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If you're in the mood for some futa on female action starring Raven and Starfire with a little Wonder Woman thrown in then boy do I have the story for you! If that's not your thing then give this a pass lol

“Look!” Starfire exclaimed, her face lighting up as she pointed to the horizon. From out the dense, swirling mist surrounding them an islan had finally appeared.

“I see it.” Raven stated. Though considerably more subdued than her companion she was nonetheless excited to see Paradise Island in spite of her tepid reaction. After a particularly harrowing year both women very much needed a break from the wider world and the elusive home of the Amazons seemed like a perfect respite. “It shouldn't take too much longer to reach.”

“I hope not! I wouldn't want to keep Wonder Woman waiting! It was so nice of her to invite us to her home!”

Her companion didn't respond and another bout of silence fell over them as they continued their rather lengthy journey. The once overwhelming fog that'd left them all but blind and lost for hours on end with only the vaguest idea where they were headed continued to lessen as they neared the island. By the time they could see the shore and appreciate the unspoiled beauty of a place 'untouched by the hands of men' the sun was shining brightly overhead and a newfound warmth had washed over both of them. Not even Raven could deny the relief she felt as the murky haze cleared. Nor the elation she felt as they neared one of the white sand beaches and spotted a familiar figure standing at the water's edge waiting for them. Starfire was, of course, beside herself with excitement. So much so she surged forward with a giddy smile, hurtling towards Wonder Woman as fast as she could. None too eager to be left behind her more reserved companion quickened her pace and within a few minutes the two were finally standing on the shore of Paradise Island after what'd felt like days of travel. The Amazonian Queen that'd invited them was wearing the same ear to ear smile as Star but as they quickly discovered that was the only thing she wore.

Every inch of her tall, muscular frame was on full display as she stood before her guests without a hint of shame. Sweat rolled down her beautifully muscles, alabaster skin, trailing between the taut muscles of her abdomen and down her remarkably thick thighs. It was undoubtedly running in rivulets down every other part of her body but both Raven and Starfire had a good bit of trouble paying any attention to the rest of her undoubtedly gorgeous figure. Their eyes were much too busy staring unabashedly at the longest, fattest cock either of them had ever seen. A thick around as their arm and very nearly as long the prick hanging down between her legs was nothing short of awe inspiring. Neither of them had any idea she was possessed of such an enormous member and the weighty sack behind it was so massive it couldn't properly fit between her thighs. Paired with the rest of her voluptuous figure she was nothing short of stunning as she towered over them both with a knowing smile. Her thickly muscles arms were folded beneath her rather ample breasts and when she uncrossed them the soft jiggle of her tits immediately pulled both women's gaze upward. They ogled her large, puffy areola and slowly stiffening nipples for just a moment before finally meeting Wonder Woman's unapologetic stare for the first time in what felt like ages.

“Should I remove my clothing as well?!” Starfire asked, already in the process of wiggling out of her costume before she'd even finished. “Is this one of those 'nude beaches' I've heard so much about?!”

“Yes and no.” Diana laughed, “You can wear as much or as little clothing as you like here. You'll find no judgment among my people.”

“I'll keep my clothes on then.” Raven stated while her friend immediately and happily stripped naked right there on the beach.

“Of course.” as she spoke her cock twitched ever so slightly and her eyes roamed Starfire's slender yet not less beautiful figure, “Although they might be soiled in the ritual.”

“What ritual?”

“Will we be having 'kegger'?! Or perhaps a 'rager'?!”

“I must confess I wasn't entirely honest with you both when I invited you here.”

“Meaning what?” Raven asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion and her guard immediately going up.

“You may stay for as long as you wish, that much hasn't changed, but in order to do so you must participate in a ritual we call The Cleansing.”

“We get to take a bath?!” Starfire exclaimed, “I'd love—”

“It's not that kind of cleansing Star.” Her companion interrupted. “Is it?”

“No. This cleansing will rid you of the filth of the wider world. Of the filth of man.”

As she spoke a few more Amazonians emerged from the lush jungle behind her. Though some were a bit taller, some were more muscular, and some were altogether smaller all of the women absolutely towered over the two newcomers. And all of them were sporting the same ungodly massive cocks as their Queen. Starfire remained confused but characteristically excited while Raven couldn't stop herself from taking a step back as she started to realize what Diana was getting at. “And what does this ritual involve exactly? She asked despite already knowing the answer.

“It would be easier to show you.” Wonder Woman replied. Her cock was throbbing harder than ever as she stepped closer to the two and a long strand of precum leaked from the tip as it bounced between and against her thighs. “If you have any hesitation you're welcome to observe the ceremony before engaging.”

“And if I don't want to engage in it at all?”

“Then you may remain the night but you must leave in the morning.”

“Don't leave friend Raven!” Starfire exclaimed. Throwing her arms around her companion and hugging her tight in spite of her nakedness she only pulled away to repeat herself, “Don't leave!” before swooping in for another hug.

Impossibly flustered by everything going on around her and unable to really process what was happening Raven didn't hug her friend back but neither did she push her away. Instead she just stood there like a statue until Starfire finally retreated. More than a dozen Amazonian beauties had arrived in the time it took her exuberant teammate to finally relent and all of them were standing over the pair with the same kind yet unmistakably lustful smiles spread across their faces. But not of them moved any closer except Diana. Laying a hand on both her guests shoulders and giving them a soft, reassuring squeeze she knelt down to meet their eye level.

“It may seem intimidating at first but I promise, on my honor, you'll find nothing but enjoyment in our ritual. And once we're finished the entire island will be open to you for as long as you remain.”

“What must I do?” Starfire asked before her far more nervous friend could say anything.

Standing upright and letting out a soft laugh Diana gave her warriors a small nod. All of them closed in around the pair in a loose yet imposing circle of wonderfully muscles flesh and ferociously throbbing cocks. “You only have to kneel and accept our seed however we might give it.”

“Your seed?!” Raven repeated.

“Do you mean the creamy white fluid that comes out of your genitals?”

“I do. Once more if you have any qualms you may—”

With a positively radiant smile Starfire dropped to her knees, eagerly clasping her hands in her lap and staring up at Diana with a rather adorable gleam in her eyes. Raven watched and shook her head, wholly unable to believe what was happening around her. And yet even as she struggled to comprehend it all she mindlessly sank down as well. Guided as much by curiosity as she was a deep, burning need for the sort of pleasure her own fingers could no longer provide she joined her friend on the sand in spite of all her protests. Because no matter how nervous she might've been she didn't want to leave, not before seeing the ritual first hand and judging for herself what she truly wanted. Or at least that was the excuse she gave herself as she inhaled the musky scent of their loins, adrenaline coursing through her body and arousal soaking her thighs. She too stared up at Diana but the look of trepidation and uncertainty on her face couldn't have been more at odds with the look on Starfire's. Though reassured by the absolute certainty her friend would stop if she was asked, and that her warriors would do the same, she'd never done anything so crazy in all her life. Unlike her unwittingly adventurous alien friend she wasn't at all experienced in matters of sex. Her partners could be counted on one hand and the group assembled before her now more than tripled everyone she'd ever known in that way. But in spite of all that and in spite of her nervous shuddering she didn't stand up nor leave entirely. She merely knelt there watching with baited breath as the Queen of the Amazons smiled down at them, surrounded by a dozen more beautiful women.

After a moment or two one of Diana's delicately plucked eyebrows arched and she tilted her head to the side in a silent question. Starfire quickly looked to Raven with a wide smile and a pleading gleam in her eyes. Unable to look at either of them as she pretended to weigh her options Raven gave a small nod. Her orange skinned friend practically squealed in excitement while Wonder Woman let out a pent up breath, grandly proclaiming, “Begin The Cleansing!”

All the women around them closed ranks in unison, many of them letting out similarly excited gasps as they did so and even more wrapping a hand around their madly twitching lengths. Eager to participate and even more eager to enjoy more Earth customs Starfire reached out towards the closest members available to her. Both she and the Amazonians she touched shuddered at the connection while Raven looked on with a mix of shyness and jealousy. Wishing she could do the same but rather quickly given a chance regardless she felt an amazingly fat cock against her against her shoulder faster than she could hope to react. One of the women behind her wasted no time draping both her prick and balls against her body and another followed suit immediately after. A third stepped directly in front of her, lifting the twitching pillar of meat she called a dick into the air and offering it to their guest. Thick beads of precum drooled from the tip while the shyly amazed woman facing it looked on in surprise. Beside her Starfire was having no trouble whatsoever enjoying every single face of this strange ritual. Wrapping her lips around Diana's cock and sliding forward as far as she could she throated nearly all of Wonder Woman's impressive length like it was nothing at all. No matter how much her slender neck bulged around the girth of that member or how hard she seemed to sputter and shake from the effort she just kept pushing forward. Though she eventually came to stop a few inches before the base her first attempt was truly remarkable.

At least as far as her friend was concerned. She'd barely managed to find the courage to reach out and touch the dick being offered to her! The though of putting such a thing in her mouth seemed absolutely insane! Although if sanity was a concern she wouldn't have dropped to her knees in the first place . . . a thought that made it a little bit easier to come out of her shell and slowly open her mouth as she leaned in. Meanwhile her orange skinned friend was busily and rather wetly gliding up and down Diana's prick with incredible ease. Her lips were stretched open so wide she couldn't even manage a smile and her cheeks were constantly inverted as she loudly slurped and sucked on the cock gliding in and out of her throat but none of that seemed to matter. It didn't even stop her from frantically and enthusiastically stroking two more cocks, thick strands of precum rolling down her skin as she milked them out of the women she was sucking off. Raven was eventually forced to tear her gaze away from that amazing sight as she felt a creamy glod of precum against her own, instinctively outstretched tongue. Far sweeter than she expected it sent a shiver down her spine and a soft moan tumbling from her mouth before she could think to stop it. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment as soon as she realized the sound she'd made and her eyes darted up to the face of the woman she'd just tasted. Her meek expression was met with another, much more reassuring smile and without really thinking her lips closed around the head of the biggest dick she'd ever touched. It wasn't even a close, comparing her meager experience to this was so laughable she might as well have been a virgin.

Yet she still tried her best to take as much of that Amazonian dick as she could. Which only turned out to be the first third. As soon as that swollen cock head reached the bag of her throat Raven gagged so hard and so loudly Starfire actually stopped bouncing along Diana's spit soaked shaft to look over. She wasn't along in her concern and for another second or two their second guest was left completely overwhelmed by embarrassment. She very nearly considered pulling back and stopping this whole charade then and there. Until another creamy dollop of precum oozed into her mouth as she retreated and the truly delicious taste washed over her. Another bout of uncontrollable shiver surged through her body and the warmth soaking her thighs trickled down her skin even faster. She immediately reversed course as quickly as she could without being too obvious, stopping just short of making herself retch again. The woman she was sucking off let out a pleasured moan and Raven actually smiled. Her smile only widened when her towering lover reached out to lay a hand on her head while cupping one of her ample breasts. Watching her tease and pinch her nipple while providing gentle reassurance without any attempt to dominate or control her efforts was surprisingly lovely. Made all the more so by the other cocks still twitching against her body as they sat draped across her shoulders. Clouding the air with precum as they soaked her costume and made her head spin both dicks were just begging for the kind of attention she couldn't give them.

Unlike her friend who'd already upgraded from oral to wild, passionate sex in the time it took Raven to even consider touching the pricks on either side of her. Pulling away from Diana's cock with a loud gasp Starfire all but sprang to her feet before leaping into Wonder Woman's arms. Their lips met in an eager kiss as she effortlessly held her companion aloft with one hand. The other closed around her glistening cock, eagerly lifting it into the air to press it against the tight, wet pussy she'd always wanted to fuck. Her orange haired loved moaned the instant she felt a throbbing cock head against her slit and she only moaned louder when the entire thing plunged inside her so fast and so hard it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Raven actually gasped as she watched that enormous thing plunge inside her friend like it wasn't a truly amazing feat. Just as she watched her friend throw her head back and scream in pleasure as a torrent of sweet smelling juices gushed from her sex. Suddenly another bout of jealousy washed over her as she witnessed the unbridled ecstasy her companion was enjoying. Though it quickly turned to further amazement when a second Amazonian approached from behind to press her swollen tip against the tightly puckered ring hidden away between Starfire's trembling buttocks. But instead of balking at the idea of taking something so massive in her ass, or really taking anything in her ass for that matter, she just moaned even louder and squirmed against the pair.

That second, equally gigantic prick was stuffed balls deep into her asshole a split second later and the sounds erupting from Starfire's mouth were unlike anything Raven had ever heard. Sounding more like a wild animal than the woman she knew her friend groaned and grunted like never before as her whole body shuddered wildly between her lovers, both of whom stepped closer to pin her between their softly heaving breasts and smother her with their bodies. It looked so amazingly soft and wonderful Raven stood up without even realizing it. As soon as she did she stared at the Amazonian she'd been sucking off. With an apologetic smile she immediately bent over again to resume what passed for her attempts at a blowjob. One of the women behind her quickly realized what she wanted even if she was too shy to say it aloud and moved in. Lifting up her cloak and pulling aside her leotard to reveal her trembling buttocks the stranger brought her cock against Raven's dripping wet pussy. She barely had time to appreciate the feel of so massive a dick rubbing precum across her puffy folds before it was gliding between them at a gentle but unceasing speed. Crying out and holding on to the woman in front of her for dear life she tried her best to hide how good it felt even as arousal cascaded down her thighs and her whole body was wracked with shivers. She didn't even know why she was trying so hard to pretend like she didn't love every second of being stretched open so wide it felt like she was being split in half. It just made some kind of 'sense' in the heat of the moment. Especially as that massive prick glided deeper and deeper inside her until she felt so full her knees were buckling and her whole body was shaking.

By the time she felt the unexpected warmth of an Amazonian waist pressed against her buttocks Raven was barely able to think. Her eyes were threatening to roll back in her head and she'd almost forgotten about the cock she was sucking on. Though nothing could mask the cacophony beside her. Not needing to hold back in the slightest Diana and her companion absolutely devastated Starfire's tight little holes. Thrusting so hard and so fast a normal woman would've broken in seconds they absolutely pounded her cunt and ass. Were it not for the constant, breathless screams tumbling from their partner's mouth it might've looked like they were hurting her. She certainly convulsed like she was being electrocuted and the dumbfounded expression on her face could've been interpreted in a myriad of ways. Without the other clues at least. Because with them it was truly impossible to see anything other than an alien woman so wrapped up in her pleasure all the rest of the world had disappeared. Goosebumps dotted her trebling orange flesh and a constant shower of fluids gushed out of her sex every thrust. She'd all but completely soaked herself, Wonder Woman, and the Amazonian in the endless cascade and the faster her lovers moved the more creamy those juices became. Soon enough all three of their bodies were connected by long, gooey strands of pussy juice so churned up by Diana's cock they slopped onto the sand with an audible splat. All of which was little more than a prelude to the rest of the ritual. An appetizer before the main course and a promise of what pleasure they could both enjoy.

The woman behind Raven started moving soon after and the toe curling pleasure of a massive Amazonian cock emerging from her pussy was better than anything she'd ever felt. Pulling away from the dick she'd been sucking on to stand upright and breath as deeply and calmly as she could she once again did her best to stifle the waves of pleasure coursing through her. Only to be immediately and completely overwhelmed by even more of it as the woman she'd been trying to throat moved in. A pair of calloused fingers pressed against her incredibly sensitive clit and that alone was more than enough to leave her gritting her teeth and gasping for air. As soon as she started moving her digits in a deliciously slow rhythm all while the woman behind her thrusted forward a little bit harder Raven knew there was no chance she could stand up to this 'ritual'. Try as she might there was absolutely no way she could hide her real feelings and maintain some kind of dignity throughout their efforts. But that hardly stopped her from trying, even when the stranger teasing her aching bud swooped in for the sort of deep, passionate kiss she'd always wanted to feel. Smothered by the softest lips imaginable she could do nothing but melt against her lover as their tongues intertwined and a small moan tumbled out of her mouth in spite of all her efforts. At some point she wrapped her arms around the broad, muscular frame of the Amazonian in front of her and held on for dear life.

Little by little she leaned deeper into their truly wonderful kiss. Partly because of how amazing it felt and partly because of how much faster the woman behind her was moving. Although her cadence paled in comparison to the ball slapping frezny turning Starfire inside out it nonetheless felt impossibly fast to Raven. So much so her legs could barely support her after a minute and her muscles were shaking so violently she was only kept upright by the strong yet gentle hands around her. Until they decided she didn't need to be upright at all. The cock gliding in and out of her wildly trembling sex completely retreated without any warning at all and the kiss she'd been enjoying similarly came to an end. Raven barely had time to whimper, then stifle herself for making such an indecent sound, before she was lying flat on her back with another beautiful woman smiling down at her. An entirely new dick slid deep into her pussy and she sucked in a ragged breath as her tight walls were stretched open once more. She reached out towards the stranger above her, desperate for another kiss, only to be given exactly what she wanted by a second Amazonian. Leaning in and overwhelming her with another burst of true passion she laid a hand across Raven's chest, teasingly playing with her nipples through her costume all while cradling her head and further drowning her in the kind of passion that guaranteed she'd lose her control before long. Of course the woman she'd come to Paradise Island with didn't have to worry about that at all. Indeed she didn't have to worry about much of anything as she was handed off to another group of woman. Facing the ocean as she was lowered onto one of them she squealed in abject delight as her nicely fucked asshole was once again filled with cock.

Her moans only increased in volume when another dick glided into her pussy. And they were cut off entirely when a third plunged back into her throat. All three women didn't waste any time fucking her senseless, their roughness and their ferocity actually making Raven shudder just a little bit as she imagined being treated in such a way. Her pussy instinctively tightened around the cock already inside her and in response her lover softly groaned and quickened her pace. The one kissing her leaned in even more and she felt a third settle down nearby. A thick, pulsing member was laid on her outstretched hand and she started nervously stroking it. Entirely on instinct and without any real though. By the time she realized what she was even doing the pleasure was too great and Raven was much too overcome by it all. She still couldn't bring herself to show the depths of her pleasure but it was quite unmistakable in spite of her efforts. Particularly as she squirmed against her partners and sucked in ragged breath after ragged breath without ever realizing how much she was gasping. And her reactions only continued to grow more and more pronounced as she lay there on the beach surrounded by unimaginably gorgeous women eager to make love to her. The sloppy sounds of her dearest friend being absolutely ravished by cocks only punctuated the sheer insanity of what was happening, constantly reminding her of what she could have and what they were both doing whenever her mind slipped too far away.

Eventually she was given the chance to actually ride one of those beautiful woman, to straddle her muscular body and slide all the way down her throbbing cock. It was a chance Raven didn't think twice about taking and one she enjoyed more than words could describe. Though she still tried to pretend like she wasn't every bit as eager as Starfire the facade was slipping and it was slipping fast as she moved up and down another truly wonderful dick. With trembling fingers she both groped her partner's tits and held on for dear life as she bounced up and down her length at an ever increasing cadence. What had started off rather slow and measured slowly but surely devolved into as fast and enthusiastic a rhythm as her shuddering body could manage. And when another cock was offered to her she wrapped her lips around it the very instant she noticed the throbbing tip. She still didn't have any hopes of deepthroating it like her friend but that didn't stop her from taking as much as she could. Before long and without even realizing it Raven was quickly bobbing along a third of that gigantic Amazonian dick like a natural. Somewhere in the back of her increasingly frazzled mind she tried to settle herself down and stop what was already in motion but it was just too much fun too stop. She wanted it too badly and she couldn't begin to give up the pleasure assailing her senses. Not unlike the orange skinned alien beauty writhing in pleasure beside her. Yet another group of Amazonians had moved in to fill every last one of Starfire's holes and exactly like the last they weren't holding anything back.

By their movements alone they almost seemed to be punishing her, their massive pricks absolutely slamming into her slack, gaping holes with total abandon. They groped her tits, pulled her hair, and generally did anything and everything they wanted to and with her body. She was little more than a toy to them as she was passed around to just about everyone present. Indeed both women were little more than toys, Raven was simply treated nicer because they understood what she truly wanted. But thankfully that gentleness didn't stop them from handing her off at seemingly random. If that meant lifting her off the sand and holding her in the air as another woman fucked her pussy from behind while others watched then that's exactly what happened. At point she found herself face to face with Daina again, Wonder Woman's truly wonderful member gliding deep into her pussy as they stared into one another's eyes. Raven barely even noticed how much her back had curled or how tightly her knees were pressed against her chest. She was much too enamored with the intensity of her lover's gaze and soon enough the intensity of her kiss. A kiss that was eventually broken by another cock eager to enjoy her mouth but for the time it lasted she was thoroughly enamored.  Only a few feet away Starfire was busy screaming and convulsing around the dicks fucking her from every angle, warmth erupting from her pussy to soak all the women around her as she was overcome by ecstasy. Her whole body trembled and her eyes rolled back in her head within seconds.

She continued to thrash and squirm and shake for what seemed like hours on end, the sloppy sounds of her throat, pussy, and asshole being fucked constantly mingling with the lewd noises tumbled from her mouth. It seemed to stretch on forever and ever as Raven listened and occasionally watched her companion trapped in the throes of ecstasy. Though she had a good deal of trouble noticing much of anything when her own bliss finally arrived before long. Around the time she was on her hands and knees with a cock in her pussy and another in her mouth she finally succumbed to the ever rising tides of ecstasy within her. After fighting it for so long without any real reason to do so she well and truly gave in to her ecstasy as a wave of it crashed down upon her. Sweet smelling juices erupted from her cunt in a tawdry shower, spraying across the woman behind her and utterly drenching her thighs in the lewd downpour. Her eyes similarly disappeared into the back of her head as her body was overwhelmed by convulsions. In the blink of an eye her stifled moans and orgasmic cries joined her friend's as both women were completely overwhelmed by the kind of pleasure they'd never known anywhere else. Only in the aptly named Paradise Island had they ever felt anything so wonderful, anything so liberating. Waves and waves of pleasure crashed down upon them so fast and so completely they couldn't escape the endless swells of bliss. Their lovers simply wouldn't allow it as they continued thrusting unabated, their cocks relentlessly gliding back and forth inside both women's body no matter how hard they might've shuddered.

But that was far from the end of the Cleansing. Throughout the entirety of their ecstasy both Raven and Starfire were continuously fucked by a seemingly endless rotation of Amazonian women. It was impossible to say for certain if they were simply being passed around between that first dozen or if the entire island had arrived to partake but regardless of the truth there was never any shortage of cocks for the pair to enjoy. And it was only after a second bout of toe curling, mind breaking pleasure that they started to notice a change in how their partners moved. Their once quiet and composed partners started to gasp and groan and grunt every bit as ferociously as Starfire and Raven. Shivers started to course through them in powerful waves and their cocks seemed to swell and throb like never before. Although their movements didn't change quite so drastically there was no denying a certain desperation as time wore on. It was far more pronounced in the women surrounding Raven as their once tempered and measured strokes gradually matched the ball slapping ferocity her companion had been enjoying all along. They never quite reached the same absolutely wild cadence that continued to leave Starfire in a state of abject bliss as her ass, throat, and pussy were completely ravished by cock and yet compared to what she'd grown accustomed to it was quite a dramatic change. So much so she struggled to keep up with their newfound vigor as she bounced up and down on a twitching Amazonian cock, her entire body little more than a plaything as she was moved and handled by the woman beneath her. Nearby her friend was enjoying such a rough, sloppy affair the throaty gurgles and meaty slap of cocks using her every hole actually managed to drown out the sounds of the ocean all around them. And it wasn't long before Diana's guests understood why.

Pleasured cries quickly filled the air as the women enjoying the tight, wet bodies of their newest lovers threw their heads back. Some offered up hasty prayers to the gods while others just groaned like wild animals as their cocks swelled and their balls tightened. A moment later truly absurd amounts of amazingly warm cum erupted from their loins to flood whatever hole they'd been enjoying. Huge spurts of fresh jizz basted Raven's inner walls and poured down her throat faster than she could've ever hoped to react. Starfire was pumped full of seed from every imaginable angle, her body positively drowning in the swell as it gushed into her womb and exploded into her belly from both ends. More cum than any Human man could hope to produce across an entire evening sprayed into their guests and they could do nothing but shudder in ecstasy. Their small, unprepared bodies didn't have any chance of taking the sheer amount their first partners had to give and within seconds creamy strands were erupting out of their holes almost as quickly as they were being pumped in. Gooey dollops of Amazonian jizz splattered across the sand as they streaked out of Raven's pussy, dribbled out of her mouth, and all but squirted from every one of Starfire's holes. Enhanced as much by their own, trembling bodies as the impossible amounts being unleashed most of that toe curling warmth was lost to the ground beneath them by the time their first lovers had finished and pulled away. Fortunately for both women there was more than enough cum to go around as more cocks glided into their cum drenched holes and the cycle started all over again.

Over and over and over again they were given ungodly amounts of spunk as every single Amazonian present emptied their impossibly weighty balls inside the pair. Raven almost immediately lost count of how many had cum inside her mouth and pussy simultaneously and Starfire couldn't have kept track even if she wanted to. Their bodies were utterly and completely drowned in what must've been gallons of fresh, delicious sperm. Their bellies pumped so full they were actually swollen from the truly insane amount they'd been given by a seemingly endless line of woman. Cum poured out of them whenever their lovers retreated and the flow was only stopped for a minute or two at the very most before another toe curling geyser was added and the process repeated itself once more. Neither of Paradise Island's newest guests realized they'd reached the end of the cleansing ritual as they were all but drowned in enough jizz to fill a bathtub. Like so many others before them they were simply overwhelmed by it all, left completely speechless and completely thoughtless as they were given more cum than they could've dreamed of. Their minds were totally blank even before the ecstasy of the moment sent them careening into another bout of uncontrollable shuddering, their messily gaped holes spasming like made around whatever cock was inside them and gooey streaks of jizz sputtering out as they descended into bliss. A bliss wholly beyond their comprehension and one that left them so completely ravished by pleasure they didn't even realize when the last cocks had withdrawn and their bodies were finally left alone to leak cum onto the sand as they lay sprawled on the beech like discarded playthings.

Thick waterfalls of cum poured out of their slackened holes as Raven and Starfire groaned in delirious pleasure, their eyes half closed and their faces twisted in mindless grins. Spasmodic shivers tore through their bodies in sudden bursts but they could neither comprehend nor appreciate anything but their own ecstasy as it continued to swirl through them in the aftermath of everything that'd just happened. The familiar sound of Diana's voice only barely pierced the haze clouding what was left of their minds, “The ritual is complete. Welcome to Paradise Island!”

Neither woman could respond with anything more than a throaty gurgle, their arms limply twitching across the sand as they made some vague attempt to move. Yet as incomprehensible as their sputtering and gurgling might've been their friend understood what they wanted. It was the same thing every guest wanted after the ritual was completed. “Should we take them to the village?” one of the Amazonians asked.

“Yes. Take them to the center and tell them our guests aren't satisfied. We'll have to show them everything our home has to offer.”

Starfire let out an eager whine at those words, her naked body shaking uncontrollably as it was lifted into the air and carried off towards the jungle. Raven just barely managed to eke out an intelligible response as she too was whisked away, “Thank . . . you . . .”

“Save your strength.” Diana laughed, “You'll certainly need it!”


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