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Here's something out of my usual wheelhouse! Fans of crossdressing, feminization, and similar content should enjoy this story. If none of that's your thing give it a pass lol. I hope those of you who stick around enjoy! 

“I . . . I still don't understand . . .”

Nicolette smiled at her wonderful, caring husband  as he squeezed her hand a bit tighter. She watched his brows furrow as he struggled to understand the revelation she'd just dropped on him and she did her best to give him a little more time to process everything. But as he continued to visibly struggle with what she'd just said she gently repeated it for a third time, “I'm a spy. For the U.S. Government. I've been a spy for almost twenty years.”

Staring back at her and trying like hell to wrap his mind around what she was saying Robin couldn't believe it. The beautiful yet timid woman he'd fallen in love with couldn't be a spy. She might as well try and convince him the sky was green and candy didn't taste delicious! “But you've—we've—I've been to your office!”

“That was just a cover.”

“And all those business trips?”

“Those were missions.”

His mouth opened and closed several times as he tried to make any sense out of the jumble that was his mind. Eventually a single question managed to break through, one he asked with a concerned tone and an almost terrified look as he squeezed her hand even tighter, “Were you—were you in danger? O-On these missions?”

For a second or two Nicolette considered lying to her husband but after an entire marriage built on lies she couldn't bring herself to do it. “Yes. Sometimes. Not every mission was dangerous but some of them were.”

“Oh my God!” Immediately sliding closer to her and biting his lip he stared deep into her eyes for what seemed like minutes on end, “I can't—are you—have we—oh my God!”

“I know it's a lot to take in honey.” She said in as calming a voice as possible. And I promise we can talk about it for as long as you want later. But right now I need your help.”

“Are you in danger?! Do we need to call the police?! O-Or the FBI?! Or the CIA?! O-Or some other agency?! What do we need to do?! How can I help you?! Oh my God!”

Chuckling at his frantic worrying despite trying her best not to she laid a hand on his cheek and smiled at her doting husband, “It's nothing like that. I have to go on a mission and I need help. I need your help.”

Robin stared at her for a few more seconds, silence filling the space between them as he processed what she'd just told him. “But I'm not a spy . . . I'm still just a math teacher . . . I-I don't have a secret life or any skills! Why would you need my help?”

“Everyone else in the agency is already tied up in different parts of the operation. We need someone new to help me with my part of the op. And you don't need any special skills to do this. I just need someone I can trust and someone the target doesn't already know.”

“The target? A-Are we killing anyone?”

“No, I would never ask you to do that.”

“B-But you've killed people before?”


“How many?”

“Do you really want to know?”

Some of the color drained from Robin's cheeks but he didn't pull away like she expected. Instead he just held her hand a little tighter and quietly said, “I'm so sorry you had to go through that . . .”

“Thank you . . . I'm sorry I had to lie to you about it . . .”

“I . . . I guess I understand . . . or I will . . . eventually.” He paused for a slightly uncomfortable amount of time only to suddenly start speaking again in a hushed tone, “Have you . . . have you had to . . . uhm . . .” His cheeks darkened and it was clear what he was thinking, “Have you had to . . . seduce a target before?”

Once again tempted to lie for the sake of her marriage Nicolette let out a sigh and slowly nodded, “Yes I have. But it was only ever part of the job. I've never cheated on you before and I never will.” For the first time since confessing to him she felt Robin pull away from her just a little bit. She could sense how much he was struggling with it all even without looking at his face. So she pulled her hand from his and softly cupped his cheeks, “I love you. Nothing about that's changed.”

“Do you still like gardening?”

“Of course.”

“Do you still like classical music?”

“Of course.”

“And you still like cats more than dogs?”

“Of course.”

He nodded along with each response, knowing full well there were so many better questions to ask and so many more sensible things to worry about. But somehow hearing those things reassured him, somehow knowing the things they'd talked about on their first date remained true calmed his nerves as much as was possible. Deliberately choosing not to think about how easily she could still be lying to him if she really wanted he instead focused on the love he felt for her. A love that hadn't gone away in spite of the revelations she'd given. Part of him was hurt, a rather large part in fact, and part of him was incredibly worried. Both for her safety and about the years they'd spent living a lie. Or rather the years he'd spent living a lie she created for him. But most of all he was determined to not let any of it ruin the single greatest thing in his life. As hard a pill as it was to swallow he refused to let any knee jerk reactions stand in the way of their love. And after realizing he'd been sitting there making that decision for much, much longer than he meant to Robin snapped out of hiz daze. Thoughts were still running through his mind at a hundred miles an hour but if nothing else he could hold on to the simple truth he'd build his marriage around: he loved Nicolette more than life itself.

“What are you thinking?” She eventually asked him, concerned by his silence but smart enough to not press the issue.

“A lot of things.” He admitted with a laugh. “But . . . I guess the main thing is . . . I still love you . . .”

A wide smile lit up his wife's face as soon as he said those words and she immediately leaned in for a kiss. Surprised by her taking the lead after so many years of him always being the one to initiate he took a moment to kiss her back. As soon as that moment was up he returned her passion with everything he had and for a little while they just sat there basking in one another like they used to do all the time when they were dating. It felt absolutely wonderful, especially in the wake of what she'd just told him. And when they eventually broke apart he felt a good deal better about it all. Not enough to settle his stomach, calm his mind, or really fix any of the things he'd be fretting about for a while. But enough to let a small grin spread across his face. Taking a long, deep breath and closing his eyes Robin suddenly remembered what she'd said earlier and a little crinkle returned to his brow.

“Were you ever going to tell me?”


“If you didn't need my help on this mission, were you ever going to tell me about your real job? Your real life?”

“I don't know . . . after I retired maybe . . . but I honestly can't say. I never wanted you to be a part of it all. I never wanted to put you in danger. Truthfully . . . I never really wanted to fall in love in the first place . . .”

“Y-You didn't?”

“No. With the career I have it just seemed better to be alone. Then you came along and ruined all of that by showing me what I was missing.”

Robin couldn't help but smile at that sentiment, his momentary flash of worry and fear quickly fading as he looked at her, “Okay . . .”


“I can live with all this. I can live with what you've told me.”

“I'm so glad honey. You have no idea how much of a relief it is to hear that!” She pulled him into a sudden hug and he gladly returned the gesture. When they broke apart her expression was a little more nervous, “What about my mission? Will you help me with that?”

“I'm . . . I'm not so sure . . . I really don't need any special training?”

“None whatsoever. We're just meeting the target and wooing him with a little sex appeal. Odds are it won't go any further than some light flirting.”

“Oh . . . he's going to flirt with both of us?”

“Yes, but he won't know you're a man.”

“He won't?”

“No. This mission calls for two women and that's how you'll look to him.”

“I have to dress up like a woman?!”

“Just for the night honey.” She could see the doubt spreading across his face with every passing second and without thinking she said, “If you help me I promise I'll make it worth your while . . .”

Her tone was sultry and mysterious, nothing like how she normally sounded around him. In fact it was so uncharacteristic it made his heart flutter and his whole body shiver. “H-How?”

Sliding in close to her husband and putting a hand on his thigh as she flashed him the kind of lascivious grin he never, ever, ever, ever expected to see on her face she said, “If you help me with this I'll suck your cock so hard you won't be able to walk straight. I'll give you the kind of blowjob you've only ever seen in porn . . .”

“I . . . I . . . I . . .” Just hearing her talk like that was one of the most exciting things he'd ever experienced but the thought of it actually happening was something else entirely. Once again Robin was struggling to wrap his mind around what she was saying. But this time it was a million times more exciting. “Okay,” He finally said with a quick little nod, “I'll help you with your mission. I'll . . . I'll dress up like a woman and flirt with your target . . .”

“Thank you so much sweetie!” Nicolette cooed, immediately wrapping him up in another hug as relief flooded through her body. As much as she hated putting him anywhere near that side of her life she really didn't have any other options. He was without a doubt cute enough to pass as a woman without any trouble and if nothing else she was confident she could keep them both out of any danger that might come up. “Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate this!”

“I-I'm glad I can help!” He replied, still very much flustered and caught off guard by what she was promising to give him for his help. Eventually they pulled away from each other and another silence spread between them. It was eventually broken by a question she fully expected. “Where are we going for this mission?”

“New York City.” His wife replied, “But not anywhere you've ever been.”

“Okay . . .” Absorbing that information for a little while he suddenly asked a question she'd been hoping to avoid until they were on the plane or maybe even getting ready for the mission proper, “What do I have to wear?”

Finally choosing to bend the truth just a little bit for the sake of her job and national security Nicolette answered, “Nothing too wild . . .”

A few hours, and a short plane ride, later Robin was learning first hand just how easily his wife could lie as both of them put on the sluttiest outfits he'd ever seen.she was wearing the tiniest, most ineffective miniskirt humanly possible. More like a belt than an actual article of clothing it didn't do anything to hide her tight, round buttocks or her soft, hairless pussy. Neither did the skimpy little g-string she'd put on with it. The tiny strip of cloth covering her sex was so meager it practically disappeared between her puffy lips almost immediately. After that came a pair of stiletto heeled boots that ran all the way up to her thighs. A long sleeved, cleavage and midriff baring top further accentuated her incredibly lascivious appearance. Lifting up her already perky breasts and coming just high enough up her stomach to tease the underside of her tits at the same time it was perfectly in line with everything else. Including the way she did up her platinum blonde hair. Thick eyeshadow, bright lipstick, and flashy earrings rounded out her look perfectly. Despite watching her put each piece on her own husband barely even recognized her!

Mortified by the prospect of crossdressing in the first place and thoroughly amazed at seeing the woman he loved looking so provocative he almost lost his nerve then and there. But thanks to Nicolette's urging and the reminder that her entire operation would fail miserably without his help he swallowed his pride and stifled his nerves. At least long enough to get dressed, secure an incredibly realistic wig, and let her apply a nice layer of appropriately eye catching makeup. Aside from a handful of minor details his outfit was almost identical to hers. The color of their clothing was distinct yet matching and the makeup was appropriately fitting as well. And the exact hairstyle he'd been given was far moore loose and free flowing, auburn hair framing his girlish features quite nicely. About the only significant differences were the size of his miniskirt and the g-string he'd been given: both were far less revealing than what his wife was rocking. His cute little bubble butt was still pretty much on full display and it would only take a light breeze to reveal his smallish cock and balls tucked into his not quite big enough panties but compared to her he was practically a nun. Even if he looked every bit like the supple, curvaceous slut his wife had turned into. He certainly felt more exposed than words could describe. Somehow being completely naked wouldn't be quite as revealing.

Once all that was done he started fretting again as they left the hotel room and it was time to act like the slut he was pretending to be. All the eyes watching them as they hailed a cab certainly didn't help his nerves one bit. Neither did getting leered at by the cab driver all the way to the club where they were meeting the target. Just about the one and only thing he could be grateful for was the lack of high heels in his little ensemble. If nothing else he could at least get out of the taxi and approach the dark, foreboding entrance to what looked like the sort of place where shootouts happened in action movies. It was guarded by a single, visibly armed man who looked about as serious as could be as he stood in front of the staircase leading down into the darkness. His massive arms were folded and a camera was constantly whirring back and forth over his head and yet all Robin could focus on was the already deafening thump of house music coming from inside. Until his wife gave him something else to think about as she sauntered towards the man, effortlessly slipping into her persona after spending most of the drive over gently reassuring her husband and making sure he didn't panic. In the blink of an eye an entirely different person was standing in front of the bouncer, teasingly licking her lips and pushing her breasts together. Or at least that's what Robin tried to tell himself.

“Hey baby!” Nicolette cooed, “Long time no see!”

“How's it going babe?” The man asked, wrapping an arm around her body and grabbing a handful of her ass without any hesitation at all. He pulled her against his muscular frame and she giggled, her hand trailing down to the obvious bulge in his lacks. Teasingly rubbing the outline of his cock and biting her lip she smiled up at him as he asked, “Who's your friend?”

“Robin.” She replied in a breathy voice, “We're supposed to meet Ivan tonight?”

“Yeah? I guess that means we can't have any fun first!”

“Not tonight baby!”

“I guess the boss gets to have all the fun.”

“For now.”

“Yeah . . . well get on in there. Connor can take you to the VIP room.”

“Thanks hot stuff! I'll see you around!”

“Yeah you will!”

Doing his best not to freak out as he watched his wife work Robin didn't say anything as the bouncer stepped aside to let them in. But he did let out a terrified, girlish yelp when the man spanked his ass as he walked by. Before he could do much more than that the two of them were inside the dimly lit, unexpectedly busy club. They approached another visibly armed man standing nearby and Nicolette flirted with him too, including a long and surprisingly tongue filled kiss. On top of even more groping from both parties. By the time they broke apart Robin was feeling rather dizzy. He barely even noticed all the people watching them both with blatantly sexual interest, he just followed his wife and their guide into the VIP room without a word. They were led up a flight of stairs, down a long hallway, and into a surprisingly isolated yet lavishly decored spot overlooking the rest of the club. The impossibly loud music was a good bit quieter in there but he could hardly appreciate that fact as he laid eyes on the man they were meant to see. An absolute monster of a human Ivan towered over both of them like some kind of monster. His shoulders were wider than Robin and Nicolette put together and there was a worryingly massive bulge straining against his pants from the moment he laid eyes on them. One that only seemed to get bigger as she teased and groped his cock through his jeans like she'd done with literally every other guy they'd come across.

Introductions were made and plenty of flirting took place before they started to discuss busineess while Robin continued to watch silently. He'd been briefed on the absolute basics of what was going on during the flight to New York but beyond that he didn't have the slightest clue what anything they said was about. The most he could do was try to look natural as he sat on the couch across from Ivan while his wife sat beside him with a hand constantly moving along his thigh. It was nothing short of impossible to think about or focus on anything else as he tried to reassure himself she was only doing her job. As he tried not to think about all the times she'd undoubtedly had sex with Ivan, Connor, the bouncer, and who knows how many others. She played her part so incredibly well he started to wonder how much of what she'd told him was actually true. Then he immediately chastised himself for doubting her and tried like hell to focus on the mission. Only to quickly lose track of that focus when she teasingly rubbed his worryingly huge cock or enthusiastically giggled at his remarks. Although they'd only been there a few minutes it felt like an eternity and when business was finally concluded he breathed a sigh of relief. Or at least he started to, before wondering why any of this required two 'women' to pull off. The answer to that question arrived only a few seconds after it'd popped into his head.

“Now that we're done with business,” Ivan remarked as he grinned at Nicolette and Robin, “I think it's time for pleasure!”

“Mmmm what did you have in mind?” She immediately asked.

“I was thinking I'd pay a little extra for a . . . full service experience.”

Robin's heart leapt into his throat and adrenaline coursed through his body as he heard those words and saw the look in their target's eyes. But before he could do anything more than shiver and tense his wife agreed. Without even thinking about what her husband might say or what he might want Nicolette leaned in close, licked her lips, and said, “I thought you'd never ask!”

As comfortably as could be she slid off the couch to sit on the edge of the table opposite Ivan, a soft giggle tumbling from her lips as she spread her legs open to reveal her soaking went thong and the fat vulva practically swallowing it up. At the same time their target stood up and unzipped his pants, revealing the biggest cock Robin had ever seen. Thicker and longer than he thought possible it completely dwarfed his own by such an absurd amount it was impossible not to feel instantly inadequate. The head alone was the size of his fist and the thickest part of the shaft looked as big as one of his biceps at the very least! Human genitals weren't supposed to get that big and yet there was no denying or pretending he wasn't packing an absolute monstrosity of a dick. One that flopped wetly on the couch as he sat back with a grin. Robin tugged nervously at the edges of his miniskirt and tried like hell to hide how nervous he was as he waited for that beast of a dick to slide inside the woman he loved while he just sat there. But to his surprise and momentary relief Ivan didn't bury his cock in Nicolette's pussy. Instead he lifted her off the table and onto his shoulders, bringing her tight cunt up to his mouth so he could lick and suck at her puffy folds through her panties. The sound of his lips against her sex was thoroughly indescribable and Robin did his best not to think about it as he watched the love of his life writhe and grind against another man's face. Her pleasured cries filled the room almost immediately as she moaned louder and more frantically than he'd ever heard. More than any pornstar he'd watched and certainly more than he'd ever been able to cause when they were making love.

Before he could spend too much time wallowing in that fact Nicolette looked back at him with an uncharacteristic hunger in her eyes and said, “Take care of his cock babe! After all, he's paying for the full service!”

Suddenly realizing why 'she' was there Robin audibly gasped. Recoiling at the thought as he stared at that ungodly missive dick he nervously said, “T-Take care of it? H-How?”

“Wrap those pretty, painted lips around his dick and start sucking!” She moaned, visibly shuddering as the tongue and lips running wild across her pussy moved even faster, “Don't leave him waiting!”

Robin had never sucked a cock before in his life. He'd never even touched one! Aside from his own of course. And now he was suddenly be asked to contend with something that wouldn't have looked out of place on a horse! It should've been more than he could handle and in truth it very nearly was. Watching his wife straddle another man's face, gasping and panting in ways he'd never imagined, should've broken him. He should've gotten up and left before anything else happened. Before he could be any more humiliated by what he was being subjected to. But he didn't. For reasons he couldn't begin to fathom he rose from his seat and approached Ivan's throbbing dick. Hanging over the edge of the couch and leaking thick strands of precum it was without a doubt the most intimidating sight he'd ever laid eyes on. Yet he still reached out towards it after a moment or two of unintentionally stewing in the thick smell of his jizz. It clouded his nostrils and made his head spin. Although everything seemed to make his head spin. Especially the woman she loved. Casting a nervous glance at her as his fingers closed around a dick easily two or three times longer and thicker than his own he watched Ivan's hands grope her ass. He heard his tongue sloppily running along her pussy through and around her panties. But most of all he felt just how excited the target was to be tonguing his wife's cunt. Robin felt that excitement as surely as he felt his own, out of control heartbeat. The heat radiating from the prick in his hands was downright unbearable and the second he touched it a thick spurt of precum oozed from the tip.

Instead of joining the puddle that'd formed across the floor it streaked across his miniskirt and splashed over his exposed stomach. In a flash his grip tightened as his whole body shivered. Resisting the urge to tet go and wipe away the cum clinging to his skin he deliberately ignored all the feelings swirling through him as he slowly lifted that unimaginably large dick into the air. Marveling at how heavy it was and trying not to think about it going inside his wife he brought the swollen, gooey head of Ivan's shaft to his lips and opened wide with an unintentionally loud smack. That accidental bit of sexiness went entirely unnoticed by the other members of their little threesome, much to his relief. Nicolette was far too busy crying out with greater and greater ecstasy as she gyrated against the tongue making her whole body shake. Their target was too busy loudly slurping up her juices as fast as he could, though no matter how messily and enthusiastically he did so rivulets of pussy juice were still dripping down his shirt all the same. Robin could smell the potent aroma of his wife's arousal as surely as he could smell the precum he was about to taste. A moment later the bitter flavor of another man's sperm flooded his mouth as he tried his best to do what he was told and wrap his lips around their target's prick. An even thicker glob immediately oozed onto his tongue a split second after it made contact with Ivan's shaft and like a good slut he gulped it down without a second thought.

A heartbeat later his cheeks flushed a furious shade of red and another shiver tore through his body. Beneath his miniskirt his own, wildly unimpressive dick was beginning to swell. Much too focused on what he was supposed to do and what his wife was so eagerly doing to really notice Robin continued to stare up at the love of his life as he leaned forward and opened his mouth even further. Trying to emulate what he'd often seen online he bobbed his head back and forth to the best of his ability, moving his tongue around in a haphazard flurry and inadvertently scooping up more than his fair share of precum in the process. But no matter how much he strained or how long he tried there was absolutely no fitting such a gigantic thing inside his mouth. Not unless he wanted to spit himself open. Yet in spite of that fact he kept trying for much, much, much longer than he should've. Long enough to realize just how much Ivan was enjoying his hot little mouth as he slurped down more and more precum with every passing second his lips stayed attached to his cock. Or maybe their target was just getting turned on by the blonde haired beauty riding his face and furiously grinding her pussy against his mouth. Her hips were moving so fast and so hard it was difficult to picture anyone not enjoying it. And the sounds she was making as she gasped for breath only followed suit. In addition to her swearing so constantly and so vulgarly it actually made her husband blush even deeper. Not that she noticed what he was doing dwon between her objective's legs. She seemed about as lost in her own world as could possibly be, an undeniable departure from how she normally acted.

So much so Robin forced himself to remember it was an act as he gave up trying to fit Ivan's dick inside his mouth like he'd been told. Reminding himself of that 'fact' over and over again he did the only thing he could think of under the circumstances: he started kissing and stroking and licking and worshiping the gigantic cock throbbing away in his hands. Once again doing his best to follow whatever examples he could remember in the head of the moment he ran his tongue along their target's prick, starting all the way from base and  not stopping until he reached the precum soaked tip. Along the way he tasted every centimeter of that girthy prick, the salty musk of it all making his head spin even faster. His trembling fingers glided along the man's entire length as smoothly as he could manage under the circumstances. Though his heart felt like it was about to explode and the rest of his body was shaking so much he thought he was going to pass out he kept going. Because it was part of the mission and he couldn't let his wife down. Or at least that's what he told himself. And it wasn't long before that little mantra joined the others in his increasingly frazzled mind. Planting kiss after kiss along Ivan's prick and even paying attention to his equally enormous balls Robin listened to the sounds of his wife in ecstasy. At some point his eyes had drifted shut and while he didn't mean to do such a thing he couldn't really stop it from happening. In much the same way he couldn't stop himself from moving faster and breathing harder as he played the part of a good slut. Little by little he coated the dick he was working in saliva, his hands smearing it everywhere his tongue didn't go.

Soon enough he was adding all the gooey precum constantly drooling from their target's cock head to mix as his fingers naturally slid higher and higher while he was focusing on the man's balls. Even if he could never quite let his instincts take over the way Nicolette seemed to he was starting to get the hand of it all. Imagining what would feel good if he were on the receiving end and simply replicating that rewarded him with more and more spunk. In addition to bursts of twitching and throbbing so great he actually smacked himself in the face with Ivan's prick on more than one occasion. The more often it happened the more he tried to replicate whatever had caused it. If that meant sucking on his balls, sloppily working the underside of his evidently sensitive cock head, of just stroking his shaft until his hands were a blur that's what he did. Not once did he give any thought to what his actions would lead to or how he could prepare himself for the fruits of his labors. Hearing his wife in the throes of an unmistakable orgasm distracted him too much for rational thoughts to penetrate the haze clouding his senses. Finally opening his eyes for the first time in what felt like ages he watched the love of his life convulsing like she was having some kind of seizure. He watched her whole body tighten and heard her breath catch in her throat. Then he saw her collapse into fits of spasmodic twitching and pussy juice cascaded down Ivan's bulky chest like a waterfall.  And through every impossibly emasculating yet thrilling moment he worked the cock in his hands to the best of his limited ability, eventually rewarding him with the biggest and messiest eruption possible.

His only warnings were a loud, guttural sound coming from the man tonguing Nicolette's pussy and the prick in his hands swelling to an even greater size. Within a couple heartbeats their target's balls had tightened and a truly jaw dropping amount of spunk erupted from his pulsing head. A load easily bigger than anything he'd ever produced splashed across Robin's face before he had any hope of reacting. Fresh, warm cum oozed across his forehead, cheeks, and lips all at once. And all from a sing;e twitch. Another arrived an instant later and even more sperm was added to the already insane amount coating his face. He barely managed to shut his eyes before more joined in and he couldn't even think about opening them as jet after creamy jet accompanied the first. There was so much it was literally dripping off his face and running down the rest of his body. His own cock had never been harder in his entire life and yet he failed to realize how turned on he actually was as pure, continuous amazement overwhelmed everything else. He truly couldn't begin to comprehend such an over the top amount, not even when the flow had finally stopped and he was left to literally soak in the aftermath of it all. When his face was completely drenched in sperm and the weight of it against his skin made him shudder. He couldn't begin to collect his thoughts beneath that mask of hot, creamy jizz and ever breath was a labored, ragged gasp. And yet he never let go of Ivan's dick.

“Oh fuck baby! I've never cum that hard in my entire life!” Nicolette gasped from somewhere nearby.

“You're welcome.” Ivan confidently replied, “But now I think it's time I have a little fun with your girlfriend!”

Suddenly realizing the dick in his hands hadn't gone soft Robin let out a small gasp as two large, strong hands suddenly cupped his pert ass. “W-What'd you mean?!”

“Don't be nervous babe, it'll only hurt for a little bit. Then it'll feel better than you ever thought possible! Isn't that right Tasha?”

“His cock is amazing!” Nicolette agreed, seemingly still in character as she spoke with a breathless enthusiasm.

Very much unconvinced and absolutely terrified of things going any further Robin was slowly pulled to his feet as Ivan groped his ass and even slid a finger between his cheeks to brush against his asshole for a moment. “Why don't I warm you up a little too? You won't have—”

His words came to an abrupt halt as he pulled a hand away from Robin's ass to rub against what he thought was her pussy. Instead he found a tightly clenched ball sack and a throbbing cock just peeking out of the thong containing them. Adrenaline coursed through both husband and wife as the former let out a gasp and wiped away the spunk blocking his eyes. The latter immediately slid closer to their target and said, “Don't worry about that baby, you can fuck my ass instead if you—”

Ivan's loud snort and wild grin interrupted her attempt to smooth things over. Looking from 'Tasha' to the slut he was groping he leaned back and said, “Oh I like this one! I'm definitely gonna break her ass in tonight!”

Robin immediately looked at his wife with a terrified expression, though much of his fear was hidden beneath the unbelievable amount of jizz still coating his face. When she didn't say or do anything to stop what was about to happen he tried to take matters into his own hands, “I've never—I-I can't—i-it won't fit—that's not—”

His babbling was mercifully cut short when Ivan's massive hands closed around his waist, slowly turning him around as he said, “Don't worry babe, you'll get used to it once we start. Just don't squirm too much!”

“B-But I—”

Once again falling silent as he was bent over the table and his skirt was thrown up over his ass Robin barely had time to suck in a breath before his panties were yanked aside to reveal his tight, pink hole nervously winking between his cheeks. The man about to take his anal virginity let out an appreciative laugh and gave his ass a good, hard smack. A terrified yet aroused yelp filled the VIP room as his whole body tensed. Somehow his cock was still throbbing like crazy as it dangled between his thighs leaking gooey strands of precum. But was hard to think about unimportant things like that when their target was wrapping a hand around his gigantic prick and slowly lifting into the air. By the time he'd found enough courage to look back Robin had a front row view to the pillar of throbbing meat he was about to sit on. A violent tremor lanced through him and for just a moment he considered running away. It was the only thing that could save him from being split in half by that massive dick. Nicolette could get them out of there if she needed to! She'd just about said as much earlier when she was reassuring him this wasn't a big deal. Now with his quivering little asshole on full display and a freakishly large dick about to impale him he couldn't help but feel like that was no longer true. That it was finally time to pull the rip cord and escape with what little dignity he had left.

Of course what his mind wanted and what his body wanted couldn't have been more different. In spite of the terror coursing through him and the absolute certainty he couldn't begin to take such an enormous prick, alongside the far less certain notion that he didn't want to take any prick, he'd never been more aroused in his life. At the same moment his thoughts were filled with the urge to run screaming from the room and never look back his body was leaning towards the very reason for his uncontrollable fear. Long before Ivan started pulling him towards his cock Robin was already veering in that direction entirely of his own accord. And when he felt that massive, swollen tip pushing against his soon to be broken hole he actually let out a moan. A moan so girlish and breathy his wife actually broke her cover for just a moment to stare at him in surprise. She managed to regain her composure and adopt a sultry smile as she sidled up close to their target to stroke his chest and kiss along his neck while he laughed at the quivering slut perched on the end of his prick. He gave 'Tasha' a quick glance and she immediately reached out to hold his cock steady for him, immediately letting him grab Robin's hips with both hands. With an ironclad grip and no reason to do anything else he slammed his mewling fuck toy of a 'girl' onto his dick with a single, ferocious movement.

Every single inch of his unbelievably massive dick vanished into Robin's ass faster than he or his wife could comprehend. In the blink of an eye his tightly clenched ring was stretched open painfully wide and his juicy bubble was pressing firmly against Ivan's thighs. His stomach bulged outwards around the sheer amount of dick suddenly embedded inside him and an intense, unbearable pressure was building against his prostate. But all he could too was stare up at the ceiling with an open mouthed look of pure shock. Indescribably amounts of pleasure and pain swirled through him faster than his suddenly broken mind could comprehend. Every fiber of his being seemed to lock up at once as he struggled in vain to understand what'd just happened. To understand the maelstrom of feelings, urges, desires, and fragmented thoughts coursing through him. The only part of him still moving was his madly twitching cock, all five inches of it were pulsing in absolute frenzy of movement. Beads of precum rolled down his shaft to drip onto the floor at a constant rate. When they weren't spurting out of him in time with the even more powerful twitching of the dick shoved into his ass. It was pressed so firmly against his g-spot even the tiniest movement sent ecstasy coursing through his senses. And as he'd well established from the very beginning nothing about Ivan could be described as tiny!

While their target was groaning in satisfaction and basking in the tight little ass he'd just buried his dick inside Nicolette allowed her facade to slip one more time as she stared at her husband. Nothing about the situation was ideal and she certainly hadn't intended for him to be the one getting fucked. But now that she was watching him sit there, paralyzed by ecstasy with his dick throbbing so hard it looked downright painful she was starting to worry. How could she not when being impaled on a cock that'd satisfy a horse elicited such a vulgar reaction? Especially when Robin finally found his voice again and unleashed the longest, most frantic moan she'd ever heard from anyone? When his entire body descended into fits of spasmodic twitching as he slumped back against the man he was straddling in a convulsive heap? Without any experience whatsoever he started grinding and gyrating atop the huge prick stuffed deep into his guts. His movements were random, spasmodic, and altogether uncoordinated and yet it hardly seemed to matter. The look of ecstasy spread across his cum drenched face couldn't be more unmistakable. Even without that giveaway the sheer amount of precum leaking from his dick as his prostate was relentlessly stimulated was more than she'd ever seen. From him or anyone else she'd been with in her life. All before either of them really started to move in earnest.

The very moment his body could be persuaded to move Robin pulled his feet underneath him to squat over Ivan's cock. Planting both hands on his lover's knees and letting out a shuddering whimper he lifted himself off that wonderfully throbbing dick as fast as he could. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he panted and gasped with every centimeter to retreat and his eyes had completely disappeared into the back of his head by the time he was nearing the tip. Pain continued to echo throughout him almost as much as pleasure but that changed wonderfully quick when Ivan suddenly plunged him back down onto his cock  even harder than before. Robin's delighted squeal reverberated through the room alongside a meaty slap of colliding flesh. Nicolette watched her husband's cock flop wildly back and forth from the impact of that single movement, precum drooling from the tip as his whole body shook in abject pleasure. And she would continued to watch him basking in the greatest sex he'd ever known as he immediately lurched right back up to the tip of their target's prick only to be slammed right back down to the base yet again. In no time at all that became their new rhythm, the man she loved giddily bouncing up and down on an international arms dealer's prick without a care in the world, his moans drowning out every other sound except the incredibly sloppy impact of his quivering ass against Ivan's thighs.

Some part of Robin was ashamed of himself, ashamed of judging his wife for her sexual acts while he was enjoying the single greatest pleasure he'd ever known. While his g-spot was being hammered so ferociously it was a miracle he could even function. And yet no matter how much guilt he might've felt it was always drowned out by delight. The delight of being gaped so incredibly wide by the cock inside him he felt positively empty when it retreated. The delight of feeling so unimaginably full when he was shoved back down onto it so deliciously hard he couldn't believe it. But most of all the delight of how beautifully everything swirled together into a constant barrage of stimulation well beyond anything he'd dreamed of. Better than any sex he'd ever had and certainly better than any sex he could've had as a top getting his asshole destroyed was simple perfect. Nothing could possibly feel better and for several uninterrupted minutes that certainty held true. It wasn't until his wife suddenly and unexpectedly joined in on the fun by wrapping her lips around his cock and sucking harder than she'd ever sucked in their entire marriage. Somehow thinking she could pull him back from whatever cock addled pit he was descending into Nicolette started giving him the blowjob she'd promised back home. She didn't give any though to what she was doing as she worked his insanely hard dick, she just did the only thing that made any sense at all.

Completely unaware of what was going on under the surface Ivan just basked in how much tighter his fuckhole's ass had gotten. After a few seconds he pulled 'her' down onto his prick one more time before shifting into a different position altogether. One that kept his newest slut in the same place while he mercilessly jackhammered her tight little butt for minutes on end. All while his second favorite bitch sucked 'her' off like the good little whore she was. As far as he knew they were just a couple of bimbos giving him a little more incentive to work with them. He had no idea how hard Nicolette was trying to keep her husband from becoming the cock drunk, dick loving butt slut he was turning into. How hard she was trying to make eye contact with her increasingly hopeless husband as he was fucked raw for what felt like hours on end. Pulling out all the stops and working both his cock and balls like it was what she'd been born to do  she gave him the best, sloppiest head of his entire life. And Robin couldn't get enough of it. Or of being fucked so hard his asshole was distending outwards and all the rest of his muscles were spasming uncontrollably. Because there was no hope for him. Not after experiencing the kind of ecstasy a dick could provide as it destroyed his prostate and sent him tumbling down into a kind of ecstasy he'd never imagined. From the moment he was impaled on that ungodly dick his fate was just about sealed, no matter what his wife might've wanted.

Their first, but certainly not last, night came to end an end in an explosion of cum and ecstasy. Hitting his limits only moments before his partner did Robin unleashed the thickest, creamiest loads of cum he'd ever produced into Nicolette's mouth. Spraying a downright impressive, for him at least, amount in her gullet as he turned into a quivering wreck he drenched her mouth and gave her mouthful after mouthful to frantically gulp down. And while he was being milked dry by the cock inside his ass his tight little hole was simultaneously milking their target dry. Reaching the end of his rope a few seconds after his newest whore he drained his massive balls into the depths of 'her' ass. If the loads 'shed' pumped into 'Tasha's' throat were a wave then the fountain of jizz he sprayed into her ass was nothing short of a tsunami. More cum than Robin could fathom gushed deep inside him hole, drenching his innermost walls as surely as his face had been drenched and filling him with a warmth he quickly became addicted to. His prostate was further assaulted amidst the frenzy and Nicolette dutifully gulped down all the jizz leaking from his softening dick. All while watching the man she loved drool and spasm like the slut she'd helped turn him into, his entire body collapsing while a delirious grin lit up his face. Suddenly it was her turn for regrets and second guessing . . .


Jimmy TwoTries

Oh, I was wondering if this would make it with Patreon's strict rules.


There's nothing too objectionable about this one. Everything is consensual and everyone is of age so there's not much to worry about as far as I can tell. What were you concerned with?