifted to his unbelievably massive balls. She'd need both hands to properly grope even one of them but that didn't really matter. She wasn't trying to give him the best foreplay of his life. She'd already done that plenty of times before. Cassidy's one and only intention was getting Ayaan as hard as possible so she could throat his monstrous dick and remind herself what a real man felt like. After a string of shitty, unsatisfying dates and even more unsatisfying nights she needed to remember how hot a fat, throbbing cock could be. The rest of her roommate was almost incidental as she focused entirely on his dick, lathering it in spit and constantly moaning as she worked herself into a frenzy. Although she couldn't pretend having a hunky man to look up at while she satisfied her craving for dick wasn't a plus. Even if she remained entirely focused on the throbbing pillar of meat slowly but surely growing in her hands.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!” Ayaan groaned again, holding on to the sink with one hand and flattening the other against the wall, “Goddamn I forgot how good you are at this stuff!”

“I'm happy to remind you!” She whispered, pulling away from his dick just long enough to say those words before diving back in the kiss and lick one side of his shaft. She quickly lavished the other with the same attention and moaned as a thick spurt of precum erupted onto her shoulder while she did, “I guess Becky isn't taking care of you huh?”

“Rebecca and I haven't slept together yet.”

“No? She's missing out.” Cassidy teased. Returning to the head of his cock and running her tongue across it in a wild burst of enthusiasm she swallowed enough precum to completely fill her mouth two or three times over. “God I forgot how messy you are!”

“What's the matter? Can't keep up anymore?” He teased.

Fully aware of what he was doing and more than happy to play into his taunts Cassidy pulled away from his cock and licked her lips, “Not even close!” She whispered, smiling up at him with a look that could melt ice.

Ayaan had enough time to chuckle and shudder as he remembered just how sexy she could be. A split second later she'd effortlessly inhaled nearly every inch of his cock, just about unhinging her jaw as she slid ten inches of his foot long monster into her mouth and down her throat like it was nothing. After that he couldn't do much more than groan in a mixture of a delight and amazement.

Cassidy was the only woman he'd ever met who could take all of him without hours of prep time and build up. Despite being half his size and maybe a third of his weight. She was a demon in every imaginable sense and he was completely at her mercy as she slobbered all over his endlessly twitching length. As she slurped and gurgled and moaned like  no one else he'd ever been with. And when she suddenly pushed the last couple inches into her mouth the already unbearable pressure of her tight, wet throat wrapped aroiund him was nothing short of devastating.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK!” He groaned, grabbing her head with one massive hand and holding her against the base of his dick as his balls tightened and his while body shook.

It wasn't quite enough to make him cum but just feeling his entire dick buried in her throat was more than enough to completely break him. Any hint of smug aloofness or gloating superiority vanished the moment he felt her lips kiss the base of his prick. And he just about exploded when her suddenly free hands cupped his massive balls, eagerly groping and massaging and fondling them like she always did while she was satisfying her oral fixation.

Smiling as widely as she could with her lips stretched to the breaking point Cassidy held herself on his ungodly thick cock for as long as she could. Until her lungs were screaming for air and tears were welling up in the corner of her eyes. Ayaan was the only man who could trigger her long suppressed gag reflex. The only one she'd ever met with a cock thick enough to nearly make her retch with every wild pulse and frantic throb. He was the only one to so completely distend her throat with his girth she could feel her neck bulging outward around him. All the way down to her chest as his length disappeared into her stomach. And she absolutely loved it. She loved all of it more than she could ever hope to express. By the time she finally pulled herself off his dick her thighs were absolutely soaked and a messy little puddle of warmth was soaking into the bath mat she'd been kneeling on.

She filled the bathroom with a long, lewd gurgle as she slid off his prick. Thick strands of precum and spit drooled from the corners of her mouth or dropped off every inch of his length as it emerged from her seemingly bottomless throat. Ayaan watched her move with the same amazed delight as the very first time they'd hooked up and he took the last chance he'd get to suck in a ragged little breath. He knew full well what was about to happen and he braced himself for it as best he could. Even if there wasn't a damn thing he could really do.

Deliberately holding herself back just long enough to really make him squirm Cassidy lavished the head of his cock with all the attention she could until Ayaan could handle another second. Until he was shaking so hard he looked like he was having a seizure. Just to revel in the power she had over him and defy his expectations one more time. But as soon as he gave her what she wanted she gave him everything he dreamed of in the blink of an eye.

She slammed his cock back into her throat so ferociously it just disappeared from view. One moment he was watching her tease the head of his prick, the next it'd completely vanished and she was gurgling against the base of his shaft all over again. But he didn't even have a chance to moan at the sheer ecstasy of her oral talents. Cassidy pulled back too quickly for him to react and she lurched forward even faster. Her face was almost a blue as she bobbed back and forth along his dick with pure, unbridled abandon. Effortlessly and frantically taking every centimeter at a pace that completely stunned him she only needed a few seconds to remind Ayaan just what she was really capable of when she got going. He might've forgotten while they were both trying their had at some serious dating but there was no forgetting now. Not when she was fucking her throat with his cock like it was the only thing in the world that mattered.

He couldn't even hold on to her after a few seconds. She was moving too fast for him to keep his grip and there was no earthly way he could match her intensity. He'd never been able to match her downright unhinged intensity. So he didn't even bother trying. Instead Ayaan just focused on staying on feet and lasting as long as he could while Cassidy slobbered over every inch of his cock. And just like every other time he completely failed to do the latter and only barely accomplished the former. There was no universe where he could stop himself from cumming in less than a minute. Not when she got going and really destroyed him properly. How he managed to stay on his feet while she was flying along his dick so passionately was a mystery even to him. But then again everything was a mystery to him when his head was spinning and his mind was completely blank.

Nothing in the world made any kind of sense when she was sucking his cock so furiously it actually made him go cross eyed. When her lips were moving so fast and her tongue so skillfully words failed to describe what he was feeling even as he drowned in those feelings. Barely ten seconds after she'd started Ayaan was more at Cassidy's mercy than ever before. Within thirty he was kept upright entirely by the sheer, unrelenting strength of her mouth. And after around forty five seconds he was lost in a sea of pleasure. Even a full minute was entirely beyond his capabilities as he succumbed to the pleasure of her ministrations like he had so many times before.

Growling like a wild animal as he hunched over her Ayaan grabbed Cassidy's head with both hands just as she slid down to the base of his cock. Clinging to her for dear life as pleasure washed over him he didn't even get a chance to call her name before torrents of cum were spraying into her belly. Before he was absolutely drowning her stomach in more jizz than any normal horse should've produced. Each and every pulse of his madly throbbing cock sent another fountain of spunk inside her and she was already full by the third twitch. But he was far from finished. Far from emptying his massive balls for the what felt like the first time in months. But no matter how much he sprayed into her stomach Cassidy didn't try to pull away. Nor did she stop massaging his sack and slobbering all over his dick. Indeed she made it even 'worse' as she sucked every last drop of cum out of him like the demon she might as well have been. Even when his grip loosened and his body started to go limp she just kept sucking and sucking and sucking until he was forced to pull her off him for his own safety.

Staggering backwards and collapsing onto the edge of the bath tub Ayaan struggled to keep his eyes open as he gasped for breath, “Holy shit . . .”

Cassidy giggled at him and shakily stood up, one hand idly rubbing her slightly distended belly as she felt his cum sloshing around inside her, “Oops!” She teased, “I guess you'll have to wait a little while to take that selfie!”

She turned away from him without another word and sauntered off while he stared at her tight little bubble butt swaying back and forth with every step, her long, luscious tail eagerly swishing to and fro at the same time, “Goddamn . . .” He sighed, “She's a goddamn menace!”

But despite those words and the sentiment behind them he still pushed himself off the bath tub and stumbled out of the bathroom. He still wandered into Cassidy's bedroom to find her waiting for him on her bed, legs spread and a lascivious grin plastered across her face. It was a game they'd played a thousand times and one they'd keep playing forever. And they couldn't have been happier.


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