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Fans of futa and Nier Automata should have a lot to like with this chapter. Or at the very least I hope you'll have a lot to like! Since I don't have much else to say I'll stop babbling and let y'all get on with it!

2B arrived at the Bunker as quickly as she could, summoned by an urgent yet enigmatic message sent directly by a YoRHa commander. She'd been told nothing about the reason for her return save that it was a mission of 'utmost importance' and that her 'presence was required in testing a newly created subjugation protocol'. Though she could hardly refuse a direct order from a superior even if she'd been so inclined the mysterious nature of the command alongside the gravitas of how it was sent forced her to abandon all other priorities. 9S was left behind on Earth and she hurried through the austere hallways towards the designated meeting point. Upon arriving the doors swung open and she stepped inside to find a rather unremarkable bedroom waiting for her. Little more than any standard quarters it possessed a single bed and nothing else of note save the other occupant: a fellow combat android she didn't recognize but nonetheless knew to be an ally. Designated 2P she was in all but a few ways identical to 2B. Both possessed the same slender, athletic build, both were dressed in the same battle dress, indeed everything down to the most minute details was precisely the same. Save of course the colors of their skin, hair, and clothing. Contrasting 2B's silvery locks and alabaster skin 2P's tresses were of a deep black coloration and her skin had a rich brown complexion across every visible inch. And while the former's garb was a lacy black the latter's was a stark, shimmering white. She would soon learn of another quite distinct difference between them but before that fina; revelation was given her confusion only continued to mount as she removed the blindfold shielding her eyes to stare at her fellow android in silence. Her companion stared right back at her without saying a word or indeed shifting in the slightest. The door to the 'testing chamber' closed a few moments later and the pair were left alone with one another, the mystery of their circumstances only growing until 2B finally spoke.

“Why have I been sent here?”

“To test test a nonviolent subjugation protocol. YoRHa has developed a new method of subduing rogue androids without damaging them.”

“Who will be wielding the weapon?”

“I will. Are you ready?”

Sinking down into a defensive posture and wondering what the nature of such a weapon could be 2B nodded and said, “Yes.”

2P nodded but rather than producing a weapon or indeed doing anything her partner might've expected she reached down, wrapped her gloved fingers around the hem of her skirt, and lifted it up to reveal quite possible the most unexpected thing imaginable. Jutting out from her leotard and hanging down between her toned thighs was a large, throbbing cock. Close to a foot long at the very least and thicker around than either woman's bicep at the most slender part, and nearly as thick as one of their thighs near the middle it was an absolute monstrosity through and through. Countless veins dotted the surface and every pulse saw another glob of creamy white fluid beading at the tip. They dripped down onto the metal floor between her feet with a steady plink and the unusually musky scent of it clouded 2B's nostrils within seconds. But she was much too busy recoiling in shock at the mere presence of such a thing between her counterparts legs. It seemed almost absurd for such a member to be present on her body, let alone for it to be showed in such an unceremonious fashion. She didn't even realize why it was being shown in the first place until several tense, pulse pounding seconds later. More than enough time stare at the full scope of her swollen shaft and even gawk at the massive balls hanging behind the neck of her prick. Her sack was incredibly pendulous and the sheer size of it both matched the rest of her length and left the android standing opposite her completely floored. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't react in any other way but dumbfounded surprise. A dull yet growing heat was burning through her body in a manner she'd never known before and the longer she stood there the more powerfully it seemed to radiate from the very core of her being. 2B couldn't even fathom why she was so awestruck by the sight of her ally's tanned, hungrily twitching shaft. When 2P stepped closer and let out a small laugh her would be partner reflexively stepped backwards, maintaining her defensive position now more than ever.

“What did you just do?!” She demanded, “Why do you posses that?!”

“This is the weapon.” Her counterpart replied, “It's meant to subdue rogue androids through over-stimulation and excessive pleasure. Thus nonviolently capturing them. Due to your exemplary battle records you're a prime candidate for testing. Should the weapon work on you it will likely work on all androids with acceptable results.”

Blushing furiously at the thought of that monstrosity doing anything to or with her 2B took another step back and shook her head before she even knew what she was doing. Her companion tried to move closer but she retreated faster than she could approach and before she realized what was happening she stood at the door, “I-I can't! I have o-other missions to attend. I-I have to leave!”

“Wait! It's not—”

Whatever else her companion tried to say was lost as 2B hurried out of the room, departing the Bunker entirely as hastily as she could. She refused to believe what'd just happened was real, that it was truly something ordered by YoRHa command. As absurd as the justification seemed it was surely some sort of strange joke. A bizarre jest made to humiliate or perhaps even humble her. Maybe it was meant to test her loyalty in some way. No explanation she concocted made any degree of sense but it hardly mattered. Regardless of what 2P claimed that thing wasn't going to be used on her. The thought was simply too mortifying to entertain let alone actually see to fruition and she returned to 9S still blushing and wholly unsure of herself. Brushing off his concerns and doing her best to move beyond what'd just happened 2B pushed the memories as far from her thoughts as possible and focused on the vastly more important missions at hand. She ignored any further communication relating to testing and dedicated herself solely to the matters she'd been earlier assigned. Or rather she did her best to do that very thing only to find herself wholly unable to push the image of her companion's massive, throbbing cock from her mind. Nothing she did could spare her from thoughts of it. No amount of mortal peril nor traipsing through desolate city scapes. For nearly a week her one and only consistent thought was of 2P's loins and everything that accompanied their reveal in the Bunker.

The first day was spent dwelling on how shocked she was by the size of it. By how thick and long and heavy it was. By how massive her balls had been and by how absurd it looked attached to her comparatively slender body. She was well and truly awestruck by it in every imaginable way and no amount of rationalization could alleviate that fact. Only the passage of time and constant, unending focus seemed to do the trick. By the second day she'd managed to calm down considerably. Nowhere near enough to think about anything else but certainly enough to approach her thoughts with a bit more logic and a bit less incredulity. Focusing on the exact measurements of 2P's cock allowed her some small measure of composure even as she continued to dwell on a subject she wished she could put out of her mind entirely. Somehow that helped for a time and she managed to find a modicum of respite from her own thoughts. Until the third day came around and she started looking through files on her counterpart in an effort to gather evidence. For what she was gathering it and what she hoped to accomplish 2B couldn't rightly say. As absurd as it was comparing size estimates and gathering more incontrovertible data seemed like the best way to assuage her rampant obsession and perhaps ease her into a state where she might eventually forget about it entirely.

On the dawn of the fourth day she'd manage to collect all the information she could want, including several files showing her companion's 'weapon' in quite explicit detail alongside it's specs and the plans it was built to accomplish. Which of course left her wondering how such a thing could possible fit inside her or indeed any other android. It seemed nothing short of impossible, especially when she measured the dimensions of her own mouth and thought about the even tighter confines of her other orifices. Such an enormous member would surely stretch her out beyond reason, beyond what she was capable of enduring. A thought that rather smoothly led her into the fifth day's concerns: the illogical nature of YoRHa creating such a 'weapon' to those specifications. There truly was no sensible reason she could picture for it being created as it was and the more she attempted to parse out the motivations the less sense it made. A fact that only amplified the mystery surrounding the entire project and a fact that refused to leave her mind as surely as images of 2P preposterously large penis and testicles. On the sixth day she found herself determined to return to the Bunker and demand answers to the questions now festering within her thoughts. Be it from her counterpart or command itself she would know what their true aims were and why such a thing had been made so monstrously large. Her inquiries would begin with the android in possession of the supposed subjugation method and move to anyone and everyone that might explain it properly. It was the only one way to alleviate her preoccupation and free herself from the tyranny of ignorance.

A short ways into the seventh day 2B returned to the Bunker and the 'testing chamber' alongside her newly endowed companion. 2P had wasted no time lifting up her skirt to reveal her powerfully throbbing cock once more and though she tried her best her white haired counterpart found it near impossible to remain composed in the face of such a thing. In spite of the time she'd had to gather her thoughts and prepare herself for being within the same space as it again she could do nothing about the heat burning within her. Growing hotter with every passing second and far surpassing what she'd felt upon first seeing the 'weapon' it was only after she returned that she realized how persistent it'd been across the six days she spent trying to ignore it. Only as that strangely exhilarating yet altogether unfamiliar warmth spread throughout her did she realize it'd been there since she first learned what her role was to be in this test. Diminished but never fully gone it'd simmered away in the depths of her being until she returned, whereupon it flared up like an engine being started. Every thought arrived more sluggishly than the last. Far more sluggishly than she was accustomed to. Nothing she tried could clear her head of the strange haze descending upon it, nothing could alleviate the odd little bursts of adrenaline coursing through her system each time she inhaled the scent of the fluid leaking from the tip of the weapon. Although she'd concocted more than a dozen questions to ask as she walked down the hall towards the testing room none of them could pass her lips as she stood there. She tried time and time again but all she could accomplish was stepping closer and closer over the course of a minute. At some point she looked down at the absurdly thick, absurdly long member to confirm the measurements she'd seen and compare them to the ones she'd taken of her own orifices. Despite already knowing the specifications from the dossier inside and out.

She finally managed to stammer out a question after several moments of staring pointedly at her partner's length and quietly wondering how such a thing felt inside her, “What is this?” She asked in a trembling tone. “What does it do?”

“Kneel down.” 2P replied. Without so much as a thought 2B did as she was told, surprising herself even as her knees pressed against the metal floor and the shadow of her counterpart's enormous length fell across her upturned face. More intimidated than ever by the size of it she audibly gulped, doing her best to look at her ally's face while much of her vision was obscured by throbbing cock. “It delivers a virus to any androids who see or smell it's pheromones. A virus that renders them unable to resist the allure of the weapon. Upon experiencing it they will be naturally drawn back to whichever android possesses it. The first part of the test was designed to measure how long you would take to return.”

Though she heard the words being spoken to her and understood them in some capacity 2B was much too overwhelmed by the presence of the cock looming above her to think critically about anything. She hardly enough noticed her counterpart beyond the massive pillar of throbbing power jutting out from her slender frame. Every breath she inhaled was clouded by the musky scent of her balls and every breath she exhaled arrived in a ragged, almost whimpering gasp. An overwhelming urge to touch it, to feel every inch and experience it's warmth and girth for herself, slowly took over her mind. No other desire could penetrate her thoughts and the more she tried to resist the temptation the greater it seemed to grow. Some part of her knew it must've been the virus. That it wasn't her own weakness but rather an expressly designed facet of the weapon and it's various protocols. And yet as she knelt there licking her lips and panting like a dog in heat 2B didn't care. Some deeply buried and ever more distant part of her higher cognizance attempted to regain control but it failed over and over again. It only continued to fail as she slowly reached out towards 2P twitching shaft with both hands. Her fingers had never trembled so violently in her entire existence. Indeed they'd never trembled at all and yet as she slowly wrapped them around that massive dick she could barely keep them under control. The heat radiating from it pierced her gloves and sent a wild shiver coursing through her body. When she squeezed it ever so slightly it throbbed against her touch even more ferociously and she actually let out a small gasp.

An even thicker glob of precum oozed from her tip, the smell of it making her ache in a way she'd never felt before as it threatened to fall away and join the rest of the droplets staining the floor. For all of a second 2B watched it swell and stretch. Her eyes couldn't look away and her hands couldn't help but squeeze and softly stroke the rest of 2P's length. But just as that delicious looking dollop was about to fall away and be wasted like all the rest she suddenly leaned forward. Extending her tongue and letting out a soft moan she pressed her entire mouth against her companion's throbbing tip. Although she didn't attempt to fit it inside her she made no secret of what her intentions were. What was the point when her tongue was greedily lapping up every last molecule of bitter yet unfathomably sweet arousal available and her throat was gulping it down faster than her mind could comprehend. What little part of her mind remained aware of the entire purpose of this exercise tried to justify it all as research. As her testing out her suppositions in a scientific manner. Had her body not felt so warm and her previously untouched sex not been aflame with desire that excuse might've held some merit. But with her legs slowly spreading apart and warmth soaking her leotard as she ached for more it was impossible to pretend she wanted anything more than the sexual gratification promised by the cock she was tasting. And by the virus running through her systems. No other thought or desire pierced her thoughts and she could do nothing about them save taste every last inch of 2P cock head like it was the most sumptuous meal she'd ever known.

Everything about the feel of it against her fingers, her lips, her tongue, and indeed any other part of her body was intoxicating. Though she'd never been drunk she could certainly understand the descriptions she'd heard far better as she knelt there all but worshiping her fellow android's weapon. Yet it wasn't enough. It couldn't be enough. As her body ached and her longs burned she wanted more than simply tasting. She wanted to feel it against her skin. How exactly such a thing came about she truly didn't care and when her hands vanished from the thickest part of the cock she was lavishing attention upon 2B did the first thing she could think of. Effortlessly tearing open the uppermost part of her battle uniform to bare her modest, perky breasts she raised herself just a little bit higher and pushed her softly heaving mounds together. The prick she so longed to experience fit quite nicely between her tits. It was just big enough to stick out from the warm tunnel formed by her body yet just small enough to actually be fully enveloped at the same time. Best of all the feel of it against her was electrifying. Her breath caught in her throat and her head spun as she sat there trembling in the aftermath of her spur of the moment decision. Instinct slowly took over in the following moments but for the first few heartbeats she could do little except kneel there with a massive cock buried between her breasts and a glassy eyed, half lidded expression of pure arousal etched onto her face. All the rest of the world simply didn't exist.

At least not until her natural urges swept through her momentarily immobilized body and she started to move in a sudden burst of enthusiastic passion. Still guided solely by the heat within her sex, and perhaps on some level the virus infecting her systems, 2B did the only thing that made sense: stroking her counterpart's cock with her milky white breasts. Initially she moved in an erratic, barely composed rhythm, her body wholly incapable of any finger control. But as she felt 2P's length swell even more against her she started to gather some semblance of composure and find some sort of tempo that let her truly enjoy the warmth and pleasure of a throbbing prick nestled between her breasts. Every stroke was just a little bit more composed and every second saw her moving with just a little more purpose than before. Nothing had diminished her excitement or her lust but now it was tempered by more than simple, thoughtless need. Or at least that's what she told herself as she watched the head of her fellow android's shaft slid in and out of the snug tunnel it was constantly smearing precum across. Over and over again she watched it disappear and reappear, her eyes once more glued to the sight as her lips parted and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. An actual, coherent thought slitted through her consciousness a short while later and in an instant the desire to see if it truly was possible for such a thing to fit inside her mouth swept through her body.

Nothing else had ever been so appealing and when she leaned down to wrap her lips around the tip once more she could feel a warm trickle of arousal seeping through her leotard and running down her thighs. But she couldn't begin to care about that as her mouth slowly enveloped the head of 2P's shaft and she quickly discovered the truth of the matter. That not only was it laughably possible but also so perfectly suited it was almost as if her mouth had been created solely for the purpose of housing a cock. She didn't have any trouble at all fitting herself around the entire length of her massive, pulsing tip in spite of how impossible such a thing should have been or how much her lips stretched. Though she stopped it at the back of her throat and pulled back a second or two later the astonishment she felt upon taking such an enormous member was second only to the giddiness coursing through her alongside it. There truly was no reason not to keep sliding back and forth along her counterpart's length, her breasts taking care of the shaft while her mouth paid special attention to her tip. Back and forth she went, spit drooling from her lips and rolling down the cock she was sucking on while the soft, wet sound of gurgling filled the testing chambers. And for a time it remained the only noise within the sparsely decorated room. Until the android she was pleasuring asked a sudden question of the hidden intercom and whatever entity was monitoring their progress.

“Should I proceed to the capture phase?”

“Proceed to the capture phase.”

Once again 2B heard the words being spoken but she was much to gone to comprehend them in any fashion. She was only dimply aware of her counterpart looking down at her and when she finally lifted her gaze up to meet that stare she had little comprehension of the meaning behind 2P's smile or the soft, almost patronizing pat on the head she received a moment later. Fortunately no amount of understanding or higher brain functions could assist with what happened a moment later. Grabbing two fistfuls of her tousled white locks and holding on so tightly her companion almost winced she suddenly and none too gently forced her cock down her companion's throat. More than a quarter of it plunged into her esophagus in the blink of an eye, her neck bulging outward and here eyes flying open in shock as she was violated by the very same prick she'd been lavishing attention upon moments before. Thick streams of spit erupted from the edges of her mouth and a choking sputter filled the room as she tried and failed to wrap her mind around what'd happened. But long before she could do anything of the sort 2P's hips lurched backwards, her cock suddenly sliding free of 2B's throat just as roughly as it'd slid inside. Even more spit drooled down her chin as it retreated and the relief she felt upon sucking in a sloppily ragged breath was immeasurable. And yet at the same time a not so small part of her was also disappointed by the sudden departure. Though she hadn't had anywhere near enough time to comprehend the wealth of sensations cascading through her their sudden absence was more than enough to be missed. Certainly more than enough to be lamented. Luckily for her she didn't have to wait long before that issue was rectified just as forcefully as it'd been caused. Perhaps even a good deal more forcefully than that!

Without a hint of warning or any sign that she intended to repeat the process, at least by 2B's incredibly limited understanding, 2P slammed her cock back into her fellow android's throat. She pushed it even deeper than the first thrust and wasted no time pulling back a heartbeat later while her companion was still choking and shuddering. By the time she'd recuperated from the toe curling sensation that was even more of her body being violated it happened again. Another inch plunged inside her and another inch reappeared covered in spit. She could feel her body stretching around the absurdly sized appendage plunging in and out of her with such uncompromising force, repeatedly distending to take every last centimeter of cock without any trouble at all. Only the gag reflex she'd never known about presented and sort of problem and it was summarily ignored by the woman busily slamming away into her face in a furious and thoroughly uncompromising fashion. Seemingly unconcerned with anything but completing the training regimen and testing out the full scope of the weapon she held nothing back and gave absolutely no time for her partner to recuperate. Again and again and again she slammed her prick into the depths of 2B's throat. Though her progress slowed little by little as the thickest parts of her shaft struggled to fit within such a tight space the pleasure felt by the android she was 'capturing' only increased. Her initial shock had long ago worn off and the pleasure that replaced it felt absolutely incredible. Even greater than what she'd known when she was attempting to lead. Simply kneeling there and being fucked was everything she could've wanted. It was indescribably good and the longer she had the pleasure of basking in it the more she savored every moment. Arousal and a strange but not unwelcome sense of adoration swept through her and it wouldn't fade for what felt like hours of a long, downright laborious subjugation protocol. One both women enjoyed throughout.

Little by little the calm, composed demeanor 2P had exhibited disappeared into an open mouthed, wide eyed look of pure desire. Although she'd been told she would feel a considerable amount of pleasure during the testing phase, in order to ensure maximum commitment, she was wholly unprepared for how much she truly enjoyed ramming her cock down her companion's throat. Every thrust sent a violent shudder down her spine and every centimeter of progress she gained was filled with toe curling delight, along with a burning need to keep going until she couldn't fit another millimeter. Any time she glanced down at the drooling, ecstasy laden android she was violating a little rush of adrenaline coursed through her systems. Actually witnessing how much she enjoyed being violated over and over and over again without mercy or hesitation was thrilling beyond measure. It was yet another fantastically visceral example of something explained to her before the testing began but not fully realized until her dick was pushing deep into 2B's throat. At some point her counterpart's hands came to rest against her thighs, as much to brace herself while her throat was being ravished as to to encourage even more brutal treatment of her tight, willing hole. There was little else she could truly do as her partner's pendulous sack inched closer and closer to her face with every wild thrust. In fact there was little else she wanted to do as her throbbing, absurdly thick length constantly reemerged from her lips in a shower of spit and precum, long strands of the creamy mixture drooling from the thickest parts of her length to splatter the already soiled floor beneath them.

Beyond the pleasure cascading through her senses and the constant, erotic thrill of feeling more and more of her body invaded by her companion's weapon she truly had no idea what to expect nor even what to imagine. Her sexual knowledge was so vastly limited she hardly even knew the function of a cock and certainly couldn't have expected anything more than what she was being given. Indeed the longer it went on and the more of 2P's prick she took into her throat the easier it was to simply assume that was the entire subjugation protocol. Especially as the last few inches proved the most difficult yet and her once slender neck bulged outward in a grotesque parody of what it'd once looked like each and every time her partner thrusted forward. Keenly unaware of how truly incredible sex could feel and even what an orgasm was she simply assumed the pleasure she felt was the absolute peak of what could be experienced. How could it possibly be any better? The myriad of sensations swirling through her were nothing short of remarkable! Her head was swimming in a haze of pure arousal and the warmth seeping from her untouched sex felt better than any joy she'd ever known in her rather limited life. Hearing the wet, throaty gurgles of her own mouth being treated in such a rough, uncompromising fashion proved oddly thrilling in a way she genuinely couldn't explain or make sense of. There was simply an unspoken yet overwhelming thrill that accompanied being used in such a way, of being treated in such a manner. As her head was forced to bob up and down on a cock far too massive for her slender body and that very same cock endlessly stretched out her throat and sent her neck bulging she could think of nothing else except how much more she wanted.

How badly she wanted those last few inches to slip inside her. Even the meaty slap of her 2P's balls against 2B's spittle soaked chin wasn't enough, delicious though it might've been. The first time she felt the unexpected force of her partner's sack against her flesh it was like being hit by a bolt of lighting. The second brought about a surge of ecstasy more potent than anything else. The third and fourth seemed to arrive near simultaneously as her struggling mind failed to keep any coherent measurement of passing time or indeed anything else beyond her pleasure. Every single impact after that slowly but surely joined the rest of the cacophony of sights, sounds, and sensations battering her very sanity. All that remained was actually taking the final inch or so of her partner's cock. Of feeling her lips pressed snugly against the base of her shaft and every single centimeter of her prick embedded in her throat where it'd seemingly always belonged. After that she'd be well and truly subjugated. After that the experiment would be a resounding success. That was the only conclusion 2B could reach and had she known how woefully and laughably inaccurate that sentiment was she probably would've balked at the prospect of anything more happening. Thankfully it was up to her. Plans were already in motion and protocols were already engaged.

With a final, shuddering thrust 2P announced the culmination of her pleasure in the most dramatic yet clear cut manner she could possibly think of. Finally overwhelmed by her own pleasure and wholly unable to hold anything back she buried the entirety of her prick inside 2B's throat, every last inch slamming into her gullet and remaining there as her balls swelled, her cock head pulsed, and  a deluge of fresh cum exploded into her partner's belly. Like a geyser erupting from a crack in the earth her synthetic sperm erupted into her fellow android's body, flooding her stomach and filling it to the brim in a single absurdly powerful font. It sprayed from her balls in a constant, unbroken stream in quantities so great and so thick the dumbstruck warrior she was emptying it into couldn't even react. Once more she was at a complete and total loss. Pleasure flooded her senses and violent shudders overtook her muscles as a peculiar yet intoxicating warmth spread throughout her body. Never in a thousand years had she expected anything to come out of the cock she'd been throating for however many minutes it'd taken. And she'd certainly never expected the feel of gushing into her body and filling her up until she was ready to burst from the sheer amount to be as thrilling as it was. The tight seal formed both by how ferociously her throat clamped down around 2P's length and the sheer size of her cock in the first place ensured not a single drop ended up anywhere but in the depths of her trembling form. Even when some of that wonderful substance backed up into her throat it was stopped from going any further by the thickest part of the dick still embedded in her mouth. For well over a minute that was the sum total of her existence. The sole purpose of her life and the only thing she wanted to experience. She was and by all accounts would forever be a cum drunk hole meant to be filled by cock and tested on again and again until the heat death of the universe.

Or at least that's what she thought until her companion suddenly withdrew her cock a short while after the last spurts of cum dribbled from her tip. Instead of withdrawing only to resume thrusting once more she retreated entirely, her prick fully emerging from her counterpart's trembling throat and leaving her to remain kneeling in her dazed ecstasy. Barely able to remain upright and in no state to comprehend what else was happening she couldn't begin to process 2P's words when she said, “Beginning the next phase of the capture process.”

The thought that there could be more to the subjugation protocols, that anything else could possibly happen after what she'd just experienced, was beyond absurd. 2B didn't believe it even as her companion unceremoniously lifted her off her knees and carried her to the bed. She was laid flat on her back with her legs splayed and only a sodden leotard to cover her wantonly aroused sex. But even that much was well beyond it's capabilities, the almost sheer white cloth had almost entirely disappeared between her puffy outer lips and what little did remain hidden was so perfectly visible beneath the soaking wet fabric it might as well have been fully exposed. And a moment later it was, thought not before her fellow android removed every last shred of clothing adorning her beautiful copper flesh, save the headband keeping her dark locks out of her face. Looming over the subject she'd soon destroy 2P smiled at the whimpering mess before her as she mounted the bed. Yet instead of tearing away her partner's garments and having her way with her she elected to stay within the parameters of her mission and instead bend down over her trembling body. Cupping her test subject's soft, heaving breasts with both hands she groped and fondled their soft contours as much for her own delight as a part of the protocols she was enacting. Her counterpart immediately cried out in pleasure, wholly taken aback by this new and altogether unexpected source and unable to do anything about it. Except of course to arching her back and pushing her tits out as much as she possibly could.

After a few seconds of writhing and shuddering her efforts were rewarded by something even more expected: a soft but thrilling kiss planted upon her trembling skin. It landed so tantalizingly close to her swollen pink nipples she couldn't help but wish her companion had aimed just a little bit lower. A moment later that wish was granted when her lips closed around the entirety of her swollen bud and she softly suckled at yet another amazingly sensitive part of her being. One she'd never dreamed of feeling as good as it felt and once she truly couldn't get enough of either. Especially when 2P switched between her breasts in a sudden back and forth while never failing to continue groping and squeezing and fondling her in such a perfectly measured fashion. By the time she came to a sudden and initially unwelcome stop the android beneath her was completely overwhelmed by pleasure and all but begging for more. Had she been at all capable of speaking coherent words she would've done that very thing the moment her pleasure seemingly came to an end. In place of any comprehensible language she simply gasped and panted like a wild animal, her body writhing and her needs practically insatiable But she didn't have to wait long for even more bliss to find her. Though she'd pulled away from her tits 2P was far from done as she moved between her fellow android's milky white thighs and ripped apart the leotard covering her aching pussy. 2B felt the cloth rip before she processed the sound and by the time she was able to comprehend both two long, dexterous fingers were sliding into the depths of her womanhood. For the first time in her existence something was actually penetrating her sex in the manner it was designed for and she truly had no idea how to respond.

Her whole body locked up, her muscles going stiff and her eyes rolling back in her head as her innermost walls clamped down tight around the intruders. Of course it didn't matter how fiercely her cunt wrapped around those digits, nothing could stop her from pushing them knuckle deep inside her and slowly pressing against places so sensitive and so intimate it truly defied comprehension. In just a few seconds and with so little effort it was downright laughable she managed to send her companion collapsing against the bed in a heap of barely connected limbs and barely functional systems. All with two fingers rubbing against someplace she'd never known about before. When they were removed a few moments later it was almost a relief. The pleasure she'd felt had been nearly unbearable and what little of her consciousness remained had genuinely feared what might happen if she was pushed too far. Litle did she realize those limits were about to be tested even more as her companion slowly licked the pussy juice from her digits. Tasting the sweet fruits of her labors and licking her digits clean with a deliberate slowness she even made a little show of her efforts. Both for the partner wholly incapable of appreciating what she was doing as her tongue wound between her parted fingers and for the commanders no doubt stewing in their own arousal as they looked on. Sadly she could only behave so lasciviously for a short while but fortunately she had something even better to enjoy right after.

The very moment she was finished licking her fingers clean 2P lunged down between her companion's thighs to plunge her tongue inside the same tight little sex she'd just been pleasuring. And as soon as she felt the unexpected yet utterly wonderful sensation that was another person tasting her pussy 2B couldn't possibly hold back another second. Not when her partner's soft lips pressed against the outermost folds of her womanhood whie her tongue swirled about in her depths with even greater ferocity and to even greater results than her digits. In the blink of an eye her back was arching and her voice was echoing out in a strangled cry. Clutching the bed until she nearly tore the sheets to pieces she bucked and grinded against her counterpart's mouth to the best of her trembling, meager abilities. In truth she had absolutely no idea what she was doing or even if she was doing anything to help what was happening to her. For all she knew she might've been hindering her lover's attempts. But even that notion couldn't stop her from finally crying out in ecstasy, her squeal reverberating throughout the room and into the hallways beyond. Pleasure crashed through her system and set her very molecules ablaze with a kind of passion she couldn't enjoy enough. Especially as her companion pressed harder against her sex in direct response to her gyrations and her own body seemingly responded in kind. Her mind was little more than a passenger for it all and though such a thing should've worried her in the depths of passion she couldn't care less about anything except feeling more pleasure. About reaching that strange sort of peak she felt building within herself.

It'd seemed so distant when she first tasted 2P's cock but now as her partner was tasting her it seemed to approach so quickly she was almost frightened by the prospect. Frightened by exhilarated at the same time. Not even the comfort of a wonderfully lascivious rhtyhm could settle what little trepidation she had at the prospect of contronting what would be her first orgasm. The toe curling ebb and flow of her partner's tongue and lips paired with her own, increasingly frantic gyrations only hastened her pleasure and sent her hurtling towards the unknown that much faster. How could it not when her counterpart moved so dexterously? When she moved with such grace and ease? Every slightest stroke of her tongue sent a shudder through her body and the constant touch of her lips was nearly as overwhelming in it's own way. A fact only made all the more clear when she was suddenly denied both as her partner abruptly stopped yet again. Or rather as she withdrew her tongue from her pussy to instead run it along her sticky thighs and clean up the mess she'd made before retreating entire. For a brief moment 2B collapsed against the bed in a trembling heap, grateful for the respite and slightly disappointed she'd been denied her ecstasy. Once again her assumptions were proved almost laughably incorrect when her fellow android straightened above her, one hand taking hold of her cock while the other flattened against the bedding next to her head. Both women watched her swollen, sticky shaft line up with the tightly quivering little hole it was about to ravish.

For one it seemed to happen in slow motion but for the other it was scarcely more than a nanosecond before she was in place and held back only by her self restraint. A self restrain that vanished in the blink of an eye as she rammed every single centimeter of her foot long dick inside 2B's virginal cunt. Crying out in pain as much as pleasure her counterpart was left utterly and completely bereft of any reaction beyond freezing in place. The sheer ferocity of that single thrust paired with her own impossibly tight sex produced more emotions and sensations that she could understand. Pain, pleasure, surprise, confusion, shock, disappointment, ecstasy, delight, and perhaps a dozen other feelings cascaded through her overloaded senses. Her stomach bulged outward from the sheer size of the dick inside her and she hardly even noticed the distension. Warmth cascaded down her flesh but she couldn't even feel it among the myriad of other things vying for attention within her scattered mind. But she could feel how hard her partner's cock throbbed inside her depths. That much she could feel with an almost frightening clarity. Every slightest pulse or tiniest twitch pierced the haze to ravish her thoughts and send just a little bit more of her body trembling. When she suddenly pulled her cock back all those feelings were amplified to amounts thoroughly beyond her comprehension. Retreating just as quickly as she'd entered 2P withdrew nearly all of her shaft before suddenly reversing course and sending it flying back inside her companion once more.

“I can't take it!” She cried out, “I can't take it! I can't take it! I can't take it!”

“Yes you can!” Her partner replied. Her hips lurched back once more and she slammed her length back inside with even greater ferocity, “Of course you can!”

Screaming and convulsing against the bed as ecstasy and agony swirled through her in not quite equal measure she gritted her teeth and moaned, “You're too big!”

“You'll adjust!”

“I can't!”

“Yes you can!”

That notion seemed well and truly impossible as those initial, furious thrusts quickly developed into a frantically ball slapping rhythm that gave 2B no time at all to catch her breath, process what was happening to her, or even appreciate the rising tides of pleasure. She'd all but completely forgotten about the purpose of the exercise in the wake of everything she'd been introduced to and with all that knowledge lost she couldn't think of anything else but why her partner was being so unrelenting. Why she was thrusting so ferociously and why she was only continuing to build speed in spite of the gasping protests she made. Or at least what she thought were protests. In truth every impact sent a little more pleasure and a little less pain radiating outwards from her newly penetrated sex. The change was so small and so easily missed among everything else she scarcely even realized it was happening but once again her comprehension wasn't even remotely necessary for everything taking place. As a matter of fact her abject misunderstanding of her own feelings and the ecstasy surging up inside her only made it that much more potent as she began to convulse and shudder in pleasure. It only made the highest peaks of her satisfaction seem that much sharper and the momentary gasps of lucidity she felt in the split second before her partner pulled back or thrusted forward seem that much more clear.

2B couldn't even process it happen regardless of her legs slowly wrapping around her partner's waist and the rest of her body doing the same little by little as the minutes passed. As her joyous moans rang out louder and more insistently momentary bursts of strength sent her limbs jumping outwards towards the source of her bliss and the reason for her satisfaction. Once more guided by instinct she did everything she could to draw her counterpart in, to bring them both as close as possible. Their soft, heaving breasts pressed down against one another before too long and the warm, unexpectedly pleasurable sensation was just another layer of delight from the cross eyed android already losing her mind. For the one her bliss it was another enjoyable facet that did nothing to prevent her from pounding away at the tight, quivering pussy she'd been ravishing for several uninterrupted minutes. Nothing short of the Bunker exploding all around them could stop her from building up speed until she reached the absolute zenith and remained there until one or both of them broke. Well nothing short of the Bunker exploding or her companion experiencing her first orgasm. That much could and certainly did limit her ferocity by a wide margin as 2B convulsed like she was malfunctioning and screamed until her voice was hoarse and her throat was bone dry. Her already unfathomably tight inner walls trembled like never before and warmth erupted out of her in a veritable shower of sticky, sweet smelling juices. Waves of euphoria slammed down upon her one after another and each was met with a frantic convulsion and a gooey eruption while her mouth hung open and her eyes disappeared into the back of her head.

2P tried her best to keep thrusting unabated through such an incredible display of pure bliss and to her credit she did an admirable job of absolutely destroying her lover's cunt but the sheer tightness of her body made it impossible to maintain the same might as before. Indeed it made it impossible every single time she climaxed throughout the remainder of their testing. Because while the first had taken much of the session to accomplish the half a dozen or so that followed weren't nearly as limited. With the floodgates literally and metaphorically opened the time between her eruptions only seemed to shorten. Her fellow android natrually capitalized on any moment she could to resume the frenetic, ball slapping pace she'd been trying to reach but every time she did so her frenzy was brought to an end just a little bit quicker. What took five minutes suddenly took four. Then three. Then two. Then one. Then it seemed as if she couldn't stop cumming at all. Like the virus had well and truly broken her beyond recognition and reduced to her a pile of orgasmic bliss crudely imitating a YoRHa combat model. 2P continued to thrust as best she could for as long as she could in spite of that fact, her mission directions clear and her own insatiable desires wholly unfulfilled. But of course she was far from immune to the effects of another woman screaming and squirting all over her cock. Despite the extensive training she'd been given to not succumb too quickly there was little chance of her remaining completely unmoved by the sheer ecstasy of being inside a partner endlessly convulsing in sheer bliss. No matter how hard she tried or how many techniques she employed to resist her own limitations.

Yet in a true testament to her training and her abilities she still managed to outlast her companion, if only by a few moments. In spite of how amazing her cunt felt and how badly she wanted to climax her endurance only waned after she felt 3B finally hit the absolute limits of what her body could comprehend. When she was well and truly done in every imaginable sense, that was when 2P finally slammed her cock inside her counterpart for the last time. Another massive fountain of warmth erupted from her length, flooding the depths of the pussy she'd just violated and sending a final burst of pleasure through her partner's senses. Crying out in a weak but throaty squeal she wrapped her arms around the copper skinned android above her, pulling the woman into a sudden and wonderfully deep kiss as her sex was drowned in cum. Thick spurts of it oozed from her trembling slit within seconds of the geyser starting, just as their lips were meeting in a burst of sincere passion. Pushed out as much by her trembling inner walls as the force of climax bringing it to her body it oozed down her flesh and joined the messy remnants of her own climaxes all as they shared the most intimate embrace they'd ever known. For nearly two full minutes the pair remained in that position, basking in their afterglow and all but drowning in the pleasure of their mutual ecstasy. 2P well and truly drained her massive balls by the end and the sheer amount of fluid she'd unleashed was nothing short of absurd. Even with so much of it spilling out onto the sheets and pooling between their bodies the quantity left inside 2B's cunt was so great her stomach was actually swollen. Distending outwards in a small but impossible to miss curve it was as much a sign of success as the way her body limply collapsed against the bedding not long after the cock responsible for her joy was withdrawn. As her eyes fluttered shut and her breathing slowed she cast one final glance at her companion before consciousness faded and she was left in darkness.

Still very much capable or functioning 2P stood up from the bed and stared down at the gaped, cum filled mess that was her counterpart. Then she looked at her massive, jizz soaked cock hanging limply between her thighs. After a few seconds she announced, “The capture process was successful.”

“Congratulations 2P.” The voice over the intercom replied, “But there is still much work to be done. We believe your technique can still be refined. We'd like you to prepare for further tests while 2B is reconditioned.”

Smiling at her spunk flooded mess of a companion 2P nodded and coolly answered, “I'll be ready.”


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