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And now it's time for yet another peek into the life of Veronica Sweet and her constant, lascivious antics! Only this time with rampant lesbianism! Hopefully the chance will add a fresh spin on the whole thing! although even if it doesn't I hope y'all enjoy the story nonetheless!

Like a queen stepping onto a balcony to address the lowly peasants gathered in the square Veronica threw open the doors of the upscale French boutique that'd quickly become her second home and stepped inside with a preening smile. Le Joi de Vivre had only been open a month and yet despite that relatively small amount of time she'd managed to find some excuse to show up nearly every single day since it's doors were opened to the people of Cherry Springs. Sometimes she was dragging along her daughter and the rest of her fashion bereft friends, except of course Stacy who was every bit as eager to come as the Sweet matriarch, and other times she was at the head of a cadre of buxom women just as hungry for beautiful clothing as she was. And on very, very rare instances she arrived alone. Mostly when nobody else was able or willing to come with her. Because despite opening up in town and finally bringing some much needed culture and flair to the wonderful but stylistically dead town few people could actually afford the clothes Le Joi de Vivre was offering. Their shoes, purses, underwear, and other assorted items were slightly more affordable and usually what most people focused on whenever they stopped by, but not Veronica. Unlike the plebian masses content to walk around in clothes they'd bought in bulk from some superstore that sold everything from furniture to groceries she had no interest in anything that wasn't fabulous. By her own admission it was one of her best qualities and now that a proper fashionable store had finally opened up in town she could satisfy her endless craving for the very best money could buy. It didn't matter that she could barely afford what she wanted.

Or that her husband had all but begged her to stop coming back after seeing the credit card bill. She wasn't going to stop coming by every chance had and that was something Henry would just have to understand if he wanted to keep his sanity. He certainly hadn't been complaining the first time she'd modeled one of her new dresses for him. In fact he'd been rather eager get his hands on the tight, alluring fabric, even if it'd been to pull it off her body and bed her over the bed like a cheap prostitute. But considering how much his eyes had boggled and his cock had swelled upon seeing her emerge from the bathroom dressed in the season's finest couture it was safe to say he appreciated the broad strokes of her purchases as much as he was able to. And there was no doubt in her mind he'd continue to appreciate everything else she bought during the coming seasons. But even if he hadn't being able to show up to a classy brunch with her gal pals looking like she'd walked right off a runway in Milan was worth the cost. Or perhaps it was more accurate to say wiping the smug grins off her bitchy friend's faces was worth the cost. They could hardly make fun of her characteristic beige sweater dress and wedge heels if she was wearing clothes that cost more than their entire wardrobes and looked like it to boot! Although despite their cutting remarks about her ensemble she still liked to wear it any time she left the house for errands or anything mundane enough to make more elegant clothing a hassle. Including stopping by Le Joi de Vivre bright and early for the third time that week. And it was only Tuesday.

Basking in the cool, perfumed air she walked with the confidence of a much wealthier woman towards the most expensive and the most chic dresses available, her heels clacking loudly on the wooden floor with every attention grabbing step. But since nearly every employee was used to the sight and sounds of her by that point everyone working that morning barely gave her a second glance. Those that could simply continued to consult with the other, less haughty guests while those without the excuse quickly busied themselves with anything that would take them as far away from her as possible. The one and only exception to this unofficial company policy was Farah, a young Middle Eastern girl that'd been hired about two weeks earlier. Unlike the rest of her peers she wasn't thoroughly tired of being talked down to by Veronica despite all of them knowing infinitely more than her about every single face of the store they were in and the clothes they were selling. If anything she seemed to actively enjoy dealing with the uppity customer. Somehow. As a matter of fact the moment she emerged from the back room to see the familiar sight of Mrs. Sweet snidely walking past mannequins and making little comments to herself about every single piece of clothing the twenty year old clerk made a beeline right for the older and far less agreeable woman. None of the people she worked with understood it at all but they weren't about to question anyone or anything that could save them from the annoying, yuppie terror that was Veronica. The handful that could simply exchanged incredulous looks and went back to what they were doing while the rest slowly stepped out from behind whatever objects they were pretending not to hide behind so they could return to something more productive. Eventually their curiosity would get the best of them and they'd ask how on earth Farah could stomach dealing with a snooty American woman like her for more than a few seconds but thankfully they were still well beyond caring. Or even giving it a second thought. Which was certainly okay with Miss Badawi.

With a consistency that bordered on obsessive compulsion the only clerk with the stones to deal with her arrived just as Veronica was about to smugly call one of them over, “What are you interested in today Mrs. Sweet?” She asked in a high pitched yet incredibly thick Iranian accent, “Another dress to wear for brunch?”

“I was thinking something for the evening.” She replied without even looking at her companion, “I'm supposed to be attending a garden party on Saturday and I need to make sure I'm the best dressed of the lot.”

“I don't think we'll have any trouble accomplishing that!” Farah said brightly as she looked her buxom customer up and down for a moment, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “In fact I think I have exactly what you're looking for right here!”

“We'll see about that.” Veronica replied with a smile. Turning around just in time to see the amusingly unsubtle employee staring directly at her round bubble butt she cleared her throat and tilted her head to the side, her grin widening considerably as Farah blushed a furious shade of red, “Lead the way.”

“Yes ma'am—I-I mean Mrs. Sweet!” She immediately corrected, remembering the last time she'd used the term 'ma'am' a split second before the terrifyingly beautiful woman in front of her could chastise her yet again for the slip up, “Right this way!”

Smirking with unabashed amusement she followed the embarrassed clerk to the other side of the store, quietly enjoying the little ego boost that came with being ogled by some barely legal tart. Although it was by no means the main reason she came to La Joi de Vivre there was no denying it served as a nice little perk on top of all the main factors. She couldn't help but be reminded of all the times Aurora had come over when Sarah was younger and all the equally unsubtle looks she'd given Veronica whenever the two of them had crossed paths. In recent years her daughter's shy Indian friend had managed to rein in her urges a little bit mre and it surprisingly just how much she missed being stared at like that by a cute, seemingly innocent young woman. Pretty much her entire life men of all ages had been staring at her with obvious sexual desire but it was considerably more rare for women to do so. Typically they had far more jealousy or irritation in their eyes than out and out sexual desire. Which could sometimes be every bit as enjoyable but when she was feeling sexy and sauntering around her new favorite place in town having an undeniably attractive little nineteen year old staring at her ass and fawning over her like an attendant serving a Queen really swelled her ego nicely. The entire time the two of them were talking about the dresses Farah had picked out for her Veronica was silently keeping track of all the not so subtle ways her companion went about her job. All the sincere compliments about her appearance, accidental contact made by their hands, and of course the many looks she gave whenever she thought she could get away with it. And no matter how many time she was caught, no matter how many times Mrs. Sweet made some comment that betrayed exactly how much she knew the impressively bold girl didn't stop. She might've pulled back for a short while, visibly playing the part of someone who felt any guilt at all for what they were doing. But that facade would fade within a minute and the whole cycle would begin again. Like it had every single time the two had interacted since Farah stared working.

Of course that was where it always ended. As much as she enjoyed the attention Veronica was rarely in the mood to play nice with other women. Almost to a fault she preferred the feeling of a nice, hard cock slamming into her throat, pussy, or asshole. Usually followed by a nice gooey load of spunk deposited into whatever orifice, or orifices, were being fucked. And she just couldn't get that from a woman. At least not any of the women she personally interacted with. But that didn't stop her from leading the poor clerk on a little bit any time the two spent more than a few minutes together. Typically by asking a myriad of leading questions rife with double meanings while making lingering eye contact and subtly pushing her body towards her companion. When that inevitably got boring she'd switch over to a little physical dominance and lord her far more curvaceous body over the blushing girl she was knowingly flirting with. Because while she might not have been the tallest or biggest woman she'd ever known Veronica was a giant compared to the slender little waif she was teasing. Barely topping five feet with a body as slender and petite as a pimple faced freshman in high school Farah couldn't have looked more like a teenager standing beside her crush if she'd be wearing a school uniform and a backpack. About the only indication she wasn't fresh out of a Biology class was the budding curves of her breasts and the admittedly very pleasing shape of her hips. Along with that tight little ass she kept on dull display beneath a form fitting black dress. Her delicately braided hair could've made a case for either argument rather well but her large, expressive eyes and youthful face sporting just a touch of chubbiness around the jawline and neck certainly gave her a very childish appearance. And it was exactly that appearance that Veronica used to her advantage as she sidled up beside the flustered employee, reaching across her to collect something she could've just as easily asked for. When she wasn't slipping in behind Farah to reach around her body and let her enormous breasts brush teasingly against her back.

“W-would you like t-to try that on?!” Farah gasped as Veronica pulled away after nearly smothering the young clerk with her breasts for a moment. “I-I'm sure it'll f-fit your body perfectly b-but there's no harm in m-making sure right?”

Certain her companion was suggesting it solely out of some wild fantasy of more happening between them Veronica left her dangling for a couple of seconds before saying, “That's a lovely idea.”

“G-great! Did you want m=me to bring anything else?”

“No I think this dress with suffice for now.” She replied, a mischievous glint shining in her eyes, “But you should stay close . . . just in case.”

“Of course!” Farah said with entirely too much eagerness. “I-I mean yes Mrs. Sweet.”

Turning around and strutting towards the fitting rooms with a casual saunter that made her ass bounce with every step Veronica didn't need to look back to know her companion was staring. But that didn't stop her from casting one last, lingering look in Farah's direction before disappearing into the privacy of a changing room. Once she was alone in front of the mirror she immediately dropped the act and set about removing her sweater dress and shoes. Effortlessly stripping down to the lacy black bra and thong she'd worn that day Mrs. Sweet paused with the dress in hand to admire her reflection in a fit of vanity that couldn't be more characteristic. With her lustruous auburn hair tied up in its usual bun and a carefully applied layer of makeup accentuating her emerald green eyes, small upturned nose, and full lips she looked every bit as gorgeous as people always said. Perhaps even moreso when taking into account the rest of her buxom yet tight body. Despite having her undergarments custom made to fit her ample proportions her massive, tanned breasts were all but bursting out of her bra and even the slightest movement sent them jiggling like mad in an avalanche of soft flesh. Despite two children and rapidly advancing middle age that she continued to deny the truth of her tummy was beautifully flat without so much as a single stretch mark or ounce of cellulite. Which only made the wide berth of her hips and the incredible roundness of her ass that much more delicious. In much the same way it enhanced the natural thickness of her legs and juxtaposed how slender her arms and shoulders managed to compared to the rest of her appearance. Added to that were a set of perfectly cut bikini tan lines formed after quite a few hours spent sunning herself in the backyard and you had the recipe for a perfect MILF. Though she was loathe to use the term to describe herself Veronica could hardly deny how appropriate it was as she looked herself over and smiled pridefully at her reflection. It was no wonder girls like Aurora and Farah fancied her!

But even her egotism had it's limits and after spending a good deal of time twisting her body to make sure every part of her was just as gorgeous as ever she finally got around to trying on the dress. A sleek little black number perfectly contoured to her body and designed to show off as much cleavage and thigh as possible it was absolutely perfect for a high society event. If she wanted to be the only woman in the room everyone was looking at. Which of course was Veronica's one and only goal. Though it was perhaps a little too slutty for the sort of event she'd be attending. A night out at the clubs being hit on by twenty year old guys eager to buy her drinks and grind up against her certainly but an even that would involve Henry's bosses as well as all manner of wealthy elite, or what passed for wealthy elite in Cherry Springs, probably called for something with a bit more elegance to balance out the provocative nature. With some difficulty she managed to unzip her dress and remove it, eager to try on something else and further tease her nervous companion. While at the same time doing a little mental accounting to see if she could justify and afford two dresses that particular visit. Had he been there her husband would've given an emphatic no. Of course had he been there Henry would've been balls deep inside her pussy by that point. Either after seeing her in the dress or after seeing her strip down, put the dress on, then take it right back off again. He could never help himself and it was one of the many things she loved about his brand of arousal. And it was one of the many things they had in common, although her lack of self control was often a touch different from her man's. As evidenced by her sultry tone of voice and complete refusal to get dressed as she opened the door to her changing room and called out to her shy little helper. Deliberately appearing naked thanks to a strapless bra and careful angling she made an admirable attempt not to smile as Farah rounded the corner and stopped dead in her tracks as her jaw nearly hit the floor.

Speaking before she could stop herself the surprised clerk exclaimed “Oh my God!” the instant she saw her customer's beautiful face and bare shoulders peeking around the edge of the door. After catching a very nerve wracking glimpse of what looked like the upper portions of her amazingly large breasts she managed to avert her gaze and find some degree of professionalism, “H-how can I-I help y-you Mrs. S-Sweet?!”

“Would you mind bringing me that stylish little dress I was looking at before?” She asked in a tone that seemed to indicate she hadn't noticed her companion's behavior even while her eyes betrayed the truth of the matter. “The one from the Jean-Luis line?”

“O-of course! Right a-away!” Grateful for a valid excuse to turn away and save herself from doing or saying anything stupid Farah rushed off to get the dress in question. Once she had it in her hands she found herself just as grateful for an excuse to return and maybe see a little more of Veronica. “H-here you go Mrs. S-Sweet!” She stammered as she approached the mercifully shut changing room door and held out her arm like she was handing off a baton in a race.

“Thank you darling.” Veronica replied, opening the door once again to collect the garment with an outstretched hand, her movements perfectly choreographed to continue hiding her underwear and make her appear naked, “Don't wander off though . . . I may need another dress if this one doesn't fit right!”

“Oh I'm sure it'll look amazing on you!” Farah said in a shrill, quavering voice as her customer shut the door and, presumably, started changing again, “Everything always does!”

Inside the cramped little changing space Veronica was wearing an ear to ear grin as she slipped into her second dress, “You're just trying to butter me up so I'll buy more clothes!”

“N-not at all! I-I would never d-do that to you!”

Pausing to note the subtle but unmistakable emphasis she placed on the last word Mrs. Sweet let out a soft chuckle. Her attention was soon pulled back to herself as she paused to admire her sleek, elegant red dress in the mirror while simultaneously sigh in annoyance as she tried and failed to zip up the back by herself. After straining her shoulder muscles and causing a rather painful twinge she suddenly had a wicked idea. Smiling even wider she glanced at the mirror one more time to make sure she looked every bit like the stunning sexual goddess she knew herself to be before wordlessly opening the door and stepping out into the small hallway beyond the changing rooms. Exactly as expected Farah was hovering nearby and exactly as expected her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open the moment she saw Veronica standing there in a strapless red gown with a slit cut so high in the side it just about reached her waist. Pausing to give her a little time to soak in what she was seeing and commit every last detail to memory Mrs. Sweet eventually turned around, although she maintained eye contact even as she did so in a move that couldn't have been more seductive if she tried. With a coquettish over the shoulder look she put one hand on her hip while unnecessarily holding up her slightly tousled hair with the other and asked a question both wildly innocuous and unimaginably loaded.

“Would you mind zipping me up?”

Farah stared at Veronica smooth back for quite a bit longer than she should've before finally nodding her head and saying, “O-of c-course!” and stepping closer. She swallowed at least half a dozen times between agreeing and actually touching the zipper and the fact that her legs hadn't buckled yet was nothing short of a miracle. Which only made her ensuing comment that much more astonishing to both women, “Y-you know . . . t-this isn't the s-sort of dress y-you wear a b-bra with . . .”

“Is that so?” Veronica asked, delighted by the words spilling from Farah's mouth despite knowing full well that was the case and simply, yet luckily, forgetting as much. “I'll be sure to remember that when I wear it out . . .”

“G-Good . . .”

“What about underwear?” She asked as the zipper reached the top of it's track and she turned around to face her blushing admirer, “Should I wear a thong with this sort of dress? Or would that ruin the lining and be too obvious?”

“I-I-I-I don't know Mrs. Sweet!” She stammered, “T-t-t-that's up to you!”

Nodding for a moment as she pretended to consider it Veronica looked away for just long enough to make her sudden eye contact all the more intense as she said, “I think I'll go without. I'd hate to spend all this money on a beautiful dress only to ruin it with a thong . . .”

A visible shiver ran down Farah's spine and she swallowed yet again while goosebumps spread across her body, “That makes sense.” Her words were delivered almost painfully slow and stilted. “Did you need anything else Mrs. Sweet?”

“Yes,” Turning back around she coyly said, “Unzip me again . . . I'd like to remove my bra so I can see how this dress fits without it . . .”

“Of course.” Farah did as she was asked and tried her best, with an admirable amount of success, to not ogle her customer's mostly naked back. Once the zipper had been pulled all the way down she stepped back and stared at her feet while Veronica disappeared into the changing room. A minute or so later she reappeared without her bra, and maybe without her panties though she couldn't help but feel guilty for even thinking that, to ask for help zipping up again. “Of course Mrs. Sweet.”

As soon as that was taken care of Veronica slowly turned around to face her blushing companion with a look that did little to hide just how much she was enjoying the back and forth going on. Fortunately her companion was too busy trying to be respectful to notice and when she did lift her gaze off the floor the smile on Mrs. Sweet's face had melted into something a little more subtle and a lot easier to brush off as something else. But even if her smile wasn't obvious there was no hiding the rest of her gorgeous body. In fact the dress she'd chosen was doing everything it possibly could short of throwing up a neon sign to draw amorous attention. Between her enormous breasts softly rising and falling with every measured breath to her long, tanned leg sitting exposed in a cocky stance through the slit in her gown Veronica commanded attention like never before. Farah couldn't even begin to resist the allure of the woman standing before her and after a few seconds she didn't even try. She just stared with an open mouthed look of pure amazement while butterflies danced in her stomach the small little stain forming across the front of her panties slowly spread. Another shudder ran it's way through her but this time she hardly even noticed it. Her mind was too busy ogling the woman in front of her and thinking about all the things she wanted to do with those beautiful breasts. Or that amazing ass. Or her almost certainly amazing pussy. Absolutely running amok her brain just couldn't be stopped and her body language was slowly but surely betraying all of those thoughts. Exactly how Veronica wanted and hoped. She could all but see every perverted urge and wild desire filling the clerk's head. After years of being stared at like that by men and women alike it was abundantly easy to spot and endlessly entertaining to witness no matter the context. And after just long enough to make a permanent impression she turned around and struck the same pose as before.

“I think I'll buy this one too.” She said in a soft, sultry tone, “Would you mind unzipping me again so I can change?”


Beyond eager for literally any excuse to touch her customer Farah happily unzipped her dress. Once again her intentions were as plain as the nose on her face as she started pulling down the zipper with an incredible amount of gusto only to dramatically slow down upon realizing that was likely the end of her time with Veronica and it'd be another day or so before they crossed paths again. The moment she had that little epiphany Farah's hand slowed almost to crawl as she boldly took her chance to savor every last inch of tanned skin available to her hungry stare. Completely forgetting Mrs. Sweet could see her and was even looking back at her she slowly licked her lips and swallowed as more and more beautiful skin was revealed, including the pale stretch that formed her tan lines and had been previously hidden away beneath her bra. Of course no matter how much she dragged it out such a simple act couldn't go on forever and before long her hand was coming dangerously close to the wide, round ass she'd been admiring since the first time Veronica walked into Le Joi de Vivre. And while she resisted the intense urge to brush against it as she pulled away no force in the world could stop her from staring at her tight rump and naked back for as long as humanly possible. All while entertaining the sort of unrealistic and utterly insane fantasies only a virgin with zero sexual experience could envision. The sorts of things that only happened in the most absurd pornographic films and over the top, unrealistic stories. Little did she realize she was about to find herself right in the middle of one of those scenarios.

Because in her efforts to tease and be worshiped by a girl about the same age as her daughter Veronica had unintentionally gotten herself rather worked up. The excitement of showing herself off both to Farah and to anyone who might happen to glance in the direction of the changing rooms, which meant at least half a dozen people or more, was quite a thrill. Letting all of them see how sexy and seductive she was while simultaneously denying them any chance of doing anything was delicious enough all on its own. But then thoughts of what they'd do upon going home and thinking about her started flooding her perverted mind. Images of men and women alike vigorously pleasuring themselves as they thought about her hot, voluptuous body always turned Veronica on. Few things aroused her faster than being idolized in some form or fashion. And of course having a woman almost literally drooling over every little thing she did and entertaining what were surely incredibly perverted fantasies while standing mere feet away would've been enough all by itself. But added to all the other sources of pleasure she could and very much was enjoying and her panties were swimming in pussy juice. Rivulets were already starting to run down her inner thighs and the longer she stood there with her back exposed and Farah's breath coming in ragged gusts of warm air on her skin the harder it was for Mrs. Sweet to think about anything but her own gratification. It really was a shame Henry had refused to come along. Feeling his thick cock pounding away at her slutty little cunt would've hit the spot so unimaginably well she almost certainly would've passed out from the ecstasy. Unfortunately since he wasn't around she'd just have to find her satisfaction elsewhere. Either with her fingers or someone a little closer to hand if they weren't as shortsighted as her husband . . .

“Thank you darling . . .” She said in a husky voice, her eyes sparkling as she looked back at Farah with a look that could've melted the polar ice caps, “I think that's all I need for today . . . I'll get changed and collect the dresses I want to buy . . .”

While her stomach did a little flip and her heart skipped a beat the young clerk nodded and said, “Okay Mrs. Sweet! Do you want me to—should I maybe—I-I'll just wait right here . . .”

“Perfect . . .”

Holding her admirer's attention just long enough to make Farah sweat Veronica eventually turned away and sauntered back towards the changing room. Her hips swayed with all their usual confidence and her ass had never looked better constrained in the tight red fabric of the dress she was wearing. It was enough to make the woman watching stare in equal parts awe and lust while the handful of employees nearby started to understand why Farah always seemed to be hanging around the obnoxious customer despite how unpleasant she could be. Some were even experiencing little twinges of jealousy after watching most of the interactions between them. The men in particular. Farah herself felt only delight and a mild sense of disappoint. She was delighted by how sexual her crush had been and how far the two of them had gone, even though they hadn't done anything at all, but disappointed by the certainty it would never go any further. That mild but realistic view couldn't help but slowly overshadow the rest of her thoughts as she stood there waiting for her customer to finish changing. And before too long those thoughts made her subconsciously turn away from the changing room instead of staring directly at it like she'd been doing since reaching that area of the story. After all, what use was there in trying to see through wood when, even if she could, nothing would come of it regardless? So instead she tried her best to focus on other things, like not giving Veronica such a steep discount on the dresses. Everyone who worked at Le Joi de Vivre were encouraged to give discounts whenever they could since the genuinely outrageous markup everything was sold at allowed them a lot of wiggle room and it was a great, easy way to draw in customers. But even by those lax standards she'd been a little too zealous in the past with slashing prices. According to her boss anyways. She'd have to be a lot more mindful of that if she wanted to keep her job.

Of course thinking about all the stuff she'd 'just given away' naturally brought her thoughts right back to the woman she was trying to avoid thinking about. Particularly thoughts of how Veronica looked in all the various dresses, negligees, lingerie, and everything else she'd bought since the store opened. Part of her quietly lamented the fact that Mrs. Sweet hadn't chosen to model that impossibly lewd set of lacy purple underwear the way she'd modeled her dresses earlier. The rest was grateful she hadn't because there was no way Farah could've resisted doing something that would've gotten her fired for sure. Since her boss couldn't do anything to stop fantasies her mind ran wild with thoughts of Veronica strutting around the empty store with her tits all but completely exposed and her pussy hidden behind a strip of cloth so fine it would leave nothing to the imagination. She seductively approach Farah with a smile that said everything words couldn't and the two of them would share a long, fiery kiss that would lead them down a road she'd wanted to travel for well over a decade. The rational part of her mind tried to push those thoughts away and focus on more productive things but despite an admirable attempt things were only made worse. Or infinitely better depending on personal opinion. As she tried to find some measure of professionalism the frazzled young clerk instinctively glanced back at the changing rooms as if that would in some way help.

But rather than finding a closed door or even Veronica stepping out with her clothes back on and the dresses she planned to buy in hand she found the door thrown wide open. But because of the angle she was standing at the actual contents, or lack thereof, remained hidden from view. Her immediate assumption was that Veronica had somehow crept past without her noticing, although that was quickly dismissed considering how much Mrs. Sweet relied on Farah's less than stellar habit of charging dramatically less than she should've. It also didn't make sense that she wouldn't say anything after all the flirting and teasing that'd taken place that particular day. While she didn't know a great deal about the woman she was infatuated with Farah knew enough to be as confident as she could that Veronica wasn't the sort to quietly walk away. Not without getting one final quip or bout of teasing double meaning out first. Which left the question of what was going on even more strange and even more enticing. So enticing in fact she felt herself turning towards the changing room before she could think to stop herself. And by the time her brain was catching up to that decision her feet were carrying her one shaky step at a time towards the open door. She reached it long before her brain had a chance to stop her and what she found inside as she came to a stop was, without hyperbole, the most incredible thing she'd ever seen in her young life.

Sitting on the little bench positioned in front of the mirror with her back pressed against the glass and a gorgeously alluring smile on her face was Veronica. Every, single inch of her tanned body was on full display save a tiny little strip of ankle covered by the thong hanging off it as she rested her foot against the wall beside her. Those enormous, pollowy breasts had not only been laid bare but were visibly heaving with excitement as they resting atop her tight, quivering belly thanks to the curvature of her body as she lay there. Both of her legs were splayed apart as wide as they could go with the one not pressed against the wall simply being held aloft by a few of her toes like she was a ballerina about to do some sort of releve. Her gigantic, perky ass was partially hanging off the small wooden bench she was resting on top of and the way it trembled and tightened couldn't have been more enticing. And yet for all the beauty found in the rest of her body it was her blushing face and the sight of her neatly groomed yet nonetheless sloppy pussy that really caught Farah's attention. The lip biting smile she was given upon first appearing in the doorway had slowly melted into an open mouthed, silent invitation to step inside and join her. One further reinforced by the plump, hairless vulva being spread apart by two of her fingers to reveal the gooey pink folds beneath. Her free hand openly beckoned her to enter with a come hither curling of her index finger and no force in the world short of death itself could've stopped the young clerk from answering the call.

Without so much as a second thought she stepped into the changing room and shut the door behind her as a little flash of jealousy surged through her. Whatever happened next was for her and her alone. She didn't want to share Veronica with anyone and as long as she could, she wouldn't. Of course the moment the door was shut and she was as alone as she could ever hope to be with Mrs. Sweet her utter lack of experience immediately froze her in place. On top of putting a comically exaggerated but entirely genuine 'deer in the headlights' look on her face. Luckily the woman she was about to pleasure had more than enough experience for the both of them and no compunctions about exercising whatever control she could. After letting out a laugh and staring at her dumbstruck companion for a couple seconds of course. Because no matter how much she might want her pussy licked and her asshole fingered, or vice versa, she could always stop and appreciate the effect she had on normal people. And only after she'd let her ego swell up to almost preposterous levels of self importance did she finally give some sort of instruction to the poor, inexperienced young woman who was about to have a first hand chance to learn at the feet of a master.

“Get on your knees.” She commanded, “And start licking!”

Far beyond the point of refusing an order like that Farah immediately sank to her knees, then crawled forward the remaining couple of feet needed to actually fulfill the second part of her instructions. And while her face was a brilliant shade of crimson as her cheeks burned with embarrassment that didn't stop her opening her mouth with a noisy smack and pressing her lips against the sweet smelling and even sweeter tasting cunt of the woman she'd been lusting after for quite some time. Both of them moaned in pleasure the instant their bodies made contact and it was no surprise Veronica was the louder of the two. A nice, wet little stream of arousal leaked from her sex the instant she felt her companion's mouth against her folds and the flow only continued to trickle out as a soft, timid tongue was added to the experience. A few moments later a pair of gentle and wildly reserved hands were pressed against her sticky inner thighs. Mrs. Sweet responded with a very enthusiastic gasp as she misunderstood what the woman kneeling in front of her was doing. Incorrectly assuming she was about to have her pussy savaged by some wildly enthusiastic cunnilingus she braced herself as best she could with one hand immediately jumping to her breasts to cup and tease them while the other reached out to press against the wall beside her. Sadly as eager as Farah was to taste every inch of her older lover's slit her total lack of experience and confidence kept her from doing anything more than timidly running her tongue along the outer folds of the first pussy she'd ever had the pleasure of tasting.

Her lips pushed down with as much force as she could manage while the rest of her face was smothered by Veronica's puffy outer folds and soon dripping with the constant dribble of fluids from her depths. She'd only moved her hands to her inner thighs for want of something to do with them and it wouldn't have required much effort at all for Mrs. Sweet to close her legs around her nervous partner's head and smother her in pussy. Luckily the pleasure she was feeling definitely didn't warrant that sort of reaction yet and as the seconds passed by and she felt the inexperienced and uncoordinated movements of a tongue very much in need of guidance she knew it wasn't going to happen any time soon.  Although her mood wasn't totally soured by the revelation that her companion wasn't some rampant slut like Sarah's friend Stacy she couldn't help but be a little disappointed regardless. About the only time she'd ever tolerated that sort of gentle and borderline ineffective attempt at oral pleasure was when Jack had first gone down on her. But since he'd long ago learned how to make her scream she hardly ever had to worry about it. Apparently now she'd have to go through that same rigmarole again with Farah if she wanted to cum. Because as pleasurable as her idly probing tongue was it would never get her where she needed to be.  But in an uncharacteristic fit of restraint she decided to see if maybe her dusky skinned lover was building up to something spectacular the way her husband liked to. If it was all in service of a greater plan she was more than happy to wait a little bit longer for her big O.

Farah did her best to get Veronica there even without knowing what was running through her lover's head as she nervously licked at her outer folds and hesitantly ran her tongue across the soft, wet inner reaches between. Although she knew it was better to be in the moment and respond to her partner's body in whatever way she could, according the advice she'd been giving by friends, her mind was slowly but surely being overtaken by thoughts of every pornographic video and pussy eating tutorial she'd watched. It was hard not to think about the former given how absurd the circumstances of her first time going down on a woman were and the latter pretty much always had real estate in her head no matter what she was doing. And she was lucky it did because after nearly a minute of aimless and clearly not very successful cunnilingus she knew she had to switch tactics. And the only way to do that was by going big. So after swallowing her nerves and a good deal of pussy juice she pulled her tongue away from the delicious cunt it'd been trying to pleasure. Her lips followed soon afterwards but they weren't gone for long as she quickly pressed them against Veronica's clit instead. The suddenness of her change in tact combined with the forcefulness of her sucking earned Farah her another breathy moan from the woman she was trying to pleasure. Which of course only made her suckle on the sensitive little button even harder while her tongue flicked back and forth across it in a haphazard but still wildly successful bid to make her cum.

A hot, fresh stream of arousal leaked from the pussy she'd abandoned to splash across her chin and dribble down the front of her dress but rather than simply ignoring it and keeping her focus where it belonged the young clerk remembered some of the most basic advice she'd seen across all the tutorial videos. Pulling one of her hands away from Mrs. Sweet's thigh she brought a finger to the tight, wet hole clenching beneath her chin and gingerly pushed it inside. Yet again she was given another throaty moan as a reward, only this time it was on top of the incredible feeling of another woman's pussy clamped down around her digit. Having only every felt her own for the entirety of her life it was amazing how different yet similar the sensation was. Without even thinking she started curling her fingers backwards in the same come hither motion Veronica had used earlier, her very well manicured nail scraping with just enough force to make her partner tremble without causing any pain, or at least that's what she'd been told would happen. Being blasted by another deluge of fluids upon finishing her motion and greeted with no small amount of moans and contractions certainly reinforced everything she'd been told. But it also proved a little too overwhelming for the young girl. A little too intoxicating and amazing for her first time because she inadvertently slowed down the movements of her tongue, lips, and digit all at once to simply bask in the sensations she was feeling. Which proved to be both the best and worst choice she could've made.

While admittedly quite surprised by how enjoyable Farah's efforts were becoming and ever so slightly impressed by the sheer amount of energy on display Veronica was still left far less satisfied than she wanted to be. And certainly far less satisfied than she usually was after the amount of time her partner had been working her pussy. The addition of her finger had been a lovely and very much unexpected factor but it was definitely too little to appease the rampaging sluttiness waking up inside Mrs. Sweet with every passing second. Maybe if she'd used two or three fingers, hell even her entire fist, she might have kept herself under control and simply enjoyed the ride. But as soon as she felt her lover's already limited motions slowing even further she knew it was time to take charge of the situation in a way she almost never did. Mostly because the people she fucked or that fucked her rarely ever needed to be dominated. Few, if any, had trouble letting loose and turning her inside out and in a way Farah's apparent inability to follow their suit only turned Veronica on more. Now she had a chance to utterly control and destroy a lover who didn't happen to be Jack, Henry, or occasionally Sarah. And once she realized that the urge to take action was so overwhelming she didn't even think twice about slamming her feet against the ground and standing up while grabbing her companion's head with both hands and holding her against her pussy. Completely caught off guard by what was happening Farah couldn't do a damn thing about it as she was suddenly pushed backwards by her lover's cunt until she was leaning in the exact opposite direction she'd been angled at a moment ago and staring up at the woman she'd been after for weeks. Or rather staring up at her massive, heaving tits until Veronica made the effort to hunch over and reveal her grinning, wild eyed face. At some point her finger hand slid out of her pussy as both her hands scrambled to grab on to something while she was being moved so unexpectedly. Now both were wrapped around her partner's thick, quivering thighs and holding on for dear life.

“Sorry darling.” Veronica cooed, “You were doing a fine job. But a woman like me needs a lot more than fine!” Slowly widening her stance until she was squatting in a very undignified yet incredibly lewd manner she moved Farah's head a bit lower and added, “Now I'm going to take matters into my own hands and give you a little taste of what I really need! Maybe next time you'll be able to give it to me yourself!”

Though she felt a twinge of excitement at the prospect of being with Veronica again Farah also felt a twinge of nervousness at the prospect of whatever was about to happen. Mostly fear of the noise it would make and certainty they would get caught. Lacking any way to voice those concerns she could only stare up at the woman against who's pussy she was being held and slowly extend her tongue like a good girl. Mrs. Sweet shivered as it slid into the depths of her cunt and nodded approvingly while her fingers tightened their grip on her hair. For a split second the two of them remained in that position, neither moving save the involuntary spasms of their bodies as they contemplated the perverted things they were about to enjoy. Then all of that changed in an instant. Letting out a moan that sounded as much like a bestial grunt as something a supposedly refined and high class woman like her should be making Veronica started grinding herself against Farah's face without preamble or hesitation. Her pussy somehow managed to slam into her partner's mouth with enough force to make the young girl jump in spite of how close the two had already been while a torrent of juices splashed across her dusky features and down her undoubtedly ruined dress. Little flecks of arousal even managed to reach as far up as her hair, although they were hardly noticed among the myriad of other sensations to experience as she felt her face being used like a sex toy. Moving her hips like she was straddling a massive, throbbing cock Mrs. Sweet gyrated like a woman possessed, all the muscles in her legs tensing while her taut belly did the same and her breasts heaved from the effort of every rotation. The sounds of her wet, gooey folds frantically rubbing against her lover's mouth and tongue quickly filled the confined changing room and were soon joined by all manner of breathy moan as she started off hard and maintained that pace thanks to years of inadvertently working her core muscles riding all manner of dicks.

And Farah could do nothing but wriggle her tongue and try not to drown by drinking as much of the pussy juice flooding her throat as she could. Although she'd never in her life imagined being used by a hot older woman in the way she found herself being used there was no denying how much of a turn on it was proving to be. Looking up at seeing her lover's naked body writhing atop her while feeling those creamy folds grinding furiously against her mouth with every passing second was endlessly arousing in ways she couldn't even fathom. Something about being treated like a toy by such a beautiful woman was sending waves of pleasure radiating through her body every second the two of them stayed in that position. A fact that only became more and more apparent as her own legs started kicking outwards and trembling like crazy while her sodden thighs spread open as wide as they could go and the noisy thuds of her feet colliding with the walls soon joined the rest of the cacophony. Her nails traced long, red furrows in Veronica's thighs as she unintentionally dragged them across those beautifully tanned legs while trying to hold on for dear life. But for all her outwardly visible responses nothing was more pronounced nor vulgar than the frantic undulations of her tongue inside the pussy grinding endlessly against hr face.

Despite still being about as experienced in pussy eating as a girl who'd been raised solely around men her entire life Farah managed to overcome that, to some extent, through sheer lust alone. She might not have known what she was doing in any practical sense but that hardly mattered when her tongue was swirling around inside Veronica's pussy in a feverish and every bit as unceasing barrage of motion. Pushing against every centimeter of contacting inner wall that she could and straining against all the tightly clenching muscles trying to keep her in check she actually pushed herself even deeper into Mrs. Sweet's cunt, further burying her face between those juicy folds while letting out a moan every bit as passionate as her lover's cries. And even though it was muffled by the cunt she was being smothered with the sentiment was as clear as could be. Which was undoubtedly why her partner let out a quavering laugh and noticeably increased the speed of her gyrations without any further warning. It was certainly why she was given an even more creamy deluge of fluids stirred up by her own tongue the way a blender might stir up a sumptuous smoothie. Neither of them gave any thought to how loud their wet, sloppy antics had become, because neither of them could think beyond their own pleasure for even a single moment. The world outside that little changing room just didn't exist as far as they were concerned and the longer they remained in that sweaty, passionate embrace the more completely that became true.

Unfortunately for both them they were far from alone in the store and their absence as well as the lewd noises spilling out from the changing room had not gone unnoticed. The first person to start poking around after hearing a clearly sexual moan had immediately turned away upon hearing the wet schlick of what could only be naked body parts colliding with one another. Much too embarrassed to do or say anything about it the customer had simply rushed off with a red face and a slightly jealous twinge in her heart. A few others managed to make it a bit closer and were rewarded with the sounds of Veronica moaning like a bitch in heat and even softly cursing under her breath as she furiously grinded against Farah's face. Although none of them had the courage to push far enough into the changing rooms to find that out for themselves. They simply let their imaginations run amok as they listened to the noisy sounds of two women fucking. By that point pretty much everyone in the store knew what was going on even if nobody had the wherewithal to do anything about it. The sound of female grunting and some sort of fluid dripping onto the hardwood had begun to filter out into the rest of the store. In an effort to assuage customers and spare everyone from the sounds of a woman rapidly approaching orgasm the manager of that particular shift had quietly turned up the ambient classical music echoing outw from a number of well placed speakers.

And while that did the trick for most people it had no effect on the very bored teenage boy who'd stepped into the store ahead of his mother. The moment he heard those perverted sounds all his wildest fantasies suddenly came true. Immediately thrusting a hand into his pocket he retrieved his phone and made a beeline for the changing room everyone else was doing their best to ignore entirely. Since none of them were looking in that direction nobody saw him slip inside nor did they notice him creep down hallway until he found the right stall. The women messily fucking each other inside certainly had no awareness of the pimple faced dork peeking over the top of the very inadequate door that was supposed to be protecting their privacy, his phone in hand and already set to record every last detail. Of course even if she had noticed what was going on Veronica couldn't have stopped unless someone turned a fire hose on her. Because after several minutes of frantically using her companion like a piece of meat she was beyond ready to climax. Her pussy was all but gushing already and with every passing second the tidal wave of pleasure inside her was nearing it's breaking point. Her tanned, naked body was shivering in constant ecstasy while her grip on Farah's head had grown so tight it was almost painful for the young girl. Although she'd spend most of her time hunched over staring down at the woman she was fucking as the big moment rapidly approached she couldn't help but throw her head back and let out a long, trembling squeal as it all came crashing down around her.

The boy watching and recording them couldn't help but gasp as he witnessed Veronica's hot, naked body convulse like something out of a porno while a geyser of fluids exploded out of her cunt and directly into the face of the woman she was holding between her thighs. At least that's what he assumed was happening as a shower of droplets he could smell even a few feet away splashed all across the room as the dark skinned girl was completely soaked in the downpour. Her already wet and dripping face was drenched within seconds and her mostly untouched hair wasn't far behind as the wild grinding that'd led to that point continued unabated. If anything it only seemed to get more enthusiastic with every passing second, the wet squelch of a truly sloppy pussy filling the room as surely as the potent smell of sex and arousal. Back and forth her hips lurched with each push forward accompanied by a loud moan and a jet of clear, delicious smelling juices. Each retreat was marked by a momentary lapse in both right up until the position was reversed and the whole process started over again. All while both of them cried out in pleasure and shivered like they'd been caught naked in a blizzard. It was easily the most awe inspiring sight the young man had ever seen and even as he stood there on the tips of his toes watching every last second firsthand he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing.

More than once he had to tear his gaze away from the spectacle to make sure his phone was still recording it all and as soon as he was certain he went right back to staring at the naked MILF enthusiastically grinding her cunt against some young slut while the rest of the store acted like nothing was going on. And it lasted for the better part of two minutes! For two nearly uninterrupted minutes he got to watch some hot older chick who looked like she'd walked right out of a Playboy shoot face fuck and drown a girl in her fluids while her massive tits bounced around uncontrollably and her tight, round ass jiggled like a bowl full of jelly in the mirror. It was the sort of thing he'd think about for the rest of his life and definitely the sort of thing he'd be watching over and over again. Maybe he'd even show some of his friends what he'd seen. Jack would definitely get a kick out of seeing some slut acting like a complete whore without any concern for what she was doing or who might hear it. And as her movements slowed and the violence of her convulsions started to fade it was abundantly clear the two were finished. For now. Which meant he had to bail before they finally realized he'd been recording the entirety of her orgasm. So with no small amount of disappointment he ended the recording and slipped away before either woman could notice him, his cock all but bursting out of his slacks as he thought about what he'd just seen.

“That was exactly what I needed.” Veronica panted as she finally let go of Farah's head and the sticky young clerk immediately pulled away to suck in as much air as she could while long, messy tendrils of pussy juice connected the two women for a split second, “Thank you darling!'

“You're welcome!” She coughed as she rolled onto her side to gasp and shiver in the aftermath of her own, admittedly less explosive orgasm. “G-glad I could help!”

Veronica smirked at the woman beneath her and slowly stood up, her legs giving a painful twinge as she shifted positions after so long in the same spot, “You certainly went above and beyond your usual duties!” She laughed, turning away to gather her discarded clothes and slowly get dressed, “Perhaps next time I come around I'll bring something else for us to play with. Something we can both enjoy at the same time . . .”

Not at all cognizant of what that could be after what she'd just experienced Farah simply nodded and slowly pulled herself onto her feet, “That sounds lovely Mrs. Sweet . . .”

“I'm glad you think so. Now be a dear and take these to the register for me.” The older woman ordered, handing the dresses she planned to buy to the clerk, “I'll be out as soon as I'm dressed.”

“O-okay . . .”

Although she knew she should've waited, or at least wiped off her face and dried her hair a little Farah lacked the self awareness to do any of those things. Instead she just nodded and walked out of the changing rooms like it was perfectly normal to be dripping in pussy juice with all of her makeup smeared across her face and her dress utterly soiled. And since it wasn't in the least bit natural every single person in the store immediately looked at her the moment she emerged, their eyes going wide and their mouths falling open as they witnessed the mess that she was. All except one pimple faced young man who seemed more excited than anything else. Feeling more ashamed of herself than ever and more than ready for a sinkhole to appear beneath her feet and swallow her up Farah made her way through the store and to the checkout counter. She spent the whole time staring down at her feet with burning cheeks and a profound sense of humiliation gripping her thoughts. Veronica joined her a minute or two later but nobody seemed to pay any attention to her as she sauntered across the store looking almost exactly the same as before. Maybe that was part of her plan all along.

“W-will that be cash or credit?” Farah asked.

“Credit.” Mrs. Sweet replied in her usual haughty tone as she held out her husband's card.

In less than a minute the transaction was completed and she was strutting out the door like nothing had happened, leaving her dripping and mortified companion alone with her boss and the rest of the store, all of whom were judging her without any attempts to hide it. “We need to talk.” The manager said the moment Veronica had disappeared from sight. “Right now.”

“Yes ma'am . . .” Farah replied, all but certain she knew where the conversation was headed, “Right away . . .”


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