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I hope y'all are in the mood for something over the top lol. This story really got away from me in just about every sense but I think it stands on it's own all the same.  Fans of my more extreme content should be thrilled but those with weaker constitutions should wait until the next chapter!

Oh and for those who might not be familiar here's a simple reference image for Sarah! 

In the five years since she'd struck out on her own as an adventurer Sarah had encountered no small amount of obstacles, some of her own creation and many coming simply from the wide and hostile world in which she lived. The time she accidentally turned an entire city into ravenous squirrels ranked high among her mishaps. As did the time she unintentionally gave a wizard the wrong magical reagent and flipped the entire castle upside down for several hours. Perhaps that was why she'd been so eager to undertake a simple quest. One with as little room for error as possible and one that had all the hallmarks of an epic adventure of which tales would be sung for years to come. Stopping a centuries old ritual to summon a dark beast from the depths of the world through human sacrifice seemed as straightforward as could be. All she had to do was kill a few cultists and rescue a damsel in distress! It was the sort of thing a one armed, half blind hero could accomplish in their sleep. What adversity could she possibly face beyond the inane chattering or creepy old men in robes?

As it turned out the cult had apparently done quite a bit of recruiting over the years and rather than a handful of members scattered around a dark, dank cave, as her original information had implied, she encountered an entrenched organization the size of a small army. That alone might not have been a problem so long as she had arrows to spare and they were unarmed but it seemed between summoning otherworldly beings many of the cultists had taken up magic as a side business. Which was no doubt how an outwardly simple rescue mission had turned into an hours long game of cat and mouse between Sarah and dozens of spell happy and extremely irate acolytes. Crackling bolts of lighting and hissing balls of fire filled the caverns so frequently she didn't even have to worry about navigating the lightless terrain. Or even really aiming as an almost literal horde nipped at her heels no matter how fast she ran or where she hid. Had it not been for the magical quiver she'd purchased after her last adventurer Sarah probably would've been overcome. But with an endless supply of magically enhanced arrows on her back she managed to hold her own as well as any nineteen year old woman could under the circumstances.

But no matter how many of them dropped clutching their pierced chests or faces there never seemed to be any shortage of new cultists. If anything their numbers appeared to be growing somehow despite Sarah killing at least a score of them within an hour of arriving. To make matters worse an ominous chanting had begun to echo through the caves and with every passing second it seemed to grow more sinister. Within a few minutes of their start the intonations were so loud she couldn't hear the shouts of the rabble chasing her, though their spells were still plenty loud as they exploded against the stone. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ritual she was there to prevent was finally beginning and it seemed the dozens of irate cultists pursuing her weren't as essential to the ceremony as she might have hoped. And since they were all so selfishly committed to whatever dark deep they were striving for there was little choice left. Rather than continuing to lead them in a wild goose chase around the upper portions of the vast network of caves she'd have to push deeper and find the ritual chamber. If she could take out the ones actually leading the rites there was a good chance the rest wouldn't be able to continue. Assuming this cult was like the others she'd come across.

Sweating profusely beneath her leather jerkin Sarah ducked behind a stalagmite to catch her breath. A plume of heat billowed around her as a fireball struck the rock mere inches from her head with multiple bolts of lighting streaked by on either side. Silently cursing herself for not taking up magic with Aurora when they were children the young ranger leapt out of cover with her bow drawn and two arrows nocked. She loosed them with near perfect aim into the crowd behind her and two cultists dropped to ground, dead before they hit it. The others surged forward undaunted and she rushed off down a side tunnel too narrow for them to pursue in the mob that they'd been so far. At some points the winding passageway was so narrow they were forced to move in single file while Sarah had to suck in her breath and curse her mother for the rather ample bust she'd been given. When it finally opened back up into the more expansive caverns she was used to she immediately turned on her heel, drew her bow, and opened fire.

The first cultist to appear took a bolt to the chest and crumpled backwards. His body was forced out into the larger subterrane beyond and the man responsible was given an arrow to the skull for his trouble. Evidently unaware of what was happening the man behind that pushed his dead brethren out of the way in the same manner and was dispatched in the same manner. Three more times this happened with the bodies of the cultists forming a pile in front of the exit. It was only after their corpses had been piled high enough to Sarah to struggle to see past them that the men in the passage stopped throwing themselves in front of her bow. She heard their frustrated shouting along with orders to retreat and a smile lit up her face. As they loudly announced their intentions to circle around with all the grace and subtlety befitting a horde of lunatics she turned away and sprinted deeper into the caves. Only as she listened to the pounding of her boots against the stone and the pounding of her heart inside her chest did she realize the chanting had come a stop. Adrenaline spiked through her body and she hastened her already speedy pace. Soon happening upon a gloomy purple glow she readied her bow and crept around the final bend leading into the chamber.

There were no guards posted at the entrance and Sarah was able to slip into the massive cavern without anyone noticing. But rather than moving down the man made steps on either side she remained perched atop the ledge looking down at the ritual. Innumerable amethyst flamed candles burned all across the room with similarly colored sigils drawn along the ground in the shape of a massive circle. Directly opposite her was a massive opening filled with a darkness so thick none of the light within the room had any effect on it. Around fifteen robed figures stood even distributed across the markings while a massive, white stone altar sat in the middle. Upon it was draped a violet and gold trimmed cloth and upon that was a woman lying prostrate with her hands clasped over her stomach. A wedding wreath sat on her head and she stared with unblinking eyes up at the ceiling. Sarah did her best to catch the girls attention without also making her presence known to the cultist but she had no success. The hairs on the back of her neck started to rise as she turned her attention towards the men around the altar. All of the assembled acolytes were speaking in low, rumbling voices and the words they said seemed like utter gibberish. Yet no matter how absurd they sounded there was an undeniable air of magic and power in the room, one that only continued to grow.

“I can do this.” She told herself, “I can do this. If I kill the two closest to the altar the rest won't be able to reach her. Then I can get the rest while they try to run up the stairs . . . I can do this.”

The first step of her plan went off without a hitch and the two robed figures standing beside the altar dropped dead before they even knew what happened. Another pair were taken out soon after but before she could line up a fifth shot Sarah heard something behind her. Acting on pure instinct she whirled around and fired an arrow at the noise. It sank with a satisfying thud into the stomach of yet another cultist but did little to deter the rest of the rabble surging towards her. Realizing she had no other choice she leapt off her vantage point to land some twenty feet below. She rolled out of what might have been a deadly fall with relative ease and sprinted towards the altar. Lacking any sort of plan it only made sense to at least reach the young woman being sacrificed and play it by ear from there. Her arrows whistled through the chamber as pained cries and enraged shouting filled air. Anyone that tried to get within arms reach of her was shot dead while the horde above split into two and rushed down the stairs. Thanks to her proximity to their sacrifice nobody could hurl spells without risking harm to the girl and although she didn't consciously notice it Sarah definitely capitalized on that advantage. 

Yet no matter how many of them she dropped there were always more and lacking at least three more of herself there was little chance of her driving them off. Robed figures were already beginning to close in with weapons drawn. Before any could actually make use of their swords, axes, hooks, maces, and other murder implements a surge of power filled the cave. Although it's source was clear the sudden, encompassing weight of such strength was nonetheless disorienting for everyone. Nearly every cultist present dropped their weapons in shock and all of them immediately turned towards the yawning cavern opposite the altar. Sarah turned towards it as well, her bow drawn and her heart pounding as she readied herself for a real fight. But as the force exerting it's will upon them grew stronger she found her arm growing weaker. In the blink of an eye her aim was wavering and unsteady while her muscles screamed from the effort of keeping her bow drawn. For the first time since learning how to shoot she felt like a novice again and that feeling continued to grow. In almost direct proportion to whatever was approaching from the shadows. When the prostrate acolytes around her started muttering prayers in a strange tongue she couldn't help but wonder if she'd yet again bitten off more than she could chew.

The answer to that was a rather firm and emphatic yes as eyes suddenly lit up the darkness. Four of them in fact with two on either side and all colored the same deep gold. They towered far above those within the chamber and looked more akin to slits than any normal eyes. For a moment they simply hovered there unblinking and non responsive but just when Sarah was about to launch an arrow at them they began to move. Bobbing up and down in a manner that could only mean the body they were part of had begun to walk those eyes stared into the depths of her soul in a way nothing ever had. It was all she could do to keep herself upright in the face of such an uncertain visage. When the rest of it became visible it's strangely fascinating appearance only caused further confusion within her. Standing more than twice her height with ashen gray skin like the color of smoke much of it's form was shrouded by a pair of enormous wings wrapped around it's shoulders akin to a cloak. What little could be seen had just enough humanoid qualities to make the places it differed all the more alien. Then it unfurled it's wings and Sarah was given a full view of the creature as it stepped fully into the chamber to stare at her as though nothing else in the world existed. 

Although possessed of a head not unlike those of humans, elves, and so on rather than hair the creature had two large, mottled black horns protruding from either side right around the temple. Along with a second pair sprouting from somewhere in the back to curve over it's forehead and a third pair that nearly rested against it's shoulders. Both it's mouth and nose were strangely normal looking, albeit matching in the strong contours of it's jawline and overall shape. It had a similarly mundane torso save for the presence of a second pair of arms resting beneath the first pair and folded in front of it's well muscled stomach. While the upper portion of it's thighs were also normal looking below the knees it's calves shifted into ones like the hind legs of a dragon. This was matched by the long tail swaying behind it at a measured, almost rhythmic pace. Nearly every inch of it's body beyond that appendage was made of powerfully corded muscles absent any sort of hair. And anyplace there might have been nails instead had undoubtedly sharp talons as black as the darkness from which the creature had emerged. But for all it's visually arresting features nothing pulled in Sarah's gaze more than what it had for loins.

First and most immediate was the largest pair of balls she'd ever seen in a life not unfamiliar with male genitals. They were perhaps proportional to his great size but that sort of rationalization did little to change how massive they seemed to be. Each was as big as her head and the sack that housed them hung low as if burdened by what they produced. And instead of a fittingly massive cock hanging between his thighs the creature had sheath like that of a horse or centaur. One that gave absolutely no indication of what it might be housing and yet Sarah's mind was already racing with fantasies. She didn't even realize what her thoughts were occupied by, they simply leapt unbidden into her mind like there was no other result. When the being stepped forward to loom over her in a towering display of power she sucked in a sharp breath and her senses were instantly assaulted by his presence in the best possible fashion.

Like dense fog rolling in over the moors the overwhelming musky aroma of his body washed over Sarah and eroded her willpower. Her nostrils flared and her eyes quickly went glassy while stared up at his face with uncomprehending arousal. Instantly she was filled with the kind of aching longing that'd only been described in mythical tales about the gods. As if a flame had been lit within her womb she could think of nothing else save the manhood of the creature before her and all the wonderful ways it might satisfy her womanly lust. It soon spread to the rest of her body as she practically bathed in his scent, the unbridled masculinity of it making her feel so much like a woman she couldn't begin to describe what was happening. Her mind was already melting into a haze of disparate lusts and blind desires with no greater thought than sexual bliss. Every moment he remained standing before her with his loins uncovered and the rest of his handsome features on full display only solidified her descent into that wonderful madness. Something warm was already beginning to trickle down her thighs but it went completely unacknowledged in the face of everything else she was feeling. She didn't even realize she'd lowered her bow until it slipped from her hands altogether and clattered to the floor alongside the arrow she'd nocked. 

A sense of amusement radiated out from the being and it's head tilted ever so slightly to the side as it looked at her. After a moment Sarah felt a subtle tug followed by a rush of warm air. Momentarily pulling her gaze from him she looked down at herself to see her clothes lying in tatters at her feet and her body completely naked. But rather than feel any embarrassment at being exposed in such a manner she felt nothing but excitement. There wasn't a thing on her that would be needed anyways and as she looked back at the best before her she felt an odd sort of pride in the way it stared. How could she feel anything else when his golden eyes stared lustfully at the milky white contours of her breasts. The way they roamed her soft pink nipples before drifting lower towards her smooth tummy and the carefully groomed tuft of brown hair above her engorged and sopping wet slit. His obvious delight as he feasted upon the sight of her wide, shapely hips and the plump, rounded buttocks they led into. But it wasn't until he lifted his gaze to stare at her face and drink in her angular features. He seemed to delight in the shimmering color of her auburn hair, the cute shape of her nose, the fullness of her pouty lips, and the bright warmth of her blue eyes. Never in her life had she been the subject of such a gaze. It was almost unbearable in it's intensity and yet Sarah weathered the storm with a growing smile and increasingly ragged breath.

After what felt like an eternity of meaningful looks the creature before her finally bridged what little gap remained to reach out with all four seven fingered hands. The moment his digits made contact with her body what little resolve she might've had left vanished. She melted into his touch as surely as snow before an inferno, her whole body shivering while an open mouthed and wholly unapologetic moan spilled from her lips. From somewhere behind her Sarah heard a cultist shout “NO! SHE'S NOT THE SACRIFICE!” but neither she nor the creature before her paid any heed to his protests. Instead he simply lifted her into the air like she was nothing, his hands slowly spinning her around before taking hold of her arms and legs. There was no doubt in her mind he could pull her apart as easily as she might pull apart a leaf. Just as there was no doubt in her mind that he would do such a thing. In fact the idea seemed so ludicrous Sarah actually laughed a little upon thinking it. She let out an eager moan soon after as the amazing scent of his musk seemed to increase. Almost on a whim she cast her eyes downward and was utterly amazed to see his fully erect cock having emerged from his sheath.

Though she felt a mild disappointment at not getting to watch it swell seeing his prick in all it's glory was amazing regardless. Only a shade or two lighter than his skin it was nothing short of massive in both length and girth. It probably could've rivaled one of her calves in terms of thickness and was easily as long as her arm. But more arousing than that it wasn't shaped like a human member, rather it had the qualities more like those of a horse. Completely with a flat tip and a visible opening from which something no doubt delicious oozed. Even in the lustful haze she found herself in Sarah was still shocked to see such a massive dick before her. The fact that it was pointed straight up like a divining rod for ripe, teenage pussy only heightened her astonishment. She'd seen a fair number of bestial and humanoid cocks in her life but nothing, nothing compared to his. And somehow she was lucky enough to not only see it but enjoy it as well. At least that was what she assumed as her quivering, nubile body was lowered towards his shaft. Everyone around them watched with varying degrees of horror and disbelief, although the woman meant to be sacrificed displayed only jealousy, as gooey folds finally touched the head of his member. But rather than forcing himself into her with a single thrust the being paused, his stance visibly widening and his tightening ever so slightly.

Barely a second after that he was pushing forward with a force and resolve that no mortal being could match. If her tight little cunt had any hopes of resisting his efforts for even a moment they were dashed as his dick sank up to hilt inside her without ease. But rather than an explosion of pain or the sensation of being ripped apart as one might expect Sarah felt nothing except the most perfect and unambiguous ecstasy she'd ever known. The walls of her pussy had been stretched wider than ever and the entrance to her womb forced open like the doors of a great hall and yet there was naught but sheer pleasure flooded her sense. A long, wavering scream heralding her bliss filled the chamber and even made several of the onlookers flinch. The sight of her once smooth belly distended outward to an impossible degree was similarly frightening to many of them. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her eyes immediately started rolling back in her head just from the simple act of being penetrated by his titanic cock. Juices gushed out of her pussy in thick streams, splashing across his balls and drenching him as well the floor he stood upon in sticky proof of how much she adored what was happening. And her orgasm would only continue to grow when he pulled back and she was given even more reason to relish her lot in life.

As his cock withdrew from her pussy and her body was lifted up it's prodigious length massive strands of her arousal leaked off his increasingly exposed member. The greedy and overstuffed folds of her cunt stretched outwards as she was moved and in their wake was a constant stream of gooey juices that filled the chamber with the pungent aroma of sex. By the time he stopped Sarah was shaking so violently on a supernaturally strong being could keep a grip on her and the prospect of feeling him sliding back in was her sole motivation for living. When it finally happened a split second later her scream was so visceral it sounded as though her throat was ripping itself apart from the effort. Another fountain of fluids squirted out of her as every nerve in her body reacted at the same time. No longer able to support herself she felt her head drop forward as every ounce of her consciousness was given over to pleasure. It would be one of the last things she properly noticed before submitting wholly to the beast inside her. Because after pulling her back down to the base of his cock he apparently had little interest in continuing the slow pace that'd begun their romp. Instead he seemed only interesting in fucking her like a cheap whore, a sentiment she would've encouraged had such a thing been possible. 

Once more she was lifted up his cock only this time the speed at which it happened was almost too fast for any of those witnessing the ordeal to follow. She simply appeared at the uppermost tip of his prick like a screaming ornament before similarly appearing down at the base again an instant later. Those who did manage to witness the transition were struck dumb not only by how effortlessly her body accepted his shaft but also how eagerly he gave it to her. Never had any of them witnessed such a natural coupling between their master and one of the sacrifices. That such a thing was happening with an interloper seemed utterly mad. Yet no amount of disbelief could alter the sight of Sarah rapidly sliding up and down the beast's cock while squirting all over him and screaming ever more hoarsely each time. 

They watched her belly rapidly inflate from the sheer size of his dick and then suddenly return to normal. They witnessed her sweat soaked body tremble uncontrollably as it was wracked with ecstasy more powerful than the mortal mind could handle. They stared in awe as their master fucked her without hesitation or mercy and she seemed to not only take the brunt of his lust but ask for more. They gawked at the sight of her face and the mask of pure bliss that it'd become. But most of all they ogled the sheer, unrivaled frenzy with which it all took place. The sight of their lord relentlessly fucking her once tight pussy, his balls slapping wetly against her flesh as the rest of her slapped wetly against his proving more astonishing than anything they could've imagined. And in the dim, flickering purple light with the total absence of any passage of time it seemed to go on forever. Over and over again his cock was slammed into her pussy only for her to rise back up it again and the process repeat itself. There was no telling how long this landed or how shattered her mind must've been but even if it'd only lasted a minute the end result was still the same. 

After the most unforgiving barrage of thrusts any of the cultists had ever seen their master suddenly and wordlessly shoved his entire length inside her pussy with even more power than before. Sarah cried out in pleasure as yet more juices exploded from her pussy only this time she wasn't the only one to release such fluids. In the very depths of her womb the head of his cock twitched and after a moment an ungodly powerful jet of cum sprayed out into her belly. It filled up the confines of her guts in a flash and continued to pump out as his balls tensed and his body stiffened in almost natural manner. But thanks to the sheer size of his cock and how tight her pussy had been his seed couldn't escape through the seal formed by them. So instead it continued to flood her already overflowing womb in a way that sent her once preposterously bulging stomach inflating beyond any normal reality. 

In an instant she had the appearance of a woman pregnant with triplets. Soon after she looked to be carrying six or seven children. Beyond that her gut had swollen so completely with his jizz it hung down beneath her like a massive, watery sack that didn't even seem properly connected to her body. She felt every last drop that was emptied into her and relished it like the most precious reward in existence as the walls of her cunt spasmed wildly around the shaft giving her such a gracious treat. Even after he was finished she continued to shake atop and around him, much of her body going limp beyond the wild spasms that characterized her bliss. When he started to pull out she experienced a momentary surge of both pleasure and fear. She didn't want any of his seed to leave her body.

“N-no!” Sarah moaned as her voice suddenly returned for a moment, “Please . . . don't!”

Incorrectly believing her to be begging for mercy the cultist laughed, many looking to one another in triumph. Of course she wasn't able to stand up to their master's needs. How could she? Yet even before they'd had a chance to properly gloat his cock emerged from Sarah's cunt and all the jizz he'd emptied into her poured out. Thanks to the utter devastation wrought by his enormous prick her cunt had been stretched beyond reason and the seed he'd filled her with had ample room to fall out. Like a bucket being overturned in evacuated her pussy in a constant stream while those nearest hastily retreated from the flow. The woman meant to be sacrificed remained on the altar watching enviously and moaning as she was splashed with flecks of what should've been hers. Her jealousy was so great she eventually removed her gown and started pleasuring herself in the hopes of catching his eye. But he looked nowhere else except the woman in his hands. Even as he flipped her upside down in a manner that sent jizz sloshing through the air in a lewd streak. His intentions were clear enough when he lowered her face towards his still erect cock but to everyone's surprise and dismay Sarah's mouth happily opened upon nearing it. 

Despite being less aware of herself and her surroundings than a particularly dense sponge Sarah still had enough cognizance to know what was happening. And to be thoroughly aroused by the prospect of it as well. Her lips parted and what passed for a smile graced her face as she opened them as wide as could be. When his cock pressed against her mouth she let out a muffled whimper of pure delight. Just as before the beast pushed with only the slightest amount of force and just as before his dick slipped inside her despite all sense and logic saying it shouldn't. Gagging in delight as she was filled in an instant tears streamed from Sarah's eyes as her throat was similarly stuffed. Although she had no awareness of her neck bulging outwards to accommodate his size those watching did and they were just as taken aback as before. Especially when they realized they could track the position of their master's dick as more and more of her supple body was stretched outwards until the bulge vanished between her upturned tits. But even then it still made for an incredible sight and one that was all the more striking when his dick retreated and the whole process began anew.

Perhaps because they'd already seen how uncompromising their master could be or perhaps because he was enjoying Sarah's body even more but somehow the second bout didn't seem to last nearly as long as the first. It was characterized by all the same elements, despite her throat being considerably smaller, and yet it didn't feel anywhere close to the endless ebb and flow when he'd claimed her pussy. Of course that was simply the perception of the cultists. For the woman actually enjoying his massive shaft sliding wetly in and out of her gullet and plunging into her stomach it went on for an eternity. Getting to have her face buried in his huge, musky balls every time she was lowered onto his dick made every single hardship and trial she'd faced worth it. Though she couldn't rightly breath with her mouth so fully at all times the presence of his manly odor was impossible to ignore as it clogged her nostrils and threatened to drown her in it's arousing scent. Despite all the pleasure that could be, and indeed was, derived from having her throat violated again and again being subjected to his aroma was without question the most appealing part of that new position. So much so Sarah hoped it would last forever and that she could simply die bathed in that stench. Had the option been available she would've let him smother her with those huge, odorous balls of his until she passed out from lack of oxygen.

Sadly such a thing was not possible but what she was given instead proved to be only slightly worse so she hardly cared. Gagging on his fat dick was undeniably pleasurable too and the longer her throat was left wrapped around him the more accustomed she grew to the sensation. Which led to even more violent quivering as her body was fucked over and over again without stopping. But eventually the moment of truth arrived when he slammed his dick inside her with that same telltale force as before. A barely audible moan echoed from her overstuffed gullet as she wriggled a little deeper onto his shaft to be closer to his balls. But that desire soon vanished from her thoughts when his cock swelled and the mighty jet of cum that heralded his orgasm arrived. Suddenly she was flooded with pleasure while her innards were flooded with his seed.

Only this time there was nothing actually blocking it from emerging from her body. While her mouth was certainly sealed up tight there was another exit available, one that his jizz coursed towards like a river raging through a canyon. Sarah's half closed eyes suddenly flared wide as she felt his seed coursing through her and somewhere in the haze realized what that meant. A split second later that awareness was rendered moot as a geyser of spunk erupted from her asshole. Spraying high into the hair, higher even than the beast's towering frame it exploded from her body like a perverted fountain to rain down on all those present. The woman atop the altar moaned and opened her mouth while the cultists shielded themselves from the grotesque display.

Sarah's body added it's own stream soon after as a jet of arousal squirted from her pussy. Cumming from the sheer uniqueness alone she trembled and spasmed around his cock more violently than ever before. Feeling his seed rushing through the entirety of her body only to come bursting out of her asshole with a force that made her tiny hole ache was like nothing she could've ever imagined. It was the single most arousing thing she'd ever endured and even if she never had sex again the recollection of that experience would be enough to sate her forever. Even after her partner had finished emptying his balls into her stomach she continued to bask in the memory of what'd just happened. Along with the always potent musk of his loins. Her once gaped asshole quickly returned to normal as all the years of training it'd received kicked in but that did little to affect the sticky mess that was the rest of her quivering young body. When she felt him lifting her up his dick and turning her to face him she couldn't help but force out the only words that made sense in that moment. 

“Don't . . . stop . . .” She gurgled, cum bubbling from the depths of her well fucked throat to ooze out of her mouth, “Please . . .”

The effort of speaking after what she'd just endured sent a shuddering cough through Sarah's body, one that launched a thick, slimy eruption of jizz from her lips. It splashed across her face and dripped down her upturned features to soak into her sweaty hair or otherwise fall with wet plops onto the already filthy ground. With her eyes covered in a mixture of spit, jizz, and bile Sarah couldn't see the amused expression spreading across her lover's face nor the looks of utter shock on those around them. But she could certainly feel herself being flipped over yet again as the beast no doubt readied her for another demonstration of his raw power. Sure enough she felt herself being lowered just like the first time but rather than enjoying the sensation of his massive cock pushing against her creamy pussy it was instead pressed against her tightly puckered asshole. A thoroughly delighted shiver coursed through her body and Sarah let out a sloppy moan the instant her fractured mind understood what was happening. She had a moment to ready herself for him before he pulled her down atop his shaft just as effortlessly as before. 

In an instant her ass was opened wide by his dick as her body was again stretched beyond anything that should've been possible. Her stomach bulged outward just the same as before and ecstasy on a level beyond comprehension surged through her. But what truly made it special was the ability to look up at see the face of the being responsible for all of it as she was lowered onto his cock yet again. It made for such a small but wonderful difference Sarah couldn't help but stare up at his countenance in awe and gratitude while her asshole was given the same joy experienced by her throat and pussy. Seemingly aware of how much she enjoyed this new facet he released his hold on her arms around the time her fat, jiggling ass had reached the base of his dick. Initially this gesture was meaningless as she merely slumped backwards against his hands as they instead cradled her back. But then he started to lift her up once more and her own hands reflexively reached out. Finding the smoothly muscled contours of his stomach and chest beneath her fingertips sent her quivering in delight like nothing else had. She couldn't help but voice her delight the moment her vocal chords were persuaded to work.

“Thank . . . you . . .” She rasped, “Thank . . . you . . .”

Offering a small nod and an almost playful grin he immediately proceeded to fuck her in a way that might've seemed brutal had there not been two previous examples of what he was capable of. At that point it almost felt normal, or as normal as such a bizarre scenario could be. The cultist watching had already resigned themselves to their failure while the woman that should've been enjoying what Sarah was experiencing had three fingers in her pussy and another in her asshole. But it was all in vain as the beast had eyes only for the woman sliding up and down his dick. Holding her gaze with a deep, penetrating stare he slammed her onto his shaft at a ferocious pace that felt for all the world like the conclusion that it was. Even in her cock addled stupor Sarah could tell this would be the final time. She could only hope it wouldn't be the last forever.

But even if it was the sensation of his huge member sliding with ease in and out of her asshole was so wonderful things couldn't get better. Again and again she climaxed with copious amounts of juices spraying all across her lover's body with seemingly end to them despite her being a moral woman. It must have been the magic of his body or some consequence of his seed, not that she or anyone else could even question it at that point. They were all much too engrossed in the sight of her asshole distending outwards as she rose up his dick only for it to get forced back into place as her body was speared by him yet again. When enjoyed alongside her plump buttocks jiggling madly at each impact it made for a sight even those present count enjoy. Although few actually had the wherewithal to do so save one or two. In many ways, despite there being an audience witnessing their coupling, it was union between Sarah and her monstrous partner alone. Her eyes could look nowhere but his and by the end his were similarly fixated on her as well. How she'd earned the unrivaled attention of such a magnificent being was beyond her but it hardly mattered. So long as his cock remained in her asshole the world made sense and nothing else mattered. 

Unfortunately that wasn't nearly as true as she might have thought. After climaxing what felt like hundreds of times in the span of a few minutes exhaustion was beginning to creep into her body. The pleasure she felt every time he slammed her down onto his cock remained and even grew as his pace subtly increased. But there was no denying how weary she was beginning to feel. She struggled to stay conscious, to remain and enjoy every moment of the pleasure being given. Her efforts were aided by the constant spikes in ecstasy as she was moved along his member and her asshole was repeatedly violated in a way that all but demanded her attention. And yet no matter how much it happened there was no denying that she was slipping away from him little by little. 

At first it was only noticeable in the flutter of her eyes and the slow weakening of her smile. Then her body started to fall limp far quicker than usual. Not long after it took her a split second longer than normal to react to the rush of pleasure cascading through her body. Piece by piece her consciousness drifted away while she tried to grasp every last piece. They slipped through her fingers like sand and consciousness gradually receded until she was slumping against his chest in a daze. The last thing she enjoyed before falling into the blackness entirely was the sight of his face peering down at her. In the last moments of lucidity she could've sworn he was concerned.

The moment Sarah's head collided with the beast's chest every single cultist perked up. Their master's movements slowed and looked like, despite her lasting longer than any woman they'd sacrificed, the interloper was finally bested. Now all he had to do was cast her aside and take the true sacrifice back to his realm and everything would be as it should. When he lifted her off his still erect cock many thought their hopes were finally coming to fruition but rather than dropping her unconscious body like a sack of potatoes he cradled her in his two upper arms. A moment later his wings closed around her in a manner that seemed almost gentle. Turning away from them with a distinct lack of interest the beast walked towards the shadowy entrance to his abode without so much as a glance back at the cult that'd worshiped him for centuries. Only when confused murmurs and quiet prayers started to echo through the chamber did he pause. But the moment they witnessed him stopping everyone fell silent again. Several tense seconds passed by before he resumed his departure and was swallowed up by the darkness just as mysteriously as he'd arrived.

A year later the remnants of the cult returned to begin the ritual as they had for centuries. In the wake of their last attempt they could only wonder what punishment was in store for them. While it had been oddly quiet since taking that meddlesome adventurer the beast was surely finished with her. They could only hope his appetites had been whetted enough to prevent them all from being slaughtered the moment he returned. In the even that a single sacrifice might not suffice the cultists had brought two young women with them, both having been born and bred for this very purpose. Unlike that buffoon of a ranger that'd nearly destroyed a thousand year tradition in a single instant. Sigils were drawn across the ground, candles were lit, and the women took their place on the bridal altar. Not long after the chanting began and for a time everything seemed to be going exactly as it had for generations. When they reached the final, climactic intonation of their summoning ritual the presence of the beast was felt deep within the unfathomable darkness and relief flooded through the cultists. Despite their gratitude they continued with the final parts of the rite, waiting eagerly for incontrovertible proof they had not been forsaken. What the cultists were given instead threw everything they believed into disarray.

From out of the darkness stepped the same adventurer that'd interfered the last time but her appearance was so radically different she was nearly unrecognizable. The soft auburn hair that'd once been pulled back in a convenient ponytail flowed free around her face in a tangled mane. Her once slender yet buxom form had grown plump and round with nowhere exemplifying this more than her swollen, pregnant belly and massive, almost sagging breasts. Visibly engorged with milk her already large bust had grown even more in size while her nipples were puffy and leaking. Or rather one of them was as the other was being suckled on by a small, winged creature not unlike a human infant. But it's gray skin and small horns betrayed it's true nature as surely as the sigils covered Sarah's body. Matching those drawn on the floor they were painted across her pale, entirely naked flesh with a strange, glossy purple coloration that seemed to glow with power. Though the runes didn't cover her entirely their present everywhere save her face gave the illusion of such. About the only part of her fattened, matronly form hidden from sight were the folds of her sex as they sat shrouded beneath a curly thicket of hair just as wild as that which framed her blushing face. Clear fluids trickled down her chubby inner thighs in a constant stream that formed little puddles as she walked. Nearly every inch of her body had a pleasing jiggle and sway to it and the expression she wore as she cradled her child with both arms was the picture of motherly adoration.

No woman married to the beast had ever returned from that union. Indeed nobody within the cult had ever dreamed such a thing was possible and yet there she stood, plain as dear and radiating a contentment that most could only dream of. It was such a confusing sight that many of the cultists could only stare in open mouthed disbelief. Those that were capable of making sounds were unfortunately not capable of forming words. Their mindless sputtering filled the chamber until Sarah let out a soft giggle. For a moment it seemed as if she was about to speak but rather than addressing those assembled before her she looked down at the ashen skinned creature suckling at her breast. She cooed softly to it and smiled with a warmth unlike any other before lifting her head to acknowledge those before her. Yet another laugh tumbled from her lips as she scanned their faces and saw the bewilderment etched onto each one. Hugging her child a little closer to her body she stepped fully into the cave while the shadows from which she'd emerged slipped from her body like a silk garment falling away.

“No more sacrifices are needed.” She said, “My husband is satisfied. You may leave his presence.”

The cultists stared uncomprehendingly at her for a moment before looking to one another. Both women atop the altar stared dejectedly at the ground, their shoulders slumping at their expressions decidedly crestfallen. But then one of the acolytes spoke, “Why should we believe you?!” He demanded, “Who are you to speak for our master?”

“His wife.” She replied, a smile spread across her face and the utmost conviction in her voice, “But if you demand answers from him perhaps he'll oblige . . .”

Still cradling her child with both arms she turned back towards the darkness from which she'd emerged and smiled into it. A sudden, mighty force swept through the chamber knocking back everyone except Sarah. Those that weren't thrown bodily to the floor sank to their knees before slamming hard against their backs. Soon after the presence of the beast was felt once again, this time growing stronger and more foreboding with every second. Most of the cultists hadn't even begun to stand again before their master had appeared with a dreadful fire in his eyes. Looming tall above those assembled he cast a single glance at his wife before turning his frightful gaze upon those present. Somehow looking at all of them simultaneously the beast exuded an aura of pure, inhuman anger. His clawed hands curled into fists and his his wings extended to their full span as the very earth seemed to rumble. Loose rocks were pushed away by an unseen force while every candle was snuffed out in the blink of an eye with naught but his golden eyes visible in the dark. A great and terrible sense of foreboding filled the hearts of all those assembled, save Sarah who continued to coddle and smile at her child, until none could stand it a moment longer. 

“We understand master!” Screamed the man who'd challenged the beast's wife, “We understand your will! Please spare us your fury!”

In an instant that creeping dread was gone and all of the cultist breathed a sigh of relief. Only the continued presence of their master kept them from truly finding peace. “You may live the rest of your lives with his blessing,” Sarah called to them as the candles suddenly lit up once more, “And with the knowledge that you and your children will never want for anything ever again.”

“Thank you master!” Every cultist exclaimed the moment she was finished.

“You may leave us now.” Hardly needing to be told twice the men fled from the cave with the two women they'd brought following sullenly behind. Once they'd all gone Sarah turned towards her husband and smiled up at him, one hand on her swollen belly, “It's time my love . . .”


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