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As much as I like how this one turned out there's actually not a huge amount to say about it. Hopefully y'all are in the mood for some spectral, ghostly sex! Oh and this was based on a picture which you should definitely check out here!

After spending nearly sixteen hours on a plane with no layovers and another two driving across Oregon to finally arrive in Willamette National Forest most people would've collapsed into the first bed that could support their weight. Vittoria Bianchi was not most people had she had flown all the way from Italy to spend the first days of her vacation recovering from jet lag. Especially when the entire trip had been so meticulously planned around a very specific date and celestial phenomenon. So rather than giving in to the siren call of downy sheets and a soft mattress she ditched everything except a backpack and some basic supplies in her motel room. It was already nine o'clock in the morning and despite the weather being unseasonably warm and sunny she had little faith it would stay that way for long. Less than two minutes after arriving she was off again, speeding down the highway in her sporty little rental car with an ear to ear grin spread across her face. Within an hour she was hiking through the forest as birds trilled all around her and the trees swayed in time with the gentle spring breeze. Despite being in something of a hurry she couldn't help but stop at some of the more picturesque locations and admire the beauty all around her. Although she was bathed in the soft glow of a slowly rising sun as she paused to look down at a winding river some distance below the temperature was refreshingly cool. Not once had she felt the need to drink from her water bottle and it'd be quite some time before she even worked up enough of a sweat to justify wiping her forehead. All told things were about as perfect as they could be, particularly when she retrieved her map and compass from her pack to check her course.

While the trail proper stretched onward past the South Sister mountain her destination was only another kilometer or so away. Quite literally shaking with excitement she stowed her orienteering tools and continued down the well worn path for a short distance. After rounding a bend and glancing around to make sure there wasn't anyone nearby she darted into the undergrowth with a giggle. Her dark eyes sparkled as she weaved around bushes, ducked beneath branches, and otherwise navigated the densely packed forest. Unlike the track she'd just left the woodland was bathed in shadow, only a few rays of golden light piercing the canopy above. But even those shafts of illumination seemed to enhance the surrounding darkness rather than diminish it and send shivers through her body. Like she'd gone somewhere she wasn't supposed to and left the known world behind to journey through some other place entirely. Every step she took away from the trail and towards the clearing hidden deep in the woods made her heart race a little faster and breathing a little more ragged. By the time she was nearing her goal Vittoria's cheeks were flushed a deep crimson and goosebumps had spread across nearly every centimeter of her pale skin. A dozen tiny cuts and scrapes dotted her exposed arms and much of the flowing teal dress she'd worn for the occasion had been damaged by the bushes she carelessly pushed through but none of that bothered her in the least. In fact she didn't even notice it. Her mind was much too focused on the glow shining through the trees in front of her to care about anything else. She didn't hear the forest around her fall quiet as the birdsong faded and the wind died down, the only sound ringing in her ears was the wild beating of her own heart.

When she finally emerged from the undergrowth in a shower of leaves and twigs Vittoria couldn't help but gasp. To most people the small, isolated glade would've been a beautiful but fairly unmemorable sight but to her it was nothing short of breathtaking. Twenty meters across, as best she could tell, and filled with wildflowers of every imaginable kind the perfectly circular clearing looked exactly the way it'd always been described to her. An ancient looking and slowly crumbling brick wall stretched the outer edge of the dell a short distance from the treeline. The only sign of civilization in the otherwise rampantly overgrown meadow. In the very heart of the dale was an enormous, moss covered stump sitting like a table at the center of some grand dining room. Ready to burst with excitement she slid her backpack off her shoulders and set it the shade of a nearby tree. Grinning like a fool as she continued to admire the clearing she removed her hiking boots and socks shortly afterwards. They were left next to her pack while she walked barefoot and free spirited towards the center of the glade. As she stepped over the collapsing bricks all the hairs on the back of her neck suddenly rose. Her heart skipped a beat and beads of sweat formed across her brow. Something was watching her. A great many somethings. As if she'd unwittingly stepped in front of a crowd. What felt like a dozen pairs of eyes had suddenly taken a great interest in her. From all around the dell they stared, silently, their unblinking gaze sent a shiver down her spine and stopped her dead in her tracks. She'd heard all the legends and studied every first hand account there was and still Vittoria felt a pang of uncertainty fill her gut. Some small, annoyingly skeptical part of her had never quite believed the stories and now it was learning first hand just how true they were.

But she hadn't flown all the way to the States after spending months doing research just to flee because her nerves were getting the better of her. Unlike so many others that'd stumbled across the clearing or arrived half cocked with only the most basic knowledge available to them she knew what was expected of her. She'd already removed her boots as a sign of respect for the sacred grounds and had made sure to arrive on one of only two days when outsiders were allowed to enter the meadow. And yet taking off her shoes and showing up during the spring equinox wasn't all she needed to do, it was simply the reason she hadn't been cursed the instant she arrived. Having earned an audience with the spirits of the coven Vittoria had yet to make her intentions clear to any of them. There were a great many rituals and ceremonies that could be performed under the auspices of her arrival but only one mattered to her. By some strangely amusing coincidence it was also the easiest rite to carry out. Acutely aware of the eyes watching her every move she looked across the meadow for several quiet moments before finding what she needed almost directly at her feet. Moving as slowly and deliberately as possible she bent down and picked a soft pink peony from among the wildflowers. As she straightened she felt a profound sense of curiosity that was not her own. It only continued to grown stronger when she turned away from the center of the dale and approached the brick wall. But rather than stepping back over it like any rational person might've done she sat down on the crumbling stone with her legs pressed tightly together and her back straight as an arrow, once more facing the mossy stump that was the heart of the dell. Feeling both overwhelmingly nervous and impossibly excited Vittoria clutched the stem of her flower between the middle and index fingers of her right hand while resting her left against the bricks and calmly leaning backwards.

An almost palpable sense of excitement filled the glade and she sensed their stares growing hungrier by the moment. For a split second she was torn between finishing sacrament and teasing the spirits a little like she would any of her normal lovers. In a fit of pique that was perhaps slightly bold she gave in to temptation as her fingers curled inwards against her dress. Although she still lifted the fabric as was expected of her Vittoria did so in as tantalizing a manner and as seductive a pace as she could. The hem of her long, pale legs one centimeter at a time, gradually revealing more and more of the nicely plump and beautifully shapely contours of her body to the unseen being staring so eagerly at her. She could feel their interest growing with every drawn out moment and to her surprise none of the spirits seemed at all put off by her total lack of haste. If anything they seemed to be reveling in the languid speed of her reveal almost as much as she was! But there was no telling how long they would tolerate her antics and even if she'd been inclined to do so Vittoria had no desire to prolong the rite any longer. Adopting a sultry look, her bubble gum pink lips parting as her eyes drifted shut, she lifted her dress over her knees and wordlessly opened her legs. Instantly excitement bubbled over into an explosion of abject delight as her gorgeously plump thighs gave way to the soft, glistening folds of her sex. While her mound was covered by a curly tuft of dark hair the almost dainty outer lips were dusted with only a light fuzz that reached all across her vulva and enhanced the warm pink folds nestled between them. A trickle of fluid was already leaking down her trembling skin from the very depths of her slit as the pert little bud at it's crest gradually swelled.

Then all at once the meadow fell eerily silent. All the excitement that'd been bubbling over like a pot left too long on the stove vanished and with it the disembodied specters watching. Even with her eyes closed Vittoria could feel their absence as keenly as she felt their presence before and she was hit by a profound sense of confusion. She'd done everything write. The spirits had been seemed delighted with her knowledge and her offering. Why were they suddenly gone? Still holding her dress aloft she slowly opened her eyes again, the once sultry expression her face melting into a disappointed and downright melancholic look. But just as she was about to stand up and leave the clearing entirely she heard a soft rustle nearby. Different from the swaying boughs of the windswept trees all around her it was the quiet crinkle of grass being shifted aside. Her heart leapt into her throat and she looked in the direction of the sound so quickly her neck let out a slightly painful crack. Hunching forward to groan and rub her sore bones with her free hand Vittoria momentarily forgot about what she'd been trying to look at. During her lapse in focus more rustling filled the glade as what sounded like a dozen people moved across the field surrounding her. When she finally managed to lift her head again she found the dell exactly as empty as it'd always been, save one detail she'd overlooked before. A violent shiver coursed down her spine as adrenaline surged through her body and her mouth fell open in a silent gasp. Though she didn't see any bodies accompanying the phenomenon all around her tufts of grass and thickets of flowers parted or flattened without any clear reason for doing so. But she could guess was happening and the subtle contours of footprints against the meadow confirmed her suspicions.

Letting out a ragged breath she didn't even realize she was holding in Vittoria sprang to her feet without thinking. The ghosts slowly closing in on her stopped for a moment and she realized her mistake a split second later, “N-no!” She stammered, “I-it's not like that! I wasn't trying to run away!” Her words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the flattened grass and parted flowers abruptly sprang back to their usual positions and the footprints vanished altogether. Terrified she'd thrown away a years long effort with a single careless move Vittoria rushed towards the center of the clearing, “Wait! Don't go! I'm sorry, I had no idea what was going to happen after the ritual was finished! I didn't mean any disrespect! I only wanted—”

She instantly and joyfully felt silent as all the vanished spirits returned, every last one standing within arm's reach of her. They formed an almost perfect circle around Vittoria and though she couldn't see anything except where the grass beneath them flattened somehow she knew exactly what would happen next. Of course that certainty did little to stop her from jumping when she felt the soft, invisible touch of an ancient and long dead witch brush against her forearm. Nor did it stop goosebumps from erupting across her pale body when another hand trailed across her collarbone. A quiet gasp spilled from her lips as fingers caressed her with impunity, their gently probing touches sending wild shivers down her spine and pleasure coursing through her system. Every passing moment more hands found their way onto her body to coax more and more violent shivers from her trembling form. They trailed across every inch of exposed skin and across the fabric of her dress without a thought, cupping her breasts and caressing her buttocks with a strange sort of reverence. While none of them ever squeezed hard enough to outright grope her it was abundantly clear from the way their digits moved and how long they remained against her more sensitive spots that the spirits of the coven were quite enamored with her body.

Some kept their focus entirely on a single place as others drifted endlessly across anywhere they could reach but no matter how those unseen fingers moved there was never any shortage of them roaming her quivering form. Vittoria couldn't help but moan when their hands drifted across her tightly clenched belly and over the downy patch of hair above her sex. They pushed between her damp and trembling thighs with a maddening lack of urgency, drifting ever closer towards her vulva without ever making contact. Even when her dress slipped away and they were touching her bare leg none of the eagerly probing hands actually brushed against her increasingly sodden lips. Instead they would stop within centimeters of her womanhood and then pull away only for the entire, tantalizing process to repeat itself again soon after with a different set of hands. The ones caressing her breasts quickly followed suit, their unseen fingers circling around her pert nipples to inch ever closer only to pull away at the last moment and leave her aching buds unfulfilled. Paradoxically the fingers gliding across her rump did nearly the exact opposite, grabbing her taut, rounded buttocks and squeezing just hard enough to send a jolt of surprise through her confused body.

Her once quietly delighted moans soon faded into needy gasps and frustrated whimpers as the ghosts teased her so skillfully Vittoria's knees were starting to buckle within a minute. Entirely independent of her scattered and increasingly nonexistent thoughts she began to push back against the fingers drifting across her body. Her hips grinded in small, spasmodic movements against the ones almost brushing against her sex while her chest pushed outwards against the ones pointedly avoiding her nipples with every movement. And while her efforts utterly failed to accomplish what she really desired the spirits nonetheless responded in kind. Mostly by slipping closer than ever to the sodden folds of her pussy and the aching ridges of her areola and further enhancing the frustration coursing through her. Thankfully that wasn't their only response as more unseen hands drifted higher to caress a part of her body she hadn't even realized they were ignoring until they suddenly weren't. As soft, unseen digits trailed across her neck to trace the outline of her jaw and caress her cheek more tenderly than any lover she'd ever known Vittoria felt a sudden rush of pleasure. The small spike of fear and adrenaline joined the cascade when some of those fingers closed around her throat and squeezed but before she could fear for her life they ceased their constricting. Stopping after applying just enough pressure for her to always be aware of it against her esophagus the hand didn't go any further and her attention was soon pulled away when another finger pressed against her lips. What felt like a thumb slowly glided across the supple contours of her mouth while she released a shuddering breath against the invisible digit. As it completed the first circuit across her trembling skin she couldn't help but open them a bit wider, her tongue nervously emerging to push against the finger responsible for the newfound arousal.

For a brief moment it paused in it's movements, seemingly about to pull away entirely. But just as she was about to unleash a needy whimper it pushed down against her outstretched tongue. And the instant Vittoria felt that pressure she moaned with abject delight. Her lips greedily closed around the ghostly finger as she noisily suckled on the digit as eagerly as she might have a cock, nipple, or really anything else that could fit in her mouth. The countless hands roaming and teasing her body seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if all the spirits controlling them had paused to watch her lewdly suck on an invisible thumb. Although none actively departed from her body nearly all of them had slowed to a crawl or stopped entirely, save the one lightly wrapped around her throat. Their restraint only lasted for a heart beat or two before every last digit caressing her body resumed it's movements with a noticeable burst of enthusiasm. Like they'd all simultaneously realized just how willing a supplicant she really was and the depths of her commitment to the ritual she'd undergone. That newfound knowledge didn't prevent them from teasing her aching slit and pert nipples although even in the haze of pleasure and anticipation she could tell it wouldn't be long before they gave in. There was an undeniable sense of excitement and arousal in their movements and it seemed to grow at the same pace as her own lustful needs. Vittoria had no idea who would break first or even what it would mean when one of them finally succumbed to the pleasures hovering so tantalizingly close but she honestly couldn't bring herself to care. As long as her lips were wrapped around the thumb in her mouth and none of the ghosts outright stopped what they were doing it hardly mattered. They had all the time in the world!

Of course that in no way stopped her from shivering like she'd stepped into a blizzard totally naked any time those unseen fingers brushed against her glistening thigh mere centimeters from her pussy. Or when another batch of invisible digits teasingly pawed at her breasts through her dress while pointedly avoiding the most sensitive spots on her tits. Nor did it stop her from sensually writhing against all of their hands as they kept her perched on the edge of an eruption that never seemed to come any closer to fruition. Indeed it wasn't until a sudden and wholly unexpected development what might as well have been an hour later than she felt any real surge of arousal from their efforts. In the moments following a violent, fully body shiver Vittoria's half closed eyes suddenly flared open once more as something soft pressed against her back. A pair of ethereal arms wrapped around her waist and two more hands pressed against her tightly quivering belly. She gasped and instinctively leaned backwards against the presence behind her, marveling at how solid her ghostly lover felt. How plump and large her unseen companion's breasts were as they squished against her back and how wide and voluptuous the rest of her body must have been as it seemed to envelop her own. Without even thinking she tilted her head to the side and the spirit embracing her didn't waste a moment pressing her lips against Vittoria's neck. Kissing the goosebump laden skin just beneath her jawline with an audible smack the phantom squeezed the rest of her body a little tighter. In the blink of an eye both women were pressed together in a passionate embrace that sent shivers through the living one's body. That pleasure would only continue to climb as she felt the hands draped across her waist grasp her dress and lift the wadded fabric up.

Every inch of Vittoria's body tensed and her heart skipped a beat as she realized what was happening a moment too late to react in any meaningful way. She could only moan as her skirt was raised above her waist and the moist, hairy folds of her sex were laid bare yet again. But the ghost wasn't content with simply revealing her delicate little pussy to the rest of the coven and she continued to remove the troublesome garment all the while lavishing kisses on her neck and jaw. A cool breeze wafted across her naked and quivering stomach soon after and she knew it wouldn't be long before the entirety of her body was available to unseen but amorous cabal of witches around her. Nothing in the world was more exciting than that notion and without the slightest ounce of hesitation Vittoria lifted her arms above her head an instant before her round, perky breasts were revealed. While they bounced into few with an enthusiastic little jiggle her dress was lifted past her face and summarily discarded. She didn't even see where it landed but any thoughts about the welfare of her clothing vanished from her mind long before they could form. Because as would quickly become clear apparently the only thing holding the spirits back was a flimsy teal sun dress patterned with strawberries. That was the only explanation she could think of as they invisible women around her lunged towards her freshly exposed body like wild animals going for the kill. In the time it took her heart to skip yet another beat two separate pairs of lips were wrapped around her areola, another three began to kiss along her shoulders and neck, a group of hands lifting up one of her legs, while another collection of fingers spread apart her plump buttocks.

Far too overwhelmed by the sudden barrage of kisses assaulting her body and the stimulation given to her long suffering nipples she barely had time to think about what was going on below her waist. With an almost frightening level of dedication the two ghosts suckling at her breasts did so like it was their one mission in life. One swirled her tongue around Vittoria's pert bud to flick and caress her nipple in a toe curling display of oral talent. The other bit down on her swollen peak just hard enough to make her gasp but nowhere near hard enough to cause any real pain. Those wildly different, almost conflicting sources of pleasure created a wonderful ebb and flow that was only further enhanced by the unrelenting stimulation of three different women kissing her goosebump laden flesh. More were already joining in the fun to nibble at her ear lobes or trail their fingers across her naked back in a way that all but forced violent shivers down her spine. Her lips couldn't help but part as a near constant stream of moans and breathless gasps burst from her lungs, the finger she'd been sucking on entirely forgotten amidst the pleasure cascading through her body. In the wake of all their teasing and build up finally being able to enjoy some amount of proper, lascivious attention was nothing short of divine. And it would only get better when the pair kneeling on either side of her finally joined the fun. The woman in front of Vittoria draped the mewling supplicant's thick, quivering thigh across her shoulder before leaning in while the woman behind her spread those plump, jiggling buttocks even wider and did the same.

In perfect unison both ghosts pressed their no doubt smiling lips against her the sodden entrance to her pussy and the tightly puckered ring of her asshole. Near the instant they made contact with her sensitive holes their tongues slid from their mouths to wriggle inside her body in single, relentless thrust. All the pleasure and steadily rising ecstasy Vittoria had been so enamored with a few moments prior seemed to vanish in the wake of what was sent coursing through her body the moment her brain caught up to the events going on between her legs. Throwing her head back and grunting like a wild boar she stared blankly up at the clear blue sky as her every muscle suddenly locked up. It wasn't solely because that she'd been so overwhelmed by everything else her mind and body were totally unprepared for the pleasure that accompanied their efforts. It wasn't solely because each witch immediately moved her tongue in opposite directions and brought them into contact with every sensitive place inside her. It wasn't solely because she'd never in her life enjoyed the experience of a tongue writhing around her asshole and had only slightly more experience with one churning up her pussy. Rather it was all of those factors alongside the ones that'd left her so open and unaware in the first place that Vittoria felt a downright overwhelming flood of ecstasy rising up within her. It strangled her already near worthless vocal chords and sent her eyes rolling backwards in her head within seconds. Soon afterwards her mind lost what little control it had over her muscles as every last one quivered independently of the rest. Her hips began to grind against the mouths pushing her so rapidly towards a climax while her toes curled inwards against her feet so harshly all of them cracked in sequence.

Though expecting to find nothing as they lurched towards the place where a living human's head would be under similar circumstances Vittoria's hands needed something to grasp. Something solid to hold on to as her reality became every more unstable. But to her enormous surprise she didn't find empty air beneath her uncoordinated fingers as they pawed clumsily in front of her. Instead they smashed rather painfully against the firm and very much real contours of an invisible head. Thankfully the ghost she'd inadvertently smacked didn't seem at all phased by what'd happened. Her tongue certainly didn't slow down one whit as it darted around her cunt with a madcap yet obviously controlled rhythm. What little of her mind could be was grateful she hadn't spoiled the mood and Vittoria wasted no time tangling her digits in the soft, curly locks of the woman sloppily licking her pussy. As confident as one could be under the circumstances she reached back to do the same with the witch stretching her quivering ass with her tongue. Her other hand was quickly trapped in a thicket of straight but no less soft hair as she held on to the two women for dear life. Both witches responded by pushing themselves even harder against her spasmodically trembling body, all but pinning her between them as they savaged her poor little cunt and rectum with their tongues. Moving like they were trying to cause her physical harm with their probing appendages her unseen lovers didn't relent for an instant. Undoubtedly a benefit of their undying state they didn't have any need to pause, slow, or readjust as they viciously licked her inner walls. Which only served to hasten her rapidly approaching climax and send her spiraling down into a churning sea of pleasure faster than she could possibly react to.

And yet for all ecstasy flooding her senses and washing through her body it wasn't the pair of tongues lashing her asshole and pussy that finally sent an orgasm coursing through Vittoria. Nor was it the less incredible but no less appreciated efforts of the witches suckling her breasts or kissing her shoulders and neck. Rather it was the small, relatively understated action of the woman that'd removed her dress and started her down this lewd path in the first place. Although she hardly registered the fingers drifting up her cheek and sliding through the sweat soaked tresses of her platinum blonde hair it was impossible to miss when they suddenly tightened their once loose hold on her locks. Nor could she ignore the way her head was turned to the right with a gentle yet insistent movement that left her with little choice in the matter. A soft, timid little moan fell from her parted lips while a faint smile lit up Vittoria's already beautiful countenance. She'd always loved a but of roughness during sex and hair pulling had long been a favorite of hers. Enough to send a sudden deluge of warmth cascading from her pussy while her body reflexively tightened around the tongues still hungrily assaulting her from both ends. Of course that small burst of thoroughly unexpected arousal paled in comparison to the veritable flood of pleasure that followed soon after when, out of nowhere, the woman clutching her hair swooped in for a kiss. Full of passion and lust it was a fierce, uncompromising embrace that sent chills through her body and all but melted her against the witch responsible. Never in her life had she been kissed in such a way. Not once in some twenty six years had she experienced a rush of pleasure so great as the one coursing through her entire body. Utterly dominated by the power and ferocity of the woman kissing her Vittoria had no other choice but submission. Nothing else made sense as her lips were smothered in a fervor that put to shame every emotion she'd ever known.

An orgasm seized her body as surely as the woman behind her had seized her heart and she was little more than a slave to both. Pleasure surged through her like a bolt of lightning, every nerve in her body erupting like they'd been set on fire. A hot, sticky torrent sprayed from her pussy to douse the formerly invisible face of her lover and coat the witch's features in a torrid display of ecstasy. Although the woman behind her enjoyed no such fountain her efforts were rewarded in an entirely different manner as Vittoria's rather large and impossibly soft buttocks smothered her face so completely if she hadn't already been dead that surely would've done. The pair relentlessly suckling at her nipples were given a pleasant little surprise as well when tiny jets of milk squirted from her areola to fill their mouths with the deliciously sweet taste of pure arousal. Which of course only made them suckle her breasts even harder, her wildly gushing buds rising into the air seemingly of their own accord as invisible lips pulled them ever higher. The rest of the coven certainly did their part to prolong and enhance every slightest tremble or violent spasm that coursed through Vittoria's naked form and although her conscious mind had been lost in a haze of ecstasy their efforts weren't lost on her aching body. Every lingering kiss and tender caress was felt as surely as the movements of the tongues inside her pussy and asshole. Though nothing was quite as intoxicating or overpowering as embrace that'd pushed her into such a state of ecstasy in the first place. Both an anchor and the source of her growing madness it, like everything else, never wavered or lessened no matter how long she was made to suffer the pleasure. And as seconds turned into minutes that became ever more apparent to an almost worrying degree.

Or rather it would've been worrying had Vittoria been capable of rational thought. Instead their constant and unrelenting ministrations left her with naught but an ever expanding desperation. A desperation to experience every last facet of what they had to offer. A desperation to continue enjoying their efforts for as long as she remained alive. A desperation to never again being subjected to what passed for pleasure in her old life. Although she'd already submitted to the coven in every possible way a human could she continued trying to surrender herself with every passing moment. Even with her body so thoroughly locked in their clutches there was no escape unless they allowed it and her sanity hanging by a thread on their whims alone Vittoria persisted. It seemed a small price to pay for the endless, mind shattering climax echoing through her body. For the unbridled ecstasy that sent her into fits of orgasmic seizures, that sent an ceaseless font of arousal squirting from her pussy, that sent twin fountains of milk spraying from her breasts. For literal hours on end they gave her everything her once unsatisfied libido had ever desired, how could she not give them something as meager and trivial as herself in response? How could she not submit utterly and without reservation to the power and dedication of the coven? Even if she wanted to resist such a thing was impossible. Almost as impossible as remaining lucid as a cabal of invisible witches quite literally fucked her unconscious. The harder she tried to stay awake out of some selfish desire to experience their ecstasy until it killed her the more rapidly she descended into the darkness trying to consume her. Out of naught by sheer, single minded lust she managed to persist until the sun began to disappear behind the horizon. But as the meadow around her was bathed in a brilliant orange glow her world was consumed by shadow.

Consciousness returned to Vittoria beneath a blanket of stars and the pale warmth of a full moon at the center of it all. She stared uncomprehendingly up at the beautiful night sky above as a hundred different questions flickered through her slowly awakening mind. How long had she been asleep? Was she still in the clearing or had some magic transported her to another part of the forest? Had the coven vanished completely or were they still waiting nearby? Was the initiation complete or did she have more rituals to undergo? Every last question she had would eventually be answered and all her fears put to rest but without the means to realize that she was left with nothing else but worry and doubt. Too weak to even turn her head she could do nothing but lay sprawled against whatever soft, cool plants were supporting her and wait for some kind of vigor to infuse her all but lifeless limbs. The air was unseasonably warm and despite being naked as the day she was born she felt no embarrassment or shame as she lay there for what could've been hours listening to the quite chirp of crickets and the sway of trees rustled by wind. Little by little strength returned to her exhausted body and the very instant she could summon the energy she clumsily rolled onto her side and stared blearily at her surroundings. Though bathed in an ethereal blue glow and absent any of the spirits she'd come to entreat Vittoria had remained in that mystical glade, somehow ending up laying across the stump at it's heart. A wave of contentment and happiness washed over and she rolled onto her back with a dazed grin lighting up her face. While such a notion was conjecture at best the fact that she'd been allowed to recuperate in the very center of the coven's domain was a good omen.

She discovered another one some time later when she'd finally recovered enough to push herself off her natural bedding and sit up. As she pressed her left hand against the moss beside her and leaned hard against the trembling support her right idly trailed across her stomach. Without really thinking about it she ran her fingers across the pale, slightly quivering contours of her belly and down towards her ever so slightly sticky thighs. But before her digits could find the fuzzy tuft of hair that cresting her sex they encountered something far more unexpected. The instant she felt the strange, welt like ridges across her skin Vittoria gasped and looked down at her loins. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open in shock as she stared at the brand stretching across her once fluffy mound. Nearly all the hair above her sex had been removed and in it's place was an esoteric symbol that'd looked like it'd burned into her flesh. And yet she didn't feel any of the pain that should've come from such a fresh looking mark. There wasn't even a flash of discomfort as she traced the familiar shape. In fact the longer her fingers remained in contact with the sigil the more excited she became. During the countless hours spent studying the half forgotten coven she'd seen that rune a handful of times and while it's meaning had never been explained she knew what it meant in the broadest strokes. Consequently it's presence on her body had only one meaning: her consecration was complete. The clan had accepted her. Though only a lowly initiate she was undeniably and irrevocably a witch among the circle. Perhaps the first to be accepted in a thousand years or more. Pride and excitement coursed through her in equal measure and with a newfound energy Vittoria slid from the stump to stand shakily in the heart of her new domain.

“Welcome sister . . .” The wind rasped, “Welcome and be glad . . . you are the first of many . . . and you will be the instrument of our rebirth . . .”

“What must I do?”


Jimmy TwoTries

I can't believe I missed this story, everything in it caters to my interests.


I'm glad you took the time to comment regardless. And that you enjoyed it. I was actually pretty happy with it overall. As much as I can be anyways.