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And here's the second story I'm writing for the week! Don't ask me why I suddenly decided to write two, nearly full length stories. I guess I just felt like doing a little extra at the start of the year lol

With a final, pronounced gulp Jennifer swallowed the last of Carter's spunk. Standing up and licking her lips she smiled at him and said “Great work today Mr. Stanfield!”

“Thanks . . .” He said with a  weary smile, “Same time tomorrow?”

“You know it!” 

She gave her favorite customer a kiss on the cheek and left his home with a spring in her step. His progress was tremendous and besides just being a fun way to spend the afternoon it was a unquestionable proof that her method worked. She was already trying it with a couple other people and had even taken on a protege of sorts. Although Tiana had been a little resistant at first she'd warmed to Jennifer's methods pretty quickly. Of course it didn't hurt that the first customer she'd been assigned was already a professional fighter just looking to maintain in the off season. Once she saw what he was working with Tiana barely needed any coaxing whatsoever! Jennifer might have been envious of him had she not already had her hands full with two very demanding men and one timid but blossoming young woman. In fact her days were often so busy she rarely even went to the actual gym she was employed at. She just darted from house to house fulfilling appointments and having tremendous amounts of fun in the process. That day was one of the rare times when everything lined up to only give her a single morning session and the remainder of the day free. But after more than a full week of constant sex themed workouts Jennifer was actually starting to miss the constant rush of pleasure. Upon climbing into her car she almost considered calling one of her regular booty calls to see about having a little off the clock fun to fill up her day. Before she could however her phone buzzed with a text message from Tiana.

“need help!!!”

“Is something wrong?” She immediately typed back.

A couple seconds passed and then came the response, “li wants more!!!”

Laughing and typing back “omw” Jennifer immediately turned on her car. Both delighted and not the least bit surprised by the sudden turn of events she hurried across town to Li Qiang's apartment. It only took her a few minutes thanks to the near total lack of traffic but that didn't stop Tiana from telling her to hurry twice. Under normal circumstances she might have been a little off put by being rushed, especially when it was to help someone to their job. Luckily these were not normal circumstances and she was fairly certain Li was the kind of man that'd require two trainers pretty much regardless of who he was working with. And it'd been long enough since her last threesome that the prospect of having one actually felt a little kinky by her usual standards. When she pulled up to Li's place she parked in the first spot she could find and climbed out as quickly as she could. She ran up the three flights of stairs and eagerly knocked on his front door. Tiana answered in a state of near total undress and ushered her in with a grateful smile. Jennifer stepped inside and sauntered into the bedroom where their customers was already waiting, naked as the day he was born.

Every bit as broad and muscular as one expected a heavyweight fighter to be Li was quite handsome by just about any standard and definitely handsome by Jennifer's The fact that his cock was nice and thick without being so long it was difficult to manage only amplified his attractiveness. Just looking at him was enough to get her heart racing her face turning red and she could tell he was having the same reaction to her. To both of them in fact as Tiana entered the room as well. Quite by accident the two of them formed a rather nice blend of complimentary and contrasting looks. They shared the same warm, olive skin tones and fit without being bulky musculature everywhere from their toned legs all the way to their strong arms. Each had an ass tight enough to bounce quarters off of and big enough for anyone with discerning tastes to enjoy. Although Tiana's might have been a little more wide and plump it looked good along with her larger breasts. There was also a solid foot difference in their height with Jennifer standing head and shoulders beneath both her coworker and Li himself. And while her face was downright cute in it's shape and general style Tiana's was undeniably sultry. Partly because of her sharp cheekbones and partially because of her long auburn hair pulled into a ponytail atop her head the look fit her dark eyes and pouty lips quite well. When standing side by side as they were the differences between them were as pronounced as they were appealing and Jennifer was quite glad to have the disparity.

“Hello Mr. Qiang!” She said with a spirited wave, “I hear you're looking for an extra workout today?”

“Yeah,” He said with a thick Chinese accent, “Tiana's great but I'm kind of in the mood for something challenging.”

“I completely understand! But before we go any further you do understand that we'll have to charge you double?”

“Of course. That's no problem.”

“Great! Then let's get started!”

Since Tiana was already down to her sports bra and thong Jennifer pulled down her yoga pants to match her companion. Kicking them away along with her shoes she sauntered towards Li with a lip biting smile. Her head was already filled with ideas on how to take advantage of his increased muscle mass and strength. The normal routines she used for regular clients wouldn't cut it here. Something Tiana undoubtedly came to find out not so long ago. She motioned for her coworker to join her and the both of them came to stand in front of him with hands on their hips. Though one looked considerably more eager while the other was still a little unsure of herself. Li grinned at them and opened his legs as though expecting them to drop to their knees and start sucking his cock. While the offer was tempting it definitely wasn't what they needed to start with. Perhaps if he was as dedicated as her other clients Jennifer would give him a reward like that. Until then he needed to demonstrate some serious commitment before that point.

“Finger us.” She said, “At the same time.”

“All right.”

“That's not much of a work out though.” Tiana remarked.

“Just waist!”

Sliding forward and reaching out to them Li slid his hands between their already damp thighs. He pushed aside the thin little strips of cloth covering their pussies and pushed the middle and ring fingers or each hand into their cunts. Both women shivered and moaned a little as they were unceremoniously penetrated by his rather large and coarse digits. Although they felt nothing but pleasure they were taken aback by how uncompromising he was. Most men would have hesitated or started with a single finger but he didn't even bat an eye about stretching them open with two right off the bat. They sank up to the knuckle inside the two trainers and without further prompting he started moving them. Immediately the room filled with the sound of their wet slits being fingered along with the breathy moans neither of them could quite suppress. The muscles in his forearms bulged and shifted with the effort and they felt it in every motion of his strong digits as they pushed and rubbed against their inner walls. Completely unasked he started moving a little faster while his cock visibly swelled and his breathing increased just a little bit.

“Now stand up.”


Jennifer took a step to the side, bringing her entire body parallel to Li's and pressing her small breasts against his rippling bicep. After a moment Tiana did the same and both of them looked at the woman undeniably in charge, “Now lift us off the ground.” She instructed, “Like you're doing a bicep curl. Lift us as high as you can go and then lower up back down to the floor.”

“Won't you fall?”

“We'll hold on to you.”

Draping their arms around his shoulders both women found their ideal grip and nodded at Li. He nodded back then stared straight ahead while most of his body tensed. For a moment his fingers went completely rigid inside Tiana and Jennifer's cunts and they felt a subtle change come over him. In the next second they were lifted off the ground and most of their thoughts drained away in an instant. Near identical moans burst from their lips as his digits were pushed deeper than ever inside them with the pressure of his hand against their outer lips hit them in full. Fluids trickled out of them almost instantly, long lines of their arousal running down his bugling forearms and dripping from his elbows. Both women unconsciously tightened their hold on him, their nails scraping against his skin and their toes curling inwards. Soon their legs were bending like they were squatting in mid air as the sensations hitting them continued to mount. They barely even noticed how far their feet had actually lifted off the carpet. Be it one inch or a dozen being held aloft in such a manner felt exactly the same either way: wonderful. It was only when his arms came to a stop roughly parallel to the floor that the realized where they were in relation to everything else. And even then only because he started moving his fingers against their g-spots and the pair of them instinctively looked down as soon as he did. Once they actually saw the distance between them and the carpet it made everything else they were feeling so much more enjoyable. Neither of them realized how truly aroused they'd been by the prospect of working with him and it was beginning to show in every facet of their reactions. But Jennifer was ever the consummate trainer and she managed to take charge just before they fully devolved into meaningless but fun sex for the sake of it.

“Steady!” She moaned, “Steady Mr. Qiang!”

“Keep it going for a few more seconds!” Tiana added in an almost pleading voice.

Li groaned at their words and nodded once more. He grit his teeth and focused all his energy on keeping them in the air for as long as he could. Quite by accident this intensity also translated into the rough and instinctual movements of his hands. Both inside and outside of their pussies. The fingers not stuffed inside each woman were slipping all across their wet lips, both pushing them together and inadvertently massaging them at the same time. Those crammed nice and deep within Tiana and Jennifer had settled quite nicely against their sensitive spots and seemed unable to pull away for even a moment. Since none of them had the wherewithal to count the actual time when he finally did lower them back to the floor it felt like several minutes had elapsed despite it being no more than twenty seconds. Both trainers were quivering almost uncontrollably while their inner walls were furiously clenching his fingers. As he readied himself for another go Li's digits scraped pleasurably against their inner walls and their lustful moans gave him more than enough motivation to hoist them up again. He even moved a bit faster  thanks to a surge of adrenaline and the resulting bounce they did atop his hands when they came to a stop was exactly what the two of them were hoping to experience. Fresh juices cascaded out of them among an outburst of gasps and half formed encouragements. 

That cycle would form the basis of their first workout routine for the next ten minutes or so. While Jennifer was certainly taken aback in the best possible way by his endurance Tiana was less surprised by how long he managed to go. Having already worked with him in the past she knew better than his actual romantic partners how much Li was capable of. She was just glad to not be the sole focus of his exercising. Last time she'd been his solo trainer she'd left his apartment more sore and hazy than she'd ever been in her life. Both her ass and pussy had been utterly ravished and at one point he'd fucked her throat so vigorously she couldn't actually speak. Which certainly made calling a cab difficult. Sharing all of that with her upbeat and seemingly unflappable coworker would hopefully tire him out before either of them ended up waddling to the bathroom with cum leaking out of their gaping holes so they could puke up the additional loads stuck in their throats. Not that she was exactly opposed to seeing that happen to Jennifer. Although that seemed increasingly unlikely as time wore on and she continued to ride his hand not only like she'd been doing it forever but also doling out instructions and encouragements at the same time. It was both impressive and a little frustrating how effortlessly she took to the task of sexual themed workouts regardless of the amount of pleasure undoubtedly coursing through her. Tiana couldn't help but admire that level of dedication. Already her own body was screaming to just let it all wash over her and soak his arm in her fluids. Had she know Jennifer was experiencing the exact same thing her admiration would've only increased. She caught the briefest glimpse of that when they were lifted up yet again and for a split second her plucky companion was unable to form so much as a syllable, her face a mask of red cheeked pleasure. That look soon faded into the resolved, eager smile she usually wore and things proceeded as normal with both of them now fully aware of how much the other was enjoying themselves. They only had to look down at their client's furiously throbbing dick to know his thoughts on the matter as well.

Once he'd done enough to satisfy Jennifer and Tiana, in more ways than one, the former instructed him to lower them back to the ground. He did so and withdrew his fingers after one final wriggle that both women greatly appreciated. Having noticed a pull up bar installed in the doorway to his bathroom Jennifer had concocted another routine for them to work through. It might not have been tested like many of her other ideas but conceptually it seemed pretty solid. She only had to take a few seconds to explain it to both of them and make sure Li was interested in both sides of his trainer's involvement. He agreed with no small amount of enthusiasm and they all quickly took their places. Tiana pulled off her sports bra, threw it aside, and pressed herself snugly against their client's muscular chest. Jennifer did the same, despite not needing to, and moved against his taut back. Li grabbed the bar above his head and lifted himself into his first pull up. As he did so his waist was elevated into a place where both women could make good on their sides of the arrangement. Since she had the large breasts Tiana was in charge of sliding his cock between them and wrapping her mouth around the tip once it emerged while Jennifer was in charge of burying her face between his ass cheeks and plunging her tongue into his ass the moment he was in reach. The basic idea was for him to hold himself aloft for as long as he could with their eager ministrations keeping him motivated. Whenever he couldn't manage it he'd lose access to their pleasurable involvement until he could return to the right position. Unsurprisingly the first time ended up being the longest with quite a few seconds of him groaning and tensing while they slobbered over his cock and asshole. Jennifer in particular went about her task with an eagerness that completely astonished Li. Rimjobs were something of a guilty pleasure for her and getting a chance to perform one under these circumstances was something she simply refused to pass up. By the time he was forced to lower himself back out of reach her pussy was just as wet as it'd been when he was fingering her earlier. And it required an incredible amount of self control to not start playing with herself.

An amount of self control Tiana apparently lacked as the familiar sounds of a pussy being teased started to fill the air. Sure enough when Jennifer peered around their client's broad frame she saw her coworker furiously rubbing herself and fondling one of her large, fake looking breasts. It was only when she noticed Tiana smiling up at Li as she did so and spotted the way both his cock and arms seemed to swell that she realized what was happening. With an appreciative smile she returned to her position just in time for Li to pull himself up again. As her tongue swirled around his asshole and her partner eagerly sucked and massaged his cock she couldn't help but be impressed. That sort of thing wasn't really her style but there was no denying Tiana was making it work for her. Enough that Jennifer was getting a little more aroused just watching. She quickly transferred that extra lust into more hungrily licking and teasing her client's ass. It was already abundantly clear that he was quite a fan of being rimmed and she was eager to reward him so long as he managed to hold himself aloft. As luck would have it that turned out to be another enjoyably long amount of time during which both women got to taste and enjoy his body to their heart's content. A pair of less controlled, less professional trainers might have even forgotten what they were doing it for and simply gone wild. Thankfully for him Tiana and Jennifer were nothing if not professional. 

They were still horny as all hell though and despite their best efforts neither of them could fully reign in their lust. When he rose back up for another reward Tiana eagerly slid his cock as deep as she could into her throat, almost entirely forgetting about smothering it with her tits first. Jennifer was slightly more limited in her enthusiasm but she made her presence known as much as possible. Including slipping a single finger inside him towards to lightly tickle his prostate. It was immediately clear from his groan and reflexive tensing that he enjoyed her addition. The healthy dose of precum spurting out of his cock said as much even if the rest of his body hadn't reacted at all. Spotting a new way to really get him motivated Jennifer withdrew her finger and returned to the sole use of her tongue until he sank back down. From then on whenever he first rose into position she would bury her finger nice and deep in his ass and massage away while Tiana sucked him off like it was her one goal in life. Both of them would slowly back off after a few seconds and see how he held up after the barrage. If his grip waned and he sank back down they waited patiently for him to gather his strength for another go. When it didn't and he remained strong they went back in with even more enthusiasm. Li would inevitably falter under that second wave of sloppy oral fun and he'd drop back out of reach once more. Over and over again the cycle repeated itself with all three participants getting more and more aroused each time it happened. Tiana and Jennifer were both perched on the edge of a nice, wet orgasm after the fingering and teasing both their client and themselves only ensured they stayed that way. Although the occasional bouts of frantic masturbation Tiana enjoyed along with the occasional, probing touch Jennifer allowed herself certainly helped quite a bit. Mr. Qiang was definitely succumbing to the pleasure as well, so much so he had to decide if he was going to cum during their second routine or try for a third before blowing his load.

In the end he managed about two dozen pull ups before finally letting go and landing on the floor grinning like a fool. “What's next?” Li asked with a note of eagerness in his voice. “Somethin tells me that isn't all you had in mind!”

“Well . . .” Jennifer replied, “Do you think you're up for something extra strenuous to finish off our session?”

“For sure!”

“All right.” She bit her lip and grinned at her coworker, “I think I have something that'll do just the trick then . . .”

For their their third and final exercise of the evening Jennifer went with something a little more creative but just as strenuous as the rest. It no doubt looked absolutely preposterous to anyone that might be watching but for herself, Tiana, and Li it was quite fun. Straddling his shoulders with her pussy snugly against his mouth and his strong arms holding her aloft she instructed him to thrust forward or pull back in a steadily climbing rhythm. Tiana was stretched out across the bed on her hands and knees receiving his cock and enjoying every second of it in the process. Li was of course fervently licking Jennifer's cunt at the same time to make sure she wasn't left out of the fun. Any time he let his urges get the better of him he was forced to pull out and do an increasing number of squats as punishment, all while his first trainer's juicy body just sat there waiting to be fucked. If he ever let his tongue work lapse the same punishment would happen and the two could, and did, overlap with one another. During the first few minutes he spent very little time actually fucking Tiana compared to squatting and furiously licking the sweet, nubile slit pressed against his mouth. More than once he was forced to pull back mid thrust and hurriedly work out several squats in quick succession, his large cock bouncing up and down while flecks of pussy juice were flung every which way. About the only real benefit for either of them was the constant teasing effect this had. Any time he had to suddenly stop because he;d gone off script Tiana knew she'd have to make do without his dick for a frustratingly long feeling yet paradoxically short in reality amount of time. Then when he roughly slammed back into her, often at Jennifer's moaning encouragement, she was blasted by a surge of pleasure that made all that waiting worthwhile. Especially when he managed to control himself long enough to get a few good thrusts in. Having a woman at the helm definitely helped him find an idea rhythm that kept her perpetually gasping and writhing against him.

Surprisingly the longer they remained in that final position the more in control Li managed to find. In direct contrast to what both his trainers were expected after several minutes his mistakes started to fade and his intensity really increased. Although his thrusts always kept to the same rhythm Jennifer dictated there was a palpable sense of energy and build up that came with them. Some of it was the result of his tongue plunging in and out of her pussy and working spots she hadn't coaxed him towards. Of course since she wasn't exactly focused on herself those little lapses could be forgiven. Particularly when he started flicking her clit between bouts of enthusiastic licks. Like the dessert at the end of a sumptuous meal those small but potent explosions of ecstasy inside her never failed to made her toes curl and her knees shake. Naturally being pleasured so thoroughly and drawing ever closer to an orgasm as a result had a rather pronounced effect on her instructions. What had started out as metered and articulate orders, interspersed with the occasional gasp, was slowly devolving into the same passionate encouragements all vocal women made during sex. But no matter how eager she got or how horny being in control made her Jennifer never quite forgot the purpose of their session. Even when she was momentarily rendered unable to speak as an orgasm washed over her.

The last thing she managed to say before succumbing entirely was “Give us one big push Mr. Qiang!”

With those deliberately nebulous orders hanging in the air she hunched forward, wrapped her arms around his head, and moaned until the windows rattled. Juices exploded out of her pussy in torrents that completely took Li by surprise. In a split second his entire face was doused in her arousal and with every moment after that more and more of it trickled down his naked body. Had he not grown accustomed to how wet and messy she was he probably would've drowned in that deluge. Because even with that familiarity it was still like being waterboarded, albeit much, much more fun. Of course the addition of a gasping, half naked woman crying out in ecstasy could make a great many things more fun. Like the simple act of repeatedly slamming away at Tiana's plump, jiggling ass. Li might not have been able to see her bouncing and moaning on his cock but he could sure feel it as he slammed into her with abandon. Little did he know the combined assault of his meaty shaft hammering away at her pussy and Jennifer's ecstatic moans had sent the third member of their threesome over the age only a few seconds later. No small amount of juices squirted out of her pussy while paroxysms of ecstasy cascaded through her body as well. Her inner walls furiously contracted around his length, their spasmodic twitches almost as violent as the ones wracking Jennifer. Only dimly aware of how violently she was reacting to his thrusts Li finally caught on when she managed to vocalize her pleasure with a suitably short and vulgar expression. Alongside all the other evidence that simply faded in the maelstrom of pleasure hitting the trio.

“Oh fuck!” Tiana moaned, the upper portion of her body slumping against the bed as she buried her face in the sheets, “OH FUCK!”

Unable to talk with a wet, gushing pussy against his lips Li could only groan as he too reached the end of his rope. He'd been teetering at the edge for quite some time but bringing two women to near simultaneous orgasm was pretty much the last thing his waning endurance needed. Bringing one woman to orgasm was usually enough to send him over the edge but this was the first time he'd been with two and the results were even more spectacular as a result. With no time to think he slammed his cock balls deep inside Tiana and moaned one more time. For good measure he buried his face between Jennifer's thighs and slurped away while cum exploded out of his cock. Milked at it was by his second partner's wildly contracting pussy it exploded deep inside Tiana in a quantity that made her gasp even louder and tremble even harder. He filled her up in just a few pumps with everything else gushing out of her to join the streams of fluids already running down her thighs. The unrelenting spasms of her pussy all but forced it out with every shiver. When he started to thrust at the tail end of his release to really push the last, gooey spurts of his orgasm into her even more cum seeped out with only a surprisingly small amount actually remaining inside by the end. Around the time he pulled out completely Li's dick, the outer lips of Tiana's cunt, and just about everywhere beneath her waist was thoroughly splattered in a thick mixture of cum and pussy juice. A fact he swiftly came to see firsthand upon carefully lowering Jennifer onto the bed beside her coworker. Seeing the mess he'd made of both his bed and the slit he'd been fucking was quite gratifying. Certainly enough for him to wholeheartedly appreciate this new, admittedly bizarre work out regimen. Outside of some of his earliest gym days his muscles hadn't burned like they did in that moment for quite some time.

To Li's surprise Jennifer sprang to her feet barely ten seconds later with a burst of energy and wide smile, “Thank was a great work out Mr. Qiang!” Jennifer exclaimed, her body dripping with sweat and her face still flushed crimson, “Wasn't it Tiana?”

“Uh huh . . .” her companion agreed, wholly unable to lift her head or any other part of her body off the bed.

“Thanks,” Li grinned, “Do you guys wanna take a shower or somethin?”

“I'd love to! Would you like to join me? We can discuss future appointments and figure out a schedule that works for everyone. Once Tiana's able to of course.”

“You want to do this again?”

“Absolutely! This was very productive don't you think?”

“Well yeah . . . but I kinda figured this would be a one time deal.”

“Really? Oh is it a financial issue?”

“No not at all! I just didn't think both of you would want to do this again?”

“Well I'm very committed to helping my coworkers and my clients.” Jennifer replied, “So if this is what it takes to get you in the best shape possible then this is what I'm going to do!”

“It probably doesn't hurt that we can have so much fun at the same time.” Li pointed out.

“No it doesn't. Is that all right with you Tiana?”

“Is what all right with me?” She asked. Dazedly lifting her head and looking at the two of them like she was just noticing their presence she added, “What're we talking about?”

“Doing this again.”

“And making it a regular appointment.”

“Oh . . .” Her whole body shivered and a little bit of cum squirted out of her pussy as she reflexively tensed, “I'd like that . . .”

“Great! Then let's get cleaned up and we can discuss everything over a nice smoothie!”


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