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Lit by the glow of a thousand candles Kimberly was nearly blinded by the soft radiance within the mausoleum. She shielded her eyes almost immediately, unable to even see the interior as her vision adjusted to the dramatic shift in lighting. Behind her the door swung shut with a quiet scrape of wood against stone and while it sent a little burst of adrenaline through her system she didn't bother turning towards the undoubtedly sealed entrance. Instead she squinted past the candles adorning nearly every surface that could hold them, and more than a few that couldn't, to see an opening where one shouldn't be. Coffins lined the walls on either side but instead of a blank wall or small statue opposite the door there was a staircase leading down. One that hadn't been there when she approached and saw the building from all angles. It wound inexorably down in to the earth lit by the same unwavering candles that illuminated the entrance. She stepped towards the stairs with a growing sense of fascination, everything about the way they disappeared into a hazy glow calling to her in a way she could never refuse. Before she'd even made a conscious choice she was descending the staircase as shivers ran down her spine.

Where she'd come from slowly vanished into the light while the stairs in front of her just stretched out one after another seemingly forever. The walls flanking her were similarly unchanging and it filled her with a strange sort of calm. Though she probably should have been worried about wherever it was she was going, or if she was even going anywhere to begin with, and yet Kimberly felt her posture slowly relaxing and her heartbeat gradually calming. Never in her life had she been so certain of what her next step would lead to, of what the world around her would look like, and of where she was going with every step forward. There was an incredible amount of serenity in that knowledge and it was one she didn't have any interest in questioning. For once in her relatively busy life everything seemed calm and quiet. Little by little she even forgot the terror and fear that'd driven her to that point, even while the juxtaposition of those frights enhanced the serenity she was now facing. Kimberly didn't even realize a smile had formed on her face and she would continue to be unaware of this addition for quite a long time. Long enough for her to finally come across the first deviation in what had otherwise been a perfectly symmetrical and perfectly unchanging descent into . . . somewhere.

Arriving at a sort of landing about six feet long she couldn't help but stop and look around with an inquisitive glint in her eyes. After what could've been hours walking down those steps such a noticeable change deserved examination. But at first glance it appeared as if nothing was different. In fact it appeared as if the small plateau was little more than a distraction. Feeling a little disheartened but nonetheless relaxed Kimberly approached the edge and peered down the steps on the other side. As she lifted her foot to continue her march she heard a noise. Arriving like an explosion in the silence it made her whole body tense and goosebumps erupt across her skin. With no small amount of eagerness she whirled around to see what it was that'd made the discordant sound. Several things jumped out at her in quick succession, each one more stunning than the last. First was the complete absence of stairs in the direction she'd just come from. Second was what had replaced the endless staircase: a lavishly decorated and wholly surreal bedroom of the sort usually pictured in movies. Third was the presence of not only her friend Kelsi but also a dark, towering figure inhuman in it's proportions and yet bearing just enough resemblance to a person to make it's differences all the more noticeable. But the final element she noticed was so astonishing Kimberly couldn't help but gasp and cover her mouth upon registering it.

Naked as the day she was born and without any sign of the costume she'd had on earlier Kelsi was pressed with her back against the wall and both feet off the ground. One was wrapped around the waist of the figure pressed against while the other was resting against it's chest. An absolutely massive, bluish gray cock was pounding her cunt with such a force each impact seemed to shake the entire world around them. Juices near constantly streamed out of her slit as every retreat of that gigantic rod saw her outer folds distend until they were slammed back into place. Every thrust was punctuated by the wet smack of the being's rather large balls colliding with her pale, quivering flesh and a breathy moan spilling from Kelsi's lips. With an arched back and wildly heaving breasts she was undeniably in the throes of pure ecstasy even without the constant pleasured cries adding to the tableau. But for all the evidence demonstrating her ecstasy it was her eyes that truly betrayed just how overcome she was with the carnal bliss assaulting her body. Opened as wide as they could be and staring unblinking up at the nonexistent ceiling she had the glassy, awestruck look of a woman unable to comprehend what was happening inside her and unable to stop reveling in that uncertainty. Kimberly had never seen a look like that in another person's eyes and that, more than anything else, rooted her in place.

With only the rhythmically forceful thrusts and unbridled moans of the two before her to pass measure time it was impossible to say how long the three of them remained in their respective positions. It was certainly long enough for Kelsi to climax several times, each one heralded by a guttural noise unlike anything else she'd made. A powerful jet of creamy fluids would spray out of her cunt to further soak her naked body yet somehow leave the being fucking her completely dry. If there was any resistance from her wildly quivering pussy the figure didn't seem to be affected. It just continued thrusting with that same measured yet incredibly forceful rhythm that made Kimberly's body ache by proxy. But after the third or fourth time she'd drenched herself in juices her awestruck friend could smell from twenty feet away something different finally happened. Something that only further reinforced the palpable surreality of the situation. Wrapping it's long fingers around her waist the creature fucking Kelsi senseless stepped away from the wall she was pressed against and it promptly faded from reality. In it's place was another being identical to the one already inside her. That second figure stepped forward to slide it's cock between her pert, jiggling buttocks.

There was just enough time for Kimberly to gasp and cover her mouth. The thought of such a massive thing going inside a vagina was a lot to take in but the notion of it going inside an anus? That was pure lunacy! Kelsi would be split in half by the two cocks! There was no way she could even begin to take such a titanic member! And yet in spite of that common sense and even basic physics the second figure had no trouble at all sliding it's girth inside her friend while a piercing, almost painful scream filled the air. But it wasn't a scream born of any pain or even discomfort. It was a cry of pure, unabashed joy and one that continued to erupt from her warbling throat until she had no air left in her lungs. Before she could remedy that situation both versions of the figure started thrusting in unison and Kelsi was seemingly consumed by pleasure. Her entire body stiffened for a moment while a dumbstruck look spread across her face and a deluge of fluids gushed from her pussy. A couple seconds later she was writhing between the two beings sliding in and out of her holes, every limb moving independently of one another as she grunted like a wild boar. Her fists battered the chest of the creature before her while her head slammed against the one behind and her legs dangled uselessly between them.

It was clear she didn't have the slightest idea how to respond to what was happening and that obvious lack of coherence only continued to mount as the entity increased the speed of it's thrusting. But rather than doing so in perfect sync they began to alternate, one cock being driven balls deep into her at the same time the other had near fully retreated. And when the first pulled away the second was driven home with increasing speed and force. All while Kelsi thrashed helplessly between them as her every noise an action begged for more. After a short while Kimberly's eyes were as wide as her friend's and the hand covering her mouth had been joined by the other. Not only because she was watching one of her best friends being fucked in a manner that seemed poised to break her both mentally and physically but also because she'd finally started to notice more than just the obvious. When the being vigorously abusing her cunt pulled back their spectator finally caught a glimpse of the tendril like appendages surrounding that meaty cock. None were bigger than her pink and in fact most seemed considerably smaller but regardless of their size the simple presence of such an alien thing around such a normal, by the insane standards of her current reality, thing instantly threw her into disarray. 

She gasped and recoiled upon first noticing them and then leaned in despite herself. Both cocks abusing and wrecking Kelsi's holes possessed those slithering tentacles yet try as she might Kimberly was unable to figure out their purpose. It looked as though they were simply entering whichever orifice the cock they were attached to was entering but that couldn't possibly be it. There had to be more to it and sure enough when she took a few steps towards the unfathomable sight she was given an answer. At least a partial one. Every time the cock pounding her slit was rammed home most of the tendrils wriggled inside her cunt alongside the shaft, their writhing lengths visibly straining and pulling the edges of her sex in a way that surely felt indescribable. But the appendages atop the figure's prick had an entirely different focus in mind. Moving like snakes they slithered across her outer folds to find the swollen and undoubtedly sensitive button at the crest of her pussy. Upon reaching Kelsi's clitoris they wrapped around her pearl until it was completely hidden, their sinewy movement unmistakable as the glossy tendrils reflected the light cast by whatever was illuminating them all. And each time this happened a fresh and increasingly hoarse scream would explode from her mouth as surely as fluids gushed from her pussy. They retreated just as smoothly as they arrived all within the span of a split second.

Too enthralled by what was happening to pull away without knowing the full scope Kimberly's attention soon turned towards her friend's tight ass. Although it felt beyond invasive to stare at Kelsi's body in such a way she had to know what those tentacles were doing when that massive dick was rammed into her quivering anus. The answer proved a lot more mundane than she wanted but under the circumstances that was probably for the best. Lacking anything as sensitive as a clitoris the tendrils instead plunged into her hole and immediately set about stretching and straining against her tight ring, or at least that's what Kimberly assumed. It was impossible to tell without stepping closer and outright falling to her knees to see. And while that was something she could honestly see the merit in doing her body was unable to actually go through with it under the circumstances. Instead she tried to be content with her supposition as she watched the process repeat over and over again. It almost seemed like Kelsi was being tortured by the ecstasy flooding her body. Every thrust seemed to wrack her every more weary form in a manner that visibly wore her down. But with expression on her face never wavering and her moans constantly spilling out, albeit with less volume and pitch, there was no denying how much she enjoyed herself. Or maybe her friend simply didn't want to entertain that notion out of some pathetic realization that she could do nothing to stop it regardless.

Eventually she managed to tear her gaze away from the intoxicating sight before her, more out of a sense of embarrassment than anything else, and descend the stairs once more. Her heart was beating quite a bit faster and her feet seemed to move a little quicker as she hastened to get away from the sight of Kelsi being fucked. She didn't even know why it was she wanted to escape that sight as much as she did but it was hardly the time for self examination. Slowly but surely the sound of her friend's passionate moans faded into silence and everything returned to what passed for normal in the strange, ethereal place that was Kimberly's new reality. It lasted just long enough for her to start forgetting what she'd seen or at the very least repressing it out of a knee jerk sense of propriety. Then she came upon another landing some indeterminate distance down. Her stomach did a little flip as she approached the edge and again looked down the steps. The unmistakable sound of sex gradually filled the air behind her and she knew all she only had to keep going to avoid it. That knowledge did nothing to stop her from slowly casting a nervous little glance over her shoulder, as though a quick glimpse wouldn't betray her waning sense of modesty. The moment she saw Taylor and that same being as before her entire body was turning towards them both as adrenaline spiked through her body.

Situated in the same lavish bedroom as Kelsi, though with a myriad of subtle differences like the placement of portraits and other decorations, the petite blonde was similarly without a single scrap of clothing. But unlike her best friend and peer she wasn't pressed up against a wall or between two hulking figures. Instead she was on her knees sucking off a single being, the wet gurgles and eager moans of her efforts filling the air as surely as any moan. She had both hands cupping the entity's sizeable balls, her fingers kneading and squeezing while her lips glided up and down it's cock. Just as before Kimberly couldn't believe a dick as big as that fit inside any part of a human but her incredulity reached new heights as she watched it slide effortlessly in and out of her friend's throat. Seeing it gradually emerge coated with saliva while all the tendrils around it writhed back and forth was a sight to behold but it was when Taylor pushed it back inside that things took a turn for the truly insane. There were so many different facets of what under normal circumstances was a relatively simple act it took several goes for the teen watching to even comprehend half of them.

The first and most obvious point of fascination was the way Taylor's slender neck bulged outwards as it was stuffed full of cock. Her throat stretched to an almost grotesque degree all the way down to her collarbone and yet she seemed to have no trouble at all taking every centimeter of that huge cock. If anything she appeared to relish in how big it was if the garbled moans and wet slurps were any indication. Second after that was the way her entire body quivered and long strands of arousal seeped out of her pussy. While nowhere near as thick or plentiful as the juices Kelsi had released it was beyond obvious that Taylor was enjoying the chance to deepthroat a massive, inhuman cock to an almost religious degree. Arriving in third was what the tendrils did while she was busily slurping up more than a foot of otherworldly dick. Whenever she neared the midway point they would slither into her mouth and disappear beneath her lips faster than she could move. For a couple more inches that seemed to be it but then they made their reappearance in a most vulgar manner. Kimberly actually gagged a little upon seeing those tentacles emerging from her friend's nostrils. Not because she was revolted by the sight but rather because her own body couldn't begin to process the sensations that such a thing would cause. She had no idea how Taylor wasn't violently puking all over the being's dick with every slightest movement of those tendrils! Hell she didn't have a clue how her friend wasn't violently puking just about every second!

Like everything else it utterly defied rationality and in a strange way Kimberly couldn't tear her eyes away from the spectacle. Part of her wanted to know if the being her friend was passionately sucking off could climax like a normal creature and part of her was simply content watching Taylor's head bobbing back and forth while spit oozed from her lips. There was something almost hypnotic about the enthusiasm her companion displayed as she eagerly fellated a cock as big around as her bicep akin to watching a master craftsman work or a talented musician play. That comparison was as odd as it was apt and the longer Kimberly stood there watching the more perfect an analogy it seemed. Especially when Taylor, without missing a meat, pulled her hand away from the massive balls she'd been cradling to start playing with her own pussy instead. It was such a smooth and effortless transition it barely even registered. Had she not been consciously paying attention to every detail she might have thought her friend had always been frantically rubbing her clit and fingering her cunt while gurgling on a giant dick.

Within a few seconds her whole body was shuddering and the wet, slurping gasps that'd already punctuated her movements were rising in volume and frequency. Juices cascaded down her inner thighs while the sound of a wet and incredibly sloppy pussy being abused soon joined the medley. Genuinely impressed by what her friend was capable of and growing more enthralled by the moment Kimberly watched as Taylor fucked herself and sucked off the entity in front of her like it was the most natural thing in the world. She didn't falter when tentacles burst from her nostrils in writhing mess of saliva and snot and she didn't falter when her own legs started to shake so violently it was a wonder she remained upright. Nor did she falter when a torrent of creamy fluids gushed out of her pussy like water from a broken dam. Though she did perceptibly slow the oral side of her efforts for the short while her slender form was wracked with ecstasy. But the very moment she was able to, by Kimberly's skewed reckoning at least, Taylor was back to hungrily fellating that cock like it was the key to all happiness and everlasting life. Surprisingly her fingers left her sodden pussy not long after to find the base of the figure's dick and start stroking whatever her lips weren't smothering. At first the decision seemed entirely incongruous after how much she'd clearly enjoyed the dual pleasures of cock sucking and masturbation.

Before her mind had a chance to dwell on that for long Kimberly watched as the entity Taylor was pleasuring grabbed the back of her head with it's large hands. For a split second it did nothing save holding her in an almost gentle fashion. But then any shred of tenderness was thrown out the window as it's grip visibly tightened and it shoved it's whole cock into her gullet with a single thrust. Displaying the same force and speed that'd brought Kelsi to such heights of ecstasy the being proceeded to fuck Taylor's face in the most brutal and unrelenting way imaginable. Kimberly let out a horrified gasp, the urge to rush forward and save her friend nearly overwhelming the paralyzing uncertainty that'd kept her rooted in place. Had she not noticed the powerful jet of fluids spraying from her friend's untouched cunt she might have actually gone through with her rescue attempt. Luckily for all involved she spotted that fountain of clear juices just as she was beginning to step forward. And just like everything else she'd witnessed up to that point seeing such a wildly unexpected thing froze her limbs and muddied her brain. There was no possible way her friend could actually be cumming from having her throat treated in such a rough manner! Such a thing just wasn't possible! She had to be choking and wetting herself in terror! That was the only logical explanation!

Every entirely reasonable thought she had upon witnessing such a coupling was quashed in an instant when the figure pulled it's cock out of Taylor's throat and she let out a long, passionate moan. The look of slavish delight and utter devotion on her face put to rest any notion that she wasn't enjoying herself as much as any mortal woman could. So when the entity rammed it's prick back into her mouth and another jet of fluids erupted from her cunt Kimberly simply stared in awe. Once again she was floored by how much enjoyment her friends seemed to be gleaning from sex with an obviously sinister and ineffable being. But now those thoughts were mingling with more curiosity than she dared to admit alongside the furtive pangs of something she didn't want to address. Those feelings would only grow as she continued to watch Taylor getting fucked in ways that defied reason. Time after time those violent and ceaseless thrusts were met with naught but pure ecstasy and every time the figure stopped to allow her a moment of respite she made sure that pleasure was known in every way it could be. Around the fourth or fifth time it's cock emerged from her lips she started licking and kissing the tip like a subservient dog all while staring up at the being with adoration etched onto her face. It made the ensuing throatfucking all the more vulgar and mesmerizing by comparison.

But witnessing such a strangely intimate exchange, even after everything else she'd seen, proved too much for her to process and she finally managed to turn away soon after that became the norm. Only this time when she did so it was with a faint and unacknowledged sense of jealousy. Both Kelsi and Taylor had been enjoying the kind of sex that most women only fantasize about and it was hard for Kimberly not to feel at least a little put out by it. Luckily the rational parts of her mind were still in charge enough to send her down the stairs once more rather than encouraging the thought that perhaps she could join in. So once more she descended the apparently endless staircase but unlike before her mind never left the mental images of Kelsi and Taylor's writhing, naked bodies. Or more accurately the sight of some inhuman being causing them to writhe and squeal. With every step towards what surely had to be the center of the earth by that point the sights she'd witnessed crystallized in her memory. Before long it was such an all encompassing presence she didn't even realize she'd arrived at another landing until she heard Angelica's voice. What her friend was saying immediately made Kimberly blush and she turned towards the indecent and impossible to misconstrue sounds without any hesitation at all. If anything there was a hint of eagerness in the way she spun on her heels to see whatever perverted tableau was unfolding before her.

“Ohhhhhh God fuck me harder!” Angelica panted as her eyes rolled back in her head and juices gushed out of her pussy, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Goooooooooood!”

She and her version of the entity were situated at the center of some grand, cathedral like ballroom that barely managed to be a footnote compared to what they were doing in it. Perhaps as a result of her boisterous style and appearance Angelica was without a doubt the most over the top in both positioning and enthusiasm of all three girls. Utterly bereft of clothing with her fat ass and massive tits jiggling like crazy she had a huge cock rammed into her asshole and rapturous delight etched across her face. The being was holding on to her wrists while she stared at the flood beneath them with her legs loosely wrapped around it's waist. Every time it thrusted forward that enormous shaft was sent flying into her ass with a might smack and every inch of her luscious body was sent a quiver. But the sheer force of that thrust also launched her forward like a pendulum and her body was quickly propelled off the very same dick that'd just plunged inside it. Angelica squealed as she lurched forward, no doubt overcome by the sensations swirling through her writhing body. At the same time the entity responsible for her ecstasy would pull back just enough to allow it the perfect chance to repeat the entire process again. For a split second she was left suspended in the air with only the tip of that throbbing prick buried inside her asshole. Then gravity would send her flying backwards at the same moment the being's hips lunged towards her. It's cock was driven with supernatural force back inside as she screamed and Kimberly watched in awe. 

Added to this medley was the undeniably powerful impact of the figure's balls against Angelica's wet and quivering pussy. Even more so than it's cock being driven home the collision of it's sack against her cunt was what truly made Kimberly gasp. She could feel each and every strike in the very depths of her being. It was almost a surprise her hair wasn't blown back from the sheer force of those hits. It was certainly no surprise at all when her friend started cumming in great, gushing fonts. The first squirting release arrived almost the instant her pussy was smacked by those huge, toe curlingly heavy balls. As a result of their sheer size all the juices she unleashed were sprayed across her thighs and onto the floor in a shower as copious as it was far reaching. In the next moment her body was lurching forward once more and the ensuing eruption of sticky fluids was allowed to burst forth unobstructed. Like water from a crack in a high pressure pipe Angelica's arousal doused the being fucking her and further soaked the already drenched floor beneath her. But just as with the other women none of her juices actually clung to the entity and the growing puddle spread out a little farther instead.

“OHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUCK!” She screamed, her voice already hoarse and her tongue hanging out of her mouth, “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!”

Kimberly's ears were ringing from the volume of her friend's scream and while she momentarily recoiled from the sound there was no pretending that same noise didn't send a rush of pleasure coursing through her body. She watched Angelica continue to climax for much, much longer than normal while the pungent smell of sex filled the air and clouded her already muddled senses. Even when she was doing messily squirting all over the place fluids continued seeping out of her pussy in quantities that should've left her a dehydrated prune within a minute. But much like the being ruthlessly abusing her asshole there seemed to be no end to the amount of juices her pussy could release and it wasn't long before yet another orgasm was wracking her jiggling frame. Having already witnessed the spectacle of her companion squirting all over the cock and balls of an otherworldly being Kimberly was able to notice something new the second time around. Or perhaps she was simply registering what had always occurred. Regardless of which proved correct the sight of milk leaking from Angelica's massive, swinging tits was one she couldn't pull her gaze from. In direct contrast to her gushing ecstasy it started off rather subtle but built to greater and greater heights as her pleasure continued to mount.

Initially little more than a few scattered droplets that were only visible by virtue of their pale coloration against her ebony skin it didn't take long for the milk seeping from her breasts to start flowing at a steady rate. Though it was difficult to tell at first with the wild bouncing of her tits sending much of her lactation flying every which way. Only when it started to actively squirt out of her like her nipples were being pinched that Kimberly truly realized how much was being produced. Which in turn led her to wonder if Angelica had somehow been impregnated by the being. That idea swiftly led to a sudden spike in jealousy, awe, and arousal that nearly sent the young girl to her knees. Her eyes widened and her mouth just about hit the floor as she stared at her friend in a new light. As she thought about all of them in a new light. Though entirely baseless and lacking in even the slightest bit of evidence the notion that all of them were being impregnated seemed nonetheless fitting. Meaningless little points like the fact that neither Taylor nor Angelica were having sex in a way that could cause pregnancy didn't even enter mind. She was much too busy watching her friend being fucked within an inch of her life and feeling unaccountably envious of that fact. Her jealousy soon extended to the others as well and it wasn't long before Kimberly was staring with open mouthed desire. That was when, for the first time, the being looked directly at her.

It's head turned and it's enigmatic green eyes locked with hers as it continued absolutely ravishing Angelica. A quiet gasp emerged from Kimberly's lips and she took a step back, fearful of what that gaze could mean. When an equally unfathomable grin spread across the being's face and it turned it's attention back towards the woman bouncing madly on it's cock the one it'd looked at was left more confused than ever. For want of something to do she watched Angelica's ass clap and jiggle as it was repeatedly violated by that huge dick. Her mind was reeling with a hundred different thoughts all ricocheting around inside her skull beneath one overriding one: why couldn't that be her? As she watched her friend cum once more, milk spraying from her titties and pussy juice gushing out of her cunt that was the only question with any lasting power. Was she not worthy? Is that was the look she'd been given meant? Was she only ever allowed to watch but not to enjoy? Is that why she'd been able to witness all three of her friends cumming over and over again as they were satisfied in ways that went beyond normal human comprehension? Such things were difficult to dissuade as she witnessed her dark skinned companion writhe against the cock repeatedly hammering her asshole into a new shape. She watched it churn up her body and wrack her with pleasure for as long as she could bear.

More aroused, lightheaded, and anxious than she'd ever been Kimberly turned away from Angelica out of pure necessity. There was no telling what might happen if she remained there watching her friend take a cock in the ass with ruthless efficiency. With one hand pressed against her nervously fluttering stomach and the other flattened against the wall to steady herself she started walking down the stairs once more. Each step was fraught with quivering as her knees threatened to buckle and shivers danced up her spine. The ache that'd come over her only seemed to grow as she distanced herself from the spectacle she'd been watching and the sound of it slowly fading only made that sensation worse. She found herself pining for those sloppy, indecent sounds as she found herself alone with nothing but her thoughts and her needs. It wasn't long before she was hurrying down the steps as fast as her trembling limbs could take her, eager for whatever might come next. The fact that all three of her companions had already been accounted for didn't even cross her mind and all she could think about was who or what would be the next tableau. Upon reaching the next landing she was astonished to find no more stairs before her. When she turned around there were none behind either. 

Suddenly she was standing on a featureless plane absent of anything save the warm glow that kept it alight. Even the ground itself didn't seem to be present save as some unseen force keeping her from plummeting into the abyss. Then, as if reacting to her surprise, everything changed. That strange void melted and reshaped itself into an absolutely breathtaking vista. Stretched out before her was the most picturesque view of a great forest stretching from one end of the world to another. A glittering lake sat just beyond the gilded railing of the balcony she now occupied while towering, snow capped mountains broke the horizon. Above was a stunning canopy of stars, absent any moon but so thick it shed a pale glow across the entire world. It was filled with majestic celestial bodies and constellations she'd never seen. Behind her was a towering castle lined with countless spires and appearing for all the world like something out of a fairy tale. There was a distinctly otherworldly sense to it all, one that inspired awe as much as uncertainty.

Kimberly looked around as confusion welled up inside her. Where was the being responsible for all this? Where was the lucky woman he was pleasuring? Where was anything? “Hello?” She called out, “Is someone—are you there?”

Like it was waiting to be summoned the figure she'd seen with each of her friends materialized behind her. Even without turning around to see it Kimberly knew it'd come so overpowering was the being's presence. When she finally did face it she found herself unable to look anywhere but it's glittering emerald eyes. Her gaze wanted to roam the entirety of it's otherworldly appearance, to examine the strange garb it wore that seemed to move like it was alive, to inspect the hulking yet impossibly graceful way it moved, to search the contours of it's paradoxically bestial and refined features. But try as she might she could do nothing except stare into the deep, unfathomable pools that seemed to stare right through her. The sudden spike of trepidation she'd felt upon first seeing the creature melted away as a strange sense of longing filled her body. Uncannily like the longing she'd felt before but infinitely stronger it slowly suffused every fiber of her being and overshadowed every thought in her mind until there was little else. Kimberly didn't even know what it was she longed for, just that the being in front of her could provide succor. It's unflinching, unblinking stare promised as much and it was that promise that made her so incredibly fascinated. 

But most fascinating of all was the distinct sense that all of this was coming from within. For all the promise offered by the stranger's eyes it was her own mind and body spurring her forwards. Like some deep, untapped well had suddenly been discovered and was now flowing out of her like a geyser. A fascination so deep and so primal filled her body she couldn't even begin to wrap her mind around the feeling. Perhaps because it wasn't even part of her conscious mind. Whatever it was a part of took hold of her so swiftly and completely in the blink of an eye she was almost a different person. All while somehow being very much herself. And rather than conflicting these two, newly discovered parts of her being were in complete agreement on what to do next. There was no hope of stopping herself as she stepped towards the being, her lips slowly parting and her breath catching in her throat. When the being stepped towards her as well she felt her heart skip a beat like she'd just caught the eye of the most handsome boy at a party only more intense and nerve wracking than could be described.

“Who are you?” She asked upon coming within arm's length and stopping. Without even thinking she reached towards the figure as she spoke, her fingers shaking as they neared it, “What are you?”

A broad smile spread across the entity's face but she felt neither malice nor amusement. It seemed merely a reaction to her words akin to the flaring of nostrils when one noted a particular smell. But it stepped closer at the same time and Kimberly found her breath catching in her throat. She sensed another presence behind her right shoulder and without turning she knew it to be another copy of the figure before her. Perhaps it was another being altogether, there was no way to know and she was finding it hard to care. When her slightly frazzled senses noted yet another presence behind her left shoulder she let out a little gasp. The one before her stepped closer still and she let out what would be her last full breath for quite some time. It's eyes burned holes into hers and she felt trapped by it's powerful gaze. Though even as she tried to put words to the feeling Kimberly knew that wasn't the correct one. She wasn't trapped by it's stare. She was entranced by it. Captivated. Utterly taken in and head over heels infatuated. That last step separating them was easily and eagerly bridged as she stepped towards the being and embraced Him.

Her arms snaked around the odd textures of his garb as she rose to the very tips of her toes. Unable to reach higher than his chest she paused with a sullen look on her once cherubic face. A sense of mirth that was not her own suddenly flitted by her. An instant later His arms were wrapped around her body and lifting her up. Brought to eye level and feeling uniquely bashful upon meeting his gaze Kimberly couldn't help but lunge forward to mask her nervousness. Her lips pressed against His and she was utterly delighted to feel him return the kiss. His hands roamed her body in a most human way, those long fingers gliding across her back as they parted ways for different parts of her trembling form. One drifted to the back of her head where it pulled her deeper into the kiss while the other dipped lower to find her pert buttocks. Both gave a gentle squeeze at the same time His tongue slipped into her mouth and she moaned like it was her first time experiencing sexual arousal. Her own tongue eagerly joined in the fun while her mind reveled in the unabashedly normal act. It didn't matter how they'd gotten there or even where it would go, in the moments that followed their embrace everything was perfect.

Or so she thought. But when she felt Him pushing His tongue deeper into her mouth, felt the strangely alien texture and it's unmistakable girth she let out a gasp. One born of equal parts surprise and arousal as her mouth was filled with His appendage. She nearly choked as it slithered down her throat and yet the slimy coating wrapped around it sent tingles throughout her body. Whether because of some magical trait or a scientific reason the moment she felt his saliva entering her mouth in earnest Kimberly was ready to faint. Her grip around Him tightened more than ever as she leaned in hard against His lips. Somehow even as He pushed that tongue deep into her esophagus to fill her up as surely as He'd filled Taylor with his cock He continued to kiss her with all the unexpected fiery passion no human could ever manage. Wholly unconscious of her actions she'd started grinding against him, her tight buttocks jiggling softly in his hand while her sex ached to be touched. To be be pleasured by whatever means He had at His disposal. But even as she was gripped by the desire to pull back and announce her utter submission she couldn't tear herself away from Him no matter how hard she tried.

Fortunately she didn't have to as His fingers suddenly tightened against the back of her head. Holding her hair just tightly enough to move her with ease He pulled Kimberly back, His tongue sliding out of her throat with a squelching gurgle. She coughed and sputtered a little as it retreated but the slimy substance left behind coating her mouth and throat sent shivers throughout every inch of her body. So much so she could only stare dimly at Him for a moment. It wasn't until she felt a sudden chill breeze that her mind snapped back to reality. An entirely different sort of shiver coursed down her spin and she instinctively looked down as if to question what had happened. With a comically dumbfounded look she stared at her own naked body for several seconds before raising her gaze back up to His face. Yet another shudder danced through her and she moaned in abject passion. Not only because there was now one less obstacle between herself and Him but also because she felt something thick, powerful, and throbbing pushing against her.

“Take me!” She urged Him. Holding his gaze for as long as she could Kimberly eventually looked back towards the other copies of Him standing nearby, “Take me!” she begged them, “Please!”

None of them gave any indication they'd heard her words. None of them gave any indication they'd even understood her words. And yet when she looked back at Him she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would fulfill her every desire. And when she felt His cock brush against her sopping wet pussy she knew that time was arriving faster than she could've hoped. For all of a split second she had a chance to enjoy what Kelsi and Angelica must've felt before they knew His body and it sent goosebumps across her tanned skin. In the blink of an eye He was pushing inside her and any rational thought was gone from her mind like a leaf caught in a hurricane. Pure, unadulterated ecstasy filled her body as her inner walls were pushed apart and the full might of His manhood glided into her without any trouble at all. Panting and moaning in abject delight she huddled against His chest and squealed with every centimeter that pushed into her. She squealed her loudest when she felt those same tendrils she'd witnessed earlier find and wrap around her clit. Unfazed by the thicket of curly black hairs surrounding her sex they set to work on her sensitive bud while the rest of His member finished pushing into her slit.

Letting out a cry that barely contained a fraction of the pleasure assaulting her every sense Kimberly unleashed a thick torrent of juices for the first time in her life. They sprayed out of her like a fountain and in an instant she'd completely soaked herself in it. But she didn't care one whit about that. Not when His cock remained inside her and those tendrils remained affixed to her clit. So long as that continued all was right with the world. It became such an incredible fixture as she violently climaxed all over herself that she couldn't even begin to handle when He finally pulled back. Though it hadn't been more than a few seconds she was at a loss for what to do while His length retreated. Upon feeling his tentacles depart from her bud she couldn't fathom their loss. A needy whimper spilled from her lips and she managed to lift her head to stare at Him with uncomprehending eyes. He looked down at her with a smile as delight that was not her own filled the air. Kimberly couldn't only wonder why he was so happy in the brief moment before his cock returned to her sex and she was sent spiraling down into the maelstrom of ecstasy from which she'd just emerged. This was repeated several times over the course of what felt like decades while her mind slowly learned to not only trust Him but to also revel in the moments she was without His cock inside her.

By the time He was thrusting at a pace even remotely close to the one with which He'd pleasured her friends she was little more than a mewling heap of pleasure. A quivering pile of flesh fit only to be fucked and wrapped around His wonderful shaft. There was no purpose for which she was more suited and when the other copies of Him finally joined her ecstasy words couldn't express her delight. Even if their participation arrived in a fashion she could never have expected. Only barely aware of their presence as they approached Kimberly felt the warm, slimy touch of what seemed like His tongue brushing against the nape of her neck. Uttering a long moan she leaned back against the sensation and was rewarded with it continuing up towards her jaw. A wild shiver danced through her as He dragged what must've been his tongue all the way up her cheek before stopping. He pulled away but her ensuing gasp was cut short as that wonderfully viscous appendage pushed into her mouth. Gagging in surprise and quivering in delight her half closed eyes flew open as she expected to see His face beside and in front of her. Instead she saw only a long, mottled green tendril stretching beyond her view. But if there was any confusion or fear present upon witnessing such a thing it was found nowhere near her conscious mind.

His cock continued to slide in and out of her quivering pussy while the newest addition to her bliss wriggled deep into her throat. It seemed to slide all the way into her belly before finally coming to a stop. And thought her throat and mouth were completely filled she didn't suffocate. Air passed into her lungs as though nothing was present to obstruct it even while that gooey substance oozing from His tendrils sent paroxysms of ecstasy coursing into every nerve of her body. Once again she thought she'd reached the heights of sexual pleasure and for a time she was allowed to believe that foolish notion. As her pussy and throat were violated again and again Kimberly started climax with more frequency than should have been possible. It took less time for her body to sink deep into the churning waters of carnal bliss and it wasn't long before she was having trouble surfacing at all. But just when it seemed as if nothing could possibly build upon what she was feeling another tendril joined the mix. It slithered up between her buttocks to push against a place she almost never paid any attention to. Yet as she felt it smear that amazing substance across her puckered hole there didn't seem to be any good reason why she hadn't.

Gurgling around the tendril in her throat Kimberly tried to wriggle and push herself against that second tentacle as it lathered her asshole. Thankfully the cock busily using her pussy didn't allow for such foolishness and she didn't end up inadvertently ruining the pleasure clouding her every thought. Instead she got to experience the utterly unique sensation of her asshole gradually opening for the tendril as surely as her mouth had. Though it didn't gape much more than a few centimeters that was more than enough for the appendage to begin it's wonderfully long journey into the depths of her body. It was the first time anything larger than a finger had entered her quivering ring and though it was considerably larger than a finger she felt naught but ecstasy as it slid deep into her ass. Within a few seconds it felt as if that tentacle was about to burst into her stomach and connect with the one already taking up residence there and the mere fact that such a thing seemed not only possibly but welcome truly illustrated just how far she'd gone. And how far she was willing to go. But any chance of her knowing for sure if such a thing was happening vanished when she felt a subtle shift in front of her.

Unable to turn her head and look she could only rely on touch as the cock busily slamming into her pussy seemed to retreat. His impossibly thick and deliciously rigid length was gone yet she wasn't bereft of stimulation. In it's place was another tendril, this time thicker than the others and more than capable of filling the spot that'd been left by His prick. For a moment she lamented it's departure and wondered what she might have done to see this lesser appendage occupying her pussy. But then that slick fluid started to seep into her inner walls and she realized the truth of it. Between choking screams of ecstasy and wild gyrations at least. Because not only had He given her something even better but he'd done so in a way that left her utterly free to enjoy her bliss without any distractions. She hadn't even realized the rest of His body was gone and that she was suspended in the air above the ground until her glassy eyes managed to drink in her surroundings. Upon realizing she was being held aloft solely by those writhing tendrils she had no difficulty at all submitting herself to Him once more. It was perhaps the easiest choice she'd ever made and the pleasure she felt in the hours that were to follow reminded her time and time again of that good sense. Along with why He was the only thing she'd ever need.

Somewhere in the cacophony of noises caused by and because of her body Kimberly was faintly aware of similar sounds. In the utterly ravished and mindless state that she was in it took her ages to recognize the sounds of her friends undergoing similar pleasures. It took even longer after that for her to turn her head towards the lewd echoes to actually see Kelsi, Taylor, and Angelica in similar positions. All of them were stuffed full of tendrils seemingly sprouting from nothing with every single hole they possessed for pleasure stuffed to the brim. Their bodies might have been contorted in slightly different ways and the individual sizes of the tendrils busily wracking them with ecstasy were different but they had the same effect. And somehow knowing that she was sharing her bliss with the three of them only made Kimberly shake that much harder. Her body tightened around the tendrils busily stretching, fucking, straining, and training her holes and another orgasm washed over her. As she threw her head back to stare up at the beautiful night sky a profound sense of contentment washed over her. Never again would she need to fret about her place in the world or what she might do with her life. She had found her purpose and even without asking them she knew her friends agreed.

As if they were being rewarded for their subservience Kimberly barely had time to entertain that thought before something wonderful took place. All four girls shuddered as they felt the tendrils inside them swell. Though it seemed like little more than another way to make them shiver they know, somehow, that it was so much more. They knew they were about to be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams. After a few seconds of buildup their certainty was prove correct as thick geysers of impossibly warm and breathtakingly pleasurable fluids exploded into their bodies. Instantly filling up every hole in which was stuffed a tentacle it gushed into each of them so fast they scarcely had time to tense. In an instant their bodies and minds had been pushed to a higher plane of consciousness as the pleasure they felt transcended any rational understanding of such matters. Thick jets of that milky gray fluid exploded out of their throats, cunts, and assholes but they felt only the vastly more plentiful amounts flooding their deepest reaches. They felt and watched their stomachs inflate, the last things they would notice before reality faded and their eyes darkened from the labors of enduring such an experience. The fluid continued to pump into them regardless and while they may not have been lucid of it Kelsi, Taylor, Angelica, and Kimberly felt every last drop soaking into their very beings as surely as they felt the tentacles providing it or the presence to which they owed everything.

When morning finally arrived and the proprietors of the bed and breakfast at which the girls had been staying realized that Kelsi, Taylor, Angelica, and Kimberly had never returned the more caring among the townsfolk started to worry. Just about everyone knew they'd gone to the cemetery and since the gray, foggy morn hadn't seen the retreat of whatever presence had arrived it was difficult not to fear for their safety. Regardless of how snotty and arrogant they'd been. A modest search party was formed, spearheaded by the priest that oversaw the church beside the cemetery, and they traipsed through the curling mist. After reaching their destination they split into groups of two with the explicit order to never move more than arm's length from one another regardless of what they might see or hear. As familiar with the legends and stories as a person could be the members of the search party did exactly as they were told without the slightest deviation. Many of them were clutching rosary beads, crucifixes, or even Bibles as they roamed the headstones calling out to the missing girls. The few that didn't clung to those that did while the palpable sense of wrongness shrouding the area covered them as surely as the fog. Aside from shouting the names of the lost visitors nobody spoke save the priest. His constant prayers echoed throughout the cemetery and gave the only sense of comfort any of them would find until whatever had taken up residence in their home was gone for good.

More than an hour was spent combing the grounds checking behind every statue and headstone that could possibly hide a teenage girl or her body. Once they were absolutely certain none of the girls were outside everyone reconvened at the entrance and the priest gave them new instructions. Now it was time to search the mausoleums, a task every single one of them had hoped to avoid. There wasn't a soul present that didn't know the story of the husband driven mad after finding his entire family entombed in one of those buildings, their bodies placed in coffins and their faces a mask of pure horror. In the hopes of preventing such a nightmarish outcome they would search each crypt as a group with the priest and several of his clergy entering the chambers while the rest of the townsfolk remained outside. Those entering would fasten ropes around their waists to be held by as many as could be evenly distributed for each of the three men. Should anything prevent the priest and his flock from escaping the townsfolk were to pull as hard as possible. For good measure the ropes in question were soaked with holy water and both men given their last rites. Only when all the preparations were finished did they approach the first mausoleum.

A chorus of prayers and appeals to God filled the air as the doors were swung open and the priest stepped inside. Holding his cross out before him as confidently as one could he addressed the presence directly in Latin and waited for a response or some other sign of it's malevolence. When none was forthcoming he nodded to his fellows and they joined him in the center of the building. Those outside continued to pray for the men inside as they turned towards the coffins lining the walls. All the townsfolk gripped the ropes a little tighter and averted the gaze. Everyone was waiting with bated breath for some otherworldly horror to come rushing out and devour them all. Or for the ground to simply crack open and suck their group into the depths of hell. Instead they found only silence punctuated by their own labored breaths. Eventually the priest and his clergy returned, their faces pale but otherwise unmarred by demonic influence. The leader slowly shook his head and the tension already wracking those present intensified. Nobody wanted to say it aloud but all of them knew what the somber tone of his expression meant: they would have to search another mausoleum. They would keep searching until some sign of the girls was found or every single one had been cleared.

One by one they searched each tomb, the townsfolk growing more uneasy and the clergy growing more worried with each empty room they found. By the time they were approaching the last handful of unsettling and foreboding stone buildings it was hard for anyone to imagine an outcome where everything turned out all right. For many it was hard to imagine an outcome where there was any closure whatsoever. And with the unmistakable presence of something far beyond their comprehension still lingering about the cemetery that seemed almost preferable. Only God knew what'd happened to those girls and perhaps that was how it should've been. Especially when that unearthly consciousness seemed to grow upon reaching one of the last tombs left unexplored. Renewed prayers and frightened whimpers abounded as the people clutched the holy water soaked ropes tight and tried not to run from that unholy place in terror. Those unable to avoid the temptation found their eyes cast skyward as if expecting to see some colossal, demonic face looming in the clouds above. They found nothing but dark and overcast heavens. Their gaze soon wandered about the cemetery itself as they made figures out of the swirling mist and every shadow cast by what little light was present sent them into fits of terror. Were it not for the calm and reassuring presence of their leader the entire search party likely would've disbanded then and there.

It could only be God's will that they didn't however because as soon as the doors to the mausoleum were flung open the girls were discovered lying at the center of the tomb. Sprawled like they'd simply collapsed to the floor they were slumped on top of, underneath, and beside one another in a heap of garish clothes and softly fluttering hair. The priest and his fellows immediately rushed to their side, overjoyed to find them all alive and apparently unharmed. It took only the smallest amount of prodding to stir them from their slumber and each one woke as if from a long, unfathomably deep sleep. As they were woken up Kelsi, Taylor, Angelica, and Kimberly yawned and stretched like they were rising from their own beds instead of from the floor of a crypt. They blinked away the grogginess clouding their vibrant green eyes and one by one stood up with the aid of the priest and his flock. None of them seemed at all perturbed by where they were or the menagerie of people present to find them. If anything they were more confused by the reactions of those same townsfolk as the girls stepped out of the mausoleum and into the chilly morning air. Looking from one another to those eyeing them with unmistakable wariness the four girls could only shrug it off as just another peculiar aspect of a peculiar place.

“You didn't have to go to all this trouble.” Kelsi remarked as the crowd parted to allow them and the trio of priests to start walking out of the cemetery, “We must've fallen asleep while exploring!”

“I pray that's all that happened.” The head priest replied in a somber voice as he moved to walk beside Kelsi, “Perhaps you should accompany us to the church?”

“Why?” Taylor asked, “Oh! Is it because it's Sunday?”

“No. Well not solely because of that. I believe you may have fallen victim to something not of this world and I wish to do a simple, painless test to be sure your thoughts are your own.”

“Jeez! You fall asleep in a cemetery one time and they wanna exorcise you!” Angelica laughed, “We'll be all right Father. We didn't mean to cause you any concern.”

“Yeah,” Kimberly chimed in, “I'm sure we're all right. I think you guys might be letting the season get to you a little bit!”

There was a rather long pause as the priests exchanged looks, “Very well. Then at least allow me a small blessing? It would go a long way to reassuring my flock.”

Another silence fell over their little procession as the girls looked at one another, their bright emerald eyes sparkling with mirth as each of them entertained the notion. “All right.” Kelsi finally said, “If it'll get you guys off our backs let's do it.”

With a nod the priest motioned to his fellows and the three of them stepped in front of the girls. They started chanting in Latin and waving about the crossing hanging from their necks while the women they were trying to bless did their best not to laugh. Holy water was splashed across their faces and aside from flinching a little from the impact Kelsi, Taylor, Angelica, and Kimberly didn't react in any way to the blessing. They certainly didn't collapse to the ground in a pile of smoking flesh and flailing limbs like the townsfolk expected. None of the girls even wiped away the droplets clinging to their skin. Had any of the onlookers been standing behind the priests they might have seen a little flicker light up their emerald eyes. But it passed by so quickly even the men administering the blessing weren't sure they'd seen it. With that ambiguity came doubt and upon finishing their task the men looked at one another, unsure of what to do. Unfortunately their hesitation was swiftly taken advantage of by the girls, all four of them walking around the robed men to continue their trek out of the cemetery.

“Thanks a bunch father!” Angelica called back.

“I feel a lot better now!” Kelsi added.

“We appreciate you guys helping us!” Taylor remarked.

“Next time we'll make sure we drink lots of coffee!” Kimberly finished.

Waving in a manner that seemed both sincere and sarcastic the girls sauntered away from the townspeople and the priests without a second thought. They had much better things to do than stand around being grilled by superstitious yokels. Wide, almost ear to ear smiles lit up their faces as they walked through Bridgeton with a whole new lease on life. The people they passed instinctively shied away from them, clearly unsettled by something but unable to articulate what that might be. Maybe it was the look in their eyes or the expressions on their faces. Maybe it was the strange aura surrounding them like a cloud. Or maybe it was the eldritch and unholy looking tattoo present on each of their exposed bellies. Although nobody in town knew those markings hadn't been present when the girls were dealing with the priests seeing them instilled the same amount of fear as if they had. Even with much of the brand hidden beneath the waistline of their clothes every single person that witnessed from adult to child knew in the depths of their soul to avoid such a symbol and the women that were sporting it. Which suited the girls just fine. Their sights were set on more than spooking the locals and nothing could dissuade Kelsi, Taylor, Angelica, and Kimberly now . . .


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