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Now this is one is definitely a bit different from my usual fare. Anyone who likes femboys and cunnilingus will hopefully enjoy this story. If the former isn't your cup of tea then you should definitely skip to another story lol

“Hi I'm here to see Missy Taylor, is she here?”

“She just finished a meeting. If you hurry you might be able to catch her at her desk before she leaves for another.”

“Thank you so much!”

Sporting an ear to ear grin as he nodded at the receptionist and picked up the expensive sushi he'd just set down on her desk Will all but skipped down the hallway towards his girlfriend's office. It'd been a long time since he surprised her with lunch and he was more than a little excited to see the look on her face when he showed up with her favorite meal. He'd even called ahead to make sure she hadn't eaten anything yet and her new assistant had confirmed she was planning on skipping it entirely. When the elevator doors opened with a soft ding he stepped on as quickly as he could and, after making sure nobody else needed to use it, hammered the close door button like it was going out of style. Even though her office was only on the tenth floor out of fifty seven he couldn't help feeling impatient as he watched the numbers tick by. He half expected to find Missy standing at the elevator waiting for it to open when he reached her floor but thankfully his good luck held for just a little bit longer. Stepping off and hurrying towards her rather amazing corner office he stopped at her assistant's desk just long enough to thank her for her help and confirm his girlfriend was still inside.

“You're welcome.” Luisa replied, flashing him a bright smile as her dark eyes sparkled and her quite full lips parted in a soft laugh, “And she's still in her office. She won't be for much longer though, you'd better hurry Mr. Harris.”

“Thank you Luisa!” Will grinned. He started to move away only to stop and add, “You can call me Will by the way.”

“You'd better hurry Will!”

Nodding and hurrying off he all but completely forgot about Luisa as soon as he approached his girlfriend's door. But she didn't forget about him even after he stepped inside. Licking her crimson lips and none too subtly biting down on the end of a pen she listened to the not so quiet back and forth between him and her boss. She'd always had a weakness for tall, dark skinned men with nice smiles and cocks that could break a girl in half. And after seeing the bulge straining against his slacks as soon as he walked in she couldn't help fantasizing about the monster he was hiding. Especially as her boss' voice grew softer and their conversation turned away from the food he'd brought. With the shades drawn and the door locked there was little chance she'd find out what they were actually doing in there but Luisa almost didn't mind that fact. Whatever she imagined was undoubtedly better than anything her nice but thoroughly milquetoast employer could come up with. Indeed the first place her mind went to was so much more perverted and and over the top picturing her innocent little flower child boss doing anything even remotely close actually made her laugh. At least until she leaned back in her chair and and slid a hand down between her slowly spreading thighs. Still biting down on the pen she'd been enjoying she unbuttoned her blouse just a little bit and bit her lower lip. After a few seconds she drifted a little closer to the door and listened hard to the soft, unmistakable sounds of kissing coming from within.

“I don't have a lot of time babe!” Missy panted as she pulled back from Will to lean hard against the desk, “I'm not sure we can do anything fun!”

“That's okay!” He replied, “I don't mind waiting for you to get back!”

“Yeah? Well here's a little something to tide you over then!”

Perching herself on the edge of her desk and spreading her long, slender legs she let her jet black pencil skirt drift up her thighs until the dark blue and ever so slightly damp panties hidden beneath were fully revealed to her boyfriend. His beautiful green eyes widened in surprise while his mouth instantly curled into a wide grin. She could see his cock straining against the fabric of his slacks and the reminder of just how big he was made her ache with longing. Suddenly the meeting she'd been looking forward to was nothing but a massive inconvenience at best and the worst thing that'd ever happened to her at worst. Especially as her boyfriend stepped a little closer to admire the full, gorgeous sight of the woman before him. Close to a foot shorter than him and less than half his weight Missy was downright tiny. If he wanted to he could've picked her up, thrown her over his shoulder, and had his way with her no matter how many places she needed to be. And both of them knew it. If anything she seemed to be teasing him with that fact as she opened her legs just a little bit more. Half her slender, angular face was hidden behind a curtain of wavy blonde hair and the other half was flushed deep red with unabashed excitement. Beneath her stark white blouse her small, perky breasts heaved as she sucked in ragged breath after ragged breath. And although it wasn't exactly being shown off as she sat there flashing him a little glimpse of her modest panties Will knew all too well how tight her cute little bubble butt was. Just like he knew full well how curvy her petite body looked without professional clothes. It was all he could think about as he stepped a little closer and bit his lip. When one of her heels fell of her foot as she lifted it off the ground he instinctively knelt down to pick it up. The moment he did she let out a soft moan.

“Maybe we have time for a little fun . . .”

Looking up at her for a second before glancing at her cute little pussy Will nodded and said, “I can work with that!”

Before his girlfriend had a chance to say anything else he lunged forward and swept her up in his characteristic excitement. Pushing her legs even further apart and lifting her skirt up her body until it was little more than a belt he planted a soft kiss on the slowly spreading stain at the center of her now useless underwear. She let out a soft moan and immediately covered her mouth, leaning back against her desk as far as she could and bracing herself with her free hand. Knowing full well there wasn't enough time to really have fun he resisted the urge to tease her until she was half crazy with desire and begging him to do something. Instead he just pulled aside her panties with one hand and pressed his lips against the swollen bud at the crest of her plump, hairy sex. He tried to take a moment to enjoy just how wet her pussy was and how chubby her vulva always looked but there wasn't enough time to really appreciate either facet. Not when he had a clit to tease. Missy cried out in delight and clapped both hands over her mouth as a little bolt of pleasure lanced through her. His long, wide tongue drifted across her sex for a moment, lapping at her tight entrance and sending another jolt of arousal cascading through her senses. But he didn't press that advantage for very long, barely a few seconds passed by before he turned his attention fully towards her sensitive pearl. She hardly had any time at all to enjoy his talents and the occasional tease of him brushing against her asshole.

Though she could hardly complain as he put that tongue to good use on her bud instead. Sucking just hard enough to fill the office with the soft, wet sounds of his efforts and lightly flicking her clit in fast, erratic movements he knew exactly what she liked and he wasn't afraid to capitalize on it. He knew her so well when her legs reflexively tried to close and her body tried to push him away his hands were already pressed against her thighs, completely stopping her from getting in his way. Had there been enough time to really go wild and build up the teasing she loved so much there was no doubt he'd end up making her scream before long. Unfortunately with a deadline looming overhead and the distinct lack of privacy weighing in the back of her mind she really couldn't enjoy his efforts as much as she wanted. She certainly enjoyed them a great deal but the difference between him tonguing her clit at him and doing so in her office was night and day. Little flashes of concern about Luisa hearing them, about her boss showing up to demand why she wasn't already at the meeting, of a million other worries flickered through her head and refused to go away. Even as she tried to focus solely on his lips around her clit and his eyes staring deeply into hers. But no matter how hard she tried to think only about his tongue dancing across her pearl and the pleasure crashing through her system she just couldn't. It was truly impossible despite the ecstasy welling up inside her and the fluids dripping down his chin with every passing moment. When she glanced at the clock hanging on the wall beside them a little flash of adrenaline surged through her body. She didn't have much time left! Fortunately her man was nothing if not observant and her little reaction hadn't gone unnoticed. Wanting very much to give her a little something extra before she headed off to whatever boring meeting she had lined up he doubled his efforts and went absolutely wild on her clit.

Exactly the way he liked to do after she was desperately screaming for more and completely unable to think or function. The effects were nowhere near as potent without all the build up but at the same time they managed to be moderately successful. Enough that Missy had to bit her lip and stifle a soft groan as a small climax washed over her. It only lasted a few seconds and was nowhere close to the best thing she'd felt but for a few pleasurable seconds she was left breathless and smiling. Her fluids had soaked a small portion of her desk and most of his chin and when he pulled back to wipe his mouth she was certainly left wanting a whole lot more. There was little chance she'd get anything done in her meeting after what he'd just teased her with, which was exactly what her man wanted. The grin on his face couldn't have been more obvious and despite her mild disappointment and much less mil frustration she still grinned back at him as she fixed her panties, wiped down her desk, and stood up to leave. She glanced at his bulge for a second or two as she gathered her paperwork but quickly looked away before temptation could lure her down an irresponsible path. Apologies were made and kisses were shared as she hurried out of her office promising to return as soon as she could and 'do things right'. Will had every intention of holding her to that promise.

Licking his lips and leaning hard against Missy's desk Will couldn't help but smile. “Damn.”He thought as he glanced down at his cock, “I hope she comes back soon. I'm not sure how long I can wait for her!”

As if summoned by his thoughts the door suddenly swung open and for a split second he thought it was his girlfriend throwing caution to the wind. Instead it was Luisa entering with a folder and a none too subtle grin. Much too distracted by standing upright and hiding his erection to notice her face Will blushed while she let out a soft chuckle, “Ms. Taylor needs this for her next meeting.”

“Of course. You can just put it right there!” He spoke to fill the awkwardness and gestured in the vague direction of the desk he was leaning awkwardly against.

“I know. But thank you for your permission.” She replied.


Setting down the folder and bending over a good deal more than she really needed to in the process Luisa seemed to pay him no mind at all as she showed off her unexpectedly thick ass beneath a skirt so tiny and so form fitting it barely reached the underside of her fat buttocks. Will couldn't help but stare despite not really meaning to and when she straightened he was snapped out of his stupor by a question far more loaded than he realized, “Did you need anything Mr. Harris?”

“C-Call me Will.” He told her, speaking entirely on instinct.

Turning towards him and flashing a dusky smile Luisa asked again in a sultry voice, “Did you need anything Will?”

By the end of those seven, tantalizing syllables he realized just how slutty she actually looked. In his eagerness to see Missy he'd completely failed to notice the way her silky blouse hung open just enough to tease at whatever might've been underneath without completely baring it. The simple fact that she lacked a pronounced bust made that teasing all the more appealing in a strange sort of way. He noticed how puffy and full her lips really were and how they always seemed to pout in a fantastically sexy way no matter what she was doing or how she stood. Although he'd already spotted her rather enormous ass and the impossibly short length of her skirt those already remarkable qualities took on a whole new meaning as he looked at the rest of her. When he looked into her dark eyes and saw them sparkle with unmistakable lust, her nostrils flaring and a flush creeping over her high cheekbones. Her smooth brown skin was covered in a delicate layer of makeup that both enhanced her already considerable beauty while at the same time accentuating the aura of sluttiness practically radiating off her as she cocked her wide hips to one side and slowly licked her plump lips. And with nothing covering them her long, remarkably plump legs were on almost fully display from the uppermost portion of her thighs all the way down to her heel clad feet. Everything about her was as provocative as could be without being so far over the line that she'd get reprimanded for dressing like that at work. It couldn't have been more calculated and in spite of himself Will couldn't have been more aroused by her appearance. Though he tried to pretend his excitement was because of Missy and Luisa had just caught him in the aftermath that would've been a bold faced lie. Like it or not he couldn't keep his eyes off her wide curves or the strong yet still quite feminine angles of her jawline. He liked how dominating she felt even as she stood a good six inches shorter than him.

“N-No . . .” He managed to reply, “I-I'm all s-set! Thank you!” His voice was strained and his face couldn't have looked more nervous.

“I don't think that's true at all.” Moving even closer and leaning forward until their bodies were almost touching she slowly inhaled as she stared at him, “I can smell Ms. Taylor's pussy on you breath.”

“What?! T-That's not—”

“And I know she left that big dick of yours all alone so she could run off to a meeting.”

“This isn't—”

“Which is why,” She smacked her thick, lipstick covered lips loud enough to both silence him and pull his gaze back to their large, sensual contours, “I'm going to suck that big fat cock of yours dry.”

“I-I'm dating Missy!”

“I don't care. I want to taste your dick.” Her hand caressed his bulge and he flinched away, but only after a split second of shuddering and gasping at the smooth touch of her long fingers, “I don't take no for an answer.”

Pulling away from her with a groan and putting at least a couple feet of distance between them Will started to shake his head and insist she wasn't going to taste anything when the door to the office suddenly swung open. Reappearing with an eager smile Missy grandly announced, “The meeting was canceled babe! Get those pants off right—what's going on?”

From the guilty look on her boyfriend's face to the unapologetically slutty way her assistant stood it was abundantly clear she'd just interrupted something. “N-Nothing sweetie! Luisa was just—”

“Was just about to suck his cock.” She finished.


“No she wasn't! I was going to turn her down I swear! I wouldn't let that happen!”

“Oh he wouldn't have a choice. Once I get my lips around a cock no man can resist.!”

“W-Well I wouldn't let it get that far!”

“That's what they always say. Then their cock is stuffed down the back of my throat and they're learning just how much better a femboy is than their girlfriends.”

“A-a femboy?” He immediately asked, “Y-You mean you're—”

Turning toward him with a smile Luisa lifted up his skirt to reveal a small yet unmistakable bulge in the tight little thong he was wearing underneath his clothes. Despite how small his cock and balls were the thin triangle of lacey black cloth could barely contain him. The head of his dick peeked out over the top while his soft looking, entirely hairless sack hung mostly out of the side. Will and Missy both stared at his lascivious reveal, but while the latter was stunned the former was oddly focused on a whole different side of the matter, “You're not better than me at sex!”

Tearing his eyes away from Luisa for a moment he looked at his girlfriend and said, “Is that really what matters right now?”

“Of course I'm better than you at sex.” Her femboy assistant stated matter of factly. I know everything a man wants and I'm not afraid to give it to him either.” Deliberately leaving his skirt hiked up he turned towards his employer and laughed. “When I'm finished with a guy he can barely stand!”

“That's absurd! And even if it were true being a slut doesn't mean you're good at sex! I know my boyfriend's wants better than he does!”

“So do I Ms. Taylor!” As he spoke he rubbed her cock through his thong and bit his lip, “Because I have an advantage you'll never understand!”

“It doesn't matter what advantage you think you have! You could never do it better than me! Not with any guy and definitely not with Will!”

“Missy I don't think this is—”

“Is that right? Well it's a good thing you interrupted us then! You can hold on to that fantasy for a little while longer. Until another femboy comes along and proves me right.”

Stomping over to her boyfriend and wrapping an arm around him she scoffed at her assistant, “I could've been gone for hours and you still wouldn't be half as good as me!”



Approaching both of them with a wild eyed gleam Luisa licked his lips and coyly replied, “Then why don't we have a little contest?”

“What?!” Will exclaimed. “You can't be serious! Missy what are we doing right now?”

“What contest?” His girlfriend asked, her tone both resolute and a little apprehensive.

“I'll make your boyfriend cum. Then you can make him cum, if he even can after I'm done, then we'll see who did it faster.”

“And if I win?”

“What the hell Missy?!”

“Then you'll get the satisfaction of knowing you're right. But if you're too afraid I get it. I wouldn't want to lose my boyfriend to all this either.” Turning away from them and lifting his skirt up to reveal his fat, jiggling ass he bounced up and down for a few seconds while looking back at them and biting his lip.

Will looked at his girlfriend in shock, unable to believe what was happening and completely unable to believe she was even considering any of this. He stared at her face and watched the apprehension spread across her cute features. But he knew all too well how competitive she could be and how hard it was for her to resist a challenge, though he never thought it'd go this far. “Fine!” She said, steely eyed determination and reluctance sharing equal space on her conflicted expression. “You can go first! When you fail I'll show you how it's really done!”

“Jesus Christ! Is this really happening?”

“I'll remember you said that as I'm milking your man dry!”

Missy scoffed while Luisa grinned and Will just looked at the pair of them in disbelief. His astonishment only continued to grow as the slutty little femboy standing half naked before him knelt down like it was the most normal thing in the world. Licking his amazingly plump lips and flashing the sort of smile that could melt a glacier he casually unbuttoned his newest conquest's slacks, tugging them down and revealing his half soft cock for all three of them to see. Though he tried to resist what was happening as he leaned against his girlfriend for support Will hardly put up much of a fight and he certainly didn't do anything significant to stop what was going on. Part of him almost wanted it to happen and the rest was certain he couldn't possibly stay hard in such a weird situation. He'd never been on for showing off or performing in front of others and this was no exception. But if that bothered Luisa in any way he didn't show it as he wrapped her fingers around the mostly limp prick hanging in front of his face. Smacking his lips and flashing a goading smile at Missy he put his tight, wet mouth to good use on the tip of his prick. But instead of throating the entire thing and showing off just how big of a slut he really was, like they expected, he instead focused almost entirely on the head of Will's shaft, his tongue darting out to tease the rest of his shaft but nearly every ounce of focus staying solely on his swelling glans. And for the first few seconds Missy couldn't help but feel a strange sense of smug superiority. She knew full well her man loved deep, throaty blowjobs. It'd take her years to suppress her gag reflex enough to give them and now every time she did he practically melted in her hands. There was no chance Luisa could get him hard with a shallow little effort like that. It didn't matter how much her cheeks sank it or how sloppily she slurped on his tip. Her man liked something more and there was no way in hell he could get hard from that.

Within five seconds her certainty took a sudden, devastating hit as she felt Will's grip tighten and heard him let out a groan. His already thick cock swelled even more and Luisa let out a gloating moan. His tongue darted out even further across the growing expanse of dick available to him and the wet slurping of his messy efforts only seemed to grow louder. He groaned again a few heartbeats later, trying his absolute best to not get aroused but failing miserably as the femboy kneeling down in front of him did more with an inch or two than his girlfriend had with his whole prick. For her sake and for his his own he continued to resist the pleasure coursing through him as much as possible but there really was no chance ot stopping what he felt. Especially not as he looked down at the slutty face perched on the end of his cock. He'd never seen anything more natural looking than the femboy in front of him, his skirt lifted up and his cock throbbing like crazy behind his thong as he splayed his legs wide and sucked cock like it was his sole purpose in life. Somehow he didn't even need to touch Will's balls or really do anything except work his tip and apply so much toe curling pressure it was honestly a miracle his dick wasn't torn off. More often than not his hands just rested on his knees but when they drifted down between his thighs to rub his cock or even tug aside his thong the man he was sucking couldn't help but groan again. Although he tried harder than he'd ever tried in his entire life he couldn't stop himself from getting hard again. Luisa's lips were too amazing. They were just made to wrap around a dick, there was no denying it and no running from it. Within thirty seconds his massive prick was back to full attention and harder than he'd been in months. The cock loving femboy responsible released him with a wet pop, licking his lips and smiling at Missy as he stood up he produced a bottle of lube from the small purse he'd brought into the office with him and threw another barb at his boss.

“It's not too late to give up and admit I'm right. You don't have to watch your boyfriend cum inside my tight little boy pussy.”

“You'll never make him cum!”

“Whatever you say Ms. Taylor . . .”

Will barely followed their interaction as he held Missy's hand tight and stared at the two. Part of him wanted to put an end to everything they were doing and just leave before someone, before his girlfriend, got hurt. He even managed to start expressing that very sentiment before being interrupted yet again, “I don't think—”

“Femboys are just better than regular girls.” Luisa replied. “We're sluttier, we're hornier, and we know every depraved thought your boyfriends might have. And we not afraid to let them fuck our tight little cunts until they rearrange out guts and blow the biggest loads they've ever produced.” Slowly turning his back to them and rubbing his fat ass against Will's throbbing cock he continued, “Why do you think it's so easy for us to seduce men? Women can barely keep their guys around when a slutty hole like mine is just ready and waiting for their men to fuck. Just look at how hard your man is after I sucked on his dick just a little bit! He knows he can fuck me like he's never fucked you. He knows he can pull aside my thong, shove that dick balls deep in my ass pussy, and just destroy me. And he knows I'll love every second of it like you never could.”

As a depraved slut of a femboy grinded his barely covered asshole against his cock Will looked at the woman he loved for a moment. He wanted her to say something. To say anything. But she just stared in silence at the sight of his throbbing dick squished between a pair of massive, jiggling buttocks. She was ever so slightly squirming but whether from discomfort or arousal he honestly couldn't say. And after a few seconds it was difficult to really care. His libido was going into overdrive and despite his usual misgivings a part of him was starting to like the idea of fucking someone else in front of his girlfriend, it was a part of him he'd never experienced before but one strong enough to send both hands reaching out towards Luisa's plump ass. When he tugged aside the tiny cord separating him from the tightly clenched, oval shaped, and deliciously puffy hole he was about to fuck any concern for anything else just faded away. Although he managed to cast one last look back at his partner it was little more than a perfunctory glance. His one and only thought was destroying the wet little femboy hole being offered to him. As he grabbed his cock with one hand and none too gently spanked Luisa's ass with the other his soon to be fuck toy squirted a thick stream of lube onto Will's shaft.

He dumped another fat load of it inside his own ass before tossing aside the bottle and grinning back at Missy. She glared back at him with as dirty a look as she could manage while biting her lip and holding her breath. Her eyes widened more and more with every passing second, the sight of her man's dick pushing against someone else's entrance proving both hypnotic and mortifying. Truly at a loss she could do nothing but watch that greedy little ring begin to swallow him up before he'd even moved a muscle. While he was still lining himself up and preparing to thrust. A split second later she was gasping with both hands over her mouth as Will slammed every last inch of his prick into Luisa's asshole harder than she'd ever seen. So hard it was almost like a magic trick. One second his twelve inch monster of a dick was poised to wreck that not so tight boy pussy and the next his jiggling Latina ass was bouncing like crazy against her boyfriend's waist as both of them cried out in pleasure. Missy couldn't believe what she was seeing and the insanity only seemed to get crazier as Will grabbed both of his companion's wrists and widened his own stance while pulling the femboy's arms back. For all of a second he held himself there before suddenly and roughly pulling backwards even harder than he'd thrusted inside.

A wet squelching sound filled the office as the asshole he was violating distending around him, nearly prolapsing from the sheer size of his dick as it clamped down hard around his retreating shaft. It was nothing short of stunning, a lewd mix of revolting, fascinating, and oddly erotic. Both Missy and her boyfriend watched in awe. But only the latter truly enjoyed the impossible tight hole wrapped around his cock and sending waves of pleasure through his pent up body. As much as he didn't want to admit it Luisa's asshole felt better than anything he'd ever fucked. There wasn't even a comparison to make. He was so tight Will felt like he'd explode at any moment and the sheer effort of just pulling out was insane. And yet as soon as he'd retreated as far as he could the urge to slam right back inside and pound away at the slutty little hole that'd probably ended his relationship was unbearable. Nothing in the world was more appealing and in the blink of an eye he'd buried his shaft back inside his partner's hole. But of course he wasn't about to stop there, how could he? The sight of a fat, rippling ass bouncing off him and the sheer incomprehensible tightness of the gooey hole clenching his shaft made that impossible. He was pulling back before his mind even caught up to what he was doing. And by the time he managed to process that his shaft was plunging back inside that tight boy pussy even harder than before. In fact every single thrust he managed was harder than the last. He couldn't do anything else but fuck his plaything like a while animal while Luisa squealed in delight and encouraged him to go faster and harder with every violent shudder and breathy moan.

The sound of his small but incredibly hard cock flopping back and forth between his legs, the smell of his precum oozing out in endless streams, the feel of his tight little sack smacking back against his far bigger loins, all of it was beyond intoxicating. Even after her reached the absolute peak of his ferocity, after the office was filled with the wet smack of colliding flesh, and his girlfriend was left to stare in jealous awe of the ball slapping frenzy he continued to try and destroy the slut he was fucking. Gone was the tender, caring lover Missy had known their entire relationship. In his place was a beast of a man guided only by a near primal desire to empty his balls into whatever hole he desired. She'd never seen that side of him before and the surprise of it all didn't pair well with the unwelcome realization of why. Or rather with the unwelcome notion that there might've been more validity to her assistant's claims than she realized. Much as she didn't want to admit such a thing watching his broad hips slam into Luisa's endlessly bouncing ass and witnessing just how furiously he withdrew his cock only to send it plunging back inside again an instant later was difficult to ignore. No amount of pride or self delusion could change what she was witnessing. Never in the entire time that she'd known him had Will fucked her anywhere close to that. Not even when she asked him to be as rough as he could. It wasn't even close.

In a rather cruel twist of fate the only reprieve she got from the shocking sight of her boyfriend turning a femboy's asshole inside out was when proved everything Luisa said right by blowing the biggest load he'd ever produced inside that tight little boy pussy. Pent up and wholly incapable of any sort of restraint Will fucked his partner's ass until he could last another second. He didn't even think twice about what it meant if he came so quickly or how his girlfriend might feel. All he could do was pound away until his whole body tensed and his cock swelled even more. His mewling slut of a lover cried out in equal parts delight and triumph as he felt that already massive dick grow and the enormous balls resting tightly against and smothering his own tense. What neither he nor Missy expected was the sudden, ferocious continuation of his thrusting a split second later. As close as he was to cumming and as difficult as it was for him to do anything but stand there Will just couldn't help himself. The allure of a sloppy boy pussy just called out to him like never before. Not even a sudden fountain of jizz erupting from his tip to coat the deepest reaches of Luisa's hole could stop him. Though it certainly slowed him down more than anything else he couldn't help but pound away at that tight ass, pulling back and burying his length inside him as quickly as he could manage while jet after creamy jet of the thickest spunk his fucktoy had ever felt flooded his guts. Load after creamy load erupted from his balls, each and every one greedily milked out by the tight hole squeezing his shaft and each one making both of their knees tremble. It took him nearly thirty seconds of uninterrupted groaning, thrusting, and cumming to fully empty his balls inside that tight little slut. More than double the time he normally spent with his girlfriend. And by the end of it he was slumped back against the desk barely able to stand and wholly unable to comprehend what'd just happened.

Standing upright and leaning back against his newest lover Luisa pointedly kept that massive cock stuffed balls deep in his ass as he looked back at Missy and said, “I told you Ms. Taylor . . . no man can resist a tight little boy pussy . . . and they definitely can't resist mine . . .”

“This doesn't prove anything!” She replied, meekly aroused by the humiliation she felt but simultaneously unable to accept it.

“Oh no? Is your boyfriend always rock hard after he cums? Because right now his dick is so hard I think it might just break my poor little hole if he started fucking me again . . .” Speaking as much to the man behind him as the woman he was shaming Luisa licked his lips and grinded against Will, “I think he knows how much better my tight little cunt is . . . he finally realized what he was missing out on . . . how superior a femboy is . . . isn't that right big boy?”

Will looked at his girlfriend with a dazed, barely lucid expression. His cock throbbed inside Luisa's ass and his whole body shivered for a moment. He opened his mouth as if to say something but only a groan came out. It was immediately followed but an almost bestial growl as he suddenly took charge of the cock hungry slut still impaled on his dick and in dire need of fucking. While Missy was left to gasp and even recoil in shock her boyfriend spun around, slammed Luisa against the desk, and proceeded to fuck him like there was no tomorrow. Knocking everything over from the force of his thrusts and shifting the entire thing at least six inches out of place he absolutely destroyed that tight femboy ass pussy. Making his first attempt look like gentle foreplay and everything he'd done with her little more than light hand holding he wrecked that tight hole with everything he had. Not even the oh so confident whore he was violating could react with anything other than pleasured screams and open mouthed shock. With both hands he held on to the edge of the desk for dear life, convulsing and squealing in equal measure as thick, watery streaks of cum exploded out of his madly twitching dick. In much the same way he'd milked Will dry the constant, ferocious assault on his prostate milked him dry within no time.

Every vulgar, ball slapping thrust sent his cock pounding against that swollen little g-spot and the sheer barrage of ecstasy that accompanied his assault sent Luisa into fits of orgasmic bliss. The entire front of Missy's desk was drenched in his sperm before long and massive, gooey rivulets were dripping onto the carpet well before he finished adding more jizz to the modern art painting he'd created. And all this was long before the man responsible came anywhere close to his second climax. What felt like hours before he was finally satisfied and the enormity of what he'd done and what'd happened could truly sink in. Nearly ten unbroken minutes of furious, ball slapping sex passed by before he finally added another, final eruption of cum to the glazed asshole of his screaming femboy lover. Ten minutes of slamming his cock against Luisa's prostate and ten minutes of Luisa being utterly incapable of anything but screaming and cumming whenever the pressure was too great. He lost track of how many times he'd actually cum by the time he felt fresh jizz gushing into his ass. It all felt like one, continuous barrage of ecstasy broken up only by occasional moments of respite as he collapsed against the desk in a drooling heap. But when a veritable fountain of warm sperm coated his boy pussy in another layer of toe curling pleasure he found a strange sort of second wind. One caused almost entirely by an intense need to show up his boss and prove once and for all he was superior to her.

Will's cock emerged from Luisa's sloppily gaping hole with a loud gurgle, cum immediately oozing forth as the only thing keeping it at bay retreated. But while he staggered back to stare in utter amazement at the fleshy red rose nearly blossoming from his partner's once tight hole the femboy he'd just wrecked actually managed to stand up and turn towards Missy with a smug grin, “Do you need any more proof than that?”

“How could you?” She asked of her boyfriend, completely ignoring the slut grinning at her, “Why didn't you refuse? Why didn't you hold back? Why didn't you stay flaccid?”

“I tried.” He told her. There were tears forming in the corners of her eyes but the flush in her cheeks and the unmistakable arousal of her constant squirming made it impossible to truly know what she was feeling. “I couldn't resist—”

“No man ever can.” Luisa remarked, shivering as cum slopped out of his asshole and dribbled down his thighs, “But that's not what matters.”

“And what does matter right now?” Missy asked in a quiet voice.

“What matters is that I won!” Both his companions scoffed but he pressed on, “And that I'm nothing if not gracious in my victory.”

“You aren't acting very gracious right now.”

“Just you wait boss.”

Flashing a lascivious grin she quite roughly pushed her employer back against the desk. Hard enough to make it slide back just a little bit more but not quite hard enough to do more than elicit a soft, startled gasp from the woman she was steering. Missy barely had the wherewithal to protest as her ass slid across the cum stained desk her boyfriend had just fucked another person on. In fact she even felt a strange sort of submissive thrill as her skirt was hiked up and her panties were yanked down. She barely made a sound as they were tossed aside and her legs were pushed open to reveal a shamefully wet pussy hidden away between her thighs. Luisa smiled at the sight for a moment, then grabbed the boyfriend standing off to the side staring like a buffoon. He forced him down onto his knees and knelt down beside him a moment later. Like it was the most normal thing in the world he leaned in to taste the soft, wet folds lightly quivering in front of him and before she could stop herself Missy let out a soft gasp. Her back arched and a rush of pleasure, shame, and confusion swelled up inside her. When she looked at Will with an almost pleading expression he just smiled back and her and leaned in too, not even remotely shy about sharing such a small space and such an intimate act with the femboy he'd dumped two massive loads inside. Indeed the moment he pressed his own tongue against his girlfriend's cunt exhilaration lit up his body and a wild shudder ran down his spine.

It was, of course, nowhere near as potent as the convulsions tearing through her body but that didn't stop him from enjoying every second of it. Covering her mouth with both hands and leaning back as far as she could without slumping back against her untidy desk Missy tried to close her legs and stop the ecstasy suddenly coursing through her body. Never in her life had she felt two different people going down on her at the same time. She'd never even kissed two different people at the same time let alone felt them tasting her pussy and running their tongues along her trembling vulva. The feeling was indescribable and it only continued to grow more unbearable delicious as they leaned in harder and moved faster. As if responding to her violent shaking and the deluge of warmth seeping from her sex. And thankfully neither of her partners were even remotely stymied by her legs attempting to close. Both of them pushed her thighs even further apart until she was nearly doing the splits and they had free reign over her naked, trembling cunt. How they chose to take advantage of that freedom was perhaps the most incredible thing she'd ever imagined. Moving closer and closer to one another with every passing second Will and Luisa started intertwining their tongues around one another as they licked her cunt and sent waves of pleasure rolling through her senses. Little by little they turned what'd momentarily been two people going down on one person into something of a perverted threesome. Although they didn't do anything with their hands, cocks, or indeed any other part of their bodies save their mouths the way they began to kiss and tease each other around and across her pussy was more than enough. She had no earthly idea how to react as they caressed places she'd never felt a tongue go.

When they started to tease and stroke the same places back to back in sudden bursts she actually slumped down upon her desk in a sudden heap. Her body simply couldn't support her a moment longer and her back arched as soon as she was flat against her crumpled papers and disconnected keyboard. It only arched higher when she felt one of their tongues, each was utterly indistinguishable from the other, find the achingly sensitive bud at the crest of womanhood. Though it only flicked at her pearl for a second the jolt of pleasure and adrenaline she felt was simply beautiful. And it remained beautiful when the other tongue, or for all she knew the same one, flicked across her clit a few heartbeats later. The way it darted upward only to retreat and continue swirling about her tight entrance and dancing across the rest of her sex couldn't have felt more divine. She wanted to reach out and bury her fingers in their hair but reaching that far was far too difficult a task. The most she could manage was slamming her palms down against the wood of her desk and curling her fingers around the edge as she held on for dear life. At some point her hips started to buck in time with the little passes at her clit and the more frequently they arrived the harder she moved against them. Were it not for their hands pressing down against her thighs she might've bucked herself right off her perch and tumbled to the ground but thankfully between their strong grip and her weakening body she stayed exactly where she wanted to be.

Her reward for not flailing like a lunatic and messing everything up was better than anything she could've dreamed of. Slowly but surely working their way up higher and higher Luisa and Will eventually managed to find her clit at almost exactly the same time. In the blink of an eye they weren't just teasing and playing with her pearl but actively kissing one another with her swollen but at the very center of their affection. Words truly failed to describe how incredible it felt to be pressed between their mouths in such a way and the conflicting feelings that accompanied what they were actually doing didn't and couldn't last long. Not with waves of orgasmic bliss crashing down upon her one after the other in rapid succession. She couldn't possibly move fast enough to match the pleasure cascading through her senses and trying quickly proved so unimaginably draining she thought she might pass out from the strain. Or perhaps that was simply the undiluted ecstasy of feeling two different pairs of soft lips and two different tongues writhing and swirling and shifting around her clit. Missy was much too overwhelmed to consider which option was more likely and the longer she remained at the mercy of their efforts the less functional her mind and body became. Little by little every last thought, want, need, or desire she had faded into nothingness, all except the overwhelming urge to feel them continuing until she died of pleasure. Her mind was a broken, fragmented mess even before they brought her to orgasm and her body fared no better.

All of her muscles spasmed independently of one another, the pleasure radiating outwards from her pearl making it near impossible to do anything except shake. Even that seemed near impossible as her lovers kissed on another more passionately with every passing second and she reaped all the rewards of their efforts. Pressing tightly against one another and the cunt they were pleasuring neither Will nor Luisa held anything back. They didn't let up for even a moment and the intense, unending pressure was well and truly driving Missy wild. For all the orgasms she'd had in her life none felt anywhere near as good as the buildup to whatever was coming. Even the mere act of being pushed closer and closer to that precipice was so incredible she thought she was going to die before it happened. Fortunately for all of them her wild suppositions and insane ramblings couldn't have been further from the truth. She didn't die when her ecstasy finally reached a tipping point and all the world vanished into a delirious haze. She just unleashed a fountain of warm, sweet pussy juice for the very first time in her life. It erupted out of her like a geyser, splashing across both of her lovers and streaking across her office to soak the carpet, furniture, and even a good portion of the wall across from her. Luisa and Will pulled back a split second after her first eruption but while the latter dove back in immediately the former stood up to lean over his boss and seize yet another opportunity.

“I think I've earned a raise!” He cooed, “A big one! Don't you agree Ms. Taylor?” Too mindlessly overwhelmed to think or react in any way his boss could only frantically nod at the question, desperate for the pleasure to continue. “Good girl!” Luisa grinned.

Slapping her boss's cheek in a deliberately patronizing fashion he kneelt back down just in time to catch another torrent of warm arousal. True to her word she picked up right where she'd left off and Missy was left to thrash and convulse and scream like she was being murdered as ecstasy greater than anything she'd ever felt crashed down upon her. For just shy of a minute she was utterly destroyed by pleasure, a complete slave to her bliss and little more than a human sized toy squirting endlessly across her office and convulsing until every last one of her muscles had gone completely limp. But even after the greatest peaks and valleys of her ecstasy had started to fade the dull ache of the afterglow continued to send pleasure throughout her senses. And little spurts of warmth seeping from her cunt. When Luisa pulled away a second time she barely even felt the difference and when Will retreated a few moments after that she could do nothing but gasp and shudder as she lay sprawled across her desk. But while her boyfriend quickly moved to be beside her, whispering soft apologies into her ear and doing his best to recover from everything that'd happened the slutty little femboy truly responsible just sauntered out of the office with hardly a care in the world. He barely even paused to adjust his clothes and hide his dirty little secret.

“That was fun but I'm off to payroll to finalize my raise. When I get back we can spend a little more time proving me right!”

“Oh my God . . .” Missy panted.

“Oh my God . . .” Will groaned. Neither of them could say anything else and if they were really being honest with themselves there wasn't much else to say anyways.


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