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It seems even when I think a story is going to be shorter I end up writing a good thousand words more than I expected. Which should really not be a surprise by this point lol. Once again I went in a bit of a different direction with this one, hopefully the end result ends up being worth the read!

Oh and this story was based on a picture I definitely recommend seeing before you read. You can find the picture here!

With all the grace and beauty of an otherworldly temptress Ana Amari danced across the sun baked, open air garden that adorned one of the tallest buildings in Cairo. Her muscular, beautifully curvaceous body swayed in time with the music playing across the pavilion as a crowd of people sat watched her mesmerizing display. Every last one of them was utterly entranced by her flowing movements and the mysterious sparkle lighting up her dark eyes. Many couldn't tear their gaze away from the seductive curve of her lips teasingly hidden yet revealed by the veil adorning her face. Others were enamored by the rivulets of sweat running down her richly bronzed skin, particularly as the beads rolled down her taut belly guided by and trickled between the pronounced shape of her abdominal muscles. Still others admired the curves of her astoundingly firm buttocks clad only in a thin little undergarment and the way such a tight rump could effortlessly blend into perfectly shaped thighs that could no doubt crush a man's head with ease. But even more were absolutely captivated by the heave and sway of her ample breasts as every slightest movement sent them shifting in the most tantalizing manner they could've imagined. And her already sumptuously gorgeous chest was made all the more intoxicating by the sheer pink fabric of her bodice 'covering' them. Much like her veil and the billowing lengths adorning much of her legs it was just opaque enough to afford a little mystery while just translucent enough to leave all those blessed with exceptional eyesight free to admire the pert, round buds adorning her breasts. As surely as they could see her knowingly smile and witness the alluring glint in her eyes they could see the wonderfully dark and richly sized curve of her areola and the gradually stiffening shape of her nipples. Altogether she was perhaps the most beautiful woman any of them had ever seen and only one knew the true scope of her dance and what was in store for them.

Seated at the very center of the terrace adorned in flowing silks and fabrics the sheikh's robotic face was utterly inscrutable as he watched Ana move but any who knew him could say without a doubt he was every bit as entranced as the rest of him. The posture of his shoulders and the way his head turned to followed her every slightest moved spoke to that more than any facial expressions could. Of course few, if any of those around save perhaps his security were paying attention to the man when such an incredible beauty was before them. Which was exactly why he was able to reach into the voluminous depths of his chest baring robes to retrieve a small remote and hide it away in the palm of one of his metallic hands. Because her eyes were so often locked with his Ana noticed his subtle movement and the smile already lighting up her face widened ever so slightly. As the music to which she was dancing increased in tempo so too did the sway of her arms and the weave of her hips. A faint, imperceptible trace of goosebumps spread across her body as she naturally thought about what was coming next and her much of her athletic form trembled in anticipation. Though she'd been exceedingly nervous about what was expected of her before she'd donned her attire the moment she'd been handed the unassuming yet highly efficient final addition to her ensemble she'd felt nothing but excitement. Now it was only moments away from activation, as far as she knew, and the walls of her sex couldn't help but greedily tighten around the smooth metal device she'd pushed into her slit a short while ago. It's presence had remained at the forefront of her thoughts since the moment it was inserted and while the thin, triangular strip of cloth hiding her shamefully aroused womanhood had so far done an admirable job of keeping the secret she knew it couldn't hold out for long. Even knowing something was about to happen but being wholly in the dark as to what sent a trickle of renewed arousal into the already sodden fabric of her attire.

And when the sheikh finally activated it some two minutes after retrieving his remote Ana was far from disappointed by the results. Coming to life in the depths of her sex the device began to vibrate at a rate and frequency far stronger than anything she could have expected. Stronger than anything she'd ever experienced and strong enough to actually fill the air around her with a muted and wet sound buzzing thankfully masked by the music. What wasn't so easy to mask was the way she immediately faltered as soon as the pleasure of such an unassuming little item washed over her. Although she resisted the urge to drop to her knees and moan in delight as a fresh deluge of arousal leaked from the gooey inner folds of her sex Ana could do nothing about the wild tremor that ran down her spine or the spasmodic quiver surging through her legs. Arriving near simultaneously they interrupted the seductive pose she'd struck at the crescendo of the song she was dancing to, sending a ripple through not only her own body but also the crowd watching. None could predict what had caused her unexpected stumble and few could even see the gleam in her eyes and the smile on her face take on another dimension entirely. And when she resumed her dance seemingly unaffected by whatever had caused her momentary stagger in the first place it was easy enough for them to leave their curiosity behind and continue watching her gorgeous display. But she was hardly as luck. Or perhaps she was even luckier than all of them. Despite quickly growing accustomed to the feeling of a small, round metal ball vibrating wildly so deep inside her sex she could feel it pressed against the entrance of her womb Ana could never ignore the endless font of stimulation it gave to her. Nor could she keep her once sensually drifting limbs from trembling as she made an admirable attempt to continue her show. Because no amount of willpower could overcome the simple, biological delight that accompanied what she was doing. Both from the obvious pleasure found in the device itself and the secret she was sharing with her highly perverted robot lover.

She gave the sheikh a lingering smile that even the least observant of his companions could notice and be jealous of, though all of them knew she was his woman and none thought anything of the sultry grin she fixed him with. At least not until Ana faltered for a second time shortly afterwards. Entirely unable to help himself her partner pressed another button on the remote not a second after her gaze left his face and just as before she was utterly powerless to stop her body's reaction. And react it did as a small, very much nonlethal but still wonderfully sharp bolt of electricity arced out from the device. Either by design or blind luck the jolt of energy spread directly to her cervix before coursing through the rest of her sex and the ecstasy of that perfect targeting sent a flood of pleasure through sense. Very nearly sent to the ground by the unexpected barrage Ana barely kept herself upright as nearly all of her focus was dedicated to remaining on her feet and not unleashing the moan desperately trying to burst from her lungs. Both because of how arousing it was try try and resist and because of how much she knew the man responsible for her pleasure enjoyed watching her squirm. The knowledge that his reward when they retired to his bedroom would only increase the longer she was able to resist descending into pure and utter lust added a much needed dose of motivation. One that allowed her trembling arms to resume their drifting through the air above her head while her feet slowly left the ground until she was held aloft but the tips of her toes. Only now many of those watching were doing so with renewed interest in the unexpected behavior they were witnessing, their eyes roaming her body as they sought ought all the little signs of her pleasure from the tightening of her muscles to the subtle way her lips seemed unable to close again. None could hear the buzzing of the toy inside her sex nor could they sense the crackle of electricity when it jolted the entrance to her womb once again. But they could certainly hear the quiet yet unmistakable whimper that slipped from her mouth soon afterwards.

But while all of the mean and women watching heard her pleasured cry nobody was more delighted by it that the sheikh who'd caused it. A palpable sense of  excitement radiated from him and despite only just introducing the previous effect of the device he quickly and mercilessly added another while Ana was still recovering from the first. Luckily for her it proved to be  a far more subtle effect than the two that'd preceded it. Subtle enough for her to finish her moan and attempt to continue her dance before it's results were truly felt. Because while the unceasing vibration and the almost painful bursts of electricity were startling in the best way possible the steady swelling of the entire device itself managed to creep up on her already somewhat dazed mind. Moving at a pace almost slow enough for her to adapt without too much trouble it's modestly sized contours grew inside her sex at steady and unflinching pace that quickly pushed against her quivering inner walls and stretched them In a wonderful fashion. She could feel her sex being opened by the device and when compared with the constant vibration it formed such an incredible experience she found it nearly impossible to continue dancing as fluidly as she had up to that point. A dark stain was already spreading across the cloth hiding her sex and it would continue spreading as the uppermost portion of the smooth ovoid inside her came to press against her cervix not unlike her partner's cock so often did when they made love. As if he was aware of this despite there being no conceivable way he could be the sheikh activated the electrical charge not a heartbeat after his favorite toy came to push against the trance of Ana's womb. The resulting shock felt infinitely more powerful as a result of that contact and it made every inch of her supple body tense. Although nowhere tightened quite as much as her already madly pulsing sex and the wild flurry of contractions that ran through her womanhood  further enhanced the pleasure caused by the constantly increasing size of the device itself.

Clearly enjoying himself as much if not more than she was Ana's not quite emotionless partner waited just long enough for the more pronounced of her tremors to subside before adding yet another layer of pleasure to her steadily overloading mind and body. Just barely able to keep herself composed even as those watching her began to suspect things were far from what they seemed she made an admirable attempt to continue the dance that'd been interrupted yet again by her increasingly uncontrollable body and the ecstasy that was overtaking it. In spite of how much her legs were shaking and in spite of how difficult it was to even move them with what had to been a vibrating device the size of a fist buzzing away in the depths of her sex Ana soldiered on as best she could. And for all of a few seconds it seemed like she might be able to continue her subtly erotic display. But her companion had far more blatantly erotic intentions for her and he didn't hesitate to active another feature of his expensive device. Like the first two it was both immediately and impossible to miss as the once smooth contours of that now large egg were instantly marred by bumps, ridges, and other manner of protrusion. They pushed out even further against her madly quivering inner walls to form a varied and wildly unpredictable texture that remained different from anything else she'd ever felt inside her body. When paired with the vibrations it formed an utterly devastating and absolutely wonderful combination she had no hope of resisting. A wave of pleasure crashed down on her almost immediately and though it wasn't quite the explosive orgasm she knew was coming for her soon it made for quite a spectacular precursor. Both externally and internally as fluids dribbled down her wildly spasming thighs in long streams while every visible muscle in her body, and many of the unseen ones, began to spasm in a way all those watching her knew to be sexual. But even if they somehow didn't the long, wavering moan spilling from her lips would've left no room for interpretation.

Sweat beaded across her forehead and an unmistakable glaze crept into her eyes as Ana tried and failed to contain the pleasure rising up inside of her. She couldn't even say why she was doing it by that point, her man had all but ensured she wouldn't last long and every facet of her being wanted to just give in as soon as it could. Yet she continued to stubbornly resist as best she could, her uncoordinated limbs doing an almost farcical version of the dance that had so captivated her audience before. Little did she realize they were still captivated by the sights unfolding before them, and for nearly all the same reasons as before. Now they were simply far less restrained about their obvious lusts and desires to see every part of the woman in front of them wracked with ecstasy. Of course no matter how deep their desires ran or how passionately they wanted to watch Ana succumb nobody could match the pure, unbridled passion of the sheikh. More bewitched by her charms than anyone else he sent another jolt of electricity into the depths of her womb and basked in the desperate squeal that exploded from her lips an instant later. Ana could barely move her legs and the jerky motion of her arms couldn't be considered anything close to a proper dance but that didn't stop her. Even as ecstasy reverberated to the very tips of her fingers and toes she tried to continue the dance. The bolt of energy lancing through her cervix and sending another deluge of arousal gushing from her sex went entirely unacknowledged by her even as all the people and robots watching audibly gasped. Clumsily spinning on her heels to a part of the song long since passed she very nearly fell over when her lover activated what would be the final part of his device. Though it had more than a dozen settings she'd never made it past the seventh and with an audience of people eager to see her doubled over in ecstasy she wasn't making it past the fifth. Which suited her just fine as the variable speed and wildly unpredictable vibration set in.

Going from loud enough to fill the entire rooftop with the sound of buzzing and doing so at a frequency she couldn't comprehend to such a low setting the toy would've been imperceptible had the entire thing not been massively stretching out her sex his device quickly and ruthlessly pushed Ana towards the orgasm she and everyone else wanted to see. Entirely unaware of her movements but in desperate need of something stable to grasp during what was about to happen she turned away from those watching to stagger towards the edge of the roof. Everyone, including the security guards and the sheikh himself, stood up for fear she would go tumbling over the side. Thankfully she wasn't quite far enough gone for that and instead of falling off the building she pressed her shaking hands against the waist high wall that lined the edge. Holding on for dear life as her climax reared higher and higher like a cresting tidal wave Ana instinctively pushed her ass towards those behind her and allowed her legs to spread as far apart as they could. Wild spasms ravished her limbs and a frantic series of breathless moans burst from her lips as her knees buckled and she rocked from the tips of her toes to the heels of her feet. Just like every other time she was made to cum by her lover's hand the corners of her vision darkened and what little sense that'd remained in her brain vanished entirely. Only pleasure and a frantic need for more of it remained as the wave came crashing down and she was consumed by bliss. Throwing her head back and screaming until there wasn't a scrap of air left in her lungs Ana gave herself completely to the pure, unbridled ecstasy that was her life in that moment. She shook like she was having a seizure and tensed like every muscle in her body was being electrocuted by a different source and yet regardless of how viscerally beautiful many facets of her reaction were nothing proved more spectacular nor more lewd than what happened a few seconds after her ecstasy truly began.

Like pressure building in a pipe woefully unprepared for it something was building inside her body at an alarming rate. Something that only happened in the rarest of instances and something that would take Ana, her lover, and all those watching completely by surprise. After what seemed like an eternity of moaning and quivering she felt that familiar surge of adrenaline that always preceded her strongest orgasm, followed soon after by an overwhelming sense that she had to pee. But it wasn't urine that exploded out of her greedily tightening sex. Instead it was an explosive torrent of clear, sweat smelling fluids as thick as water and as copious as a waterfall. Not the least bit halted by her clothing it squirted out of her in a sudden font that caught everyone in attendance off guard and all but instantly filled the air with the potent smell of Ana's pussy, an odor they were all happy to be awash in. She doused the ground beneath her in a torrid display of just how perverted she truly was, the first eruption coating both her legs and a copious amount of the once dry floor in her fluids. When another jet arrived soon after the second it was propelled forward by a sudden spasmodic jerking of her hips as her body reflexively started grinding in time with both her messy ejaculations and the wildly buzzing toy inside her. She came all over the wall against which she was leaning and sent flecks of her own arousal splashing across the front of her body. When a third, smaller font burst from her furiously quivering sex it was launched backwards at the crowd watching thanks to the perfectly timed motion of her hips and while nowhere near powerful enough to drench them it certainly soaked the ground separating her from the rest of the crowd and sent many a shiver down many a spine. While she managed to squirt several more times before her orgasm had fully subsided each was more diminished than the last and by the time she was 'done' they were little more than gooey dribbles seeping through the sodden mess that had become her garment.

Ana collapsed in a heap of trembling limbs and damp cloth soon afterwards, her body utterly giving out in the wake of her climax. She felt her eyes flutter shut and her consciousness fade away but in her last moments of lucidity she felt her sheikh turn off the device and heard him say, “Leave us. I must attend to my woman . . .” What followed after was nothing but darkness.


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