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And here's the second of six stories leading up to Halloween! I don't have too much to say about this one, hopefully y'all enjoy another short, simple romp during this spookiest of months!

All the world was quiet as a pale, beautiful woman walked down Carahill Lane. Bathed in the sickly orange glow of the streetlights above she was dressed in an elegant, flowing bridal gown of a style near two centuries old. Blood drenched the front of her body, sullying the pristine white of her dress and her alabaster skin from her crimson lips to the hem of her dress. Even the veil shrouding her face was stained a brilliant shade of red.

And yet nobody who laid eyes upon her thought anything of her otherworldly appearance nor the blood soaking into her gown. Many were far too busy staring at the quite open bodice of her dress. Indeed their eyes were quite naturally drawn to the ample swell of her breasts. The trail of blood leading down from her lips or up from the hem of her gown seemed to demand everyone look. As did the sultry, half hidden smile lurking just behind the veil. When she was silhouetted just right by the lights above a few lucky strangers could catch a glimpse of her beauty. Of aged yet somehow youthful features every bit as pale as the rest of her skin.

Though none could meet her dark, piercing gaze whenever her eyes alighted upon them. Few even tried and none had the strength to hold her attention. No matter how unearthly beautiful she might have been. The force of her stare and the imposing presence of her towering, voluptuous frame left so many caught off guard and overwhelmed.

Even as more and more costumed people dotted the sidewalk around her Elizabeth's presence remained, as ever, one few could truly stomach. Yet nobody wanted her to leave as she sauntered down the path to the Henderson's annual party. Indeed many had been opening she would arrive. Of all the many characters to live on Carahill Lane or even the wider block none were more enigmatic. None had a greater air of mystery about them. Nobody quite knew what she did for work. Though not a single one of her neighbors could claim to have seen her during the day. Nobody knew where she'd come from. Though some of the oldest residents could recall her already living on the street long before them, no matter how absurd those claims were. And nobody could pretend to know anything about her beyond the tiniest morsels she'd shared over the years. Though even those little glimpses into her life left more questions to be asked.

By every account she should've been one to avoid and yet her beauty left so many unable to resist her charms. Even if they'd meant to at first she still had a way of being invited to every party. Of being invited to everything gathering no matter how private. So long as it was at night. No one around had ever seen her during the day and yet somehow despite that utter certainty no one bothered to question it or her. Much like her almost supernatural beauty they simply turned their attentions to other things. Or were guided towards them by some quiet gesture and softly spoken word. And when she departed everyone was left struggling to remember a thing she'd said or done despite the utter certainty of her presence.

Like the cattle they were the crowds gathered within the Henderson household parted before Elizabeth's majesty. Though she was lavished with many a slack jawed, awestruck stare as the fools admired her body none were foolish enough to stand in her way. Some even fell over themselves in an effort to retreat from her path. And she made no effort to hide her amusement, though she still shrouded much of her contempt. The faintest sneer managed to find it's way onto her face as she passed beyond the first room and into the rest of the house. Mortals were and would forever be revolting in so many ways.

The mess awaiting her in the kitchen was truly unacceptable and not two seconds after she'd entered one of the many drunken layabouts violently puked into the nearby sink. While several more fools laughed and cheered her on. They were all far too inebriated to notice Elizabeth's presence and for that she was truly grateful. Only the phenomenally drunk or impressively stupid were immune to her charms and it seemed the group she was watching were both. Which meant they were ill suited to feed upon and perhaps the furthest thing from the sort of company she wished to keep. So within ten seconds she'd departed the kitchen and made her way into the living room only to encounter even more drunken revelry. Although many of the participants recognized her for the goddess she was, even if they were too ignorant to comprehend why.

But the rest didn't and Elizabeth rather quickly took her leave of them as well. As ever her goal was a mortal still sober enough to follow her commands and fall under her sway but intoxicated enough to heighten the sweetness of their blood. It was the only time she could stray anywhere close to consuming regular alcohol and it was a treat she sought out every chance she could. Even when it meant spending much of her night searching in vain for the perfect candidate.

Though as luck would have it she didn't have to waste too much time searching for the best cattle to feed upon. Instead she was all but handed the best choice when a drunk fool stumbled into her the moment she set foot in the backyard, “Don't worry man I'll be back in a second to—oof!”

Running headlong into Elizabeth as he looked back at his companions the man bounced right off her imposing figure, staggering backwards several steps and looking up at her with a mixture of delight and surprise, “Woah!”

Looking him up and down for a moment, and looking beyond whatever brightly colored superhero he was supposed to be dressed as, Elizabeth admired his muscular physique and visible strenght. She'd always enjoyed feeding of the strongest looking men until they were helplessly enfeebled, “Come with me.” She commanded, her voice filled with power and gravitas.

“Okay!” He replied, smiling even wider as she turned away and he got to stare at her round ass.

Knowing full well where his eyes were focused and playing up her already seductive walk Elizabeth led him into the house like a lost puppy. He followed without question and, much like everyone around them, drooled nearly every step of the way. Especially as she made her way up stairs and he was given the most incredible view of her plum, curvaceous figure imaginable. More than a few people on the ground floor peeked in after them, craning their necks to watch her leave as a palpable sense of jealousy filled the air. All of them thought she was some harlot leading him to the closest bedroom she could find and while that might've been her goal in many ways Elizabeth was still awash in disdain at the thought. Though she continued to hide it well as she found the master bedroom and pulled her newest victim inside.

“You don't waste any time huh?!” He laughed, stumbling forward as she grabbed the front of his costume and manhandled him with ease.

“No. I don't.” She replied, shutting the door and pushing him against the nearest wall.

His already wide smile spread even further as she pressed herself against him. Nearly smothering his face with her breasts as she played the part of the lascivious fool for a little while longer Elizabeth ignored his hands gliding across her hips. And his fingers squeezing her rump as he quickly grabbed her plump cheeks without a hint of shame or hesitation.

“My name's Chris,” He whispered, softly moaning as she lowered herself to kiss down his neck and smell the tantalizing allure of his blood. “I'm not from around here—”

“I don't care.” She interrupted.

“Yeah fair enough.”

Deliberately taking her time and relishing in the thrill of so effortlessly catching her prey Elizabeth spent a moment or two kissing all along his neck and even down his shoulder. Second only to the sweet taste of blood the exhilaration of feeling their arousal turn to confusion and terror would forever remain one of the most delicious parts of the hunt. Thankfully she didn't have to kill her meals to enjoy that oh so sweet fear. Instead she could simply drain him until he passed out and leave to find another plaything to enjoy. She'd only need two or three to satisfy herself and the night was still young. Though of course she had to stop playing with her food and actually sink her fangs into his soft, supple flesh first . . .

But because she just couldn't help herself Elizabeth straightened one more time, teasing her plaything with what he'd never get to enjoy and pressing her body against his. Only to immediately feel something positively massive throbbing against her legs. Something so much bigger than she expected she was actually taken aback for a moment. For quite possibly the first time in close to five centuries of undeath.

Recoiling ever so slightly as she felt his cock strain against the tight fabric of his costume and throb against her own sex Elizabeth instinctively glanced down at his dick. A heartbeat later he was looking down too and saying, “Sorry about that, I get kinda excited around pretty girls . . .”

Elizabeth couldn't help but snort at his remark, amused by his sentiment and everything surrounding it and quietly impressed by the sheer length and girth of his prick, “Clearly.”

Reaching well past his knee and stretching his legging to the breaking point his shaft was impressive by any metric. Impressive enough to momentarily overwhelm her thirst for blood. She'd planned on visiting a certain werewolf clan on the outskirts of town after she was done feeding and the anticipation of ending her night with those beasts was obviously clouding her judgment. And yet despite being fully aware of that fact she didn't bother to fight against it. Elizabeth couldn't remember the last time any mortal had impressed her enough to warrant consideration, man or woman, and that alone was enough of a thrill to pique her curiosity.

And after watching his massive prick throb for a few minutes, after drinking in the smell of his arousal as it clouded the air and burned her supernaturally sensitive nose, the decision was more or less out of her hands. Without a thought she knew down in front of her would be companion, pulling down his leggings with ease while he nervously exclaimed, “Whoa! W-What are you doing?!”

“I think it's rather obvious.,” She answered, her normally imperious tone every so slightly more enthusiastic as she wrapped her fingers around his prick and lifted it up to her lips, “Now stop talking.”

“Y-You got it!”

She smirked at his obedience but otherwise paid him no further mind. She was much too busy reveling in the thickness of his prick and the sheer length of it as she held it aloft like some great treasure. His equally weighty sack was every bit as worthy of attention and praise but as a thick bead of precum formed on his swollen tip she couldn't help but trail her tongue across the head first. The bitter, thoroughly revolting taste of his seed should've brought everything to a decisive end then and there but the excitement of throating such a massive prick was too great to ignore. She simply grimaced at the unfortunate horribleness of his seed before opening her lips with a little smack and wrapped them around his tip with ease.

Trailing her fangs across his sensitive head she effortlessly popped the entire thing into her mouth and didn't stop until it was sliding into the back of her throat. She could tell from the look of stunned pleasure etched onto her plaything's face that he was surprised by her capabilities. No doubt mortal women struggled to do what she'd so casually accomplished already. It was an altogether amusing though and one that only served to boost her already substantial ego even more. Especially when she let her tongue dart out to lick at bit more of his shaft and his whole body trembled almost instantly. A lewd smile lit up her face and she reached out to cup his fat balls with both hands. Idly squeezing and massaging them with a softness and strength no human lover could possibly manage she held herself at the tip of his shaft for a few more moments. Just long enough to make him think that was all she could do. Because even when she wasn't about to drain mortal of their blood Elizabeth still had to play with her food.

But unlike before the urge to show off and the temptation of his cock proved far greater than her amusement. Within a few moments of teasing and toying with her companion she couldn't hold back for another moment. And just as he was letting out an appreciative moan as he stared down at her with open mouthed awe she gave him something to be impressed. Something that sent his eyes rolling into the back of his head and his whole body tensing in abject pleasure.

As easily as a normal woman might swallow a drink of water Elizabeth swallowed every last inch of his enormous cock. In the blink of an eye more than a foot of fat, throbbing dick was buried in the depths of her throat, his balls smacking against her chin as her neck distended and her lips planted a bloody kiss on the base of his shaft. And just as she'd hoped her poor, mortal lover was utterly ravished by the swell of ecstasy coursing through him. Every last part of his body tightened simultaneously while a strangled moan erupted from his lips and his hands jumped to her head. Tangling themselves in her curly blonde locks and nearly knocking away the veil she'd thrown back to enjoy his dick he held on for dear life while she held herself against him. While she casually yet excitedly throated his inhumanly large dick for what felt like an eternity, for both of them.

An eternity she brought to a swift, sloppy end as she suddenly lurched backwards, every sticky inch of his prick emerging from her throat in a long gurgle while she retreated to the very tip. By the time her lips were wrapped snugly around the head of his shaft and her plaything could comprehend the pleasure he'd just felt Elizabeth was slamming herself right back onto his dick with even more force. Every bit as eager as him, perhaps even more so, she simply didn't care about anything other than viciously throating his shaft for as long as she could. For as long as he could last. If he was lucky he'd give her at least a few minutes before emptying his fat balls but in truth she didn't really care. The simple thrill of debasing herself and doing anything sexual with a mortal was endlessly arousing all on it's own. He could've lasted all of five seconds and that lewdness still would've flooded her body and send rivulets of arousal cascading down her thighs. Though fortunately for both of them he wasn't quite that unimpressive. Indeed by mortal standards he actually seemed quite remarkable, especially with a ferocious, cock hungry vampire absolutely flying up and down his length!

Because of course she didn't hold anything back. Nor did she even consider it. Instead she immediately and rather gleefully started gliding back and forth along his prick as fast as she could. So fast her head was a blur of supernatural speed and the throaty squelch of his massive dick sliding in and out of her throat drowned out everything else. His moans, the music and chatter from the ground floor, quite literally everything fell by the wayside as the messy gurgle and lewd slurping of Elizabeth's ministrations filled the room.

Spit and precum drooled from the corners of her mouth and rolled down her chin, endlessly dripping into her ample cleavage and mingling with the blood smeared across her pale skin. Thick strands of that lurid mixture drooled off his prick every time she withdrew only to be immediately sucked back up again before they could fall away. And through it all she continued to fondle and grope his wonderfully massive balls, relishing in how much they trembled at her touch. To say nothing of how hard they trembled at the sheer ferocity of her oral talents. And whenever she looked up at her lover's face the dumbfounded, almost pained expression spread across his features was nothing short of exquisite. One of the most thrilling things about the entire affair and an endless source of delight as she continued to slobber all over and throat his dick with pure abandon.

It wasn't quite the same as being openly worshiped like some mortals had done in the past but it was certainly close enough to really make her tremble. And to earn him even more enthusiasm as she swirled her tongue around his shaft in an absolute flurry. It hadn't even been a full minute since she started sucking him off in earnest and she'd already reached her peak. She was already moving as fast and as hard as she could without absolutely breaking him. As soon as her long, dexterous tongue joined in there wasn't anything else she could do for a weak little mortal like him.

Which meant she was merely left to continue what she was already doing with all the abandon she could give, relentlessly sucking his massive cock and absolutely tormenting him with a pleasure he'd never felt before. Where a more powerful beast like the werewolves she would inevitably savage later in the night would've started thrusting against her, would've started giving back as ferociously as she did, the man she was enjoying simply couldn't. It probably didn't even occur to him as he held on to her for dear life. The best he could offer was clutching her hair so tightly he would've ripped it out if she'd been a normal woman. Of course if she'd been a normal woman he wouldn't have hunched over and unleashed a truly desperate scream after nearly two minutes of endless, agonizing pleasure. Nor would he have thrown his head back as he sucked in another ragged breath only to let out a strangled little groan as he felt her teeth trailing along his shaft.

As he felt the razor sharp teasing of the fangs he didn't even know she had gliding down his length and adding one more bout of stimulation to the madness he was already drowning in. How he managed to last as long as he did was a mystery, though in the heat of the moment and with the most beautiful woman he'd ever see passionately slobbering all over his dick it was hard to gauge any sort of time to begin with. For all he knew they could've been there for hours or even days. The party could've ended and he would've been none the wiser as long as she kept flying up and down his prick. He didn't even have the wherewithal to question how she was able to move so fast for so long! Despite that being all he could focus on as she sucked him off. And soon enough as she sucked him dry.

It didn't matter if her companion was a werewolf, sasquatch, fairy, or human; all men made the same noise when they were on the verge of ecstasy. All men let out the same pent up groan as a telltale shudder tore through their body. And her newest lover was no different. Elizabeth felt his cock swell in the depths of her throat, felt his balls tighten against her fingers, as he unleashed that all too familiar sound.

An ear to ear smile lit up her face the moment she heard his groan and the already impossible strength of her sucking increased just a little bit more. Just beyond what he could truly handle. She couldn't help herself as she felt him shudder. Her cheeks sank inwards and she unleashed a gurgling moan all her own while he hunched over once again. His fingers curled into fists against her head and for the very first time he actually found the strength to thrust. In the midst of his groan and at the height of his anticipation he slammed his dick into her throat with all his strength. Just as she was sliding back down his shaft to take every last centimeter of him while he erupted. And that single, frantic movement sent him tumbling right over the edge in a heartbeat.

Sucking his wonderfully massive cock so fiercely her cheeks sank inward and she sent him reeling even faster Elizabeth scarcely had time to moan before she felt his entire shaft pulse. Before his balls tightened and his whole body trembled. A fountain of warmth erupted into her stomach an instant later and she was once again left surprised and impressed by his abilities. Between the sheer amount of spunk in that first load and the near overwhelming heat of it he was continuing to prove himself a cut above all the other mortal men who'd disappointed her. Especially as she felt another gooey jet explode into her belly immediately after. One completely undiminished despite how much he'd unleashed already. Elizabeth couldn't help but moan around his cock and tremble against him as he emptied his balls inside her. As she feverishly sucked every last drop he had to give out with a single minded desire she'd never once felt with a mortal. And she could count the number of times she'd felt such a lust with other immortals!

And for close to thirty uninterrupted seconds Chris was in heaven. Elizabeth sucked his cock like no woman he'd ever known. At times it almost felt like she was sucking his soul out of his body. He'd never cum so hard for so long in his life. Not even in his wildest dreams. It was so completely beyond compare he couldn't think, breathe, or do anything other than tremble. How he managed to stay upright throughout was a mystery, though not one he could even begin to fathom. His mind was a complete and total blank long before he finished and by the time she'd completely sucked him dry his body was practically a shriveled husk. Although he looked almost exactly the same he felt like he'd been drained of all his fluids. Like he was completely dried out and empty as she teasingly slid off his cock for the last time.

Doing her best not to taste any of the seed that dribbled into her mouth as she released his cock Elizabeth rose to her feet while her plaything sank to the floor. She made no attempt to keep him up or check after his welfare. Instead she simply licked her lips with a lascivious grin and smiled down at her delirious lover as she debated how much more time she wanted to spend in his company. Particularly when she noticed his cock still softly pulsing on the floor between his legs. Had he gone completely limp she would've left without a word but the notion that she could enjoy him again was tempting enough to make her pause.

“That was amazing . . .” Chris moaned, staring up at her with an adoring smile, “You're amazing!”

Though he couldn't possibly know how much she enjoyed flattery Elizabeth still smiled at his compliment as she stared down at him, “I know.”

Elizabeth emerged from the master bedroom an hour later looking none the worse for wear. Gooey strands of cum dripped from her pussy and rolled down her inner thighs with every step and a messy trail of both jizz and her own arousal was left in her wake. Back inside the bedroom Chris was as close to death as a man could be. The simple fact that he continued to draw breath after she'd so completely drained him of his seed was nothing short of a miracle. His mind was gone and his body was utterly paralyzed as he lay sprawled across the Henderson's thoroughly soiled bed. Although he still had all of his blood he was more drained than any of her past victims. Indeed if given the choice he might've actually chosen to be fed upon. If nothing else that hunger could be satiated! As several other men and women at the party would soon learn the deeper, more pervasive hunger within Elizabeth was beyond insatiable . . .


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