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Hey there, it's time for another installment of my nebulous but slightly popular series of barely connected stories! I always wanna do more with this setup but it's hard to do that without favoring certain people or suggestions. Maybe I'll do some more themed posts in the future to alleviate that a bit. But enough musing, enjoy the sweet, romantic, futa goodness of this new chapter!

The days were long, sweltering, and full of cloudless azure skies. The nights were full of bugs, shooting stars, and the sounds of parties being held all over town. Streamers and ribbons hung from every shop window and government building for twenty miles and a steady trickle of fresh tourists constantly passed through. In short it was the perfect and quintessential summer experience in Blue Valley. When the much celebrated Fourth of July finally came around again most of the residents were beyond excited for a proper reason to have a big gathering. Anyone who wasn't had left for vacation at the start of summer. Which meant everyone still in town was wholeheartedly in favor of the many parades, city wide functions, large barbecues and much, much smaller ones taking place everywhere people could congregate. Most of the retired members of the community were attending the functions hosted by the city while a just about every block was having it's own, smaller party as soon as the heat started to dissipate a little. Since they were lucky enough to have the Fourth land on a Saturday that year many planned to go well into the night and enjoy the cooling temperatures in full.

On the fittingly named Lincoln Road it was the fairly affluent Lau family hosting for the rest of the neighborhood. Despite it being only a few minutes past two and thus right in the middle of the hottest time of the day the party was already in full swing. Dozens of people talked and laughed around the spacious backyard, their younger children playing in the above ground pool or the slip n slides laid out for them. The teenagers all acted like they were above it all while still enjoying the delicious smelling foods being served from one of three barbecues skillfully manned by Mr. Lau, Mrs. Amjad, and Mrs. Hopkins. Two of the only highschoolers unironically having a good time also happened to be the ones least focused on the goings on around them. Tucked away out of sight, or as much as that was possible in such a crowded gathering, Rebecca and Tabitha were sitting comfortably side by side and enjoying their meals. Although most of the town didn't care or didn't object to them dating one another that didn't stop many from staring whenever they did  anything unabashedly romantic with one another. Rarely the looks were out of anything other than simple curiosity as lesbian couples were already pretty scarce in Blue Valley and most people were well away of Rebecca's unique aspects by that point. Adding Tabitha's eye catching size to the mix all but ensured at least one person glanced their way a bit longer than necessary when they were out.

Although looking at the unlikely yet adorable pairing it was easy to see why they might draw attention simply by being together. Both were wearing simple but cute sun dressed that fit and suited them perfectly but it was the subtle differences in style as well as the dramatic differences in height that visually separated them. In Tabitha's case it was shoulder baring red affair speckled with white, pale blue, and crimson dots. A considerably amount of her finely muscled cocoa skin was laid bare by her choice in clothing, particularly her long supple legs all the way up to the mid thigh and her equally muscular arms until the point where her bicep was covered by the straps. Only the barest hint of cleavage was visible while the rest of her ample bosom lay hidden beneath he fabric much like her wide, shapely hips and toned buttocks covered by the loose flowing hem of her dress..For once her dark black hair was left to fall freely about her face, it's short length framing her deceptively soft features and giving a certain cuteness to her already sexy button nose and full, pouty lips. Her large brown eyes looked equally striking even in the absence of any sort of makeup. Being over six feet tall and built like a swimmer meant she'd have stood out even if she wasn't one of the only Middle Eastern people in Blue Valley. Luckily her fellow cheerleader and girlfriend also happened to be quite the attention getter without even trying.

Sitting more than a foot shorter than her companion Rebecca was just as eye catching her white sundress. Reaching almost to her knees yet a lot tighter around her petite body it was paradoxically more and less sexual than Tabitha's. The straps along her shoulders were thicker while the pristine ivory color contrasted better with her tanned skin. It also made the raven color of her long hair pop, especially where it fell down her back and covered the dress in the process. Everything about her diminutive form exuded an air of peppy cuteness that inadvertently screamed for attention. Many of her small but prominent curves were visible in the dress, her perky little breasts and small but juicy bubble butt in particular standing out despite her clothes, although her most noticeable attribute was carefully tucked away. Her hazel eyes had only a light dusting of mascara beneath them and the rest of her soft fact was untouched by anything else. She didn't need to rely on anything but the natural beauty of her strong nose and full, always smiling lips. Those long black tresses cascading down her shoulders were even tucked behind her ears to further ensure her distinctively Asian features were noticeable.

“I can't believe how much you're eating.” Tabitha laughed. “Is that your third or fourth hotdog?”

“Fourth. Not that you're counting.” Rebecca grinned, daintily wiping her mouth with a napkin.

“I would never.”

“Uh huh! Sorry we can't all eat kale and rabbit food like you!”

'Of course not. It takes self control to be a vegetarian.”

“And plenty of self loathing. Don't forget about that.”

Rolling her eyes and taking a bite of her veggie burger Tabitha noticed her mother looking their way with an inquisitive stare. She quickly gave a thumbs up and nodded. Rebecca noticed the exchange and turned around to look at her girlfriend's mom. When she looked back Tabby had swallowed her bite and set the burger down to drain her lemonade.

“She's getting a lot better at making vegetarian stuff.” Tabitha remarked.

“It's still not good is it?”

“Not at all. But I don't wanna complain when she's been so nice. My dad just shakes his head and sighs whenever he looks at my plate during dinner.”

“That's awesome.” Rebecca laughed, “He didn't have that much of a reaction when you told him we were dating!”

“Nope. I believe his exact words were 'well that makes sense'.”

“It kinda does though.”


There was a short pause as they smiled at one another. It was quickly 'ruined' by Rebecca going back to a joke she'd been making for a while now, “At least you didn't give up ALL kinds of meat . . .”

Laughing at the irreversibly ruined moment Tabitha shook her head and stated, “No it seems I couldn't give up the occasional Vienna sausage.”

“Vienna sausage?” Rebecca scoffed, “Maybe for a giant like you!”

“You want me to put you in a headlock again? Cause I'll do it if you keep going with that 'giant' stuff.”

“We both know where it'll end up if you do. So yeah come to think of it, I'd love that!”

“Of course you would.” Tabitha smirked, “Why wouldn't you be turned on surrounded by our families and friends.”

“Hey don't make me out to be a weirdo!”

“You're definitely a weirdo.”

Acting offended for all of a second Rebecca shrugged and said, “Yeah I am. But what does that make you huh? You're dating me after all.”

“Weirdo adjacent.”

“You came up with that awfully quick.”

“I might have thought about it before . . .”

“Oh yeah? What else have you thought about?”

Hearing the huskier tone of her girlfriend's voice made goosebumps erupt all across Tabitha's skin, “Nothing that should be mentioned in polite company.”

“Mmm . . . let's go inside and find some rude company.” Rebecca murmured.

“I'm right behind you.”

Well versed in how to sneak off from a social function Rebecca was the first to rise and stroll into the house with Tabitha following behind her a minute or two later. They made a little show of separately throwing away their trash and heading towards different parts of the two story house to use the restrooms. Nobody even thought twice when Tabby emerged from the downstairs bathroom a few minutes later and headed to the second floor where Becca had disappeared earlier. Once the two of them were comfortably tucked away inside Rebecca's room and the door was locked their fun could really begin. Thanks to the noise outside they could even be a little louder than usual which was a welcome change of pace from all the nights spent having sex in almost total silence with their hands covering one another's mouths. They were already enjoying that newfound freedom with a bout of enthusiastic giggles and kissing. From just about the moment the door was shut they were passionately making out with Rebecca slowly pushing her girlfriend towards the bed as they did so. Like always Tabitha let herself be guided, her mind already filling with anticipatory thoughts of what was to come. 

At the side of the bed they stopped with Becca pulling back and biting her lip, “Do you remember those lists we made of stuff we would and wouldn't do?”

“Of course, I had to shred mine to keep my brother and parents from finding it.” 

“Me too! You remember what was on it though right?” 


“Well I was thinking maybe we could give number five a try today. If you want to.”

Tabitha's nervously swallowed and looked down at her feet, “I-I'm not so sure . . .”

“We don't have to do all of it!” Rebecca quickly added, “We can just try a little bit and if you don't like it we'll stop.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course sweetheart! I never want to make you uncomfortable!”

“Unless we're at a dinner party and you thought of a sex joke.”

“Well everything has an exception.”

They shared another laugh that slowly faded away when their eyes met again. The ever pragmatic Tabitha took the chance to speak up before they really lost their self control, “We should take off our dresses. In case things get messy.”

“Yeah . . . 'in case'!”

With identical smiled both women removed their sun dresses and set them as far away from the bed as they possibly could. Tabitha was about to remove her panties when Rebecca stopped her with a playful giggle. Kneeling down behind her partner and licking her lips Becca slid her hands up Tabby's legs until her fingers had glided beneath the relatively plain, light red underwear covering her goal. She pulled them down as slowly as she could while her used the opportunity to bend over and flatten her hands against the bed. Her legs cheekily widened as her underwear finally slid past her toned buttocks, the giving her companion a better view of everything while at the same time making her panty removal efforts that much more difficult. Seemingly undeterred Rebecca pulled her lover's panties down a few more inches while burying her face between the luscious pair of cheeks just waiting for her. She dragged her tongue across the tight little hole she'd fantasized about for months as Tabitha shuddered and moaned. Once her girlfriend's underwear was appropriately out of the way Becca's hands jumped to the real focus of their foreplay. Tabby let out a small laugh when two petite but incredibly strong hands were brought down with an echoing smack against her ass. Her reaction rather swiftly turned into a moan when her buttocks were spread apart and she felt Rebecca's tongue earnestly lick her asshole for the first time. After a few seconds she could say with complete confidence it wouldn't be the last.

After a few seconds Tabitha started pushing back against the unique and delightful pleasure assaulting her. She reveled in how alien her girlfriend's experienced tongue felt sliding across an entirely different hole. Of course any time Rebecca ventured lower to lick the outer edges of Tabby's slit as well both of them enjoyed the vastly more familiar sensation they'd both come to enjoy. Although no matter how far she might wander her focus was always the tight little hole hidden between a pair of soft but firm ass cheeks. Becca never left it for more than a second and when she was working that juicy asshole she gave it everything she had. Such was her eagerness that more than once when she was caught in the middle of particularly strong tremor Tabitha was almost pushed off her feet right onto the bed by the forcefulness of her partner. When she started dipping her tongue inside her lover's ass Rebecca actually started moaning louder than Tabby. She stretched that tight little opening to what she assumed were the  limits it could go and ran her tongue along every centimeter of inner wall she was able to reach. Sloppy and enthusiastic slurps echoed throughout the room and even into the hallway beyond. Content as they were in their solitude neither of them cared much for how loud they were being.

When Rebecca pulled away to stare at the spit covered mess that was Tabitha's asshole she couldn't help but laugh and said “I think you're ready!”

“Mmmm should I return the favor?” Tabitha asked, “Or do you want to take my anal virginity too?”

As silly as it felt to say there was no denying the effect talking about her 'anal virginity' had on Rebecca. Her cock practically jumped at the chance and precum dripped from the tip in impressive quantities, “I don't think I can wait any longer!”

“Me neither!”

“Good!” Before she did anything else Becca paused just long enough say, “If it starts to hurt tell me and we can stop!”

“Don't worry, I'll be fine.”

Not entirely convinced but too horny to argue Rebecca nodded and sat down on her bed. She laid down across her soft sheets and held her cock upright for Tabitha to mount at her leisure. It was the only way she could think of to ensure her girlfriend had all the control and could truly stop the moment she wanted to. Tabby eyed the precum soaked, gently throbbing member she was about to ride with open hunger. The urge to wrap her lips around it was tremendous. But sadly her ass was already lubricated by her lover's spit so she didn't even have that as an excuse. In the end her eagerness to surprise Rebecca outweighed her love of oral sex and Tabitha climbed onto the bed. Straddling her petite companion and rubbing her ass against the pulsing dick waiting to get inside her Tabby grinned down at her friend. It was beyond difficult to keep the charade going this close to the big reveal yet she managed to retain enough composure to merely look overly eager. Which was certainly an easy enough feat considering how much both of them loved having sex with one another. Hardly a day had gone by in the several months they'd been together without some form of naughty and often secret get together. They'd spent more time looking at each other's sweating, orgasm wracked faces than they had studying for most tests and it was finally time to remove the last barrier in their love life. Tabitha lifted herself up until she was perched right above her lover's cock.

“Go slow . . .” Rebecca encouraged, 'you don't have to—”

Whatever else she was going to say disappeared into a powerful moan as Tabitha slammed herself down on that delicious shaft like she was trying to hammer a nail with her ass. All ten inches of dick slid effortlessly into her asshole in one sudden movement and before either of them knew what was going on she was balls deep inside her girlfriend's hole. For several uninterrupted seconds both of them trembled and moaned as the pleasures of what had just transpired assaulted their every sense. Becca didn't even notice the little squirt of clear juices that erupted from her lover's pussy the moment their bodies impacted against one another. Tabby shivered as she enjoyed the feeling of a real cock inside her ass after fantasizing about it for ages. It was everything she expected and more, the fiery warmth of her lover's member throbbing madly against her inner walls with enough force for the echoes to be felt inside her pussy as well. Rebecca was overcome by similar feelings tinged with an extra helping of surprise. She could scarcely believe what'd just happened at were it not for the familiar sensation of a virgin hole wrapped around her cock she might not have believed it all. Her hands moved to Tabitha's hips on instinct while the rest of her lay relatively motionless, save her twitching shaft, and her mind struggled to rationalize what was going on. In any other situation they'd both be moving as fast and hard as they possibly could while breathless whimpers filled the air.

“L-like that?” Tabitha asked with an impish grin.

“What the—how did—you've been practicing!” Rebecca gasped.

“Since the day we made those lists. I'll show you the toys I've been using next time you're at my house.”

“Toys?” Becca's dick throbbed harder than ever inside the warm, tight confines of Tabby's ass. “You were hiding new toys from me?”

“Well I had to if I wanted—” 

Suddenly it was Tabitha's turn to be interrupted, her words melting into a throat shattering moan as Rebecca started thrusting with the speed and ferocity of a jackhammer. Only able to move a few inches in either direction her hips ricocheted between Tabitha's body and the remarkably springy bed to great and overwhelming effect. The knowledge that she didn't need to hold back had taken over Becca's mind so completely her face was a mask of concentration while she pounded away at her girlfriend's wonderful hole. Tabby let out a long, stuttering squeal as her newly penetrated ass was mercilessly fucked in a manner she'd only fantasized about. And as was often proving to the be the case her fantasies paled in comparison to the real real. The sheer amount of fluids seeping from her pussy was enough to make it noteworthy even before she properly registered the sensations dancing up and down her spine. In a few seconds her friend's stomach was absolutely coated in thin, pungent layer of pussy juice and there was no telling how much more would trickle out in the coming minutes. Unable to remain upright in the face of such an onslaught she slumped forward, inadvertently smothering her prone lover with her tits in the process. No matter how focused she was there were few things Rebecca enjoyed more than a faceful of smooth, tanned breasts. Without a thought her lips closed around one of the pert nipples practically offered to her and she started sucking away. All while continued to slam upwards as though she were trying to break her partner's ass by sheer speed alone. Considering how utterly overwhelmed Tabitha felt by it all, the stimulation to her nipples serving as a perfect garnish to the main course of wild anal sex, odds were good Becca would succeed. 

They remained locked in that position for longer than either woman could comprehend, Tabitha's fingers curled into fists against the bed sheets and Rebecca's hands latched onto her companion's waist as if they'd been glued. Both of their bodies writhing and shuddering amidst a constant ebb and flow of perpetually rising ecstasy. Their eyes were shut tight and their mouths hung open as those few, wonderful minutes of pleasure became their entire world. At some point in the middle of her endless bliss Tabby pulled away from her lover and leaned backwards, one hand flattening against the bed between Becca's legs. This provided her the perfect chance to not only start moving in similar small but deliberate movements against the cock so efficiently buried in her ass but also the ability to play with her sticky and ignored pussy at the same time. She stared up at the ceiling with a delirious smile as her fingers touched the gooey outer lips of her slit and pushed deeper between them into her pink inner folds. It was hard to think of the last time she'd been so wet. Though in fairness it was rather hard for her to think at all. Though she badly wanted to shove a finger or two inside her cunt and massage the g-spot her lover had taken great pleasure in discovering for them both Tabitha decided on a slightly different but no less amazing course of action. Pressing two digits against the swollen bud at the crest of her pussy Tabby moved them as fast as her trembling arm would allow. Juices gushed out of her slit and onto Rebecca's stomach in greater quantities than every before as both of them hurtled towards the edge of something vast and terrifyingly wonderful. In less than a minute they were ready to take the plunge and sink into another burst of untold carnal satisfaction.

“Oh God!” Tabitha whined, “Oh God, oh God, oh Gooooooood!”

Rubbing her clit as fast as she possibly could while Rebecca pounded away at her asshole Tabby fell right over the edge of that cliff into the kind of orgasm only her incredibly experienced girlfriend could provide. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her hips bucked so hard the box springs beneath them squealed in protest. At the last possible second she buried two fingers knuckle deep inside her pussy and cried out one final time before her voice failed her. Becca closed her eyes and opened her mouth as a fountain of clear, sweet smelling juices sprayed from her lover's cunt in a graceful arc. It was a pity she couldn't watch her girlfriend's body seize up and all her muscles tighten and relax in waves but it was a small price to pay for tasting the fruits of their labors. The initial jet launched well past her lover's face and splashed messily on the floor in the far side of the room. Tabby's fingers repeatedly slid out of and back into her slit as each new eruption arrived, both guiding it and ensuring it would be as messy as possible in the process. Each subsequent squirt traveled a bit less until they were streaking across Rebecca's prone form like a sticky, delicious shower. What little she managed to catch in her mouth was absolutely delicious and the rest felt amazing on her bare skin. As it always did. The almost insane amount of pressure from her contracting inner walls was a perfect accompaniment to the inherent pleasure of being covered in her companion's pussy juice. So much so wasn't even able to last through the whole of Tabitha's orgasm before reaching one of her own.

Since there was no fear of pregnancy Rebecca didn't even try to say anything as her cock stiffened and her body reflexively pushed the entire length into Tabitha's tight ass. Suddenly it was time for her to go completely rigid for a moment as cum exploded from her dick. Both of them groaned loud enough to rattle the window panes as Tabby's inner walls were basted in cum and one last jet of delicious fluids erupted out of her as the feeling hit her brain. Every new load was accompanied by a toe curling rush of ecstasy for both of them and before long it managed to eclipse just about everything else. They lost themselves in the ensuing rush of pleasure as Becca was overcome by the thrill of taking her girlfriend's anal virginity in every way possible while Tabitha savored the feel of fresh, real cum flooding yet another part of her body. Rebecca's climax didn't last more than fifteen seconds but in that short amount of time both women were drained so utterly and completely it was a miracle they remained conscious when everything was said and done. It certainly wouldn't have been the first time they passed out naked and satisfied in each other's arms. On occasion such a pleasure was even shared with other members of the cheerleading team!

They managed to remain connected for another minute or so before Tabitha finally slid off her companion's dick. She collapsed on the bed, inadvertently lying on her side and giving Rebecca primed view of her cum filled ass as it leaked jizz onto the sheets. Her hole was just tight enough to mostly return to normal but that little gape that remained was made all the better because of that. The steady trickle of semen oozing from it and running down her smooth brown skin was such a fantastic contrast it belonged in an art gallery. Or at least that's what Rebecca's pleasure addled mind though as she stared with unabashed lust. Before long Tabitha noticed her girlfriend's stare and immediately guessed what was going through her head. Just to be a tease she grabbed her ass cheek and spread it a little wider to give Becca a proper look at the mess that'd been made. Particularly the gooey, sopping state of her mostly neglected pussy.

“You wanna go down on me again don't you/”

“Uh huh . . .”

'Do you think we have time?”

“I'm not sure. I wanna say yes but . . .”

“We may have to save that for next time.”

“Yeah . . . can I have a little taste though?”

“Of your own cum? I think we both know where that'll lead.” Although her tone was suggestive Tabitha still sat up and walked into the bathroom before anything else could happen, “And I;m pretty sure you know what your cum tastes like better than I do!”

“You make me sound like a pervert!” Rebecca laughed. Suddenly her girlfriend's incredulous face appeared in the doorway and Becca had to look away, “Shut up!”

They returned to the party some thirty minutes after vanishing into the house. Most of the guests barely noticed their absence and the ones that did had enough courtesy not to draw attention to it. The fact they smartly chose to rejoin the festivities separately a minute or two apart definitely helped avoid the usual crop of stares. Although the sweaty, breathless way each appeared rather undermined those efforts. Both women earned a knowing look from their parents as they returned the table they'd been sharing earlier. Particularly when they chose to sit beside one another. Tabitha draped an arm around her lover's shoulder while Rebecca slid one around her girlfriend's waist.  Still basking in their post coital bliss the two of them snuggled up against each other with unabashed sincerity. Both of them closed their eyes and enjoyed long, contented breaths. As the smaller of the two Becca was in the perfect position to move in nice and close while Tabby held her. It was a pleasant and altogether wonderful way to spend their time so soon after having sex and the presence of so many people around them did little to diminish it. At least until the high started to fade and the sounds of the barbecue returned in full force.

“How many of them know?” Rebecca wondered.

“Probably a dozen or so. Our parents definitely know.” Tabitha mused.

“Yeah well after your mom caught us in the act that one time I just assume they always know.”

“That's probably a safe bet. Without her my dad would never pick up on that sort of thing.”

“Mmmm . . . mine would totally know about it. I think my mom likes to pretend it doesn't happen.”


“I'm not sure. As long as she doesn't get too weird about it who cares?”

“Good point.”

Another comfortable silence stretched between them as their eyes slowly opened and they looked at the party around them, “Crystal called me last night. Did I tell you that?”

“Yeah but you didn't say what she wanted.”

“Apparently she's feeling lonely and wants me to cheer her up.”

“Well that should be fun. Are you sure you can manage it? Crystal's kind of a handful and we've been 'cheering each other up' a lot lately.”

“Pfft! Who do you think you're talking to?!” Rebecca exclaimed, pulling back enough to look at her companion.

Tabitha smiled at her lover's expression and asked, “Do you want me to help you?”

“That'd be great. Thanks.”

“Sure thing! Do you wanna get something to eat afterwards.”

“Yeah I think we'll need to. Do we invite Crystal?”

“Why not? We can have a proper date afterwards. Plus she always ends up paying when we go out.”

“I know.” Rebecca said in a disapproving voice.

“One of these days I'll teach you how to enjoy gifts.” Tabitha chuckled.

“Well until then I'm gonna keep being bothered by it if it's all the same to you.”

“Oh I have no doubt about that.”

Both of them laughed and looked at one another for a moment. Their casual glance intensified into a stare until they were leaning in for a tender kiss. Nothing like the sloppy making out they were doing only a few minutes ago their embrace was as soft and loving as it could be. Once again any thoughts about the rest of the world slipped away and they lost themselves in each other. Their hands caressed one another's cheeks and their bodies pressed even more tightly together. The fuzziness that'd just started to recede came back with a vengeance as little ripples of the pleasure they'd left inside the house flickered through their extremities. If only for a few brief seconds. When they pulled apart it was with more than a few eyes suddenly watching them. For whatever reason nobody paid much attention when they were hungrily kissing like it was their last chance ever. But any time they shared an undeniably intimate and sensual moment people couldn't help but look. Luckily both of them were well acquainted with that reaction by that point. 

“Do you want some more rabbit food?” Rebecca asked.

“Yes please,” Tabitha smirked, “I'll get it with you though.”

“Good idea. I wouldn't know what to grab.”

“I know.”

As they rose from the table Rebecca took the opportunity to stretch and it was only as her sun dress slid dangerously high up her thighs that she realized something, “I forgot my panties.” She muttered.

Tabitha clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her immediate laugh, “You'd better go get them!”

“Well duh! I just gotta remember where they are.”

“Do you want me to look with you?” She shook her head at the saucy look Rebecca gave her and quickly followed up with, “And nothing else.”

“Yeah that'd be great.” Becca said with a pout, “We'll grab food on the way.”

“I'm sure that won't look strange.”

“If you're worried about that you're dating the wrong cheerleader!”

“Don't I know it.” Tabitha said in a loving tone.


Sophia Dearden

A great story. The chemistry between these two is really organic and sweet. I get the warm fuzzies whenever I read any of their stories.


I definitely get a similar feeling when writing their dialogue. Along with any of the Sweet characters they're some of the few I could write an entire story of dialogue about.