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And here we have the sequel to my finally released Disney/Dreamworks crossover story! I didn't bother checking the word count for the first one but considering it's length it might be safe to safe both chapters are gonna be up there for my longest stories to date. Pretty soon I'll be breaking that ten thousand cap lol. Anywho, enjoy the steamy foursome fun!

Glittering shards of ice exploded out of the snow as Elsa attempted to fend off the black, winged creatures pursuing her. One was battered by a conjured spire and plummeted out of the air. The rest darted more erratically than ever through the air to avoid her attacks. They hurled inky black globs of something in her direction. Wherever the viscous fluids landed the snow sizzled and melted away while the substance bubbled menacingly. Whatever flecks splashed across her dress burned away the glossy blue fabric and burned her skin. Letting out a startled cry Elsa turned away from them and ran harder than ever into the frigid wilderness. Her tattered dress and cloak trailed behind her in the ever rising snow as her continued distress whipped the encroaching storm into an ever greater frenzy. She'd been fleeing for almost a day since being ambushed in the courtyard of her home in Arendelle. Exhaustion was beginning to set in and it was only the thought of her sister and people being put into danger once more by her powers that kept her legs moving. But she couldn't go on forever and sooner or later her body would give out completely. Regardless of how many of the beasts were still pursuing her. If she didn't do something to get rid of the lot of them once and for all she was as good as dead.

She scrambled to the top of a small hill and before she could find her bearings another blob of gooey black spit hit the ground mere inches behind her. Flinching away from the stinging attack Elsa tumbled down the other side faster than she could have ever run. With no other option she covered her face and head as best she could while snow crunched beneath her and the wind howled all around. Coming to a stop more than thirty feet away she returned to her feet in a daze. After stumbling a few more feet and sinking to her knees in snow bank she looked up at the sky in despair. The creatures were circling her like birds of prey ready to swoop in at any moment. If they didn't kill her they'd almost certainly drag her off somewhere else to do it. Likely some foul next or cave. As she stared out across the icy tundra that stretched all the way to the sea Elsa could find no reprieve from her circumstances. In every possible way her prospects seemed hopeless but she wasn't going to let herself become a prisoner or a meal. With a final, climactic cry she unleashed every ounce of power still left inside her body. Great shards of ice erupted from the earth all around her, spearing the creatures foolish enough to remain and knocked the rest aside like toys. She slumped against the snow and watched the ice close around her like a cocoon. Her vision went dark and the world faded away.

Only a short distance away, for a dragon at least, a black shadow darted across the sky. It's rider was bent low in his saddle as the wind whipped his long brown hair beneath his helmet. Ever since Astrid was kidnapped and he'd rescued both her and Merida Hiccup had been patrolling an increasingly wider area around Berk. Though he still kept a map of where he went and what was discovered there his real goal was learning more about the name “Maleficent” and saving anyone else who might be imperiled by this mysterious entity. He was just about to turn back for the nearest safe haven before the sun dipped too low when Toothless let out a snarl. He looked east towards the horizon where the faintest edges of land could be seen. Confident in his partner's intuition Hiccup guided them in that direction without delay. They flew for nearly ten minutes without incident as the land gradually spread out before them. Then, just as they were nearing the actual cliffs formed by the frozen expanse a looming tower of ice appeared out of the falling snow. Reminded of the damage inflicted by an Alpha dragon upon seeing the unnatural pillars Hiccup quickly steered Toothless towards the outcropping. Perhaps he might be able to find traces of another to replace the one killed in the fighting with Drago.

The pair of them landed a short distance from the  peculiar landmark, Hiccup wading through the snow to reach it while Toothless bounded over. Upon closer inspection it was clear whatever had left the spire wasn't an Alpha like he'd hoped. The coloration was just a few shades too light and natural looking to be dragon made. Or at least made by any dragons he was familiar with. But such a realization only heightened his curiosity. Continuing to examine as much of the formation as he could Hiccup almost didn't notice his companion scratching and clawing at a particular point. It wasn't until a he was showered in tiny fragments from a particularly mighty swipe that he realized what Toothless was trying to do.

“Is something in there bud?” He asked. 

An immediate not from his dragon answered his question and he drew his sword. Setting it alight and sliding the blade into the freshly made cracks the ice around quickly began to melt. The more space he was given the further in he pushed his weapon. Just as the hilt was nearing the edges and he feared it might be too deep to melt through something on the other side gave way. He took off his helmet and smiled at his friend, wriggling the flaming blade back and forth to try and widen the gap. It was still too narrow to see inside but given the amount of leeway he was finding there had to be a few inch gap at least. Sidling up beside his rider Toothless started pulling away chunks around the spreading hole.

Inside the protective barrier Elsa was beginning to stir. The sounds of cracking ice and hissing water sent a surge of adrenaline through her body. Though still weakened she couldn't lie there and do nothing while those monsters broke through. She sat up and scrambled away from the puncture forming before her, flattening her back against the wall. Snowflakes swirled around her shaking hands as she pointed them towards the intruders. The moment that gap was wide enough she would blast away whatever was on the other side. Piece after piece was torn away and the fiery metal object at the center continued to shift. It finally retreated once an opening large enough for a human to crawl through had been cut. For a moment all Elsa saw was the orange glow of a setting sun. Then suddenly a black face with wide, yellow eyes filled her view. Crying out in surprised she flung a barrage of icicles at the creature. It darted out of the way and a human sounding shout pierced the dying winds.

“Whoa!” Hiccup exclaimed as shards of ice exploded out of the hole, “What'd you do?!” Toothless glared at him from the other side of the opening, “If somebody's in there we're not here to hurt you!”

“Tell that to the monster I just saw!” A feminine voice shouted back.

“He's not a monster, he's my dragon!”

“Dragon's don't exist!”

Hiccup looked at Toothless in confusion, both of them taken aback by her words, “Uhm, I'm pretty sure they do. I flew here on one! His name is Toothless! And I'm Hiccup!”

“Toothless and Hiccup?” Elsa muttered, “Those don't sound like very intimidating names!”

“Well they're—sorry bud they aren't! Like I said we're not here to hurt you. I didn't even know you were in there!”

Moving a bit closer to the gap to try and peer inside Hiccup was rebuked by another flurry of ice, “How do I know you're telling the truth?!”

“I'm not sure! I can prove I'm human if you promise not to blast my face off!”

Too weary to continue for much longer Elsa lowered her hands a few inches, then realized he couldn't see her, “All right! But try anything and you'll regret it!”

“I don't doubt it!”

Hiccup took a deep breath and moved in front of the hole, half expecting to throw himself aside as he was attacked once more. But true to her word the stranger didn't unleash another flurry and as soon as his eyes adjusted he was able to get a proper look at her. Though tousled and out of sorts her braided, platinum blonde hair remained astonishingly lustrous around her pale, face. A pair of wide, fearful blue eyes watched him like hawk above a petite nose and full pouty lips. The gossamer blue gown covering her body was visibly ripped in many places but nowhere that might betray her modesty. In some spots it even looked melted. Yet even with much of her form still covered it was clear she was pleasingly cruvy around her waist and just a bit plump in every area that would make a woman gorgeous. If she'd had on any shoes at one point they were long gone. Looking at her slender build and sparse clothing Hiccup was immediately struck by how cold she should be. Her sultry beauty coming in at a close second.

“Aren't you cold?” He asked.

Smiling a little Elsa replied, “It's never really bothered me.”

“Right . . . well do you want any help getting out of there?”

“What about your dragon?”

“Toothless isn't gonna hurt you. Isn't that right?” He turned to look at something she couldn't see and a strangely guttural sound echoed from nearby, “That means yes!”

Once more grinning despite her circumstances Elsa slowly nodded. There was something about his goofy nature and unusual voice that paired well with the admittedly handsome features of his face. He lacked the deceptive charm of someone like Hans and it put her remarkably at ease. She was still incredibly wary of the 'dragon' she'd been greeted by first. Even as she climbed out of the ice and into the open air her head was on a swivel looking for it. Upon spotting the leathery black creature prowling in the snow nearby she let out a small gasp and stepped away from it. Hiccup raised his hands to try and calm her obviously frayed nerves, moving between her and Toothless before anything could go amiss.

“It's all right,” He said in a low voice, “I promise he's not going to hurt you . . . ?”


“Right, I promise he's not going to hurt you Elsa. Right?”

Toothless stared inscrutably at them for a moment then reared back like a large cat and cracked a wide, gum filled smile. Elsa recoiled at first but when her mind caught up with what she was seeing she relaxed ever so slightly. He only bore  a passing resemblance to the beasts chasing her and not a single one of them hadn't possessed a of razor sharp fangs. She didn't stop watching him with a careful eye though, even after she nodded to Hiccup and asked probably the silliest question she could under the circumstances.

“Does he really not have any teeth?”

Seemingly more than happy to talk about his dragon Hiccup smiled  and approached Toothless, “No he's got plenty, they're just hidden.” On cue two rows of teeth emerged from his gums and Elsa stepped back, “But it doesn't matter! Where—uhm—where are you from?” 

“Arendelle, it's my kingdom . . .”

“Does that mean you're a queen?”

“In a sense yes. I share the title with my sister.”

“I see. I've never heard of Arendelle, is it far?”

“Certainly on foot.” Elsa smiled nervously at Toothless, “However I don't know how far it would be for a dragon.”

“Shouldn't be too bad then huh bud? Hiccup affectionately petted his friend before looking to Elsa, “Do you want us to take you back?”

She started to say yes but quickly cut herself off. There was no way to be sure those creatures wouldn't return with her. Even worse there was no way to know if they wouldn't come in even greater numbers than before. They might even decide not to settle with her and instead try to kidnap Anna or any number of other women. As badly as she wanted to go home there was no way she could risk putting anyone in danger on her account. Especially after the great lengths she'd gone through to protect them the first time.

“No. I can't go back yet.”

“Aaaaall right . . . Why?”

“The monsters chasing me might come back. I can't put my home in danger again.”

Hiccup nodded and folded his arms. “You can come back to Berk with me. If you want.”

“Oh . . .” She blushed a little at the offer, “No I couldn't ask you to put yourself and your people in danger for me!”

“Trust me Queen,” Hiccup said as he patted Toothless once more, “We're not the ones who'd be in danger.”

“If you insist. Thank you.”

“It's what I do. It won't take us more than a day to reach Berk.”

Nodding and steeling herself for the prospect of riding a thing she'd grown up believing was fictitious Elsa said, “Then let's get started!”

Following a considerable amount of coaxing and reassurance Elsa was strapped into the saddle in front of Hiccup and the three of them were off just as the sun vanished behind the horizon. They flew just far enough to return to a previously established camp site and hunkered down for the night. As tired as she was Elsa fell asleep almost immediately and Hiccup followed not soon after. They slept through what remained of the night and into the early morning hours. After a short breakfast and a bit more persuading they were off once more. Flying directly back to Berk was a straightforward, if monotonous trip that left them both quite a lot of time to talk. Or shout considering the wind. She explained her predicament to him and a few details about her home while he elaborated upon the unique nature of his home and his familiarity with the kind of creatures pursuing her. Luckily no such monsters appeared during their journey. They encountered nothing but clouds, open ocean, and the occasional island the entire way back.. Add by the time Berk was in sight the sun was already halfway through it's descent towards the horizon. Their approach didn't go unnoticed by the watchmen posted around the town or the two people most looking forward to his return.

“Who's that?” Merida wondered.

“I have no idea. Hiccup must have found her in the wilderness.” Astrid replied.

“Does he do that a a lot?”

“Not until recently.”

“She's quite beautiful!”

“Maybe he's trying to replace you.”

Smirking at her friend Merida playfully tugged Astrid's braided hair, “It's not my hair color she's got!”

Hiccup landed before they could throw a few more barbs at one another. He helped Elsa off Toothless and walked up to his companions, “I found someone else being attacked by those monsters 'Maleficent' sent. Meet Elsa, Queen of Arendelle. This is Astrid and Merida.”

With raised eyebrows Astrid and Merida surveyed the newcomer while in turn being sized up themselves. Incorrectly assuming the two women before her were some sort of servant Elsa was quite surprised by the differences in their appearance. Merida's shock of untamed red hair was almost as wild looking as the furs and armor adorning Astrid's muscular body. Her green dress had an air of nobility about it but the tears around the shoulders and elbows gave it an oddly appropriate flair. Like Hiccup it was clear from looking at her that Astrid was native to Berk, particularly in the confident way she stood and didn't bat an eye at the dragons swooping overhead. Merida was obviously a newcomer but had been around long enough to acclimate to the uniqueness of the city. 

“Good to meet you!” Merida greeted.

“Yes it is,” Astrid agreed, “Are you staying with us?”

“It's a pleasure to meet you both,” Elsa smiled, “And I believe I am. For the time being.”

“I can find you someplace to rest for the night,” Hiccup offered, “And get you some new clothes too.”

“Thank you but the clothes won't be necessary. I'll repair my gown myself.”

“Sure, let's get you settled in then!”

As they walked away Merida looked at Astrid, “Did you see the way she was lookin at him?”

“I did. It's amazing he didn't notice.”

“Maybe he did and he was playin it off?”

“Since when has Hiccup ever been that smooth?”

Snorting a little and nodding Merida remarked, “Right, right . . . should we help her along then?”

“You read my mind.” Astrid grinned.

Hiccup led his newest charge to a small building near the center of town. The owner was away on a prolonged scouting mission and it would serve as the perfect place to house Elsa for the time being. He left shortly after to collect a few of the nicer linens and decorations he was able to find in a weak effort to respect her royalty. While he was gone she repaired her dress with the same magic that had created it in the first place, resulting in a rather amusing moment of confusion upon his return. After a quick explanation to satisfy his curiosity, immediately followed up by a much much longer discussion of her abilities, she helped him arrange the various items he'd brought to 'make sure she was comfortable'. She knew full well he was only doing it because of her royal status and the thought both flattered and annoyed her. But as long as he didn't plan on treating any differently besides that Elsa didn't have any problem putting it out of her mind. Especially when Hiccup elected to stay and cook for her. Sharing another meal with him before he left for a short while was almost exactly what she wanted. At the very least it was what she was consciously aware of wanting. They stayed together well past nightfall and it was only her foolishly asking when he needed to leave that finally spurred his departure. Promising to return by morning he darted out of the house and flew off into the night. 

For a time Elsa sat alone and wondered what she might do to occupy herself. Without knowing many people in Berk she wasn't entirely comfortable exploring what it might have to offer alone. Less for fear of being attacked by it's citizens and more from fear of being lost. Or falling victim to one of the many dragons always flying around. No matter how she tried it was impossible to completely let go of her fears that one might swoop down and try to eat her at moment. Toothless being the only exception she felt reasonable making. And as soon as she thought about him her mind inevitably strayed back to Hiccup. For some reason it was growing increasingly difficult to keep her thoughts on an appropriate, friendly level. All her mind apparently wanted was to focus on rather silly little things like how he smelled, the way his hair looked after he took off his helmet, the embarrassed laugh he'd make when she politely corrected him on the pronunciation of Arendelle. It seemed her loneliness was getting the better of her. Who knew what she'd start thinking about if she spent the whole night cooped up by herself? There  was nothing stopping her from waiting for Hiccup at his home in the event he returned earlier than expected. It would save them both some time and she could return to her sleeping quarters the following evening. If that was what he wanted.

With her mind made up she promptly left her home, marching as confidently as she could to Hiccup's and stepping in the front door. But instead of an empty room and a dead fire she found it very much occupied “Oh!” Elsa exclaimed upon seeing Merida and Astrid, “I was looking for—does one of you know when—I thought I might wait for Hiccup here . . .”

Casting one another knowing looks both women smiled and Astrid motioned towards a nearby chair, “He's out for the moment. But he'll be back soon.”

“Good. I thought so.”

As Elsa sat down and daintily crossed her legs a red flush crept into her exceptionally pale cheeks, “What were you gonna talk to him about?” Merida asked.

“N-nothing important! I just wanted to thank him again for rescuing me!”

“That sounds pretty important.” Astrid quipped.

“I suppose it is. But it can wait until a more convenient time!” She rose to her feet and moved to leave but was stopped by a frighteningly accurate guess.

“Somethin tells me you weren't just gonna thank him with words!”

“What! That's absurd! I wouldn't!”

“Relax Queenie!” Astrid laughed, pushing herself off her seat and walking towards Elsa, “I knew you'd want to sooner or later. Merida didn't think you'd have the courage for sooner though!”

“You seemed too prim and proper for that kind of fun!”

“I do not want—”

“This'll go a lot faster if you stop lying about what you want.”

Allowing herself a small sigh Elsa sheepishly returned to her seat, “Was it really that obvious?”

“Definitely!” Merida grinned.

“To us anyways.” Astrid added with a look at her fiery maned companion.

“I had no idea I was so transparent. Hiccup must think quite low of me if my intentions are this obvious.”

“You'd be surprised! We might've noticed but I bet he didn't. He's not the kind of guy to pick up on things like that.”

“He's not?”

“Not even a little bit!”

Elsa looked at the two of them for a moment, her hands clasped tightly in her lap, “Then what should I do?”

“You want my advice?” Merida asked, “Just drag him into the bedroom and kiss him!”

“You could be a little more gentle about it,” Astrid stated, the corners of her mouth twitching ever so slightly, “But otherwise I agree.”

“Really? That's so forward!”

“It's the best way to get through a man's thick skull!”

“I suppose that makes sense.” As she considered their words another thought popped into her head without warning, “Does that mean neither of you are—are—involved with him?”

Astrid and Merida flashed her very telling smiles, “We're both 'involved' with him.”

Her heart plummeting into her stomach Elsa's mouth fell open and she stared dumbly at them both for several seconds, “You're . . . you mean . . . he's . . .”

“Got two women?” Merida finished for her, “That he does. It wasn't really his idea though. Somethin tells me he'd have gone the rest of his life with just straw hair over here.”

“Or worse, spend the rest of his days listening to fire head's accent!”

Momentarily taken aback by their jabs Elsa quickly realized the teasing nature of their words and a little smile spread across her face, “I see. I've heard of such arrangements before but they were always reserved for Kings and wealthy lords.”

“Or in our case just a good man.”

“And a cute one.” Elsa added before she could stop herself.

Merida grinned and gave her an approving nod, “There ya go! No need to be so stuck up about these things. It's just sex!”

The front door opened a split second after those words were uttered and Hiccup stepped inside, rain dripping from every inch of his body, “Did I just hear one of you talking about sex?” He asked in a wary tone.

“Of course!”

Elsa stood up the moment he appeared, adopting a regal, straight backed pose and ignoring the other two for a moment, “Hiccup! I-I wanted to thank you properly for rescuing me. I know I already expressed my gratitude before but I—”

“Wanted to do it the 'right' way!” Merida giggled.

“Shut up!” Astrid said through her own smile, “Let her do it!”

“Let her do what?” Hiccup asked, peering around Elsa to stare at his endlessly unpredictable girlfriends.

“Would we be able to talk in private?” Elsa asked, her face practically burning with embarrassment.

“Sure we can . . . oh I get it now.” Suddenly it was his turn to blush as he realized the meaning of Astrid and Merida's words, “Oh man . . . is this gonna be a thing with everyone I rescue now?”

“Only the cute girls.” Astrid said.

Scratching the back of his head and trying not to stare Hiccup glanced at Elsa, a little impressed by her relative lack of humiliation. He was of course completely unaware of her stomach doing flips and her heart beating so fast it was ready to burst. Obviously the prospect laid out before him wasn't unappealing. Far from it. Like anyone with eyes he'd noticed Elsa's beauty the moment he saw her. And in the time following her rescue he'd grown to enjoy her decidedly more regal mannerisms and way of thinking. But the prospect of sleeping with her was more than a little intimidating given the two other women he was already pledged to. Not to mention the prospects of having to play the same role for three different relationships at once. Assuming that was what Astrid and Merida had in mind which was likely a safe assumption to make if the looks on their faces was any indication. When he looked back at Elsa's subtly hopeful expression his hesitation started melting away. She could almost see it vanish as his body language gradually shifted. For Merida and Astrid it could only have been more obvious with musical instruments playing along.

“Are they right?” He finally asked her.

After swallowing nervously a few times Elsa finally nodded and said, “Yes. But I had no idea you were involved with both of them until only a few minutes ago.”

“Yeah it's not really the kind of thing you'd expect is it?”


“If you wanna pretend like this didn't happen I'm more than happy to—”

“That's not . . .” Elsa looked back at Astrid and Merida as if to steel herself. The two of them enthusiastically nodded in response. “That's not what I want at all.” 

“It isn't?”

“No. I'm just a lot more nervous now!”

She and Hiccup laughed while their delighted audience looked on, “Well if it makes you feel any better this was almost all their idea.”

“I was getting that impression,” Elsa smiled, “Would you mind if I took you up on that offer of privacy now?”

“Sure! I mean, let's go!” Letting him lead the way she followed him towards the bedroom as Astrid and Merida watched with approval. 

“How long do you think we should give them?” The latter asked.

“Before what?” The former wondered.

“Before we join em!”

“I'm not sure. I can't imagine Elsa's ever been with a man, let alone a man and two women!”

“Probably not. But doesn't that make it more fun?”

“Yeah it does. Still, maybe we should let them enjoy each other a little first.”

“I guess.” They looked at one another for a few seconds and Merida said, “We could always get ourselves ready in the meantime . . .”

“Good idea,” Astrid replied, “There's no sense wasting our time!”

In the bedroom Hiccup and Elsa were sitting on the edge of the bed with their backs to the door, “By the sounds of it we've got a few minutes alone before they come in.”

“Really? Why so long?” She questioned.

“Well . . .” The sound giggling and kissing echoed from the other room, “I'm not the only one they like to focus on.”

“Oh . . . that's good.”

“Yeah you're telling me, I've never seen two women with a more . . . powerful . . . appetite.”

Hiccup looked at Elsa as he spoke and was struck by the nervous way she was leaning in. When coupled with her tentative smile it made for an even more alluring sight than he expected. It was almost painfully obvious her attraction was far more than a simple crush. He was both flattered and a little intimidated by that realization. Luckily he didn't have a chance to let that get ot him as Elsa suddenly moved in, her lips pressing clumsily against his for the first real kiss of her life. The moment they made contact his arms closed around her shoulders and pulled her in tighter. Acutely aware of her inexperience he subtly guided her into a better position while his hands glided over her body. One moved to the back of her platinum blonde hair and the other gently snaked around her waist. Feeling him take control Elsa kissed him with renewed passion, pushing ever more insistently. Her hands flattened against his chestplate as her eyes fluttered. Pure emotion started to take over. Without even realizing it she was pushing him backwards onto the bed, her slender form resting atop him and her fingers clasped the straps and metal fastened to his chest. She could feel a palpable dizziness begin to set in, no doubt a result of the little tendrils of pleasure flickering down her spine. In addition to the lack of breath in her emptied lungs. None too eager to pull away but unable to find any other recourse Elsa broke off the kiss with a soft moan, staring down at him with an entirely different gleam in her eyes.

“Lie down,” She urged him, “I can't wait any longer.”

“All right. Have you ever—”

“No but I don't care!”

While he reclined against the bed she fumbled with the belts and straps keeping not only his armor fastened to his body but his breeches as well. After some assistance she managed to get them all untied and the waist of his pants down by his thighs. In her haste she didn't pay any attention to the actual focus of her excitement until it was throbbing patiently in the open air so close to her she could feel its heat. The moment she laid eyes on his cock Elsa knew she'd made the right decision. As much as she liked the look of a nice, soft vagina apparently it wasn't the only thing that made her body ache like she'd always assumed. Resisting the urge to taste it before trying anything else Elsa was much too impatient to wait any longer. She straddled his waist and raised herself just high enough to hover an inch or two above his dick. With her dress covering them both he couldn't see how wet her cunt was or just how close she'd gotten until her outer lips finally made contact. Both of them shivered a little as that initial spark of pleasure flickered through their bodies. It was quickly followed up by a much much larger surge when she gently lowered herself properly onto his member. The head dipped inside without much effort and even slid a couple centimeters further before she had to slow and let her body adjust. Even with her hymen gone it was still remarkable how tight of a fit his cock was turning out to be. Fortunately for them both it felt way too good to let a little thing like momentary discomfort get in the way. With her hands flat against his chest and a studious smile on her face she gently rocked back and forth until she was all the way down to the base of his shaft and they were each panting like they'd run a considerable distance.

The sounds of Astrid and Merida sloppily kissing one another outside had shifted into something wholly different and far more lewd than what was filtering through earlier. In the brief lull before she started moving and while they were just enjoying one another it was impossible for Hiccup and Astrid not to notice such a sudden shift. While he was a little embarrassed by the sounds she found it oddly encouraging, if a little strange. He was clearly no stranger to sex or that kind of situation which meant she didn't have to worry about both of them fumbling through their first real time together. In fact if she really wanted she could probably let him take over completely and simply bask in the pleasures his skill would bring. But until her legs grew too tired to support herself Elsa had no intention of doing any such thing. She smiled down at him and subtly nodded. When he returned her nod she started moving once more. All the juices that had been accumulating along his dick suddenly started dripping down its length when she rose. Every inch that had been inside her save the last one or two gradually exited with the same tender caution as before. At the apex of her movements his hands suddenly moved to her hips and she wondered what he was going to do. Were he a different man entirely she might have worried about him suddenly pulling her down in an effort to start their lovemaking in earnest before she was ready. But that wasn't the kind of person Hiccup was. Even after a few days she could tell that much about it. 

The actual answer to that little conundrum turned out to be almost nothing at all. After sliding his hands beneath her dress to feel her bare hips against his skin he gave her all the freedom in the world to progress however she saw fit. Delighted to still be in control Elsa let herself drop down his cock faster than ever and their bodies collided with a wet smack. Her resulting moan drowned out most of the echo and told the two ladies outside just how far along the two of them were. Having all the hassle of adjustment and the like out of the way she was finally free to ride Hiccup however she saw fit. And she decided it was time to really start moving. Her whole life she'd wondered about what it would be like to have sex with a man and now that she knew the answer, and new she enjoyed it, there was no reason to take it slow a moment longer. Moving as quickly as her inexperience allowed Elsa's hips grinded and gyrated against his while her body bounced up and down in slightly erratic motions. Her perky little tits bounced merrily beneath her dress and almost emerged several times in the first few seconds. She felt his eyes dart to them whenever her pussy reached the base of his manhood then return to her face to watch her expression shift and flush as she withdrew. Her own eyes were far too glazed over and unfocused to really look at much of anything and from his perspective she was finding the wall above the bed incredibly fascinating. Were it not for the constant trickle of fluids and her increasingly delighted moans he might have thought she wasn't interested in him. When in reality it was so much the opposite it was a little hard for her to find the energy to meet his gaze and continued her movements. That effort was only put more to the test when they were suddenly joined by two completely naked and overwhelmingly amorous women.

“I think that's enough keeping him to yourself!” Merida exclaimed as the doors burst open, “It's time to share Queen Elsa.”

“I thought you guys were—” Hiccup started to say.

“”Just letting you two get comfortable.” Astrid interrupted, “But she'll have to learn how to spread the love if she wants to do this sort of thing again.”

As Elsa flushed a deep crimson and nervously shifted atop his dick Merida and Astrid climbed onto the bed and moved to either side of her, “You can make another one of these right?” The former asked as she grabbed a handful of her silky blue dress.

“Yes I can but—”

Whatever else might have been said vanished with the sound of tearing fabric when both women ripped away Elsa's clothes to reveal her pale, nubile body for everyone to see. Despite the nature of her union with Hiccup she couldn't stop a feeling of embarrassment from washing over her as he looked up at her naked breasts. It only intensified when his gaze moved down to see the thicket of white hair above her sex and the point where their bodies actually connected. 

Always happy to spread their wealth around Astrid and Merida continued their efforts until both Hiccup and Elsa were on the brink of climax. Normally they'd pull the Queen off his dick and let them all be showered in jizz as a way of celebrating the first orgasm of the evening. But as it was her first time they decided to be generous and allow her the satisfaction of a belly full of cum and an unmolested orgasm. Moments before it all came crashing down around her the two of them suddenly pulled away. For a split second she was left at a loss for what to do in their absence. But as soon as she was reminded of Hiccups wildly throbbing member still buried inside her such concerns disappeared completely. Ecstasy washed through her body like a cleansing wave, her breath catching in her throat and pure bliss filling every extremity. Elsa continued to ride him as best she could while her body was wracked with pleasure, some part of her remembering how close he was. She wanted nothing more than to feel him cum inside her as she was breathlessly riding his member. And luckily for everyone present her wish was granted with time to spare. After a few more moments of twitching his whole shaft suddenly went stiff. A split second later thick jets of cum erupted deep inside her sex. Deeper than she even realized they could go. Her already strong climax noticeably intensified the moment his first load was released. With every subsequent jet it was prolonged another few seconds until she felt like she might actually die from the endless barrage of pleasure. Unable to keep her cool a moment longer Elsa found herself sliding off his member before she could even think about staying on. But Hiccup remained completely hard despite his climax and his first two lover's knew just what to do about that.

As was typical when Astrid and Merida really started to enjoy themselves, and Hiccup, the night took a turn for the frantic and never veered back. With Elsa present they weren't quite as focused on Hiccup as normal but that didn't mean they weren't going to take a ride on his cock as many times as they possibly could. Really it just meant that the newest member of their peculiar arrangement got their undivided attention whenever it was her turn to mount him. Whoever wasn't sitting on his face would sidle up nice and close behind the Queen to play with her nice, sensitive clit and teasingly suckle on her earlobes. Which of course resulted in a wave of pleasure for Elsa that almost always reverberated back to Hiccup through her ever quivering pussy. If he hadn't been distracted by Astrid or Merida's equally amazing slid he almost certainly would've cum even faster than usual. As it was he rarely lasted more than a few minutes with whichever woman was sliding up and down his member before blowing another load deep inside them. And when they happened the real fun started.

Every time one of his sexually incorrigible lovers slid off his shaft with a fresh load of spunk dripping from their cunt it was like throwing fresh chum in the water for a shark. In the blink of an eye one of the other ladies was gliding down his half hard member faster than it could go soft while the other quickly moved between the third's legs to slurp up as much seed as she could manage. Any time Elsa happened to be lucky one it always seemed to be Astrid eagerly lapping at her pussy while Merida took advantage of the opening. She made sure Hiccup could see her doing it, often pausing midway to smile at her man with cum and pussy juice dripping down her cheeks. Once her tongue had licked every inch of the new girl's slit and sucked out as much jizz as she was going to get she always mounted his face and shared her bounty with Merida. Such an experience was usually enough for an already sensitive Elsa to cum at least one more time and be left a quivering, pleasure drenched mess until one of the others was 'finished' enough for her to take a turn. In the rare cases where she wasn't able to hope right back on his face or cock she never hesitated to join in on the fun above his body. Astrid and Merida were good enough with their hands that she never had to go more than a few moments without some kind of stimulation. They weren't bad kissers either. 

On and on the cycle went with Hiccup being drained of his fluids at a steady rate until he finally took charge of the situation. During one of the switch ups just as Astrid was about to mount his dick and Elsa's pale butt was hovering over his face he made his move. Shoving his first girlfriend onto the bed as roughly as he felt comfortable he shoved the whole of his cock inside her with one thrust. She squealed into the blankets in abject pleasure as she was suddenly the one being mounted. Merida propped herself up on one arm to watch, her gree hand darting down to her pussy while Elsa moved in to embrace him from behind. Wrapping her arms around his body to feel his smooth chest and lightly touch the base of his cock she tried her best to kiss him from the awkward angle. Momentarily focusing on fucking Astrid he didn't return her affections until she planted a slightly needy series of kisses along his jawline. Though holding onto his viking woman's waist with both hands he still turned his body as much as he could to finally return her passions in earnest. Elsa smiled into his lips and started playing with herself, her lack of knowledge on such matters having been helpfully filled in by her partners in crime quite some time ago. Naturally having her man's tongue inside her mouth and his dick buried in another woman at the same time helped tremendously. Enough to almost make up for the innate jealousy she felt at not being the center of his attention every moment they were naked in bed together.

But where Elsa was content with a modicum of passivity so long as she got to snuggle up close to him and play with herself Merida was about as far from that end of the spectrum as she could be. Less than ten seconds after she started fingering her cum filled pussy the sight of Astrid on her hands and knees being fucked like a dog was just too arousing to do nothing about. Part of her wanted to move beneath the panting, blonde haired beuaty to try and coax Hiccup into bouncing between them both for as long as he could manage. She quashed that idea in favor of a much more appealing notion that would overwhelm her friendly rival in a way both of them enjoyed immensely. Crawling in front of her companion, lying flat on her back, and spreading her legs open as wide as they could go she pulled Astrid's face into her pussy without so much as a word. And with an equal amount of nonchalance she started licking Merida's gooey slit. Immediately finding the kind of satisfaction that really made her toes curl she threw her head back and moaned at the ceiling, a blissful smile cresting her face. She made sure to keep both hands on her attendant's head though, if only to have something to hold on to while her hips bucked and her legs shook.

More than expecting the turn of events unfolding before him Hiccup momentarily broke away from Elsa to pound Astrid as hard as humanly possible. The resulting pleasure was a fantastic bonus but his real goal was driving her face and tongue as deep as they could possibly go into Merida's cunt. He was certainly smart enough to know getting both women off at the same time was in his best interest for a myriad of reasons. Not the least of which being the incredible way her pussy clamped down around his shaft the moment he started. As soon as he was able he turned back to Elsa with a little surprise, one hand furtively sliding away from Astrid to find his Queen's naked sex. Covering her fingers with his own he pushed a single digit inside her at the same moment they resumed kissing. The resulting explosion of pleasure sent Elsa to another level of ecstasy altogether. Her body wasted no time grinding against his hands and trying to stuff as many fingers as she could fit inside. Though her mouth all but completely stopped moving she didn't stop leaning into him or caressing every inch of skin available to her fingers. Yet while she was basking in the feelings assaulting all five of her senses he was being forced to focus more and more on the balance between fucking Astrid and pleasing his newest female companion. So much so he didn't quite notice how close he was to finishing until it was hitting him harder than a club. A fresh deluge of spunk erupted into his lover's pussy amidst a chorus of pleasured cries from all three women and plenty of groans from him.

Not five seconds after he finished Astrid was rolled out of the way and Merida wriggled below him flat on her back. Elsa jumped on the opportunity as well and straddled her fiery companion's face to not only get her aching pussy some more attention but also kiss Hiccup properly while she did. Quietly realizing his moment of control had all but vanished he smiled softly to himself and started fucking his Scottish princess with the same eagerness as before. His lips quickly reunited with Elsa's and a a few moments later he felt the familiar sensation of Astrid's perky breasts pressing against his back. Then her breath was hot in his ear as she started moaning and whispering incredibly vulgar encouragements that only he could hear. No matter how many times he heard her say such things it never failed to make his heart race and his body shiver just a little bit. Her hands snaking around his waist to unabashedly cradle his cock and balls while he fucked Merida certainly helped the effect considerably. The feel of her sweat and cum drenched body pressed against his was the perfect compliment to the visual cornucopia unfolding in front of his eyes. With the pleasure of Merida's tongue mounting too fast for her to handle Elsa had pulled away to gasp breathlessly with her eyes shut while her multi tasking lover writhed beneath and between them as much as her position would allow. 

His vision started to go blurry as sweat dripped from his brow. He barely had time to think about it before another orgasm was rearing it's powerful head. In a last ditch effort to exert the smallest amount of control he pulled out a moment before cumming, his dripping wet cock emerging just as the first ropey strands were flying out. They arced across Merida's slender form to splash across Elsa's stomach and drip down onto their orange haired lover's tits. Both women cooed with unmitigated pleasure at feeling his seed across their naked bodies. An equally delighted sound from Astrid reminded his hazy brain just where she was even before her hands closed around his manhood to angle it even higher. The next jet of spunk to emerged splashed as high as Elsa's tits, thick strands cascading over her nipples to drip all the way down to Merida's body. Or simply remain plastered to her soft flesh until they were joined by another helping a moment later. By the time he was finished most of the Queen's body bore some drops of his spunk with only her face regretfully untouched at the end. She made sure to lick up what she could from her tits though and in short order cum was accumulating at the corners of her mouth too. Astrid continued to play with his dick well after he'd finished, both keeping him hard and putting on a show for the others. There was no telling how many more times he had in him before he was completely spent but he could rest assured Astrid, Elsa, and Merida would enjoy every last one of them before the night was through . . .

The next morning Hiccup woke to the familiar smell of sex and sweat. Astrid, Merida, and Elsa were all lying in various spots around him still dozing contentedly. More glad than ever he'd elected to build a bigger bed he slowly moved over and past his growing selection of girlfriends to slide off the bed. He pulled on the closest pair of pants he could find and walked into the first room. After hours of lovemaking and even more time exploring and riding it felt like every muscle in his body had been stretched. But it was hard to really complain considering what it meant for his life currently. As peculiar as his situation was he was beginning to enjoy the benefits of having so many companions to share his life with. Assuming they all continued to get along there really wasn't anything stopping him from letting things continue to play out as they did. It was unlikely to last forever and the situations that brought Merida and Elsa to Berk weren't ideal though.

While he continued to muse the door to his home opened and Toothless ambled in, “Hey bud,” Hiccup groaned, “How ya feeling?”

Toothless started to smile but upon smelling the air he let out a hiss. Furiously rubbing his nose and backing away he continued to make a revolted face all the way out the door. Before Hiccup could say anything his friend had plopped down on the path leading to his house and he seemed ready to stay there. Offering an apologetic shrug he rose from his seat and chuckled at his dragon's reaction. They'd have to start airing the house out during the day if he ever wanted Toothless to come back inside. A soft stirring in the other room pulled his attention back to the three beautiful women currently living with him. The soft murmurs of quiet conversation filtered out along with creaking wood and muted footsteps. Recalling just how much Merida could eat by herself, plus what Astrid could put away, Hiccup assumed Elsa would be cut from a similar cloth. He ambled over to the fire and set about lighting it. A hearty stew might fill them up enough to prevent another burst of sex from breaking his body in half.

“Don't worry,” He said to Toothless, “We'll be out of here in less than an hour.”

Toothless snorted and a giggle from the other room stymied Hiccup's response. The door opened and Elsa appeared intertwined with Merida inside a blanket, “Hiccup? Could we have a word with you?”

His eyes widened slightly and he swallowed a few times, “Maybe not that soon . . .”



I love every word of this story! It's everything I ever could have hoped for and so much more, so I'm really glad that you chose to write it.


I thought it came out well too! It was nice to finally return to this after the first chapter sitting in my Documents folder for so long.