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All right, here's the first of two stories to be released this week. For reasons that will become clear later I've decided to write two, smaller suggestions out instead of one larger one. This is the longer of the two since I picked it first. The only warning I'll give is something that happens at the end involving some extra perverse anal stuff. Everything else is a reasonably familiar tentacle story. Enjoy!

“I told you that Seer was lying!” Gwen exclaimed as they reached another dead end.

“She was so convincing though!” Sarah whined, leaning hard against the rocky cave wall.

“Most charlatans are.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah! I didn't hear you complaining when that fortune teller gave us directions!”

“Directions that were accurate!”

Sarah scoffed at her companion and the two of them retraced their steps back to the last antechamber they'd come across. Despite their irritation they were unquestionably having the time of their lives exploring once more. After weeks of traveling back and forth between major cities on well guarded roads the thrill of a little danger was unbelievable. They'd already fought off several small bands of goblins and scared away a gelatinous ooze and the journey was just barely getting started! Of course if things continued in the way they'd been going their adventure was likely going to end much sooner than either of them wanted. In no small part because the supposedly small cave system they'd entered turned out to be significantly larger than their maps indicated. Easily more than two or three times what their information had told them. And they were starting to tire of endless rocky crags, the far off sound of dripping water, and shadowy tunnels. Plus the torches Gwen had brought along weren't going to last forever. The one she was holding above her head was already beginning to sputter and die. Perhaps it was that flickering, unpredictable flame that caused them to miss the pressure plates in the floor. Or perhaps it was their own frustration and chatter that caused them to not hear the thunk and grind of gears suddenly springing to life until it was too late. But whatever the reason might have been it didn't alter the fact that all of sudden, where once there'd been floor Gwen and Sarah found naught but open air. They had enough time to look at one another before they plummeted into the darkness with identical gasps.

They plummeted a dozen feet or more, Sarah landing deftly with a roll while Gwen just smacked against the 'floor' like a sack, “Is this some sort of plant?” Sarah asked, pressing her fingers against the interconnected mass of softly luminescent vines beneath her, “It definitely feels alive.”

“Whatever it is I'm glad it's here.” Gwen said after protracted groan, “I should have bought that charm of feather falling.”

“I told you it would've come in handy!”

“Well I didn't plan on doing quite so much falling!”

“That's fair.” Sarah laughed, helping her friend up, “Wait! I just felt something move!”

“It's a plant Sarah, it's gonna move sometimes—I just felt it too!”

Both of them tensed and drew their weapons, Sarah holding her daggers at arms length while Gwen clutched her talisman close to her chest. Their eyes darted around the dark space looking for any sign of an enemy. Neither was sure what to expect under the circumstances and they quickly moved back to back in an effort to see every corner of the roughly square pit they were in. The vines beneath them continued to shift and squirm beneath their feet  but try as they might there was nowhere they could step that wasn't covered in the tendrils. Even the walls around them were covered with them. Upon noticing the vines creeping higher along the stone Sarah and Gwen stopped their constant shifting to squint up at the spectacle above them. Little did they realize that momentary hesitation was exactly what the monster controlling the vines wanted. 

Snapping forward like so many coiled snakes numerous tentacles lunged towards the unsuspecting women. They slithered around Gwen and Sarah's ankles and when they looked down several others coiled around their wrists. Suddenly they were being hoisted into the air as their weapons sat uselessly in their restrained fingers. Both of them struggled and fought as hard as they could but the strength of the whatever it was binding them simply couldn't be matched. Pulled apart and turned to face one another Sarah and Gwen exchanged silent, uncertain stares. Crying out for help was futile and there was no telling what the creature attacking them could understand. Or what it wanted. In a flash of clarity the latter was swiftly made apparent when additional appendages tore the clothes and armor from their plump, nubile bodies. In the blink of an eye Gwen's perky, freckles breasts and toned ass were laid bare. Sarah's voluminous, milky tits and thick, heart shaped ass were similarly exposed at the same time. Without missing a beat the appendages that'd stripped them naked slid between their thighs to caress the sticky outer lips of their reflexively aroused pussies. Gliding between their pert buttocks to simultaneously rub against their tightly puckered assholes the tentacles rather skillfully ribbed against both women's clits while smearing their arousal all over the well groomed tufts of hair resting a few centimeters above. Quite independent of what they were thinking Gwen and Sarah moaned as the stimulation hit them. The latter hunched forward as her long brown locks fell across her flushed face while the former threw her head back in a flurry of shimmering orange hair. Additional tendrils closed around their shoulders to envelop their breasts and soak their skin and a strange, viscous fluid. The ones already rubbing against their holes pulled away and, although they couldn't see it, both women knew the vines would return.

Almost as if it knew what each of them preferred and sought to subvert their natural desires the shifting tentacles moved into position and plunged inside Sarah and Gwen without delay. Two relatively huge tendrils as thick around as her bicep and one vastly smaller one barely the width of her finger exploded inside Gwen's asshole. Their naturally slick exterior let them slide deep inside her without much effort, her familiarity with anal undoubtedly aiding their efforts. Like an afterthought a medium sized vine also wriggled into her pussy as well, although it seemed content to initially stop at her cervix while the other three pushed deeper than anything ever had before. With Sarah their assault was far more even as she was was stuffed in both holes by appendages big enough to break lesser women. One squirmed so deep into her ass she could feel her stomach bulging while the other pushed it's way directly into her womb like it was nothing. Suddenly the halls were echoing with the sounds of their pleasured cries as both women quickly found the benefits of being captured by such a perverted monster. Sarah more so than Gwen but it was impossible for either of them to deny how good it felt and just how long it'd been since they last had a good fuck. Under different circumstances they would have even sought out this kind of pleasure, both of them had wasted more than their fair share of gold at exotic brothels and sex shows over the years. Had they any idea what was coming next Gwen probably would have thrown her companion a dirty look while Sarah would've been downright overjoyed.

Because without the limitations of a regular cock the tendrils inside their assholes had no reason to stop pushing forward. With the sole exception of each woman's writhing body. Of course no amount of quivering, tightly contracted flesh could impede the monster. That became clear when Gwen and Sarah first felt the tentacles slid inside their respective stomachs. Looking down to see their bellies inflated and bulging from the sheer size of what was inside them each balked at what they were witnessing even as they shuddered in abject delight. Soon the distinct and unmistakable feeling of something slithering up their throats began to surface. Coughs and wet, frothing gags filled the air in place of moans. Their eyes started to water and they began to heave as if about to vomit. Convulsions wracked their bodies while a torrent of juices gushed out of their pussies. Before long their eyes were staring blankly up at the ceiling and their mouths were hanging open. In unison their necks swelled and distended and a shower of spit, bile, and slime exploded from between their lips as the tentacles finally broke free of the fleshy confines that was each woman's digestive tract.

All of a sudden the difference in what each of them had been treated to was more more apparent than ever. With a pair of intertwined tendrils emerging spit soaked from Gwen's lips while a single, oversized limb rose from deep within Sarah's throat. Like the ones still shoved so amazingly deep inside their cunts the appendages protruding from their faces writhed and squirmed in the open air in a way that all but forced both women to stare at them. It was an incredibly surreal sight and the pleasure they were feeling only enhanced the strangeness. After a few seconds the third, smaller tentacle also emerged from Gwen as well, only rather than slipping out of her overcrowded throat it comically pushed it's way through her left nostril instead. Slowly their gagging was supplanted by moans and gurgled whimpers as their bodies grew accustomed to the feeling of literally being stuffed with tentacles. Once said tendrils began to thrust, while their naked forms were held in place by the other appendages, gags and sputters became the norm once again. Several more inches of vine sprouted from within their throats only to retreat backwards as though they were a normal, thrusting cock. But rather than disappear entirely into their mouths to repeat the process each tendril simply returned to the original amount that'd initially burst out of them. While their undulating lengths scraped and rubbed against what felt like every nerve inside their bodies. Under such an onslaught it didn't take long for their arousal to reach it's peak and all the ecstasy threatening to overwhelm them finally come unhinged. And once it was let free there was no telling when or if it would depart again.

Again and again they were brought to orgasm by their unrelenting 'foe' as whatever strange consciousness controlled the appendages continuously assaulted every sensitive spot within their squirming, nubile bodies. No matter how many times those tendrils plunged in and out of their holes Sarah and Gwen continued to feel nothing but pleasure. Copious amounts of fluids gushed out of their overstuffed pussies as the tentacles coiled withing their wombs touched places they didn't even know existed. Somehow the creature they were 'fighting' knew every thing about a woman's body better than anything either of them had experienced before. Including the Celestials they'd made love with some months ago. It was as if their bodies were an open book the monster was reading with ease. Little did they know their constant, trickling fluids were feeding the being and encouraging it to continue with every drop their cunts released. The limbs buried within their assholes elicited a similar, albeit slightly less messy, reaction from the two women as well. A constant dribble of spit seeped out of their mouths while their lips trembled around the tendrils protruding from their throats. That constant, eye watering gagging sensation was beginning to move in time with the general tremors of their arousal. As if that too was just another facet of the pleasure they were feeling. More than once the sensation actually grew to much and one of them would begin to heave and squirm. Their eyes would fill with tears and roll back in their heads as the slime coating the tentacles was messily expelled from their bodies. They puked up the viscous green substance and gasped around the appendages stuffed their throats, never quite suffocating but never quite getting a full breath either. The calculated ebb and flow of all these feelings was nothing short of unbelievable. It was completely overwhelming within the first few minutes and utterly incomprehensible after about ten.

Try as they might neither woman could remain conscious in the face of such an onslaught. Gwen was the first to pass out, her green eyes fluttering shut while the rest of her went limp. Sarah watched her friend and companion in horror, wondering just what fate would befall them. But regardless of how much adrenaline was pumping through her body the tentacles buried inside every orifice proved stronger. Soon her vision was flickering and exhaustion was setting in. There was nothing she could do in the face of such unrepentant ecstasy. Her last thoughts were of the Seer that'd led them to this path before she too collapsed against the tendrils holding her aloft. Since their bodies continued to react the creature enjoying them continued ravishing them for several minutes. Both women even managed to cum again while they were unconscious, juices squirting out of their pussies and their inner walls clamping down like mad around the appendages buried within them. Once it was apparently satisfied with the work it'd done the monster pulled it's limbs free of their holes and gently lowered them to writhing mass that comprised it's 'body'. They remained sprawled across those comfortable tentacles naked and gaping for quite some time, much needed sleep overtaking them. The tendrils that'd been fucking them stupid just moments ago wrapped around their bodies like blankets to shelter them from the cold.

When they finally woke up Sarah and Gwen found themselves at the entrance to the cave, both completely naked save for their weapons and boots. The treasure chest they'd been searching for was resting between them covered in the same slime that was oozing out of their pussies and assholes. Each looked at one another it confusion, neither able to quite piece together what had happened after they lost consciousness. Whatever had transpired things appeared to have worked out. At least until they attempted to stand and found their bodies barely cooperative. The pleasure they'd been made to feel still echoed inside them and never was that more clear than when Sarah attempted straighten. A sudden burst of ecstasy hit all five of her senses and she let out a piercing moan. Her body reflexively curled in on itself and pulled her into an ungainly squatting position. Bursts of leftover pleasure continued to assault her senses and her madly quivering holes responded in kind. Quite independent of anything she might have wanted Sarah's asshole started to push and extend, slime squirting out of her with humorous squelches. After a few seconds the soft pink flesh of her ass started protruding from her gaping hole, goo still spraying out of it. More and more of her prolapsed asshole began to emerge until it was almost brushing against the ground. Gwen, still laying on her side, watched in amazement. A mixture of slime and pussy juice gushed out Sarah's pussy as she felt a soft, warm breeze waft past her humiliatingly wrecked anus. She eventually looked over to her friend with a flushed, sheepish smile.

“I guess that monster really did a number on you huh?” Gwen asked.

“Well after those Giants this kind of thing happens a lot,” Sarah admitted. “Could you maybe help me push it back in?”

“What are friends for?”

Sitting up and trying to stay acutely aware of slime filled and and pussy Gwen crawled over to her companion and gently helped Sarah push her prolapse back inside her, “Thanks! Usually I can do it myself . . .”

“In the future you're gonna have to!” Gwen chuckled, flinging slime off her fingers. “What're we gonna do now?”

“Go back into town!” Sarah replied as she sat back on the stone in a puddle of her own excretions, “What else would we do?”

“But we're naked!”

“Well it's not the first time we've come back without clothes.”

“I wasn't exactly a fan of it back then either!”

“I know.” Sarah giggled, “But we've got spare outfits back at the inn. Plus this treasure chest that nobleman wanted.”

“You're right . . . but we're getting our clothes first this time!”

“All right. I know you had fun at that orgy though!”

“Just because I had fun doesn't mean I want to accidentally start one!”

“When did you get so boring?” Sarah wondered. She stuck her tongue out at Gwen and once more tried to stand. She managed to successfully rise to her feet and say, “There we go!”

“Show off!” Gwen replied, taking her friends hand and standing up as well, “Next time we bring extra outfits with us.”

“Sounds good!”



Love it from beginning to end


Which admittedly wasn't all that much to love lol. But I'm glad you enjoyed it even at it's smaller than average length!