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Now this one doesn't require any real warnings or preamble. It's pretty straightforward and (hopefully) pretty fun. Enjoy y'all!

As her train screeched to a halt in the station Sonia let out an excited little giggle. She'd almost missed it when her alarm clock decided to stop working in the middle of the night and after running clear across town she'd still managed to arrive right on time. Her normally bounce orange hair might've been soaked with sweat and her clothes might've suffered the same fate but it was all worth. Or at least that's what she told herself as she fanned her bright pink face with one hand and tried to fix her side ponytail with the other. Tons of people were spilling out of the train car in front of her, humans and Pokemon alike, and while she waited Galar soon to be newest professor caught her breath. As much as she loved wearing it she couldn't help regretting the thigh length brown coat she'd put on right before leaving. It'd looked like such a cute accessory to the rest of her outfit and the perfect contrast to her skin tight blue jeans and teal colored boots. It certainly went well with the aqua colored top she'd picked to bring out the color of her eyes. But as she stood there panting and trying to stand upright despite the stitch in her side, beads of sweat rolling down her pale features and soaking her clothes, Sonia had to admit her outfit wasn't even remotely suited to hot, humid temperatures. Her only hope was the comfort of a nice, air conditioned train car as the flow of people and Pokemon finally slowed and she was able to hop on with a giddy smile.

Or rather she was able to sidle on between the crowd of occupants still somehow left even after so many others had gotten off, “Oh wow!” She thought, “I've never seen it this busy before! I don't think I'll be able to find a seat!”

In reality she was lucky to get more than two steps away from the doors before they closed and barely five steps further than that as the train sped off towards the next station. Had she been surrounded exclusively by people there would've been enough room to do jump jacks and cartwheel from end of the car to the other. But between the humans and the countless Pokemon occupying such a cramped space it was a miracle she could even move at all. Yet none of the trainers responsible for the overcrowding seemed to mind much. Most were chatting affably to their friends or busily studying their Pokedex like they weren't crammed into a very small space with a few dozen Pokemon and a few dozen people simultaneous. Even more surprising was how little the people who weren't trainers seemed to care. None of the men and women dressed in suits, lab coats, or anything else professional looking batted an eye as they pressed together. Sonia seemed to be the only one noticing how strange it was for the cart to be so jam packed. And the absurdity of that fact was more than enough occupy her inquisitive mind all the way to the next stop.

Since she wasn't getting off until the twelfth she just did her best to get out of the way as occupants stepped off and occupants stepped on. Of course whenever there was an opening she seized the chance to move away from the doors and deeper into the car. Partly to avoid being jostled and bumped by all the people and Pokemon getting on and partly in the hopes of finding somewhere cooler to stand. As hard as the air conditioning was working with so many bodies around it was completely impossible to cool off, if anything she was only getting more sweaty and more fatigued as gusts of warm air buffeted her from outside. Thankfully after two more, relatively short stops she managed to weave her way through the crowd and reach the far end. Settling into a quiet little corner with about as much room as she was gonna get and a lovely view of the countryside beyond Sonia grabbed the nearby pole with her right hand and kept fanning herself with the left. She was entirely surrounded by Pokemon in that part of the train, all their trainers sitting far enough away to be completely hidden behind the menagerie standing, sitting, or even floating around her. Which meant when she wasn't staring out the window she could spend her time admiring the variety of Pokemon around her smiling as she thought about her new career.

Most of them, like the Cinderace and Alakazam didn't pay her the slightest bit of attention no matter how often she looked their way. A few, like the Corviknight, Thievul, and Quagsire glanced back at her with idly curiosity before turning their attention towards the window again. Only one seemed to be as interested in her as she was in the Pokemon around her. Every time she tore her gaze away from the beautiful scenery speeding by Sonia locked eyes with the same, slightly larger than average and remarkably fierce looking Tentacruel. It's inscrutable stare and unblinking interest in her would've left a normal person unnerved or even downright frightened. And at first she was a little put off by such a tall figure looming over everything else and seemingly glowering at her. Especially as it subtly shifted closer when they reached another stop and several of the other Pokemon standing between them departed with their trainers. But after searching for her purpose in life for so long and finally deciding what she wanted to do Sonia refused to let herself be intimidated by a Pokemon. If she was going to be a Professor she couldn't let something like that bother her! That darkly staring water type had been captured and tamed! There was nothing to be afraid of. Even if it'd been wild she shouldn't be scared, although she certainly would've questioned how a wild Tentacruel ended up on a very landlocked train heading for the heart of the Galar region!

That little not of absurdity brought a smile to her face as she watched the station slowly disappear and the wider world return outside the window. “Maybe I should say something to it?”She thought. “Or give it a smile? I bet it just looks scary! I'm sure if I smile it'll smile back! Somehow . . .”

At the next stop she did exactly that as she watched the previous set of Pokemon and their trainers leave and more slowly get on and fill their space. The Tentacruel shifted even closer in their absence and when the train set off again it was almost close enough to touch. Pushing aside the little flash of uncertainty trying and failing to sour her chipper mood she fixed the water type with a bright smile, one of her brightest. It continued to stare at her with those dark eyes and near featureless expression. None of it's body moved save for the many tentacles holding it upright and after a few moments Sonia started to second guess her assumptions. Maybe she'd been wrong about it. Maybe it was just an altogether grumpy, serious Pokemon. It certainly wouldn't have been the first she came across! Before her smile could fade altogether and she looked away in defeat her mysterious companion's gaze visibly softened in a way part of her genuinely didn't expect. The Tentacruel didn't, and honestly couldn't, smile but it's eyes lost some of the intensity that'd consumed them. Enough to bring her grin back to full and fill her with a renewed sense of purpose and elation. As small a victory as it was she couldn't help feeling absolutely thrilled by what she'd just 'accomplished'. Had she known what she actually set in motion by doing that she might not have been so thrilled. Or perhaps she would've been even more overjoyed by her efforts.

She heard it move even closer at the next stop and felt it's looming presence as it towered over her, all but blocking her view of the rest of the car with it's massive, jellyfish like head, large pincers, and forest of tentacles. But after the exchange they'd just had Sonia didn't think anything of it. She was as confident as one could be that she'd bonded with the Pokemon and in a sense she wasn't far off. Though even without that confidence she had faith in whatever trainer owned the Tentacruel. On the remarkably slim chance it actually tried anything bad she knew it could be recalled in the blink of an eye. Of course she genuinely couldn't imagine it coming to that. Especially not when she glanced back at it and the Pokemon reached out with one of it's many tendrils to slowly caress her face.  Her smile just about reached her ears as it touched her and she didn't hesitate to cover it's tentacle with her hand as she beamed up at it. Her silent companion seemed almost pleased by that response, though it made no sound at all she sensed a certain amount of satisfaction at her touch. When it pulled away she did too and for a few moments they looked at one another in silence. For the first time that she was aware of it's gaze left her face as it looked around in what she assumed was a burst of nerves. A soft laugh escaped her lips and she gently laid a hand on it's head, just above and between it's eyes. The Pokemon didn't seem to react except to look at her and after a second or two she pulled her hand away.

When it continued to avoid looking in her direction even while sidling just a little bit closer Sonia let out another giggle. She looked back out the window yet again and thought, “I can't believe it took this long to realize I should be a professor! I'm so good with Pokemon! I could've been a great trainer, now I'm gonna be an amazing professor!” The thought filled her with excitement and completely distracted her from anything else that might be going on. So much so she utterly failed to notice what her amorous companion was doing, “I wonder what this Tentacruel's trainer is like? Maybe I should talk to them and see—”

The remainder of that thought vanished from her mind the instant she felt multiple tentacles across her body. One had returned to her cheek in much the same way as before, lightly caressing her skin and leaving a faint trail of fluid as it passed. Had that been the only one she definitely wouldn't have gasped as loudly as she did. But with another sliding beneath her coat and around her waist like a lover holding her close. Another circled her leg starting just below her now tightly clenched buttocks and drifting all the way down to her ankle. Why it was doing that and what it had in mind she couldn't say but as the tendril drifting across her cheek moved towards her lips Sonia could take a wild guess. A wild shudder ran down her spine and she instinctively pursed her lips as the tip of one tentacle traced the outline of her mouth with surprising dexterity and even more surprising tenderness. She was much too caught off guard and frazzled to think clearly about what was happening but if she hadn't been so overwhelmed she might realized this clearly wasn't the Tentacruel's first time doing such a thing. How could it be when the Pokemon moved so slowly and deliberately across her body. The tendril around her leg squeezed ever so slightly while the one holding her waist pulled her even closer. Soon her shoulders were pressed against the fringe of it's soft yet somehow unyielding head and even more tentacles were closing around her. None were tight enough to make her cry out but all were softly probing and wholly gentle in ways she never would've imagined. Though if she was being honest nothing about what was happening had ever been a part of her imagination!

“W-What are you doing?” She whispered, turning her head to the side to look into one of her companion's inscrutable eyes. “What is this?”

“Tentacruel.” It replied in a deep, warbling voice. “Tentacruel.”

Feeling silly for even asking and oddly reassured by the tone of it's words Sonia was torn. She knew she should stop whatever was happening before it went any further. She could sense it wanted something more than to simply touch her. And yet as her mouth opened the only words to emerge were completely at odds with that sentiment, “Please be gentle . . .”

“Tentacruel . . .”

It was remarkable how reassuring two syllables could be and if she was being honest with herself Sonia didn't have the slightest clue why she was so put at ease by that response. She hadn't learned how to speak her companion's language in the last few moments and there were so many people around getting caught seemed like a guarantee. Yet instead of tensing up even more and pushing back against the Pokemon about to do goodness knew what to her body she calmed. Tremors still ran down her spine and goosebumps still erupted across her flesh but she didn't try to pull away or do much of anything except hold on to the pole beside her a little more tightly. And flatten her other hand against the nearby wall. In the time it took her to do so the tendril tracing the curve of her lips started pushing against them with an unexpected insistence. Almost like it wanted to slide into her mouth. When she let out a pent up breath and willingly parted her trembling lips a few moments later it slid inside her without any hesitation at all. Her tongue was smothered by a slick, oddly salty yet surprisingly tasty tentacle and her mouth was completely filled. A soft, stifled moan filled the air but the ruckus of the train more than drowned it out. When another, even louder moan slipped from her overstuffed lips it too was hidden by the cacophony around them, although Sonia was fast losing her ability to focus on or think about anything beyond the tendrils gliding across her body. Two more had joined the others already coiled about her waist and stomach. But unlike them the second pair immediately slipped beneath her top and into her bra. Pleasure lanced through in a surprisingly powerful burst as she felt tentacles gliding across her stomach and the instant they touched the underside of her breasts she tensed up once more.

A third appendage slipped up her back to unfasten her undergarment and leave hanging limply from her shoulders in a wholly unexpected burst of dexterity. By the time she realized what'd happened to her bra the tentacles drifting across her breasts had completely circled around them. Nowhere near as tight as the one keeping her in place and keeping her upright but more than tightly enough to elicit another stifled moan. Slowly but surely she felt them coiling around more and more of her chest, gradually enveloping her tits more than her undergarment ever had. And upon reaching her large, pussy nipples they tightened tremendously are her sensitive buds and only her sensitive buds. The pressure was beyond anything she could've prepared herself for and in an instant she was crying out and shuddering in uncontrollable spasms. All the blood rushed out of her knuckles as she gripped the pole beside her so tightly it was a wonder the metal didn't dent. Without even realizing what she was doing her tongue started to move against the tendril still in her mouth. Though she didn't have a great deal of experience with such things she couldn't help but move it like she was trying to pleasure a cock. That was the only thing she ever had in her mouth during an erotic situation and in the heat of the moment what little instincts she had took over. Which was exactly why she started sucking on that strange appendage a few seconds later. What wasn't so easily explained was why the Tentacruel started sliding it's tentacle in and out of her mouth like it really was a dick.

Not that she was complaining. As soon as Sonia felt that tendril sliding back and forth across her tongue her eyes shut and a faint smile spread across her already blushing face. Why she was doing any of this still hadn't been answered and probably never would be but as those two appendages squeezed her nipples just a little bit harder and their entire length started undulating she really didn't care. In her constant pursuit of a new career she'd had precious little time for romantic involvement and what little she'd indulged in hadn't been very unique or memorable. After a few seconds of feeling two slender yet powerfully strong tentacles groping and massaging her breasts while teasing her nipples she knew this was an experience she'd remember for the rest of her life. Even if nothing else happened and she simply spent the remainder of her train ride standing there being fondled by a Pokemon of all things she was genuinely happy to experience it. Fortunately that was far from the only thing her companion intended, as she'd soon find out when a few more tentacles made their way across her body. Rather skillfully working the button and zipper of her jeans they unfastened her leggings without any trouble at all and dove into the already soaking wet confines of her plain white panties. Sonia's loudest squeal yet tried unsuccessfully to erupt from her lips as she felt the touch of another living thing against her most intimate place.

It'd been so incredibly long since anything but her own hand touched her sex she'd all but forgotten just how good it could feel. Of course no small amount of that thrill came from a variety of unusual factors like what was brushing across her trembling clit and the sheer number of people surrounding her at any given moment. But while the former never failed to shock her whenever she had enough thought to truly comprehend what was going on the latter slowly but surely started to enhance everything else that happened. Somehow, against all sense and logic, she actually enjoyed being groped and teased in the corner of a packed train car where anyone could see what was happening. She loved how thrilling it all felt as only tentacle rubbed across her swollen bud while another slid lower to find her quivering entrance and gently push inside. There was so little preamble and so little build up to that simple act she couldn't help but convulse in abject surprise, her back arching and her eyes flying open only to roll back in her head. Sliding so incredibly deep she honestly couldn't believe it even as she felt it that first tendril didn't stop until it was pressing snugly against the entrance to her womb. Although it hadn't arrived with anywhere near as much force as it could've even that tiny impact of something against her cervix lifted her to the tips of her toes and sent ecstasy washing through her body. An ecstasy that almost immediately turned to pure shock as a second tendril slipped down between her tightly clenched, wildly quivering buttocks to find a place she'd never once considered doing anything sexual with in her life. It brushed across her tight little ring and coated it in a thick layer of that same odd yet exhilarating substance it'd secreted across her skin.

Then just as she was growing accustomed to the feel of something rubbing against her asshole, and actually started to enjoy it as well, the Tentacruel pushed it's way inside that part of her too. In the blink of an eye she was wracked with a strange mixture of pleasure, astonishment, disbelief, and the tiniest flashes of pain as her body stretched open around the tentacle gliding into her depths. But while that second one pushed in the other slowly pulled out at the same rate. Pleasure quickly eclipsed every other feeling as they two seemingly traded places inside her all while the pair of tentacles around her breasts continued their work and the one inside her mouth both stifled and stimulated her in equal measure. Only after those five disparate appendages were moving against and inside her however they saw fit did Sonia truly realize how completely she was at the mercy of her companion. Only as ecstasy swelled within the core of her being like a slowly cresting wave did she understand that she was well and truly the plaything of the Pokemon looming behind her. It was a realization she barely had time to enjoy before something else utterly distracted her from conscious thought: both the tentacles inside her pussy and ass quickened their pace. Not enough to be painful or even all that fast but compared to what they'd been doing before it was a night and day difference. And compared to what a girl like Sonia was familiar with it was nothing short of absolutely overwhelming. Warm fluids cascaded from her sex to soak her already damp jeans and cloud the air around her with the pungent smell of sex.

Many of the other Pokemon nearby perked up as they caught the scent of her womanhood but with something as massive as the Tentacruel blocking their path none could do anything more than stand by and drink in the aroma. The woman responsible for that scent clouding so many eager nostrils didn't even realize how much of a mess she was making. Of herself or the train car beneath her as droplets of pussy juice dripped from her stained jeans. How could she when she was so busy being overwhelmed by pleasure and trying her best to not succumb? Why exactly she didn't want to let loose and accept the ecstasy gradually overtaking her she couldn't quite say but it was about the only conscious thing she could really do and because of that Sonia latched onto it like a buoy in the middle of a raging sea. Even as the tentacles thrusting away inside her moved faster and faster and the impact of one against her cervix sent her into fits of spasmodic shiver. Even as the other pushed so incredibly deep into her ass she could feel her stomach distending from the depths it managed to reach. Even as the appendage within her mouth started pushing down into her throat and past her thankfully not too sensitive gag reflex. In the end what finally pushed her over the edge and into the first real orgasm she'd felt in the better part of a year was also the last surprise the Tentacruel had in store for her. Or rather the last surprise her own body had in story and the Tentacruel brought out.

After what felt like an eternity of having her breasts groped and her nipples teased to an almost unbearable degree some of the pressure welling up inside Sonia was finally released in a milky shower of warmth. Squirting out of her nipples in several directions at once that wholly unexpected liquid stained her top in a heartbeat and filled the air with another sweet scent for the rest of the Pokemon to enjoy. But even more importantly than that it sent a wave of ecstasy cascading through her so suddenly and with such force she had no hope of standing up to it. She could only collapse against the Tentacruel making her convulse and tremble uncontrollably as milk sprayed from her nipples with every tug of those skillful tentacles. Like a farmer with their Miltank the Pokemon behind her milked her with such ease and with such consistency had she been able to she would've wondered how this was the first time that sort of thing had happened. Over and over and over again it squeezed her breasts, pinched down on her nipples, and pulled them outwards in the exact same motion. And without fail every cycle bore even more sweet milk. Her top was completely drenched within a few seconds and by the time a minute had passed by the milky stain was spreading down the front of her shirt. Droplets of fresh breast milk were dripping onto the floor before long and all while two tentacles continued their relentless thrusting in and out of her pussy and ass. Even one of those things happening for long enough would've made her squeal eventually but when all three were combined as wonderfully as they'd been it was seemed like a miracle she hadn't succumbed sooner.

But with every toe curling spray of milk from her heaving breasts she could feel her earlier resolve fading away. It was impossible to understand or say what about that one face truly sent her over the moon but the longer Sonia was subjected to it the more overcome she was. High pitched squeals gradually turned into low, throating moans as her body spasmed like she was being electrocuted. All of her muscles seemed to tremble of their own accord and what was left of her mind faded into the ever growing wave of bliss rising up inside her. When the train passed through a tunnel and she caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection of the window she finally gave in to the pleasure. Witnessing what a lascivious mess she'd become, seeing her own breast milk seeping down her shirt as surely as pussy juice soaked her jeans was beyond her comprehension. That all encompassing wave finally crashed down on her waning sanity and ecstasy surged through every nerve within her. All five senses were flooded with pleasure as warmth exploded out of her pussy. Not to be outdone milk squirted from her nipples in even greater quantities all while the innermost walls of her cunt and asshole spasmed uncontrollably around the tendrils inside her. If the pungent aroma of sex had been noticeable before it was nothing short of overwhelming as milk and pussy juice gushed out of her with every convulsive spasm. Or perhaps more accurately the latter was fucked out of her by the tentacles still pumping away while the former was literally milked from her breasts as Tentacruel continued it's efforts.

Indeed no matter how hard she convulsed or how messily she exploded across herself, her clothes, or the train car around her nothing Sonia did could stop or even slow her partner's efforts. It just kept going and going and going and going while she was swept away in ecstasy and left to scream around the tentacle in her mouth and spasm until her muscles were aching from the exertion and her mind was totally fried. What only lasted a minute or two in reality felt like an eternity as Sonia was overwhelmed by ecstasy and fucked beyond her wildest dreams. As she was milked like an animal and held aloft by the very tentacles busily gliding in and out of her sex with such ferocity. And in yet another display of talent very much beyond what any reasonable person could expect of a Pokemon as her pleasure started to fade the appendages responsible gradually lessened their wild movements. The ones wrapped around her tits continued to send streaks of milk spraying from her nipples but all the rest slowed or even outright stopped. Particularly when the last of her energy faded and she went completely limp against the water type that'd caused her near comatose state. One by one the trio of tendrils inside her emerged. The one in her mouth was first, then the one in her ass, and finally the one occupying her pussy. All three left her gaped and stretched open in ways she never knew were possible and all three lingered around her quivering holes for quite a while longer than necessary. Those wrapped around her tits were still busily milking her like a Miltank while the ones supporting her did their duty without fail.

“She must really like you.” An impressed voice remarked.

Still very much overwhelmed by the lingering pleasure and by the spikes still lancing through her as her tits were endlessly stimulated Sonia could barely respond, “Huh?”

“She's never done this sort of thing with anyone but me.” The stranger replied.

“R-Really . . .” With all the strength she had left the orange haired professor in training turned towards the voice and forced her eyes open to see a trainer standing beside them.

“Oh yeah. Most of the time she seems to hate everyone around. I guess you're the exception.”

“I am . . .”

“You are.” The trainer's tone was openly amused as she retrieved a Pokeball from her belt and said, “Say goodbye lovergirl, this is our stop.”

Too delirious to think she wasn't still being spoken to Sonia wearily replied, “G-Goodbye . . .”


In a flash of light her talented lover disappeared and she slumped against the wall in a milky, pussy juice soaked heap. “A-Are we . . . are we at . . . Wyndon?”

“Nope! You've got three more stops before the train hits Wyndon! Good luck!”

“Good luck?” Lifting her head and looking around she noticed all the Pokemon that'd been drinking in her scent slowly closing in around her. A little bolt of adrenaline surged through her system as she stared at them and quietly said, “Oh . . .” in a happy tone.


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