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I'm quite liking the amount of Harry Potter themed smut I've been commissioned to write over the last year. Out of all the things I love it's probably the one I'm most familiar by this point. Creating all this smut definitely keeps that knowledge sharp lol

Sheets of rain pounded the greenhouse windows and thunder boomed from the clouds overhead while the everyone settled into their seats for another Herbology class. Professor Sprout was already standing in front of the class, her wand pointed at the board. A plant none of the students had ever seen was resting beside her. It looked remarkably like a Venomous Tentacula but far more slimy. Not to mention noticeably thicker around the tendrils. It also seemed to be more docile overall than it's rather irritating look alike. But without a doubt it's most noteworthy feature was their teacher's insistence that every female in the class sit in the back rows. 'As far from the plant as possible' had been her statement verbatim. Of courser Hermione took considerable issue with being unable to sit as close to the board as she possibly could. Harry and Ron were far less bothered by it and definitely happy for the seat change any time they looked at their visibly frustrated, bushy brown haired companion. Yet none of that might not have mattered if some thirty seconds into the lesson Sprout hadn't stepped out for a moment to talk to the Headmaster for a moment, leaving everyone in suspense about their new subject of study for however long she might be gone.

For a minute or so after the Professor left Hermione remained silent, her irritation slowly growing until she finally exclaimed, “I can't see a thing back here! How does she expect me to take notes!”

“You can copy mine.” Ron offered.

“Honestly Ron!” She huffed upon seeing his blank parchment, “I don't know how you expect to pass this class!”

Both he and Harry shrugged, “One class won't kill our grade!” the latter remarked.

“You may not care about that sort of thing but I do!”

Slamming her books down on the desk Hermione rose from her stool and marched towards the front of the class, “Hermione wait!” Harry called out.

“Moving up one row won't kill me!”

“I don't think that's—Hermione stop!” Ron shouted.

“Oh what do—”

They'd never know where the rest of her admonishment was going as the moment she stepped past the second row all the tendrils launched towards her. They moved so fast the most anyone could do was jump in surprise. Hermione herself only managed to tense before they were coiled around her ankles and wrists. She struggled admirably against the restraints but was effortlessly pulled closer to the main stem of the magical plant. Her limbs were pulled apart like the it was trying to study her anatomy, both arms were lifted parallel to her shoulders and her legs were moved into a wide stance. Brought within a few centimeters of the amorous flora she could only think about why her fascination with that kind of plant had led her to that point while the tentacles snaked up her legs and into her sleeves. The rest of the class watched with a mixture of horror and anticipation. None of them knew what to do but they'd learned enough over the years to know the wrong thing might end up killing her. Hermione gasped and struggled harder than ever when she felt them creep purposefully towards her more private areas like eager little hands.

She was hit by a sudden wave of arousal the moment two of the tendrils slid beneath her bra to curl around her perky tits. “The slime!” She thought, “Something's happening because of the slime!”

With her back to the class and a mane of wavy brown hair to hide behind the undeniable arousal creeping over her features was easy enough to hide from her peers. For the moment at least. When the tips of those probing appendages found her pert nipples and started squeezing them with the safe calculated pressed afforded to the rest of her tits it was hard for her not to cry out. Already a sense of contentment and even eagerness was beginning to cloud her mind. She'd already started off more than susceptible thanks to a long held interest in magical, tentacled plants. Ever since her run in with the Venemous Tentacula in first year she was always quietly aroused by and perpetually interested in anything similar. Now that she was suddenly being granted a long time fantasy it was hard not to feel at least a little bit of sexual thrill not inspired by the hormones being absorbed her skin. Her back arched just enough to push her trembling breasts forward and push her ass out a little bit towards the class. The black robes draped around her body hid most of what was going on but even the most dense members of class were starting to notice the effects her restraints were having on her. It was made more clear than ever when the tentacles wrapped around her legs finally reached her hips then slithered into her panties like it was nothing.

The fabric was stretched away from her milky skin as one of the tendrils reared back like it was admiring the sumptuous pussy before it. A thick tuft of curly brown hair above her sex acting like a guide down to the pink hood beneath which her clit was beginning to stir. Her pale outer lips already starting to glisten with arousal and spread apart to reveal the pink flesh beneath. And the her tight little hole still hidden by her lips from which most of the juices were flowing. After a second or two the tip of the tentacle suddenly opened like a strange mouth and from within emerged another, more tongue like appendage. When it moved towards her bare cunt the tongue was the first to connect with her trembling flesh. It pressed against her slightly aroused clit and moved in a manner not unlike how a human might attend a woman's clitoris. Not that Hermione would have any idea what that was like. In her world the closest she'd ever come to such a thing was reading some special ordered books. To her it just felt like the tendril was flicking her sensitive bud and an extra helping of pleasure arced through her body as a result. Which was in short, completely amazing. It caused her the first really audible moan to slip from her lips. Many of her classmates started whispering to one another while their faces went crimson. The boys shifted nervously in their seats while the girls leaned in a litle closer as if they'd get a better look. Harry and Ron glanced at one another with confused expressions before standing up and tentatively stepping a row or two closer.

Hermione probably would have instinctively called out to them if she'd looked back to see their approach but caught as she was by a rising ebb and flow of pleasure it was hard for her to think about anything but herself. Or the plant currently responsible for everything. It's tongue eventually left her clit and moved down to the very bottom of her pussy. From there it started licking the entirety of her cunt with long, luxurious movements. Just big enough to cover her plump slid with every pass it could effortlessly lap up the juices seeping out and still reach her clit with enough speed to leave her barely able to notice the shift. In a negative fashion. Not long after that started the twin appendages at her breasts began moving in unison with the one between her thighs. They groped and squeezed her breasts in a way that left almost every part of her tits affected all at the same time. Such was the pleasure of that added stimulation her teenage hormones were thrown even more out of whack. The first time her nipples were give a good pinch following the start of the plant's tongue dance little beads of white liquid formed across her areola. They were quickly enlarged by another gentle squeeze and then sent squirting outwards with remarkable force when the tendrils tightened more than ever. And while Hermione didn't really feel her lactating breasts she absolutely felt the pleasure resulting from being milked like a cow.

“Oh my!” Hermione gasped.

As the first proper words she'd spoken since being grabbed that simple phrase left most of the class just as perplexed as ever. The more savvy among the students knew exactly what was going on and pretty much all of them were a little turned on by the show. Even if they didn't know why. Hermione's quivering body and the constant movement of the tendrils had an indescribably erotic look to it despite none of them seeing beneath her robes. If they had known what was happening any thoughts of saving her would've vanished immediately. Except maybe Ron and Harry. That one, skillful 'tongue' hadn't slowed it's attack on her pussy for single moment. It actually seemed to be increasing the wetter she grew and the harder she tried to stifle her own pleasure. As if the thing knew what it was doing and what she was trying to avoid. Gliding along the outer folds of her cunt and covertly seeping deeper as it traveled higher the tendril would reach the crest of her slit and knowingly flick her swollen clit just hard enough to make her whole body spasm. Hermione would whimper softly through her teeth and a fresh coating of juices would seep from her sex only to be eagerly lapped up again an instant later. And all of that was happening in conjunction with the ever expanding and contracting tentacles groping her tits and smearing their aphrodisiac excretions into her soft, pillowy mounds.

She was so overtaken with and enamored by the sensations assaulting her virgin body she didn't properly realize how much it was all starting to build up inside her. Not really one for masturbation she had little to no experience with the kind of pleasure hitting almost all her senses. All Hermione could really be sure of was a growing pressure of sorts starting to bear down on her like a shroud. It echoed out from her constantly licked pussy and stretched to the tips of every extremity. The steady bursts arriving from her tits ensured a powerful underlying current that made the much sharper peaks and valleys of her unexpected cunnilingus feel all that more powerful. Try as she might there was no way to stop her hips from weakly grinding against the 'tongue' eternally sliding along her cunt. The other students could see her movements and on occasion when she threw her head back the glassy eyed, vacant look of a woman about to cum plastered across her face. Those with any kind of sexual experience knew it wouldn't be much longer and those without could at least smell the pungent juices dripping from her slit and soaking the front of her robes. They might not have been able to see the massive stain spreading from her groin all the way down to the hem or the smaller pinpoints resulting from her lactating breasts but the resulting cocktail of aromas overshadowed everything else in the greenhouse.

When the time finally came for all those waves cascading inside her to finally be released the peak arrived not with an explosion but rather a whimper. Her entire body went rigid as if she'd been cursed, a look of confused ecstasy overtaking her face. A maelstrom of pleasure like she'd never imagined swirled through her body. It felt like every nerve was on fire and every part of her brain was submerged in firewhiskey. A sudden rush of fluids gushed from her slit to splash all over the tendril responsible for her newfound sexual experience. Her inner walls tightened and relaxed in rapid succession, each quiver sending a hearty amount of pussy juice squirting from her slit. Yet rather than be drowned by the torrent or simply ignoring it the tendril's little mouth opened even wider and it's 'lips' closed around her entrance with remarkable speed. Any further jets of sweet smelling arousal were promptly gulped down by the plant like food from some perverse watering can. Of course the added attention directly to her still virginal hole just made Hermione shake more than ever. It's tongue continued to move even after it honed in on her vagina, gently swirling around her hole and guiding her juices into it's mouth with notable skill. Somehow she managed to keep her voice in check throughout her full body climax, if only because that part of her body simply couldn't function with everything else so far out of her control. For something like twenty seconds her entire world began and ended with her pussy and the slick appendage all but glued to it. Once it all started to fade it did so at a speed that left her almost perplexed. The four tentacles pressed against her body slackened considerably and the tongue that had once been so furiously pleasuring her cunt stopped all but completely. Evidently making her cum had been it's primary goal and with that satisfied it was finished for a time.

The tendrils gradually retreated and Hermione was left to stand on her own two feet. She managed to turn towards the class, revealing the sticky mess that was her front half, before sinking to the floor in a sodden heap. What little juices had escaped the appetite of her lover soaked into her already ruined robes as her limbs continued to twitch and shake of their own accord. Had it not been for her spasmodic, post orgasm tremors the slack jawed stillness of her face would've made her look almost dead. Harry and Ron rushed to her side, the latter cradling lifting her head off the ground while the former checked to make sure she was still breathing. Her eyes fluttered open for a moment but closed just as quickly again. Much of the class moved in closer to see for themselves what had happened. Or rather the aftermath of it. Somebody might have broken the prolonged, uncertain silence themselves if their returning Professor hadn't done it for them.

“Apologies class, I didn't expect . . . to have a . . . did something happen while I was away?” Sprout asked.

Everyone except Hermione looked at the teacher, Harry managing to respond, “Nothing worth mentioning Professor.”

She looked at the assembled students and Hermione's near comatose state, “She didn't stay in the back did she?” Ron and Harry shook their heads, “Damn. Well take her up to Madame Pompfrey then. She's going to need bed rest and food after an orgasm like that.”

“Orgasm?” Several of the students murmured.

“Oh yes. She's had a big one by the looks of it. And before you lot go having any funny ideas you should know that Miss Granger's lucky to be alive. Stronger women than her have died from this thing.” As she tapped the pot holding the plant it shifted slightly and all the women flinched back. “What're you waiting for? Get going you two!”

Yes Professor!” harry and Ron stammered. They lifted Hermione between them and carried her out of the greenhouses, “I am never going to stop reminding her about this.” Ron muttered. “The next time she gets it in her head to criticize me I'll bring this up.”

“Yeah that'll keep her from biting your head off.” Harry grinned.


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