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I don't have much to say about this one so I'll keep it brief: I hope y'all enjoy! Oh and this was based on/inspired by a picture you can find here!

Arnie Janowitz wasn't the kind of guy women noticed. He wasn't the kind of guy anyone noticed. Short, mousy, and all around unassuming he looked like the classic 80s movie nerd. Right down to the massive black rimmed glasses that took up most of his face and a curly shock of bright orange hair he'd never known what to do with. Alongside his absurdly pale skin and the freckles dotting just about every inch of his distinctly not athletic body he couldn't have looked more geeky if he tried. From an outside perspective he almost seemed to lean into the cliché with his day to day dress. It was rare to see someone using an actual pocket protector outside of sitcoms and the fact that he always seemed to have on a short sleeved button up shirt tucked into his khakis with the cuffs rolled up only helped to reinforce every last comparison anyone might make. Especially when he was wearing the backpack he liked to use over the briefcase that would've been more appropriate. Working in the I.T. department at a law firm all but guaranteed everyone's first impression was exactly the same and almost perfectly spot on. Though few of his coworkers and only a handful of his friends had ever seen him wearing anything other than his favorite ensemble. Had anyone at work seen him dressed in his beach attire they would've found his day to day look downright cool by comparison.

Dressed in socks and sandals with a pair of comically large swim trunks and a skin tight wet suit shirt to cover his easily sunburned chest, alongside his enormous glasses, he couldn't have stood out more if he tried. Especially walking down Main Street with the beach on one side and an endless line of chintzy tourist traps on the other. Surrounded on all sides by beautiful men and women dressed in as little clothing as possible he looked like a Hobbit surrounded by half naked Elves. Or at least that was the comparison he thought up as he pushed his way through the crowds in hopes of finding a relatively secluded spot to relax and enjoy the coming sunset.

But with summer in full swing and Empire City proving the most popular destination on the planet he didn't have much hope of privacy. Not at all helped by him constantly stopping to reapply sunscreen for fear of getting another horrible burn on his face, arms, and neck. Luckily for him most people seemed more interested in the dozens of street vendors sitting along the sidewalk and as soon as he stepped away from those crowds it was a little bit easier to breath. And to see the ocean glittering only a hundred feet away.

Of course as beautiful as the sight was he could never enjoy it for long. One of the many problems with being short enough to stare up at everyone was being quite easily missed by those around him. If he wasn't paying attention he was liable to walk headlong into somebody's chest. He'd done it more times than he could count and he likely would've been clobbered for it a hundred times over if he hadn't looked so fantastically nonthreatening. Not even the most possessive, belligerent boyfriends had bothered to rough him up after he'd stumbled into their girlfriend's breasts.

Although that streak could easily change when so many of the women around him were dressed in tight, form fitting bikinis that showed off more than they covered. He would've kept his head down and his eyes averted, like he always did when he wasn't trying to navigate crowds, but that wasn't really an option. Even when he was trying to keep an eye out and avoid running into anyone a lot of people were moving around so much he was practically dancing around them at times. He'd never felt so short in his entire life and he'd certainly never been more wary of his every slightest step.

And yet somehow he was still enjoying his vacation more than words could describe. He'd been enjoying himself from the moment he arrived and he continued enjoying himself even as he lugged all his beach supplies for the better part of an hour. Everything was so beautiful, the people around him included, and he couldn't help but smile as he listened to the crash of the waves just barely ringing out over the rest of the cacophony. And every time he stepped out of the crowds and onto the sand he heaved a contended little sigh, staring out at the ocean and thinking about the next time he'd be able to come back. Arnie inevitably returned to the sidewalk soon after seeing the relatively crowded beach between him and the ocean. But just walking around enjoying the sights and sounds never failed to make him happy. He probably would've stopped and eaten something at one of the carts if he hadn't been carrying around a picnic basket full of food. Although the odds of him having an allergic reaction to whatever he bought were unfortunately high so it was probably for the best he wasn't tempted to stop. Breaking out in hives or needing to use an EPI pen was hardly a pleasant way to spend the very first night of his vacation.

Instead he got to enjoy another cliché straight out of every high school movie and his own experience in school, though it was actually an accident for once. After stepping out onto the beach and looking for a spot like he'd done a dozen times already he turned around only to be immediately bowled over by the kind of towering slab of muscle and suntan oil that used to stuff him into lockers every day. He had one arm wrapped around a beautiful woman's waist with the other was holding the surfboard that'd knocked Arnie flat, his towel and basket flying out of his hands as he quite literally face planted in the sand. And if either the man or his companion noticed they didn't stop to say anything or help. Indeed by the time he'd lifted his head and spit out a mouthful of sand they were already gone. But before he could take off and clean his glasses someone actually addressed him. Even more than that they addressed him with sincere concern in their voice.

“Are you all right?”

Taking off his classes and squinting up at the blurry figures standing in front of him as he wiped off his classes Arnie almost tricked himself into thinking two beautiful women had not only spoken to him but asked about his well being, “I-I'm fine! This sort of thing happens all the time!”

“Are you sure?” The other stranger asked. Both of them were speaking far more kindly than he expected, their soft voices filled with unexpected earnestness. “It looked like that guy hit you pretty hard!”

“I've been hit harder!” He assured them. Shaking off the last few clumps of sand and spitting out a few more grains he slid his glasses back onto his face as he started talking, “You don't need to waste your time with—oh my . . .”

Against all sense and reason the blurry shapes he'd been squinting at were actually gorgeous women after all! But they weren't simply gorgeous. A single word couldn't do their beauty justice and the longer he stared at them the more Arnie struggled to think of a proper description. The more he struggled to think period. Both towered over him like everyone else but the woman on the left stood even taller than her companion. Although as striking as their height might've been it was one of the last things he consciously noticed as he clumsily stood up, his jaw still hanging open despite how comical he must've looked. Dressed in near identical bikinis that couldn't have been more revealing without leaving either woman completely naked every inch of their toned yet buxom figures was practically on full display. Only a three little diamond shaped strips of cloth 'covered' their breasts and nether regions and they were held on by the tiniest little cords imaginable.

The woman on the right was sporting a blue pattern surrounded by white while the one on the left had a red and white pattern instead. Beyond that the pair were remarkably, similar. Their breasts were positively enormous yet perfectly suited to the wide curve of their hips and tight swell of their plump buttocks. With long, smoothly muscular legs and slender arms that could almost certainly knock him flying despite that they looked all at once fierce yet curvaceous. Intimidating but inviting. Or maybe that was just how Arnie felt as he stood there staring like a buffoon who'd never seen a beautiful woman before. With the sun at their backs and their soft, pale skin all but glowing in the orange light they looked positively radiant. And with a glittering sea stretched out behind them it almost felt like he'd been killed by that surfboard and woken up in some sort of heaven. Despite not even believing in such a thing!

It was a hard feeling to shake as he forced himself to look at their faces after spending far, far too long gawking at the rest of their truly gorgeous figures. Although before he managed to pull his head out of ass and stop ogling them both he did notice the one on the right was just a little bit smaller than her companion. No one could ever call her petite but with ever so slightly more slender hips and a subtly more modest bust she certainly looked more petite than her companion. Especially as they stood next to one another, their arms comfortably draped across each other's hips and their breasts almost touching as they watched him. And as soon as he looked at their faces properly he continued to notice all the cute little differences between them. At least until he averted his eyes in shame and moved to collect his picnic basket and towel.

Both were wearing glittering hoop earnings without any other makeup or jewelry to speak of, not that they needed anything else. The beauty on the left had her dark brown hair tied up in a high ponytail with her bangs framing her softly angular face. Particularly her piercing amber eyes. Her companion's lighter brown hair was tied back in a more loose ponytail with a fringe of bangs resting just above her similarly gorgeous golden orange gaze. But while the former had a stronger nose and larger, more plump lips the latter had a cuter nose with smaller but no less soft looking lips. Particularly when both of them were smiling at him, their delicately plucked eyebrows arching with a reaction he didn't entirely know how to parse.

Luckily he didn't have to as he looked down and reached towards his stuff. But before he could grab any of it the two had bent down and scooped up his things for him, “I'm Mai.” The woman on the left said as she handed him his towel.

“I'm Kasumi.” The woman on the right added as she handed him his basket.

“O-Okay . . .” Arnie stammered back. He stared at them for a second before they let out a soft giggle and he remembered the basics of human interaction, “I-I-I'm Arnie!” Holding out a hand and doing everything in his power to not blush, and failing, he continued, “A-Arnie Janowitz, certified CPA and h-head accountant at-at the law firm of Goodman, Gambini, a-nd Finch!”

He couldn't fathom why he was introducing himself like he was at a convention but neither woman seemed to mind as he shook their hands. In fact both of them were smiling a little wider in the time it took him to finish babbling. They'd even laughed a little, although he didn't think they were laughing at him. “That's quite a title.” Kasumi remarked.

“You must have quite a hefty business card.” Mai joked.

“Oh i-it's not too b-bad!” Arnie excitedly replied. Reaching into his basket for the business cards he always kept with him he pulled one out and stupidly handed it to Mai before realizing what an idiot he was being.

She took it before he could stop himself, looking down at the card he'd spent far too much time agonizing over with a beautiful smile. She handed it to Kasumi and both women spent much too long looking at his stupid little card, “Not bad.” She laughed, sliding his card beneath one of the straps barely holding her bikini top over her breasts, “Next time I need an accountant I know who to call!”

“When have you ever needed an accountant?” Mai asked, looking at her friend with a smirk.

“There's a first time for everything!” Kasumi coyly replied. She looked at Arnie as she spoke and he couldn't help but swallow nervously as beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks.

“W-Well if y-you're ever in-in Pacific C-City feel f-free to look me u-up!” The words were tumbling out of his mouth faster than he could think about them. “Th-Thanks for helping m-me with all my s-stuff!” He clumsily brandished his basket and towel before adding, “A-And for your c-concern! H-Have a p-pleasant evening!”

Despite wanting very much to stay in the company of two indescribably gorgeous woman Arnie didn't have anywhere near enough courage to stick around. He couldn't even imagine himself spending time with people as gorgeous as Mai and Kasumi and he turned away from them with every intention of scurrying off. But as soon as his back was to the them the pair looked at one another. The former arched an eyebrow and the latter smiled even wider. Their quick, silent conversation ended before he'd taken a full step and by the time he had Kasumi stopped him dead in his tracks with a simple, “You know . . .”

Freezing up and forgetting to breath for a moment as his heart raced Arnie looked back at him with a mixture of fear and curiosity, “W-What?”

“We were about to have a little picnic of our own.” She continued. “We know a great spot a little ways down the beach.”

“Oh that sounds lovely.” Their smiles widened a little bit more before he continued speaking, “I-I've been looking f-for a spot t-too. I-I'm glad you g-guys found one!”

He trued to turn away from them again, not for a second believing they'd invite him to join them. Even after that's exactly what they did, “Why don't you come with us?” Mai offered. “You could save yourself the trouble of finding your own spot.”

“And avoid any more surfboards.” Kasumi teased.

His entire face turned a furious shade of red as he stared at them for several uninterrupted second. He opened his mouth to accept only for something entirely different to spill out instead, “Y-You don't h-have to do-do that! I-I'm sure y-you'd have a-a much better time by-by yourselves!”

“Maybe. But we've been by ourselves all day. We could use a little company.” Mai said. She stepped a little closer to him and giggled at his almost terrified expression. “Unless you don't like us.”

“Maybe he doesn't like you.” Kasumi interjected.

“N-No!” Arnie exclaimed in a panicked voice, “I-I mean . . . no.” He tried to act cool for the first time in his life and failed miserable as he continued to babble, “I-I don't really kn-know either of y-you—b-but you s-seem really n-nice!”

If it wouldn't have been even more embarrassing than what he'd just said Arnie would've covered his face in shame after saying that to two beautiful women inviting him to a picnic. He'd had fantasies less incredible than what was happening in real life and he was definitely blowing it because he was so nervous he felt like he was gonna pass out. But he wasn't the only one struck by the urge to cover their face. Fighting back a laugh and subtly covering her mouth with one hand Mai stared down at him for what felt like an eternity. Kasumi didn't even try to hide her amusement as she moved beside him, casually laying a hand across his shoulders and just about making him jump out of his skin.

“We are really nice. But the only way to know for sure is to have a picnic with us.”

“I-I-I—that m-makes s-s-sense.” Hugging his basket and towel like a life preserver after he'd fallen overboard he looked at each of them in turn. “Th-This isn't a-a joke is it?”

“What?” Mai looked genuinely surprised by his question while Kasumi was a bit harder to read.

“G-Girls—W-Women like y-you don't talk to-to guys like m-me! A-And you d-definitely d-don't a-ask them—me—us o-out! The last time—the last time th-that happened the f-football team th-threw m-me in a-a dumpster . . .”

He couldn't fathom why he was sharing that particular detail but he felt a little bit better about it upon seeing the genuine empathy both women had, “Well we're not in high school anymore.” Kasumi assured him.

“I-It happened in c-college too . . .” Arnie said, his eyes downcast as he blushed even harder.

“We're not gonna throw you in a dumpster.” Mai said, a hint of amusement in her voice. But he chose to focus mostly on the concern.

“And how do you know what 'girls like us' want?” Kasumi asked. Her tone was far more teasing than her friends and it made Arnie nervous in ways he actually enjoyed.

He looked up at her, then at Mai before admitting, “I-I don't.”

“No you don't.” Guiding him away from the sidewalk and onto the beach with a surprising but not so surprising strength she started walking away from Main Street without an ounce of hesitation, “Not every woman is as shallow as the ones who tormented you!”

“I-I know . . . I-I didn't m-mean to call you s-shallow!”

“You didn't.” Mai laughed.

“B-But it—”

“Take a breath Arnie Janowitz, certified CPA!” Kasumi teased.

“And don't forget head accountant at the law firm of Goodman, Gambini, and Finch!” Mai joked. Arnie was blushing so hard the heat radiating form his face could melt ice.

“Just relax and let yourself have a little fun.”

“You certainly seem like you could use it!”

There was certainly no denying that sentiment and Arnie even laughed a little at the joke. But he quickly went back to fretting and worrying despite how badly he wanted their offer to be sincere. After countless 'pranks' throughout his life it was almost impossible to believe they actually had any sort of interested in him. Yet at the same time he was naive and hopeful enough to go along with Mai and Kasumi anyways, wordlessly letting them lead him to their private spot. It only took fifteen minutes or so to actually reach and true to their word is was beautifully secluded. Tucked away in a cluster of rocks and hidden by a copse of palm trees it was their own private paradise. Complete with a few tide pools thriving with sea life and an already laid out picnic just waiting to be enjoyed. And there wasn't a dumpster in sight.

What followed was the most pleasant hour or so Arnie had ever experienced with anyone else. No matter how awkward, nervous, and bumbling he might've been Kasumi and Mai continued to talk and joke with him like they'd known each other for years. They didn't hesitate to tease him whenever he did or said something particularly goofy but there was never any malice in their words. If anything they seemed to genuinely enjoy his company, a notion that continued to boggle his mind almost as much as the simple act of sharing a picnic with two basically naked women. Two basically naked women so laughably far out of his league they might as well have been different species. And yet no matter how insane that notion was the conversation never faltered. In no small part thanks to his companions. Arnie did his best not to act too nervous or shy and to his credit he did slowly get used to sharing their company. As much as such a thing was possible for a nerdy guy like him.

The insanity of it all never quite left his mind and he caught himself glancing at their barely covered bodies often, especially when they moved around, but he didn't completely freeze up or shut down. A few years earlier even that much would've been completely beyond him. He was lucky both women proved enormously easy to talk to as the seconds turned to minutes and everything they'd brought was laid out. Particularly when it came time to actually eat all the things each of them had packed. Arnie was allergic to the vast majority of their spread and the rare few things he could've eaten weren't kosher. Outside of the rather expensive wine they insisted he have a cup of he was pretty much incapable of enjoying everything they had. On the flip side he could eat his own assortment without any trouble, unsurprisingly, and it even gave him something to talk about as he explained the various items in his basket.

Neither Mai or Kasumi knew all that much about Jewish foods, practices, or really anything beyond the most obvious stuff everyone picked up just by living in the world. Or they were remarkably good at pretending otherwise and humoring him as he talked confidently about one of the few things he knew. Either way it afforded him the chance to actually participate a little more and help him get out of his own head. Before long it'd already been a full hour. Most of the food was gone and the wine bottle was nearly polished off but the conversation was still flowing quite nicely. Even if Arnie had taken to listening more than talking as both of his unbelievably gorgeous companions told him about themselves. His own life was so mundane even by normal standards comparing it to what they'd done and would continue to do made him feel like the galaxy's most boring alien interviewing real people for the first time.  Fortunately his companions were too nice to draw any attention to that absurd juxtaposition.

“Wow . . .” Looking at Mai, then Kasumi, then down at his nearly empty cup Arnie couldn't help but laugh, “I don't think I've ever heard such a crazy story before . . .”

“I have plenty more.” Mai assured him.

“Both of us do!” Kasumi laughed.

“I'm not sure I can handle much more!” He replied. Looking up at them and taking a deep breath as he tried and failed to steady his wildly pounding heart he let out a genuine chuckle, “I'm pretty sure it'll give me a heart attack!”

“Well we wouldn't want that!” Filling her own class and then his cup Mai winked at him as she leaned over, seemingly aware of how hard he was trying to avoid staring at her breasts.

Arnie blushed a little and thanked her for the wine while Kasumi said, “I bet you've got some crazy stories too. Drug kingpin clients, shady back alley deals, corrupt lawyers, all that stuff!”

Chuckling again and shaking his head Arnie sipped his wine and smiled at her, “I'm an accountant at a law firm.”

“The head accountant.” Mai added.

“Y-Yes.” He grinned at her before looking back at Kasumi, “My wildest story involves an intern filing the wrong paperwork and me staying late to fix the issue. I slept in the office and met the cleaning crew the firm hired. They were very nice.”

A short silence followed his 'story' as both women fixed him with inscrutable looks. “I guess I was wrong,” Kasumi finally said, “You don't have any crazy stories.”

Both her and Mai started laughing and after blushing for a moment or two Arnie joined them, unable to help himself. Another bout of silence lapsed between them after that and he filled it by drinking more wine and eating a few bites of falafel. “Is there any more of that?” Mai asked.

“O-Of course!” He replied, immediately handing her the container.

She reached out to take it only to stop upon seeing how much was actually left, “Oh that's okay, I don't want to eat the last of your food!”

“I'll eat it if she won't!” Kasumi cheerfully remarked.


“What?!” She exclaimed, taking the Tupperware from Arnie and devouring the last of his falafel without any hesitation. “He offered!”

“He offered them to me, not you.”

“Well I'm still hungry! And I'll need a full stomach!”

“For what?” Arnie asked. Midway through chastising her companion Mai looked at him with a knowing smile. Kasumi did the same and all of a sudden he felt exceedingly nervous. His stomach was doing flips and his heart was racing within a second of those stares. “M-Maybe I should go . . .”

Although he knew, or at least hoped, they didn't have anything threatening in mind after hearing what both women were capable of it was hard not to be intimidated as they smiled at him. Then nothing short of scared as they set everything down and leaned in a little closer, their smiles widening as Kasumi said, “Why would you leave now? We haven't even gotten to the fun stuff yet . . .”

“You wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun.” Mai added.

Between their sultry tones and the sparkle in their eyes any normal person would've understood what they meant immediately but poor, naive Arnie couldn't begin to comprehend. “I-I'm not s-sure what kind of f-fun you had in-in mind but I-I-I don't think I'm th-the right man f-for the job!”

He stood up and both women did the same. He took a step back and they took two steps forward. A less neurotic man would've been thanking any deity they could for their luck but Arnie was trying to figure out a way to escape from whatever they had in store for him. His mind was racing with a thousand possibilities, each more unlikely than the last. Knowing how dangerous both women could be had only made him infinitely more paranoid. They probably could've done whatever they wanted to him even if they hadn't been two of the most dangerous people he'd ever met but knowing the truth just confirmed how utterly outclassed he was.

And when they moved closer he couldn't help but suck in a ragged little breath. Years of fear mongering assemblies at school and a mother who convinced him he could die from anything at any moment all came to head as the two women flanked him. As absurd as it might've been in that moment Arnie was convinced he was about to die. Closing his eyes and waiting for the end he looked like quite a fool as two beautiful, half naked women surrounded him. He even flinched when one of their hands caressed his scrawny chest while another gently laid across his shoulder. By the time he'd opened his eyes and furrowed his brow Mai was lightly cupping his chin and turning him towards her, a soft laugh spilling from her lips. A moment later those same lips were pressed against his in the sort of long, passionate kiss he'd only ever seen in movies.

His entire world was turned upside down in an instant. He couldn't begin to fathom what was going on, why she was kissing him, or what he was supposed to do. Arnie just stood there like a statue, his heart beating so fast he nearly passed out. It was a miracle his legs didn't buckle from the sheer madness of being kissed by a woman like Mai, or any woman for that matter. To say nothing of the way Kasumi was slowly trailing her hand across his chest. Her lips brushed against his neck a few seconds later and he let out a startled whimper. Then he felt the sweet warmth of a tongue pushing into his mouth and he just about passed out. Every inch of him tensed up, then relaxed like he'd been hit with some kind of paralytic. Although he didn't collapse he very much wanted to as his eyes rolled back in his head and a long, trembling whimper escaped him.

Of course that whimper was immediately cut short when Kasumi's hand drifted down to his groin at the same moment Mai's slid around the back of his head. As gentle as she might've been in reality the way she tangled her fingers in his curly hair and held on tight felt unbelievably overwhelming. Every ounce of her strength was on full display, at least to his dumbstruck and barely functioning mind, and it couldn't have been more terrifying. Or more exhilarating. Even if there was no way he could possibly kiss her back.

Especially when Kasumi's fingers lightly squeezed his cock while her lips continued to move all along his neck. Fully expecting to wake up any moment and find himself back in his hotel room Arnie just stood there like an idiot until Mai finally pulled away. But rather than being put off by his awkwardness she continued to be inexplicably charmed by his reactions. So much so she even reached down to teasingly grope his manhood too. All the while he just stared at her in utter confusion and waited until she gave some kind of explanation for everything. Thankfully he didn't have to wait very long.

“Kasumi and I like nerdy guys.” She replied. He voice was a bit more higher pitched than usual and he could hear the excitement she felt in every syllable, “We've always had a thing for guys like you.”

“I-I—th-that's—h-how did—oh my God!”

“You're free to leave if you want.” Kasumi whispered, her breath hot in his ear as she spoke. She spent a moment nibbling on his ear lobe before adding, “But you'll have a lot more fun if you stay . . .”

“You'll finally have a crazy story to tell people!” Mai said with a giggle.

Both women teased him a little longer while he stood there panting for what felt like an eternity, “I-I can't b-b-believe this is-is really happening . . .”

“Well it is.” Kasumi assured him, “So what'll it be Arnie? You gonna stick around?”

“Or are you going to leave us all alone?” Mai added with a knowing smile.

Arnie stared at her and glanced at the woman still kissing his neck. The answer was obvious but he couldn't stop himself from asking, “W-Why? W-Why me? W-Why nerdy g-guys? W-Why m-m-me?”

“Because you're cute.” Mai whispered.

She leaned in and wrapped him up in another kiss while Kasumi added, “Nerdy beyond belief!”

“And we're horny.” Mai finished, breaking their kiss with a giggle.

“Not to mention we spent all day getting hit on by meatheads and idiots.” Kasumi remarked. “We were starting to worry we'd never find anyone to spend the evening with.”

Nothing they said made any kind of sense but Arnie couldn't begin to think clearly. His whole body was trembling and his often ignored libido was going positively wild, “I-I'm not—I-I don't really k-know—I-I don't have a-a-a lot of . . . e-experience . . .”

“Lucky for you . . .” Mai smiled, her fingers dipping beneath the waistband of his swim trunks, “We have more than enough to go around!”

There was no denying that sentiment but before Arnie could foolishly try anyways Mai yanked down his trunks while Kasumi slipped behind him. His cock sprang into view and both women giggled at the sight of it throbbing away. Surrounded by a curly thicket of orange hairs his dick wasn't anything impressive but it certainly wasn't unimpressive. Average in just about every conceivable way he was more than a little embarrassed by his size, momentarily assuming they were laughing at him for the first time. Luckily it was hard to feel that way when Mai dropped to her knees and licked her lips, one hand wrapping around the base of his shaft while the other cupped his balls. Every inch of him tightened at her touch while a startled gasp spilled from his lips.

And when she looked up at him with an expression he'd only ever seen in porn his knees just about buckled. Kasumi planted another kiss on his neck while her companion slowly leaned closer to his wildly throbbing prick. Her breath was so wonderfully hot against his skin and the softness of her fingers sent his head spinning faster and faster with every passing moment. By the time her lips were opening with a wet smack and her tongue was stretching out towards the precum slathered tip of his manhood Arnie could only cling to the woman behind him in abject desperation. His mind was almost completely blank after trying and failing to make sense of everything and he stared down at Mai with unabashed amazement.

She smiled right back at him as her tongue slid across the underside of his prick and her lips closed around the head. A thick spurt of precum erupted into her mouth as soon as he felt her touch. He even got to watch it streak across the rest of her tongue before the warmth of her mouth washed over him. Too overwhelmed to hear the quiet gulp of a beautiful woman swallowing his cum he leaned back against Kasumi, an almost pained moan spilling from his lips. All the while she continued kissing all along his neck and up to his jaw while her hands roamed across his chest. Arnie might not have noticed how amazing hre breasts felt pressed against his back but the softness of her body didn't go unappreciated. Even if he didn't have any hope of consciously enjoying any of it. Not with Mai pushing her way down to the base of his cock like it was the easiest thing in the world.

Effortlessly taking every last inch within a few seconds she buried her face in his wild mess of pubic hair without any complaints. She barely even seemed to notice the curly locks she'd pressed herself into as she sucked his cock so hard her cheeks sank inwards and the wet slurp of her enthusiasm somehow managed to drown out the roar of the ocean. All but drowning in the intense pleasure coursing through his body Arnie panted and moaned and gasped like never before.

He might not have been an actual virgin but he was definitely a stranger to the kind of ecstasy Mai and Kasumi were showing him. Not a single one of his past experiences could come anywhere close to the indescribably pleasure of her blowjob. Especially when she teasingly pulled back, gliding all the way to his tip in the same, perfectly controlled motion. Although it couldn't have taken more than a second or two it felt like an eternity as he stood there shaking and panting like he'd just finished sprinting.

Without so much as a conscious thought his hands jumped to her head as soon as she started moving back down his cock. He couldn't help but cling to her even with Kasumi's equally amazing body pressed behind him. But if either woman minded his choice they didn't show it. Or rather he was too overcome to notice. How could he when Mai was already moving faster and faster with every pass while her companion started fondling his balls as she did?

Arnie hadn't even noticed her hands falling away or Kasumi's replacing them a second or two after, the pleasure swirling through him was too great for that kind of awareness. After a few more seconds he'd be lucky to remember his own name let alone notice anything else going on around him! The entire city could've showed up to watch him shudder between two unbelievably strong, beautiful women and he would've been none the wiser. His only conscious thought was dedicated to lasting as long as humanly possibly. Partly because of how amazing it felt but mostly because he didn't want to disappoint them any more than he had to.

Not that he had much of a choice in the matter. Mai seemed determined to suck out his very soul as she bobbed up and down his cock at an ever faster rhythm. Spit drooled from the corners of her mouth and the sloppy gulp of her swallowing his precum filled the air as surely as the gurgles and slurping of her insanely passionate blowjob. And while she might not have been as wild as her friend Kasumi still managed to make sure he felt her presence no matter how amazing the blowjob might've been. At times the way she played with his balls and relentlessly teased his already goosebump riddled neck and face with kisses actually managed to distract him from the pleasure of her companion sucking him off. Or at least it did once both of them really got going and he was left adrift between them. Completely unable to participate in any way and holding on for dear life Arnie had never felt more out of his element before.

Yet at the same time he couldn't stop basking in the pure bliss that was giving up any semblance of control or participation. He'd always tried to do as much as he could, to be as active as he could, in during the rare instances he'd actually had sex. Often to mediocre or disastrous results. But with Mai and Kasumi that wasn't even an option. They controlled everything that happened and he was just along for the indescribably amazing ride. Although he did have one small element of composure left, even if he didn't realize it until he was at his wit's end barely a minute after they started. After not much more than sixty uninterrupted seconds of pleasure as he didn't have any hope of lasting longer. Let alone how long he thought he should last. Mai was gliding along his prick too fast and the sight of her flying up and down his shaft with such enthusiastic passion was too amazing. Hell the way Kasumi groped his sack and kissed his neck he probably would've lost control from that alone! But feeling both of them at the same time? It was a miracle he lasted as long as he did and there was only one thing he could do when his time was finally up.

“I can't!” Arnie groaned. His grip on Mai's hair tightened as the rest of his body stiffened. A particularly goody font of precum erupted into his lover's mouth and she swallowed it with a giddy little smile while Kasumi bit her lip. “I can't! I-I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna c-cum! I'm gonna cum!”

Purely on instinct he tried to pull her off his cock. He'd never been with a woman who wanted to swallow his cum and he couldn't really imagine that being the case. Fortunately for him Mai was much, much too strong. Completely ignoring his efforts and even sliding her hands around his body to grab his cute little ass she slid his entire cock into the back of her throat with ease. Her tongue glided across his shaft in an absolute frenzy as she sucked harder than ever. Within a second or two he didn't have enough strength to hold on to her head, let alone try and pull her off. His eyes rolled back in his head as a wild shudder tore down his spine.

All the while his prick was throbbing madly inside her mouth and in the back of her throat. A couple heartbeats later thick, pent up jets of cum exploded into her gullet so fast and so hard it actually caught Mai by surprise. She expected him to be pent up and hoped he'd have plenty of jizz to give her but she never could've imagined how long it'd actually been. How desperately horny her nerdy little companion truly was. And she couldn't have been happier by the surprise. Load after creamy load flooded her mouth and she swallowed every single one with unabashed glee, lewd gulping and even more perverted gurgling filling the air as surely as Arnie's moans.

It might've only taken fifteen or twenty seconds for him to completely empty his balls, both women milking every last drop with a single minded glee, but Mai took advantage of every moment. As did Kasumi. Both of them completely wrecked him like no other woman had. He couldn't even stand up after a few moments of emptying his balls into her throat. The pleasure was beyond comprehension and the thrill of someone swallowing his cum for the first time so much better than he could've imagined. It was a wonder he was even conscious after such an intense, overwhelming pleasure! Particularly as Mai kept sucking away despite slurping up every last drop of cum he had to give, her lips gliding along his prick all over again. Like she hadn't just drained him of every last drop and turned him into a husk of a man.

But she did eventually stop before it was downright uncomfortable, although she certainly walked the line about as closely as someone could before finally releasing his cock with a pop. Arnie looked at her with a mixture of amazement and disbelief, quietly moaning, “Oh my God . . .” while she stood up.

“We're not done with you yet Arnie!” Kasumi whispered in his ear. Her fingers closed around his half hard cock as she spoke and he shuddered at her touch, “Not even close!”

Now the tiniest bit worried he looked at both women in turn for several seconds, shivering as one of them slowly stroked his dick while the other licked her lips and watched the show, “I-I've never—I'm n-not the kind of-of guy wh-who can—”

Mai turned away from him with another laugh, interrupting his excuses with a gorgeous strut. The way her hips swayed and her whole body moved so elegantly was nothing short of hypnotizing, even without the pleasure of a soft hand gliding along his dick, “We don't care.” Kasumi murmured, “Just last as long as you can, we'll have plenty of fun no matter what!”

It was impossible not to believe her as she spoke, “W-What do I do now?”

Kasumi's hand disappeared from his cock and a second later the warmth of her soft breasts disappeared from his back. She sauntered away from him just like Mai and both of them cleared a little space on the blanket they'd been using for a picnic barely two minutes ago. But while Kasumi stretched out across the fabric with her legs splayed wide and her back already arching Mai wordlessly threw a leg over her friend's face. She pulled aside the thin strip of red and white cloth covering her pussy and lowered herself onto her partner's lips. Arnie mouth fell open and his eyes just about popped out of his head as he watched their sapphic display unfold. He barely had time to appreciate how cute and soft Mai's pussy was, how neatly trimmed her little tuft of hair looked, before Kasumi's tongue was buried inside her glistening folds. Before both of them were moaning in pleasure like he wasn't even there.

Of course they hadn't forgotten about him even as they slipped out of their sling bikinis without a second thought and sank even deeper into the simple joy of being with one another. Although she couldn't do much with a face fully of pussy Kasumi still beckoned to Arnie with her own beautifully plump and entirely hairless sex. Practically doing the splits as she waited for him to join them he could just barely see her lips curling into a smile as she continued tonguing her friend's pussy. Rivulets of arousal were already rolling down her cheeks and soaking into her hair and more were joining them with each passing second. But despite the open invitation Arnie couldn't move a muscle. He wanted to, he wanted to more than anything in the world, but he was frozen in place.

At least until Mai noticed his dumbfounded reaction and coquettishly reached out with one hand, curling her index finger back and saying, “Don't keep us waiting Arnie . . .”

No amount of disbelief in the world could've stopped him from rushing forward as soon as he heard those words. He might've been more nervous than words could express and entirely convinced he was about to disappoint them both but an invitation like that couldn't go ignored. Sinking to his knees between Kasumi's outstretched legs he grabbed his cock and guided himself to her beautifully quivering pussy, “Sh-Should I just . . . uhm . . . you know . . . p-put it in?”

He didn't really know who he was speaking to but it didn't much matter when only one of them could actually respond, “Shove it in her ass.” Mai cooed.

Kasumi tensed at those words while Arnie nervously asked, “A-Are you sure—”

“Absolutely!” Reaching down to lightly pinch her friend's puffy pink nipples and grop her perfectly sculpted breasts Mai licked her lips and said, “She loves getting fucked in the ass!”

“O-Okay . . .”

Even someone as unaware as Arnie could see how much harder Kasumi was trembling after Mai's suggestion, how much higher her back had arched and how much wetter her pussy had become. It was more than enough to assuage his fears and let him press his cock against her tightly puckered asshole instead. And the moment she did Kasumi let out a frantic moan. Her already wild quivers grew even more spasmodic and she even grinded against him as much as she could. For all of a second he watched her nails dig into Mai's thighs as she held on tight to her friend. But his eyes quickly returned to her sex as he pushed forward with all his strength.

Just about certain he couldn't hurt her even if he tried he slammed his cock into her ass with a single stroke. Or at least that's how it felt to him. The reality was far more gentle but no less exquisite for all three of them as he sank balls deep inside her quivering ring. A messy torrent of arousal squirted out of her sex before he'd finished thrusting and it splashed across both of them faster than he could react. In the time it took him to comprehend what'd just happened and how amazing it was his hips were already lurching backward of their own accord. He didn't know much but he knew what he was supposed to do and all things considered he could at least do that!

Grabbing her waist and trying like hell to act like he was even remotely confident in what he was doing Arnie pulled out again faster than he could think. He watched and felt her asshole distend ever so slightly around his dick, squeezing him even harder as he retreated. All while another sweet smelling jet of arousal erupted from her sex. If he'd had any doubts about how much Kasumi enjoyed anal they would've been completely assuaged by the second squirt. He'd never felt a woman quiver so much around his cock and he'd certainly never felt anything as tight as her ass clenching around him in an absolute frenzy. It was so amazingly unbearable he had to slam back inside of her again only a second or two after he'd almost pulled out. The sheer intensity of her ring squeezing the head of his dick just about made him cum even after how hard he'd cum less than a minute earlier. Though plunging his entire length back inside her ass and getting to feel her wrapped around his entire shaft hardly made his failing libido stronger. And the heat of her arousal splashing across his stomach and showering both of them in warmth didn't either. Of course that was only the beginning of his many, many temptations.

Leaning forward and sliding a hand across the back of his head Mai pulled him in close and whispered, “Don't think so much, just enjoy yourself. We're supposed to be having fun!” before overwhelming him in another passionate kiss beyond anything he'd ever known before.

Instantly swept up in her kiss and drowning in the pleasure of Kasumi's body Arnie stopped overthinking every little thing within seconds. He really didn't have a choice as his mind went blank and his instincts, what few he had, took over completely. His tongue coiled around hers with every ounce of boldness he could muster while his continued lurching back and forth faster and faster with each stroke. There was no way he could go as fast or as hard as either of them probably wanted but luckily for him that kind of doubt and second guessing was impossible to focus on with a tightly quivering asshole wrapped around his dick and a beautiful woman kissing him like it was the one thing she wanted in life. Only time could lessen his nervousness and calm his naturally skittish worries but they had all the time in the world and Arnie was more than happy to enjoy his once in a lifetime opportunity for as long as he could. Particularly when Mai continued to make it even better with every slightest action.

Still holding a fistful of Arnie's hair with one hand she let the other trail down his chest in a long, teasing caress before suddenly turning her attention to Kasumi. Or more accurately before suddenly pushing two fingers into her lover's pussy and pressing them against her g-spot faster than either of her companions could react. An instant later the woman between them was shuddering like never before, her back arching as high as it could go while a long, strained moan spilled from her lips. Her inner walls tightened around his cock so fiercely he stopped thrusting altogether and nearly pulled out entirely. Somehow he managed to avoid breaking away from both of them as pleasure lanced through him but he couldn't begin to stop his own body from tensing up. Nor the sudden spurts of precum he pumped into the depths of Kasumi's ass while she soaked all three of them in more arousal as Mai started moving her fingers with complete abandon.

Arnie felt her lips curl into an even wider smile as she utterly destroyed the woman beneath her within seconds, though he couldn't appreciate the deviousness of her grin for long. In truth he couldn't appreciate anything for long as the intensity of her inner walls squeezing him reached truly unbearable levels. Midway through slamming his cock into her trembling ring he had to stop and pull out in a frantic bid to save himself from cumming right then and there. His dick emerged from her now sloppily gaped ring with a wet pop and Kasumi immediately moaned in anguish. Bucking her hips and grinding like she was having a seizure she tongued Mai's pussy like there was no tomorrow all the while trying her best to get him back inside of her.

Before he could do anything particularly foolish her long, muscular legs wrapped around his waist. There was just enough time to gasp before she suddenly and quite skillfully pulled him back inside of her. With more dexterity than he could ever hope to have Kasumi slammed his cock balls deep in her ass and coiled around him like a snake about to strike. In an instant he was drowning in the pleasure of her body once more, his own shaking in uncontrollable fits as he tried to do something other than tremble. So naturally and foolishly he tried to retreat for a second time. Mai laughed at his efforts and let go of his hair, her free hand moving down to her partner's clit for one more barrage of indescribable pleasure.

Yet despite squirting all over them like a broken hydrant and moaning so frantically she couldn't so much as lick her friend's cunt Kasumi didn't let their newest plaything withdraw a second time. She might've let him pull out far enough to think he'd actually save himself the embarrassment of cumming to quickly. But the moment his swollen tip was about to slide out of her asshole she stopped him dead in his tracks and pulled him right back inside her without effort. Feeling more like a dildo than an actual partner in what was happening, but strangely okay with that notion, Arnie did his best to continue fucking her in spite of his own failings. There really wasn't much of a choice as Kasumi wrapped her legs around him and Mai seemed determined to torture her with the kind of ecstasy he'd never seen a woman enjoy. While still continuing to kiss him as easily as she had the first time.

Quite unsurprisingly he was the one to eventually pull away from her, a moan tumbling from his lips as he leaned back and tried his absolute best to keep going. He probably would've collapsed against Kasumi if Mai hadn't been in the way and the simple fact that he was denied even that much left him spiraling even more out of control than ever. His hips continued bouncing back and forth in a mindless frenzy while his back arched almost as harshly as his companion's. His nails dug into Kasumi's skin as he held on to her for dear life, beside himself with pleasure and teetering on the edge of another orgasm. His eyes shut tight in a last ditch effort to deny the indescribable bliss swirling through his every last nerve. Looking at either of the women he'd somehow ended up with would've shoved him right over the edge faster than he could ever hope to stop. Just hearing their moans and the increasingly messy sounds of Mai stirring up her friend's cunt was practically enough all on it's own! To say nothing of the abject ecstasy that was her tight ass quivering around him.

All the warmth she continued to unleash with nearly every stroke of his cock or the fingers inside her cunt clouded the air with a thick, almost cloying scent. Even if he'd wanted to he couldn't help but breathe in the scent of her arousal with every frantic gasp or moan. And the sheer amount of arousal coating them both echoed in every messy smack of their colliding bodies, slowly but surely getting churned up between them until they were connected by long, gooey strands of pussy juice. Until they were even more messy and over the top than ever. But only Mai got to fully appreciate just how sloppy her lovers had become. After another minute or two of pushing Arnie and Kasumi to the heights of pleasure she was the only one with any wits left. Her partner in crime had all but completely stopped licking her pussy and there was no chance their adorable little nerd could pick up the slack. He couldn't even find the wherewithal to look at her as he teetered on the edge of bliss just waiting to fall over. Had she been even the tiniest bit more cruel she would've denied him that release. Would've denied them both. The thought certainly crossed her mind as her companion let out a telltale squeal and Arnie unleashed a deep, pent up groan.

Fortunately for them Mai was too horny to play games. Desperately eager to see them both lose their minds she continued tormenting Kasumi with pleasure and Kasumi continued holding Arnie against her until neither of them could function for so much as a moment longer. Barely three minutes after his cock had plunged into her ass both of them were falling right over the edge and collapsing into bouts of pure ecstasy. Quite literally as they each froze for a split second, their bodies locking up as a final wave of pleasure crashed down upon them. A split second later Kasumi was writhing in fits of spasmodic bliss while Arnie had slumped forward against the woman responsible for all of it. Just barely managing to get an arm around his shoulders Mai cradled him against her chest as he thrusted in a burst of adorable abandon, lost in the throes of his own ecstasy and every bit as lost to the world as the woman he was fucking.

Warmth exploded out of her pussy in uncontrollable torrents with every spasm, her inner walls tightening around the fingers still buried inside her like never before. Bucking and thrashing like a wild animal and clinging to both her lovers with everything she had Kasumi was utterly consumed by the pleasure cascading through her senses. Every inch of her body was on fire in ways only Mai could truly bring about. And even more pleasure lanced through her with each and every load Arnie pumped inside her ass. The heat of his cum and the ferocity of his wildly twitching prick pulsing away in the depths of her quivering hole felt amazing. Even better than amazing. It felt truly incomprehensible amidst what would've been an earth shattering swell of bliss no matter what happened.

Getting to experience a belly full of cum alongside the ebb and flow of a mind shattering orgasm couldn't have been more perfect. It was everything she'd been craving when they set out looking for a hooking and the longer it lasted the more she craved it. She was an addict and every twitch of his cock or gooey load he emptied into her asshole fueled her addiction. Even when the toe curling deluge finally started to diminish, before outright stopping altogether, she still reveled in the contentment swirling through her. So much so she refused to let Arnie pull out even after he'd emptied his balls. His cock felt so wonderful in her ass it was all she could really focus on. Especially as the highest peaks of her ecstasy began to diminish and she sank down into the cozy depths of a truly heavenly afterglow.

But as her entire body relaxed the barely conscious man kneeling between her thighs actually managed to extract himself, mindlessly pushing back against her weakening muscles before her unbelievably tight ass ripped his cock right off. Pushing himself away and tumbling backwards into the sand he barely made a peep as he collapsed, just a breathy little sigh. Not long after Kasumi went completely limp beneath Mai. Without a dick throbbing away in her cum filled asshole she was left to sink deeper and deeper into her pleasure. So deep she didn't even notice her companion standing up, nor hear the words she spoke as she looked at both of them with a knowing smile.

“And I thought you'd at least have the courtesy to help me finish too!” She laughed, looking at both of them in turn. Arnie and Kasumi didn't respond and Mai didn't wait around for them to find their wits, instead packing up their things and pulling her swimsuit back on, “Well I'm not letting either of you off so easily!”

Kasumi was the first to come to her senses, snapping back to reality and being met with the all to familiar sight of Mai's ass jiggling with every step. She was slung over her friend's shoulder like a sack of potatoes and a quick glance to her left revealed Arnie in the same position. “At least you dressed me this time . . .” She mumbled.

“Only because I didn't feel like explaining myself to the police!” Mai cheerfully replied.

“Are we going back to the hotel?”

“Of course.”

“Fantastic . . .”

“W-What's gong on?” Arnie moaned. Not at all used to waking up on the shoulder of a strong, beautiful woman he squirmed and shivered a little before going lump again and saying, “Why are you carrying me?”

“Because we're not done yet!” Mai proudly announced. Dozens of people were staring at them as she walked past, the crowds parting before her and a sea of confused, amused, or simply surprised faces left behind in their wake. “And I didn't feel like waiting around for your selfish butts!”

“Oh . . .”

“She does this a lot.” Kasumi stated. Smiling at Arnie and making no attempt to stand up or do anything to free herself she added, “You'll get used to it.”

Very much liking the idea of getting used to something like that, and loving everything that came with the notion, he blushed a little and smiled. Looking away from Kasumi and staring down at the ground he could only offer a quiet, “Okay . . .” as he was carried back to his hotel room for even more sex with two unimaginably beautiful women. Life was really turning around for old Arnie Janowitz!


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