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Now this story is a little bit odd. I won't say how but I do think it's a bit of a departure from my usual stock. Although as I type that it feels like I've been saying it so often I don't have a 'usual stock' anymore lol. Regardless I hope the final product remains at least somewhat enjoyable!

With the confident strut of a woman who knew all eyes were on her and loved every last second of it Poison sauntered through the almost totally abandoned parking lot outside some public part she'd never been to. With every step she took her brilliantly red heels clacked loudly against the cracked, uneven asphalt like a constant demand for attention the rest of her appearance and everything about her cocky demeanor continued. Her gorgeously long, perfectly smooth, and beautifully pale legs were completely bent with the fluid grace of a dancer as the many visible but not quite bulging muscles of her calves and thighs were subtly shown off. Wrapped as snugly as they could be around her wide, buxom hips were a pair of blue cut off jean shorts ripped so finely around her curvaceous body they were more like panties than any sort of traditional outerwear. All but painted on to her body the front of her shorts couldn't even be buttoned properly, although they were in no danger of falling down her gorgeous hips, even as they seemed to hang precariously on her curves and show off a distinct lack of any underwear by their positioning. Perhaps even more striking than how finely they hugged the front of her body and teased at the tight pussy no doubt hidden beneath the denim was how they showed off her fantastically tight and downright perfectly sculpted ass. While technically covering her firm, spankable buttocks in the most basic sense the shorts she was wearing really only drew attention to the pert underside of her cheeks as they shifted and jiggled from each step she took. The pockets hanging down across them from her otherwise ruined pants fluttered in the breeze and teased yet more supple skin as they shifted back and forth. Not that anyone watching her approach the solitary car in the lot was hurting for glimpses of her alabaster skin shining softly in the flickering yellow glow of the street lights. Everything from the pronounced and eye catching v of the toned muscles leading down the front of her body and the teasing hint of her ass cheeks peeking out over the waistline of her shorts to the taut musculature of her abs and back were left completely bare. Stretched taut across her ample and curvaceous breasts was a flimsy white tank top almost in tatters and barely clinging her body.

It did absolutely nothing to hide her noticeably large, puffy areola or her stiff nipples from view, save in the most technical sense and with one of the straps falling down her broad, muscular shoulders even more of her milky white tits were revealed by what should've been covering her up. And thanks to the similar modifications as her shorts her 'shirt' served more like a bra than the garment it used to be, both in size and function. Fastened around her neck was a black choker heavily resembling several belts connected to one another while a similar band had been fastened around her right bicep. Her left arm was unadorned all the way down to the tips of her painted pink nails while a thick leather wristband covered her right. Much like the rest of her body both of her arms were sporting a remarkable amount of smooth, visible muscles that spoke to her rather famous talent for brawling and easily reinforced the reputation she'd earned herself. One of them at least. That powerful yet not quite brawny build was further exemplified by the breadth of her shoulders and the numerous muscles visible  beneath and around what little was covered by her top. And yet regardless of how taut and toned the rest of her body was her face had an almost delicate femininity to it. One that almost belied her obvious strength as the softly angular contours of her jawline naturally accentuated her full, bright pink lips as they not so subtly curled into a smile beneath a strong yet petite nose. But nowhere was her beauty more evident than in her large, often sparkling blue eyes half hidden beneath a fringe of spiky pink hair and the chain clad rim of her black peak cap. Only one was completely visible behind the curtain of hair and fabric hiding a portion of her face and it shone all the brighter for it's seductive isolation. Especially as it sat nestled among a veritable tidal wave of spiky pink hair that fell in a bushy, untamed cascade down her back and all the way to her waist. At it's thickest her wild tresses framed her shoulders like a cloak and the sheer amount of silky locks seemed almost unreal. Of course for many who saw her Poison was the epitome of 'unreal' taking human form.

The woman she was meeting in that near abandoned lot certainly thought so. It was the reason she'd approached Poison when so many others couldn't at the reason they'd subsequently enjoyed more than a dozen dates afterwards. But the reason they were meeting in some dingy, poorly lit stretch of the city well after midnight was something of a joint venture between the two women. An idea born from their mutual fantasies and eventually given life during one passionate night of lovemaking. And despite how such things normally went the next morning had not sobered either of them up. If anything it'd added even more fuel to the fire. All it took after that was a few not so hard to prove rumors spread among the right people and they were off to the races. For an adventurous, confident, and all around unafraid girl like Poison what they were about to do was the height of her excitement. The sort of thing she lived for, besides fighting at least. For her demure and often shy girlfriend it was without a doubt the most risque thing she'd ever engaged in. Middle aged women like Tamara didn't have girlfriends after their divorce, let along set a specific time to meet those girlfriends in her sporty hatchback so they could make love in public! The mere fact that she'd been the one to approach her towering, goddess of a lover was frankly mind boggling by itself but add to that the fact that she'd been party to what they were about to do as anything other than a shyly reluctant tag along was preposterous. She still couldn't quite believe it was happening even as she saw her gorgeous lover sauntering towards her in the side mirror. Although the simple fact that she felt a rush of adrenaline and arousal upon spotting her partner, instead of the fear or trepidation she expected, was a good sign. Good enough to encourage her to push open the driver's side door and step out, though not enough to keep her from shivering in the chilly night air. It continued to mystify her that Poison could walk around as she did without freezing to death.

But if there was one aspect of dating a woman like her that would always leave Tamara feeling a little nervous and unsure of herself it was the downright comical disparity between their appearances. Polar opposites in just about every way the two of them couldn't have been more at odds if they'd made a concerted effort. At barely five feet tall she was a good foot shorter than her pink haired girlfriend even without heels and built with such a dramatically different body type it was insane. After years spent in a loveless marriage her naturally wide and curvy body had managed to grow even more plump in all the most noticeable places. Not helped at all, in her mind at least, by her inability to lose the weight she'd naturally gained with each child. Of the many added contours of her admittedly curvy body three stood out among the rest. The three places she could never avoid thinking about whenever she was naked in front of her mirror. Or naked in front of the woman that somehow couldn't get enough of her body. First with a bullet was her absolutely massive and impossible to hide rear end. Since her divorce she'd heard many a guy bandy around the phrase 'dumptruck ass' and while she didn't quite like what it implied she had a hard time disagreeing with the sentiment. It'd taken her much, much, much longer than she was comfortable admitting to squeeze into the 'mom jeans' she'd worn out that night. And while the tight denim did as good a job as could be expected hiding her gigantic butt no clothing in the world could do away with her huge rump or the incredibly chubby thighs it led to.

In much the same way nothing could ever hide her second biggest 'issue': an equally tremendous and every bit as voluminous pair of breasts that only seemed to get bigger no matter what she did. Before getting pregnant she'd been at a comfy and manageable C cup. Two decades later she was rapidly approaching an E. And with two incredibly swollen nipples that took up considerable real estate on her chest there was very little a bra or a baggy green sweater could do to save her. But that didn't stop her from trying. Last but certainly not least was something of a combination issue: the paired roundness of both her face and stomach. The latter had, in spite of her best efforts, never gone down even a little bit. She'd always retained at least something of a belly after each pregnancy and it simply would not go away. Like some unwanted relative. Her chubby cheeks had much the same issue and while letting her wavy black, shoulder length tresses frame it had done a little to help it was an all around hopeless situation as far as she was concerned. It didn't matter if her dark brown eyes perfectly matched the rich color of her skin or her full, pouty lips were the envy of nearly all the women she knew. Or if her cute little button nose gave her a youthful appearance that definitely belied her age. In her mind the jiggle of her cheeks and roundness of her once not so round face overshadowed everything else. In fact everything about her decidedly matronly build and overall plump bordering on fat shape was a point of dissatisfaction for Tamara. While at the same time being a massive, unending turn on for the woman she was falling in love with.

“Hey sexy.”

Her tall, muscular lover cooed upon reached Tamara. Without an ounce of hesitation she draped her arms around her smaller, plumper lover and effortlessly lifted her off the ground. Like every other time she was hoisted bodily into the air the middle aged mother of three squealed in surprise and wrapped herself around her gorgeous companion. Their lips reunited almost immediately as they shared a long, passionate kiss before Tamara was lowered back to the ground, blushing a furious crimson and looking like cartoon character as she clasped her hands in front of her while turning her whole body back and forth with a bashful smile of her face.


Poison's seductive face broke into a wide smile as she chuckled at her adorable lover's antics and asked in a breathy whisper, “Are you ready?”

“Yes!” Tamara nodded, “A-are you?”

“Always babe.”

“O-okay . . . then I guess w-we should start . . .” She looked around the empty parking lot for a moment before biting he rlip and saying, “Aren't there . . . aren't there supposed to be people? Y-you made it sound like there was gonna be . . . a big crowd or something . . .”

“There will be. Trust me gorgeous.” Poison assured her, “They're just waiting nearby. I passed a few of em walking here. I think they're shy.”

“They're not the only ones!”

“Well we'll have to fix that won't we hot stuff?”

Tamara blushed and her girlfriend chuckled, “I-I guess we will!”

Poison held out her hand like she did every other time they made love and her partner took it with the same nervous but delighted grin. Their eyes locked and the two of them shared a quiet moment together before Tamara slowly nodded. She knew what her companion was doing and while unnecessary she never failed to appreciate her lover's constant attempts to make sure she was comfortable with whatever kinky, perverted thing they were about to engage in. As well as reminding her that she could, whenever she wanted, put a stop to it if she felt uncomfortable or unsafe. It was a reassurance that'd given her the strength to do many thing shs never dreamed she'd do in her once boring life and almost certainly why she'd never actually taken advantage of that out despite how nervous, uncertain, or downright afraid she'd been during some of their more creative lovemaking sessions. Because as wild and occasionally manic as Poison could be there was no doubt she cared deeply for her. Perhaps even loved her. Neither of them had actually said the words aloud but the sentiment had been expressed in a myriad of other ways and it was certainly on their minds as they stepped in front of the trunk and opened the hatchback to see the back seats flattened down into a cramped but adequate space to have some wild sex. With a crowd watching them no less! And the whole thing was made all the more silly when Tamara was lifted off her feet yet again and carried bridal style into the back of her car. Despite them meeting in a dirty parking lot in the middle of nowhere to fuck while strangers watched the way her girlfriend acted and treated the whole affair you'd think they were making love after a night out at the opera. Of course the image of a woman like Poison sitting through an opera or even stepping inside the building's lobby was so preposterous it made her girlfriend giggle as she was being laid out across the thick blanket she'd set on the floor for them. Naturally her pink haired, half naked lover couldn't help but notice the reaction and comment on it accordingly.

“What's gotten into you cutie?” She asked as she pulled the trunk shut and loomed over her amazingly cute girlfriend as she lay curled up beneath her with a radiant smile, “Because it's  definitely not me . . . yet!”

Tamara's cheeks darkened at her lover's characteristic perversity even as her gaze drifted down to the tight denim shorts that were growing even tighter by the second. Suddenly it was Poison's turn to laugh as she watched a subtle but thrilling change come over her plump girlfriend. Much of the nervousness evident in her face slipped away as excitement crept into her features. Even more obvious than that was the shift in her body language as she wiggled into a slightly better position beneath her and spread her legs invitingly wide despite her pants still being on. Of course she could've been wearing a burlap sack on top of a parka and it would've have stopped her amorous partner from getting turned on. Or from tugging down her shorts to reveal the rapidly peeling away, skin colored tape that kept her cock out of sight. While out and about the strip of specially ordered tape could do the job of hiding everything she had tucked away beneath her shorts but around Tamara it was laughably inadequate. Very much a 'grower' Poison's dick was rather small any time she wasn't around but the moment she felt the slightest bit of attraction to something her shaft started growing and it started growing fast. So with a wild eyed grin she rippled the tape from her completely hairless pubic mound and the underside of her loins to reveal in all it's glory her rapidly swelling dick and a pair of massive, cum laden balls that, by all sense and logic, shouldn't have been contained at all. The latter hung down between her thighs where they tensed and tightened while the former bounced madly up and down as it hardened. It only took a few seconds for her to get fully erect and by the time she was her ten inch monstrosity of a penis was every bit as glorious as always. Thick enough to make a woman shudder at the prospect of being fucked by it and powerful enough to remain upright in spite of it's size her member was and always would be a sight to behold. Tamara couldn't help but lick her lips at the sight of it and shiver as a thick globule of precum oozed out of the swollen tip. It landed directly against her groin and despite several layers of cloth separating it from her pussy she still moaned.

“You see what you do to me?” Poison asked, like she often did, as she grabbed the middle of her prick with one hand and started stroking. She leaned forward and placed the other against the wheel well next to her lover's head as she smiled down at her and said, “You'd better take care of this before I explode all over the car . . .”

Spotting a few silhouettes of people standing outside the car Tamara eagerly nodded and asked, “What are you waiting for?” then opened her mouth with a wet smack.

Wholly unable to resist the warm, wet hole being offered to her Poison moaned and climbed over her lover's soft body to straddle her cute belly and push the head of her cock between those gorgeously plump lips. The moment her prick was close enough Tamara's mouth closed around it and both women gasped in delight. There was a faint murmur from the people outside and a flurry of movement as their arms started shifting in unmistakably lewd patterns. Though neither of the ladies they were watching paid them any attention as they quickly lost themselves in one another. Pushing nearly half of her cock down her lover's throat in a single thrust Poison shuddered as more and more of her dick vanished into the black hole that was her girlfriend's throat. Of the many wonderful, surprising things she'd learned about Tamara over the two years they'd been together her incredible talent for and love of all things blowjob related ranked quite high on the list. Watching all ten inches of her dick slide effortlessly down her partner's throat never failed to me an amazing experience. Doing so with a myriad of strangers watching and jerking off at the same time was beyond fantastic. Wet slurps and enthusiastic gurgles filled the car and do doubt echoed out into the parking lot beyond, helped by the ever so slightly open driver and passenger side windows. But even if she'd shut the car tight before they started the long, sloppy moan Tamara unleashed as soon as she felt her lover's balls pressing against her chin and the head of her cock nestled in what felt like her abdomen would've been heard regardless. As would her partner's even more dramatic exclamation of pleasure. Crying out a series of half finished swears and unmitigated praise for the woman she was about to devastate with her dick Poison grabbed the sides of her companion's head and smiled down at her. Their eyes met yet again and her dark haired love simply grabbed her muscular thighs from behind and loudly slurped, telling her well endowed partner all she needed to know.

Tamara wriggled even lower onto the floor of her car, her feet rising off the ground to press against the lip of the window many were watching through as the gorgeously hard woman about to thoroughly ruin her throat shifted her position. Lifting her feet underneath her to squat over her partner's face Poison let out a feverish moan as she held up her girlfriend's head. Not two heart beats later she was gasping even louder as her partner slid a couple fingers into her untended but very inviting asshole. Wild shivers ran down her spine as the familiar sensation of Tamra's fingers wriggling around inside her anus washed over the pink haired fighter. Her cock naturally swelled even more than usual while all the muscles in her legs and abdomen visibly tensed from the sudden barrage. They would remain tight and bulging for quite some time as she quickly recovered from the pleasure of having her ass teased and started pulling her cock free of her girlfriend's throat. And because she knew there was no reason to bother she didn't hold anything back, her hips lurching away in a sudden, almost spasmodic movement that filled the car with the wet squelch of a rapidly violated esophagus. In the blink of an eye her dick had fully retreated from her lover's gullet, excluding the tip still nestled between her tightly clenched and hungrily sucking lips. And the moment Poison's dick had finished pulling back it was plunged right back into her lover's throat with even more force than before. Several people outside the car gasped in surprise, clearly taken aback by the force of her movement. How could they not be when she slammed herself so hard forward it actually rocked the vehicle they were in and filled the entire space with a meaty slap? While some of the noise could be attributed to her wet, pendulous sack colliding with her girlfriend's chin the rest was unmistakably the result of her cock's violent reentry and the strength of the thrust that'd caused it. But if they were surprised by that they'd be amazed by what followed soon after as Poison immediately pulled backwards to repeat the process all over again.

Because while many of the people standing outside idly stroking their pricks or rubbing their pussies had probably seen a good, hard facefucking in porn there was a good chance none had enjoyed the pleasure in real life. And even if they had they certainly weren't prepared for the frenzy that was Poison any time she had a chance to really let loose and enjoy her lover's body. Moving at what many might consider an unhinged pace she drove her cock as deep as it could go into Tamara's throat while moaning in rapturous delight and unleashing a string of vulgar curses at nothing in particular. When her member withdrew yet again it was coated in the slimy mixture of spit and precum as Tamra's rapidly contracting gullet slathered it in the tawdry mixture while sending waves of pleasure through her girlfriend's body at the same time. She naturally rammed her fat, throbbing shaft right back inside as soon as she could and everyone both inside and out of the car was rewarded with the incredible sight of a woman being so utterly and completely violated it very nearly looked like rape. The wild flailing of Tamara's legs and the violent arching of her back as she felt her lover's cock ravish her throat for what was surely the millionth time since they began dating certainly added to that effect. But any who could see the sparkle in her eyes and the faintest curling of her lips when they weren't being stretched open by the sheer size of the shaft buried inside them could tell she was loving every second of it. A notion that only grew more obvious as Poison quickly settled into the sort of frantic, ball slapping rhythm that saw her dick flying in and out of her girlfriend's mouth in a sloppy blur of pulsing flesh and uncontrollable lust. Thanks in no small part to her incredible musculature and how many times she'd already done this sort of thing with her amazing companion Poison was able to keep that pace and ferocity going much, much, much longer than a regular person. In fact she was able to keep it going the entire time they were in that position. Much to everyone's delight.

Of course nobody enjoyed Poison's unrelenting ferocity more than Tamara herself. Being a 'class A oral slut' as her girlfriend liked to say she was and always would be enormously turned on by having her mouth used as a cheap cocksleeve. Enough to go into fits of orgasmic convulsions within a minute of her lover settling into the frantic peak of her wild thrusting. Although she wasn't quite overwhelmed by an orgasm her body knew it was coming even as her mind faded into a hazy miasma of pleasure with little flashes of panic that came from being denied oxygen for an extended period of time. But she had every confidence in her partner so the lack of breathable air and the sheer amount of fat, throbbing cock being stuffed into her throat formed a gorgeous pairing. So much in fact she could hardly respond in the way she wanted to as soon as they started. Her fingers remained stuffed in Poison's asshole but they hardly moved at all as she simply struggled to keep herself conscious enough to enjoy everything that was happening to her. Hell without the greedy tightness of her partner's asshole her digits would've slid out almost immediately after being pushed inside. Luckily for both of them her fighting prowess were far from the only thing she'd trained extensively and no matter how little they moved both of her digits remained exactly where they should be. But while her fingers barely moved at all save when they were being squeezed and mashed between the tightly contracting inner walls of an asshole that could drain a man's cock in seconds the same was not true of the rest of Tamara's body. In fact there was an almost comical disparity in how the two halves of her body were reacting. While everything above her waist scarcely moved at all save for what it was made to do by the f furiously thrusting woman squatting over her head and slamming downwards like it was her last time enjoying sex everything below her waist was just as animated as the woman using her face as a convenient fuck hole in place of her cunt.

Entirely of their own accord and seemingly without any thought to what she might be kicking or even damaging her legs thrashed wildly back and forth behind Poison's back, often slamming her heels into the windows and wheel well hard enough to make the people nearby recoil. Often times her feet would press together like she was doing a pencil dive off into a pool of water as her sodden thighs squished against one another and sent even more fluids seeping down her quivering brown skin. All other times they would spread as far apart as they could in some wild and desperate attempt to handle the ecstasy flooding her senses at any given moment. Or maybe she was subconsciously trying to show off just how much of a whore she really was as copious amounts of pussy juice leaked out of her cunt in a near constant stream that'd utterly drenched her panties within a few seconds and was starting to form a stain across the crotch of her jeans inside a minute. But whatever the reason for her actions the result was the same: Tamra continued getting facefucked like the cheap prostitutes Poison used to hire before the two of them met while a crowd of people watched them and masturbated. Everything else was little more than icing on the exquisite case that was their lives in that moment. At least until the unending pleasure finally proved too much for Tamara to handle and she succumbed to the churning sea of ecstasy trying to swallow her whole.

As inevitable as taxes or the sun rising in the morning her orgasm wasn't at all diminished by it's predictability. Because while Poison certainly knew how much of a slut her girlfriend was the people watching were only just learning and they definitely had little inkling of just what the unassuming mother of three was capable of. Thankfully they were about to find out as every inch of her plump, mature body started convulsing at the same time. Thick streams of spittle and precum exploded from the depths of her throat as it tightened around the cock responsible for everything she was feeling and in turn the woman it was attached to. Naturally her pink haired mistress continued to thrust every bit as hard as she'd been thrusting but her efforts were slightly impeded by the sheer tightness of the gullet she was slamming her cock in to. Not that she let that get in the way of anything. It was more of a challenge than any real deterrent and one she was more than happy to meet head on. Even as a vastly more spectacular display was going on behind her and nearly all the people watching had turned their attentions towards the veritable fireworks display of female ecstasy that followed the beginning of her orgasm.

Shortly after both her feet ended up pressed flat against the wall of the car just beneath the window Tamara let out a gurgling scream every bit as shrill and pleasured as anything she unleashed without a massive cock in her throat. Her legs spread as far apart as they possibly could while her hips bucked madly up and down and every inch of her jiggling legs tensed at the same time. And for a brief moment nothing happened. Her body simply remained perched in that lewd position for what felt like hours as Poison abused her throat unabated. But what nobody could see until it'd finally boiled over like a pot left on the stove too long was the deluge of fluids spraying from her cunt and into her panties and jeans in hot, sticky torrents. Momentarily stymied by the thick fabric wrapped around her body the gushijng evidence of her orgasm couldn't be stopped for very long and soon it was flooding her pants in a giant and rapidly spreading stain. But as the people watching spotted the sodden fabric and marveled at just how quickly it was darkening all around her crotch and buttocks they were given an even more unexpected sight. The ecstasy surging through Tamara's body wouldn't be continued by mere fabric and while it did as admirable a job as could be expected containing her arousal nothing could every truly stop it once she got going. Something her girlfriend reveled in and her audience quickly learned when a dozen little jets of gooey, churned up fluid erupted from her jeans like so many geysers. Finding any and all points of egress they could each fountain squirted out of her jeans like water from a multi headed sprinkler and with similar effects on the interior of the car. The strongest and most forceful among the jets splashed messily across the window, roof, and wall to soak all three and fill her vehicle and the air immediately around it with the potent stench of female cum.

One type of it at least. The weakest of the streams simply dribbled down her heaving, tightly clenched buttocks to soak the already ruined blanket she was sprawled across and cascade like a waterfall down her body. And thanks to just how wet and just how sloppy her pussy got when she was truly aroused much of the fluid bursting from her cunt was a creamy, thick substance of an almost astonishing consistency that even those watching from outside could see. Yet even if they'd somehow been unable to recognize the viscous film of arousal coating Tamara's pants Poison helpfully showed it off to them after shoved her cock balls deep into her lover's throat. Reaching back with a knowing smile she looked first at the people watching and then at her partner's sloppy cunt before slapping a muscular hand against her pussy hard enough to send even more juices splashing every which way. Naturally the beleaguered, half conscious mother gasped around the dick in her throat and shivered in arousal at the impact. Which only inspired her girlfriend to do it again. Then a third time after that. She stopped at three however, instead choosing to pull her cock from the slime caked face she'd been fucking and finish undressing them both so they could have some real fun. She peeled off what little she had left and, with little help from her lover, undressed Tamara as well. The moment both of them were naked she rolled her companion onto her side, slid her dick into that messy excuse for a cunt, and started fucking away.

For the better part of two hours the two of them fucked in every position they could enjoy inside the limited space of her car. Sometimes they showed off for the people watching and masturbating outside their vehicle as little flashes of debauchery grabbed them. Like when Tamara was lying flat on her back as her love pounded her beautiful cunt with all her might. Realizing their position blocked most of the good stuff she grabbed two big handfuls of lover's taut ass and spread her cheeks apart so they could all see her tightly puckered asshole winking and begging for a dick to be shoved inside it. Something the two of them had discussed at length but never quite gone through with yet. Or when, after dumping yet another massive load of spunk into her lover Poison pulled out, lifted her mewling lover off the stained carpet, and reclined beneath her. With one hand keeping her half conscious girlfriend's legs spread open she buried three digits of the other hand inside her gooey pussy and started fingering her like there was no tomorrow. The resulting explosion of slimy cum and pussy juice splattered all over the floor in a messy shower of blatant perversion. And the people watching couldn't get enough. Yet between their more over the top performances and antics the two women often forgot all about the people jerking off to them. It was so easy to get caught up in one another and their passionate lovemaking the world around them was constantly disappearing from their thoughts. Especially any time they shared a long, tender kiss. The moment Poison's lips met hers Tamara felt like she was floating through the sky on a cloud, the knowledge that her lover felt the exact same sensation further amplifying the pleasure filling her body. Eventually that pleasure would grow too strong and one or both of them would be forced to pull away as a moan burst from their hoarse throats. Usually followed by a renewed bout of frantic, ball slapping motion as it continued to rise. Before long one of them would climax in a messy display of unrivaled pleasure and the whole cycle would start over again.

As was always the case any time they ended up having sex, which over the course of their relationship had become any time they saw one another, the end of their lovemaking arrived when Tamara finally couldn't take another second of it. Both of them knew she was nearing that point as she tried to remain upright while Poison fucked her from behind in an absolute frenzy. The way her arms wobbled and her back arched was as dead a giveaway as the almost slack jawed look of bliss that spread over her sweaty face. Grunting and gasping in a deep, guttural voice she clumsily pushed herself backwards against the fat cock driving her to the brink of insanity in a desperate bid to hasten the ecstasy flooding her every last nerve. Some instinctual part of her knew it would be her last orgasm for at least twenty four hours, if not more, and she wanted to make it as amazing as possible. Thankfully her lover knew it as well and had exactly the same goal. Within a few seconds a rough, calloused hand had slid between her thighs and two equally coarse digits were expertly rubbing her clit. After about thirty seconds of stimulation to both the quivering walls of her cunt and the sensitive bud at the crest of it Tamara was done. Screaming her partner's name in a final burst of control she collapsed against the floor of the car in a heap, her face hidden by the tangled blanket and every inch of her body jiggling. Waves of pleasure crashed down on her one after another, often long before the previous one had begun to fade, and she couldn't even begin to comprehend it all.

Fortunately she didn't have to nor did she have to participate in any way as Poison continued absolutely hammering her pussy unabated. The suspension of the car audibly squeaked as the entire vehicle rocked back and forth from the ferocity of her movements and anyone who'd somehow avoided cumming before that point did so every bit as enthusiastically as Tamara did. Or rather as close as they could get. Few could actually match the explosiveness of her orgasm without a talented lover than knew every inch of their body the way hers did. Most women certainly couldn't unleash the tidal wave of creamy, sweet smelling juices that erupted from her cunt with every thrust of her lover's cock. And of the few that could even less could keep up the flow until both of them were all but totally drenched thanks to the frenzied movements and tight confines of where they were fucking. It was truly a sight to behold in every conceivable way and those that'd stuck around were glad they'd done so even as the frenzy began to die down and the speed of the thrusts devastating her mature cunt slowed to a gentle, rhythmic back and forth. The strangers watched in awe as Poison slowly withdrew her rock hard and soaking wet cock from the most devastated cunt they'd ever seen. Nearly all of them couldn't tear their gaze away from the sight of Tamara's limply quivering body even as the hatch opened and a fully naked, towering goddess of a woman stepped out to look at them.

“Show's over perverts!” She shouted, “Leave on your feet or in the back of an ambulance!” While some of the bravest or stupidest of the people remaining hesitated to stare at the nude, muscular beauty threatening them everyone else immediately scattered. A fierce glare sent the rest running for the hills without any trouble at all. “That's right! And don't come back unless I tell you to! Got it?”

Although nobody actually replied she was confident they understood. Her reputation was enough to keep all but the most masochistic perverts away. Once she was alone with her comatose lover Poison took a second to walk around the car and shake her head in amusement at the puddles of spunk and pussy juice left on the asphalt around the vehicle. As well as dripping down it in long rivulets. She hadn't really thought about that aspect of th kink when proposing it to Tamara and she'd have to spend a good deal of time cleaning and making up for the mess her lack of foresight caused. But it was without a doubt worth the effort as she returned to the trunk and saw her chubby, beautiful partner sprawled on the floor. It usually took her at least three hours to end up like that. Apparently being watched was an even bigger turn on than they realized. She'd definitely have to remember that for their anniversary. Or really any special occasion. Tamara's birthday was coming up . . . maybe she could do something for that . . .

“You awake babe?” Poison asked as she climbed back into the car and laid down beside her lover after shutting the door.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn . . .”

“Yeah that's what I thought.” She laughed. Wrapping an arm around her girlfriend and pulling her in close she kissed Tamara's naked shoulder and said, “Goodnight honey . . .”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .”


Jimmy TwoTries

This is a really hot concept and pairing Poison up with with a short unnassuming mom looking to get absolutely destroyed is just too darn good.

Sophia Dearden

This was a brilliant little story. I had a lot of fun reading it and the level of sloppiness was right up my alley.


I'm glad the juxtaposition went over well. I definitely wanted to put a badass like Poison with the exact opposite but I wasn't sure if it'd be well received.


That's about the best I could really hope for in a response and certainly a gratifying thing to hear!