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I don't have much to say about this story. It's just a nice, uncomplicated story about a hot cop being fucked by the criminal she caught. I hope y'all enjoy!

Police sirens wailed as red and blue lights flashed and squad car after squad care rolled up to the warzone that used to be Ernie's Deli. Close to a dozen uniformed officers were arresting the various gang members involved in the brawl while almost a dozen more searched the area for one's who'd run off as soon as the first cop arrived. Paramedics were already on their way to treat the handful of men in critical condition after what'd started as a couple thugs getting in each other's faces turned into a free for all between three separate, equally violent gangs. Enough backup had been called to put down a small rebellion and the big transport trucks for hauling away large numbers of suspects at once weren't even on sight yet. As always happened a huge crowd of people from the neighborhood had turned up to gawk at the crime scene and hurl insults at just about everyone involved. Some were growing restless and violent enough to warrant joining the men already cuffed and laying on the ground but most seemed content to shout and do little else. A rare few even seemed supportive of the arrests, their anger directed squarely at the violent gangbangers that'd caused the disturbance in the first place. But even if they weren't actively harassing the officers present the ever growing number of people made it harder and harder for the cops to sort through the mess that was the crime scene.

Particularly as the more curious and nosy people actively wandered into the Deli proper as if it wasn't where everything had gone down in the first place. Before long the newest police officers on scene were given the unenviable task of corralling civilians and trying to make some kind of order from the madness unfolding in what'd always been a crazy neighborhood. Which obviously didn't go over well with the more aggravated members of the community and as was so often the case focus gradually shifted from dealing with the main threat of violent gang members to the rest of the local populace instead. And it wasn't long before the cops left on scene found themselves envying the ones who'd left to pursue feeling suspects. Chasing down some criminal through dark alleys and dangerous back streets was a far cry better than trying to be diplomatic with people as ready to throw down as the men being arrested in the first place. Although at least one of their fellow officers, a relatively new cop fresh out of her probation period by the name of Angelina Armstrong, didn't quite agree with that perspective as she sprinted through trash and climbed over an endless succession of chain link fences in pursuit of one Malik Harrison.

Outwardly he seemed like the very definition of small potatoes with a tiny rap sheet and only a handful of criminal associates, nearly all of whom were lying on the concrete waiting to go to jail. But a clean, by the standards of his crew at least, rap sheet only told half the story and any cop in that precinct knew the other half if they'd been around more than a month. He might not have been as violently dangerous as many of the guys he associated with but there was no denying he smart, cunning, and more than a little lucky. And as the brawl at Ernie's Deli proved not at all above doing his own dirty work if the opportunity presented itself. Which meant for the first time in close to five years someone on the force actually had a chance of pinning something serious on him. Something serious enough to lock him up and wipe that smug grin he always seemed to have off his face. That alone would've been enough for most cops to pursue him but as she wound deeper and deeper into unknown territory in pursuit of what had to be the least dangerous suspect at the crime scene Officer Armstrong was finding it hard to agree with that sentiment. Even knowing full well his reputation and the huge boost to her career catching him would be. Somehow it was hard to see the bright side as she watched the absolutely massive gangbanger barrel through almost anything in his way only to climb over the obstacles he couldn't just hurl aside with far more dexterity than his gigantic frame would suggest.

“Stop!” She shouted for the umpteenth time, her stern voice barely louder than the crash of shattering bottles as Malik knocked aside multiple trash cans.

“Fuck you!” He boomed back as he all but leapt over a low fence like he was running hurdles.

“Goddammit!” Angelina scrambled over the fence after him and swore again as he disappeared around a corner and she heard another thunderous crash followed by an indistinct shout. Although she'd been slowly gaining on him since he first ran off she knew full well he only needed a couple seconds lead and he'd be gone yet again. “Fuck me!”

But as she rounded the same corner he'd vanished behind she didn't find Malik barreling down the alley on the verge of escaping again. She didn't find him climbing over fences and knocking aside trash cans like some unstoppable beast. Instead she found him barely two steps away, sprawled across a huge pile of garbage in a painfully awkward position. Bottles and cans and other pieces of refuse were still rolling away from him as he groaned and squirmed atop the mound he'd accidentally created. His ragged, wheezing breaths filled the noisy alleyway as he shakily tried to push himself upright and keep running only to succeed in tumbling even further down the pile as whatever he put his weight against suddenly shifted. Groaning and rolling onto his back as he spilled down the pile of trash he didn't even look in Officer Armstrong's direction. Whether out of shame or some other concern she honestly had no idea. And for a split second she could only stand there and watch the spectacle, mindlessly clutching a stitch in her side and chuckling at the humiliation she was witnessing. Thankfully her instincts and her training soon kicked in and she managed to give him a reason to look her way upon drawing her weapon and training it on him. Taking one look at the gun aimed at his chest and the officer holding it Malik let out a groan that sounded uncannily like a laugh and raised his hands. Angelina stepped a little closer to him and he laughed a bit more clearly, seemingly amused by what should've been a far more sobering turn of events.

“You got me.” He groaned. “I'm gonna stand up now . . . don't shoot . . .”

“Slow . . . slow!” She commanded, backing up so he couldn't try anything.

“I'm not lookin to get shot.” Malik replied as he rose to his feet and turned around.

Glad to see he was at least living up to his intelligent reputation Officer Armstrong grabbed her cuffs and closed them around his wrists while reading him his rights. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time.”

“I know the drill.”

“If that were true I wouldn't be arresting your right now.”

“Yeah fair enough.” He laughed. Glancing back at her over a massive shoulder his grin visibly widened and although she noticed his expression she didn't give him the satisfaction of reacting until after a few more seconds of uninterrupted staring.


“You're pretty hot for a cop!”

Angelina's already serious expression hardened even further as all the wind was immediately taken out of her sails. Even though her perp had no idea what a frustrating statement he'd just made she couldn't help scowling at the comment. Going through the police academy had been a nightmare thanks to her admittedly great looks. In just about any other field having luxurious blonde hair, a fantastic pair of tits, and an ass someone could bounce quarters off would've been amazing! She certainly never had any complaints about it growing up! But the absolutely relentless teasing her incredibly vivacious appearance had earned her had tempered any pride she took in her appearance beyond her nicely toned and painstakingly honed muscles. Having a pair of thighs that could crush a watermelon, or a man's head, and biceps that put many of her fellow officers to shame had become a new point of pride to replace her old thoughts about her looks. Since she couldn't exactly do anything about looking as much like a Hollywood version of a cop as a stripper playing one she could at least make sure anyone around her who made those sorts of cracks did so behind her back. The few who'd had the balls to make jokes to her face after she'd left the academy and gotten into the best shape of her entire life hadn't kept their balls much longer after. One guy had been so emasculated after she was done with him nobody who'd seen her completely show him up made any jokes about her looks at all. He was turned into the butt of every single teasing comment. Of course Malik wasn't aware of any of that, as far as he knew he was just making a purposefully sexist comment about her appearance to demean her competence as a police officer and maybe throw her off. She none too gently slammed him against the nearest wall for his trouble and went about frisking him as brusquely as humanly possible, little realizing her frown was sort of working against her efforts.

“I've seen some fine cops in my line of work!” He continued, entirely unfazed by her roughness as he looked back at her and smiled, “But you're easily the hottest I've ever been arrested by!”

“I'll try to contain my excitement.”

“Oh don't be like that! It's a compliment! Half the ladies working with you look like uglier dudes! And the other half ain't much better!”

She ignored him as she continued checking for any hidden weapons, keenly aware of him watching her every move but erroneously assuming he was trying to get a rise out of her. In reality he was enjoying the way her sharply angular features twisted as she scowled. How sexy it made her already stern face and how well it fit with his love of strong, commanding women. The fact that she was already wearing a police uniform while looking like such a bad bitch definitely didn't help his excitement either. Or rather it helped his excitement quite a bit, as Angelina would soon discover when she turned him around to finish frisking him. As soon as he was facing her Malik could grin down at his foxy little captor without the slight bit of trouble, all five and half feet of her muscular, bootyful appearance on full display as he did so. Which had a relatively unsurprising side effect of slowly tightening his jeans and sending a long, throbbing bulge down his left thigh. A bulge that, to the arresting officer, looked uncannily like some sort of weapon being hidden in his pants. Entirely too focused on getting him back to prison she didn't even consider what the outline could be, instead leaping to the most obvious conclusion in her mind. Although she did have the good sense to address it verbally before getting too hands on.

“What are you concealing in your pants?”

Distracted by her looks and his own fantasies Malik didn't fully understand or think about her question, instead answering with an instinctive, “Nothing!”

“Really? You're gonna pretend like I can't see that?”

“Huh?” He looked down at his massive bulge and immediately laughed, “That's my cock officer! I know you're probably used to limp dick white boys but real men pack heat!”

“Don't play games with me Harrison.” Angelina replied, thoroughly sick of his remarks and of his attitude overall, “Tell me what you're hiding or I'll strip you naked right here and march you back to the station!”

“Do whatever gets you off girl but I swear that's all me right there!” Malik replied. He knew his jovial tone and unabashedly eager voice wasn't doing him any favors but the thought of her finding out he was telling the truth seemed too good to pass up. “I got hard lookin at your fine body! That's the honest truth!”

“Fine, have it your way! We'll see how funny you are when you're sitting in the squad car buck naked!”

Smiling at the thought of his humiliation Angelina fumbled with his belt for a moment, then the zipper on the front of his jeans. Her triumphant grin faltered ever so slightly and Malik arched an eyebrow as he grinned at her. She scowled a little more and tugged on his pants with a mounting frustration her movements shifting him around as she gradually sacrificed any semblance of composure in favor of just getting his pants off and being down with the whole thing. But as they continued to get caught on whatever was holding them back she found it harder and harder to mask her annoyance. That waning self control wasn't helped one bit by the smug look of the man she'd arrested. Had that been his one and only contribution she might've kept her cool enough to get the job done with some degree of respectability. Then he laughed as she let out a particularly frustrated groan. Hearing that sound and seeing his expression was the last straw for Officer Armstrong. Without thinking through any of the repercussions she dropped to her knees and yanked down his jeans with all her strength. Whatever had been holding them up finally gave way. And in her haste to remove his pants at any cost she'd accidentally yanked down his boxer too, unintentionally revealing the truth of the matter as she was greeted with the sight of a foot long, thick as her wrist cock throbbing away mere inches from her stunned face. The sweaty, musky scent of his prick immediately clouded her nostrils and smothered her tongue as she sucked in a sharp breath. Her vibrant blue eyes widened utter disbelief as she stared with open incredulity as the biggest, fattest, most manly dick she'd ever seen in her life. And she'd seen more than a few dicks in her life!

At least twelve inches long from base to top the girth alone was enough to make her balk but the length was what really send involuntary shivers down her spine. Although her mind struggled to keep some degree of professionalism thoughts of being split in half by such a monstrous cock filled her head and refused to go away no matter how hard she tried. Especially when she noticed the absolutely massive pair of balls hanging behind the tree trunk that was his member and her increasingly lascivious thoughts wondered how it would feel to have that pendulous sack smacking against her body as she was drilled from behind. It'd been so long since she had truly wild fuck! Before joining the police academy she'd enjoyed a nice, hard dicking at least once a week. Sometimes from whatever boyfriend she had around and sometimes for whatever guy managed to catch her eye at the club. But that seemed like a different lifetime now and her efforts to stay 'respectable' and not go out trolling for cock whenever she was horny felt downright absurd when faced with all the possibility Malik's inhuman dick offered. But no matter how badly she wanted to wrap her lips around his massive, throbbing tip and throat all twelve inches of thick black cock before her she knew she had to resist the temptation. She knew she had to be professional. To act like an officer of the law. Giving in her to her base urges and going to town on him would only prove what all those assholes had said about her. Even if they never found out what she'd done. She'd know and that was enough. At least . . . she thought it would be.

“I told you.” Malik laughed, thoroughly amused by the utter shock on her face despite getting that reaction from just about every woman who'd ever seen his dick. “Unless you still ain't convinced? You wanna check it out just to be sure?”

Knowing full well he was playing with fire but enjoying himself way too much to care he thrusted his hips forward just enough to send his cock swinging like a pendulum towards Angelina's still very much stunned face. Fortunately she spared herself the indignity of being cock slapped by a criminal at the last possible second. Unfortunately she did so not by lurching backwards, justifiably striking him, or any number of other reactions. Instead her hands leapt out to grab hold of his gigantic dick like she was trying swing from it, all ten fingers wrapping around the thickest part before she could do anything to stop herself. A surprised, downright meek little gasp slipped right after, “Oh!”

Malik's already wide grin spread even further across his face as the pleasure of her soft hands against his dick washed over him in full. His amusement would slowly melt into disbelief as the seconds stretched on but she made no effort to remove her fingers from his dick. He'd expected her to immediately let go and maybe even hit him after what he'd pulled but instead of something sensible like that she just stared with an open mouthed look while gently squeezing his shaft and feeling it throb against her skin. Another, even more girlish sound spilled from her mouth when a thick bead of precum oozed from the head of his prick. The pungent smell of it joined the already intoxicating bouquet in her nostrils and in spite of how badly her higher brain functions pleaded with her to stop, to not give him anything else she couldn't help but inhaling that scent. Her nostrils flared and the soft but unmistakable sound of her basking in his manly odor filled the otherwise quiet alley. She licked her lips a heartbeat or two later, finally tearing her gaze away from his dick to look up at his face instead. There was no unbearable smile spread across his face though, save in his dark eyes. Rather it was an intense, almost intimidating look of arousal. The sort of wild, passionate stare always being described in romance books or shown in ridiculous romance dramas. Exactly the sort of thing she wanted to see but could never had admitted to wanting. Squeezing his dick a little harder and consciously licking her lips once more Angelina slowly stood up without letting go of her perp's fantastic cock. By the time she'd fully straightened her thumbs were even moving in small, spasmodic motions across his length while she did her best to appraise the situation rationally. Of course any attempt to do that while holding his massive prick and fantasizing about getting dicked up and down the alley was doomed to failure and within a second she'd already made up her mind.

“Don't say a fucking word scumbag!” She ordered, her voice husky and her breathing labored.

“You got it officer.” Malik replied.

Too horny to be annoyed with his little jab Angelina actually laughed as she let go of his cock and set about unfastening her belt. She knew she'd probably hate herself after everything was said and done but in the heat of the moment the fire in her stomach and the ache in her pussy was just too great an argument. Her pants and panties dropped to her ankles within seconds and although he didn't actually say anything upon seeing her plump, shaved pussy Malik definitely approved of her fat little cunt in quite a vocal fashion. Which only served to turn her on even more. When she turned around and bent over to both show off her ass and grab his cock from between her legs the sight of her thick, round bubble butt earned a two syllable 'damn' from him. And once again she didn't have the slightest issue with him breaking the one rule she'd given. Or if she did that problem vanished from her thoughts as soon as his tip pressed against her dripping wet folds. A wild shudder coursed through her body the very moment his prick made contact and although she desperately wanted him inside her she still took a moment to rub his cock head against her clit and smear her vulva in precum. Though she only spent a few seconds doing it by the time she'd angled his pole and geared up to slide back onto it the anticipation was absolutely killing her. Evidently she wasn't the only one because rather than waiting for her to slide onto his dick like she'd planned Malik suddenly and roughly thrusted forward, burying all twelve inches of his cock in her amazingly tight cunt with a single push. Lurching upright and squealing like a stuck pig Angelina  almost collapsed from the sheer surprise and pleasure of taking his entire length so quickly.

Her inner walls were stretched wider than they'd ever been before and her knees were shaking so hard she barely remained on her feet. He'd pushed right through her cervix and into the deepest parts of her cunt so fast she didn't even have time to comprehend how long it'd been since one of her lovers managed that feet. She was just overwhelmed by the waves of ecstasy crashing down on her one after another as every inch of her pussy was stuffed full of cock while her womb enjoyed it's first dicking in at least five years. And all of that was before she had a chance to feel and instantly bask in the wild throbbing of his enormous cock as he watched her bubble butt jiggle from his thrust. Frankly it was nothing short of a miracle she didn't immediately collapse after being split open by his dick. Either a miracle or a testament to just how badly she wanted to and needed to be fucked by literally anyone. Because what should've sent her tumbling to the ground a few moments later managed to keep her upright and shuddering like she'd been tazed as breathy moans spilled from her lips in an endless stream With what little power he had available Malik continued to dominate his cock drunk little slut by pulling back as quickly as he could, his thick girth sending her inner walls distending outwards for a moment before he actually managed to make some real progress. But she was either too greedy or too overwhelmed to truly appreciate how good it would feel to get fucked properly because the moment she felt him sliding free she lurched backwards with a sudden whimper. The handful of inches that'd emerged suddenly returned to her fantastically wet, amazingly tight cunt with a wet smack as both of them moaned.

His pleasure quickly turned into a laugh as he realized just how bad she needed to get dicked and just how difficult that'd be to do with his hands cuffed. But he loved a good challenge and her pussy, not to mention her ass, was worth trying. So rather than pulling back again and getting cut short he slammed forward with all the strength he possibly could. His hips collided with her perfect cheeks and Angelina bounced forward several inches. She couldn't possibly take all of his dick at once if he was gonna move like that! As she quickly found out she had trouble taking all of his dick at once no matter how he moved because the instant he had room to do so he shoved his length balls deep inside her. Making four inches feel like a yard he sent another barrage of pleasure coursing through her body faster than she could comprehend. Her mind was overwhelmed and all five of her senses seemed destined to followed suit soon afterwards. Especially as she instinctively tried to grind against him only to be sent lurching forward yet again. With an ease that bordered on the prodigious Malik repeated his success over and over and over within the next minute or so, each thrust making her squirm that much harder and cry out that much louder. It didn't take long for her squeals to be punctuated by the one and only thing she could say under the circumstances.

“HARDER!” She screamed, “HARDER! HARDER! HARDER! H-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-R-R-R-R-R-R-D-E-E-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R!”

“Take these cuffs off and I'll break your pussy!” Malik promised.

Angelina moaned even more ferociously at his words but otherwise didn't react in any way for several seconds. Not because she was considering letting him go, she just couldn't find the self control to actually do anything but get fucked. Thankfully the prospect of getting absolutely destroyed by his giant dick was the best motivation she'd had in years. Through a series of awkward, flailing and fumbling movements she managed to get the keys to his handcuffs into his hands. He got himself free soon after and within a few seconds made good on his promise. First by pulling out entirely and leaving her with a moment of genuine clarity as she was deprived the ecstasy she'd been losing herself in. Then by ripping away her pants and panties. Before she could begin to question what was going on or what he was doing he'd lifted her off the ground like she weighed nothing at all. Her ankles were rested on his broad, manly shoulders and her pussy was lowed back onto his inhuman dick. As he slid back inside of her she let out an almost desperately happy cry, her hands jumping to his face to cradle his handsome features and hold on for dear life. She leaned in as closely as she could and to her absolute surprise he responded by pressing his lips against her own. Thoroughly taken aback but not the least bit unhappy by his sudden kiss she felt her eyes rolling back in her skull as violent tremors surged through her half naked body. Thick, creamy strands of arousal leaked from her quivering slit to drip down his legs and soak the already messy alleyway in a veritable shower of arousal as she fully lost herself. With every last part of the fun now out of her hands she could sit back and let him fulfill his promise over and over again until she passed out.

A prospect quite immediately fulfilled as his large hands slid across her ass cheeks to both hold her aloft and grope her spankable butt. Again like it was nothing at all he pulled her up the full length of his cock, stopping only at the very tip, before letting her fall back down to the base with the combined force of gravity and his ferociously thrusting hips. Despite how utterly indescribable it felt to be drilled by such a fantastic cock Angelina barely made a peep as he buried his length inside her. The wet slap of their colliding flesh, particularly his massive balls hitting her ass, drowned out what little sound managed to echo from her lips. She simply didn't have the wherewithal to do or say anything more. Her body had all but completely given up much like her mind and there was no hope for either so long as Malik continued to slamming his fat pole into her cunt. Which meant there was no hope at all because he didn't hole anything back after getting completely control. He might've started off building up to the sort of frantic, ball slapping, mind rewriting ecstasy she'd wanted but it only took a minute or two for him to really hit his stride and once he was there he stayed there for what might as well have been years. Thrusting like her pussy owed him money and he was gonna fuck every last cent out he absolutely destroyed her cunt like nobody ever had. Making full and wonderful use of the position he'd lifted her into as well as his massive strength and massive dick Malik fucked her so hard for so long had she any self awareness at all she might've worried about what her partner and the rest of the force would say about her absence.

Of course thinking about anyone else or indeed thinking at all was far beyond her capability as her pussy was turned inside out and her womb was pumped full of so much precum she'd surely start swelling soon. She couldn't even properly understand her orgasm as it crashed down upon her. The sudden, toe curling surge of absolute bliss arrived so quickly and encompassed so much of her it seemed downright incomprehensible. As all of her muscles spasmed and she grunted like a wild animal it all seemed so perfectly insane in such a fantastic way she barely understood what was new and what'd always been happening. If her mind even processed the messy jets of arousal squirting out of her trembling cunt to soak Malik's stomach and legs it was only as yet another facet of the uninterrupted ecstasy she felt. An uninterrupted ecstasy caused and continued by his relentlessly thrusting cock because even as her inner walls clamped down and her whole body convulsed like she was having a seizure he continued pounding away at her without restraint. What effect her explosive climax did have on him didn't full take effect until he reached the end of his own impressive endurance some time later. After the fuck toy he was dicking down had cum a second time and thoroughly drenched both of them in pussy juice.

“I hope you're ready to get pregnant slut!” He groaned.

“F-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-C-K!” Angelina screamed.

Although her squeal wasn't much of a response the mad clenching of her pussy and the convulsive gyrations of her body told Malik all he needed to know. Baring his teeth in a wild grin he fucked her with all his remaining strength for several amazing seconds before shoving all twelve inches of cock in her cunt at once and growling. His exultation was immediately drowned out by hers as cum exploded deep inside her pussy, a sensation she'd ached for since the moment she first glimpsed his cock. That first, massive load would've been enough all on it's own to send her spiraling into utter pleasure but to feel it as the first of many was nothing short of heavenly. Especially when another creamy jet splashed across her womb and further soaked her inner walls in a thick layer of fresh jizz. Had she not already been in the throes of an orgasm feeling him basting the deepest part of her sex would've sent her right over the edge. Trapped as she was in the middle of unbridled ecstasy the added pleasure of his seed drowning her womb and flooding into the rest of her pussy as he quite literally emptied his balls inside her was too much for her to handle. It was too much for her mind to truly appreciate as it was happening and the relentless pulsing of his dick as he delivered each new load over the course of thirty blissful seconds was icing on the cake. By the time he'd finished she was barely, just barely, starting to appreciate how utterly intoxicating it was to be stuffed to the brim with cock and jizz at the same time, a feeling she'd subconsciously yearned for since she unofficially quit being a slut. But sitting there with a literal foot of dick plunged inside her and a womb overflowing with fresh, toe curling semen made the most convincing argument against returning to her old ways. As did the absolutely joy of his shaft sliding free a short while later. Feeling it rub against her sensitive inner walls and basking in the way his cum filled the newly empty space couldn't have been more delicious.

Malik's dick emerged with a wet pop, a little dribble of cum oozing from her pussy as soon as he slid free. But she was still too busy trembling to appreciate the finer details of her sluttiness. And yet in spite of all that she did manage to form a slightly coherent sentence as she was lowered onto a nearby crate, her body slumping down against it as her eyes drifted shut, “You're . . . free . . . to . . . go . . . Harrison . . .”

Laughing and pulling up his pants he admired the sticky mess he'd made of both her pussy and the rest of her body, “Yeah I thought so.” His comment was punctuated by the sound of his zipper sliding up and his clinking belt clasp, “Next time you need it this bad look me up. You can come to my crib and get it all night long!”

“I . . . can . . .”

“Hell yeah. But make sure you wear that uniform. Officer.”

“You . . . got . . . it . . .” He nodded approvingly and walked off into the night while she remained in that dark, dingy alley naked from the waist down and steadily leaking cum from her freshly fucked and nicely gaped pussy. A delirious smile was spread across her face and her radio was beeping incessantly as her partner tried to contact her. She paid him no mind as she basked in the humiliating afterglow of getting dicked down by a thug like some cheap piece of meat. “Fuck . . .”


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