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Now this makes for a decent pairing with the Poison story I wrote earlier in the month. Probably more than I intended considering how close together they're being released lol

It all started out as a goofy little fangirl fantasy: Bernice had been looking at various pictures of Princess Peach when her boyfriend Taylor just happened to walk by freshly showered and shaved. She'd looked up at him from her laptop as she had so many times before and for the first time something clicked in her perverted brain. It would only take a decent wig, a splash of makeup, plus her trademark outfit and her boyfriend was a spitting image of the famous Nintendo princess. To his credit Taylor had received the news with remarkably less incredulity and ridicule than she'd expected. After a few minutes eagerly explaining herself, with plenty of visual aides, Bernice could tell he was starting to see it as well. When he finally did acquiesce to his girlfriend's point it was with a characteristically masculine shrug coupled with a total lack of excitement. At first she almost thought he was simply blowing her off for the sake of his own peace and quiet. But when he teasingly referred to her as the Mario to his Princess Peach a few days later she knew the seeds had been planted.

It took three months of prodding, suggestions, and casual references for Bernice to finally wear him down. Just in time for Otakon as luck would have it. They were already planning on going. Baltimore was only a few hours away and she bought the material to make his costume ages ago. When he'd finally agreed to try it on if she made it Bernice has set to work immediately. Less than a week later his Princess Peach cosplay was finished. Knowing how much work she had put into it and how much the idea of him wearing it all excited her Taylor was all but forced to give it a test run. One look at himself in the mirror and even he couldn't deny the truth of her months long crusade. Not to mention the brownie points he was sure to earn just by entertaining the notion. Of course it certainly didn't hurt that he barely resembled his regular look with everything on. He put it on a few more times in the days leading up to the convention, finally agreeing to go for a single day as Princess Peach and letting her take a few pictures to remember it by. Bernice had always fainted with excitement when he laid down those rules. There was nothing standing in the way of her exuberant little fantasy now.

When the big day arrived the couple could not have looked more disparate. Bernice had barely brushed her short brown hair and the plain whit et shirt she'd picked out did very little to draw the eye, despite her impressive bust. Boring old blue jeans, a black backpack, and a comfy set of sneakers rounded out her con going attire. Since she was a good foot and half shorter than her almost six foot tall boyfriend she would've gone unnoticed even if he hadn't been dressed in Princess Peach's famous frilly pink dress. The costume had been lovingly recreated for real life to the best of Bernice's exceptional ability and the wig on his head was the best she could find under such short notice. The bust had been padded enough to give him a nice B cup but she didn't have to do anything to make his ass look good. When paired with the crown and his adorably pouty, heavily made up face he was the spitting image of the Mushroom Kingdom's leader. If she were taller than the rest of her subjects by several degrees.

As with any good cosplay Taylor received immediate attention from anyone with a camera. The fact that he looked so much like a cute woman only made them flock around him tighter. Bernice was swiftly shunted off to the side so people could crowd around her man and take pictures of him. She watched in delight as his cheeks flushed and he flashed that telltale nervous smile he always got but posed for pictures nonethless. He ran through as many of the famous poses as he could think of. Since he was too nervous to come up with more than a handful he eventually defaulted to the standard poses the real models always used. Just like his girlfriend had predicted there was a remarkable thrill to dressing up as a woman and strutting his stuff for so many strangers. It was a side he'd never thought to explore before. Little by little he lost himself in the heart pounding excitement, wondering if anyone knew his dirty little secret. Or if any of them really gave a damn. 

It wasn't until he bent over to blow a kiss that he felt something poking out from his dress. His face turned bright crimson and he almost stood up on instinct. How had he not noticed his dick getting hard beneath his outfit? It had to be the result of Bernice's insistence that he wear panties to 'sell the whole thing'. They felt so good against his manhood and all the moving around created a lot of friction under there. That had to be it. Doing his best to conceal his unexpected arousal Taylor clasped his hands in front of his groin and struck another pose. Nobody in the crowd seemed to notice what he was doing except Bernice. Her surprised look quickly faded into delight when she realized how much he was really enjoying himself. It made her feel even better about how turned on she was watching him prance around for dozens of photographers. Usually when they were both horny there was nothing that could stop them from fucking. Bernice refused to let that habit change just because there were people physically in the way. Shoving her way through the crowd she rushed to her boyfriend's side and grabbed his hand.

“We gotta go!”


Her answer was to simply grab his gloved hand and drag him away from the crowd. Taylor knew almost immediately what she had on her mind. Bernice was never more forceful or driven than when she was horny. He continued trying to hide his erection while she led him out of the main rooms and into a small maintenance hallway. At first it looked like she was going to head right through the doors clearly marked 'employees only' but she stopped just in front of them. A quick check to confirm they were locked was the last bit of warning he got before she turned on him like a wild animal.

Shoving her man against the wall and lifting up his skirt with both hands Bernice disappeared beneath his dress in the blink of an eye. She audibly gasped at the sight of Taylor's eight inch dick peeking out from beneath a stretched pair of bright pink panties. The tip was already smeared with precum and she could smell more hanging in the air like a cloud. With both hands she pushed his legs apart, her mouth sliding over his shaft like it had so many times before. Using one set of fingers she tenderly cradled his sack as the other slid between his thighs to find his asshole. Even knowing full well how she liked to operate when giving him blowjobs Taylor was still a little caught off guard when two fingers wriggled their way into his ass. Somehow being dressed as a woman and standing more or less in public made everything a hundred times more exhilarating. And scary. His eyes closed almost immediately thanks to her wonderful oral skills. The whole of his prick vanished into her mouth like it belonged there and she massaged his prostate so skillfully she could make a career out of it. Letting out a gasp that sounded far more feminine than he meant it to Taylor grabbed her head through his dress and held on for dear life.Bernice slobbered and gagged on his dick like a champ, ignoring everything but the feel of his member between her lips and his ass around her fingers. She wanted him good and aroused for the next step.

After just long enough for him to almost reach climax she stopped, sliding off his shaft and removing her digits without a word. Taylor started to lift up his dress to ask her what happened when her strong hands found his waist instead. Before he knew it he was suddenly facing the wall that had been behind him only a moment ago. His legs were splayed wide enough to stretch his slightly underused muscles and his girlfriend was kneeling beneath his ass. He felt her fingers spread his ass cheeks, her breath hot on his newly revealed asshole. It was easy to picture the grin spreading across her face and the way she swooped in to take her prize. A girlish moan erupted from his mouth as she dove between his buttocks. Her tongue buried itself inside his backdoor and found his prostate almost instantly. Despite only giving him a rimjob a few times she remembered exactly how he liked it and didn't waste a second assaulting his g spot. As pent up as he already was it was nothing short of a miracle he didn't blow his load then and there. When she started jerking him off a few moments later he knew the limit of his endurance could be counted in seconds instead of minutes. Her tongue swirled around his tight hole and her jaw pushed it open as far as it would go in her pursuit of pleasuring and controlling him. Every spasmodic movement of his body was reciprocated in kind by her tongue or fingers. She knew his body like the back of her hand and never missed a chance to turn his quivering into pleasure for one or both of them.

Bernice smiled as Taylor's ass tightened around her tongue and his cock throbbed mightily between her fingers. Spit coated the front of her white shirt and she added more to the slobbery mess in the ensuing burst than in the rest of her eager rimjob combined. A moment later he let out a groan that was somehow both masculine and feminine. She focused all her attention on his prostate while her hand flew up and down his prick. Aside from his cum and the taste of her own pussy on his lips there was nothing she loved more than the flavor of Taylor's delicious little asshole. Part of her was a little disappointed he wasn't going to give her a facial or a nice, messy creampie like she liked but it was a small price to pay for having total control over him like she did. There would be plenty of time for such things when they were back home. Thoughts of riding his dick while he was dressed as a woman made her entire body shiver with eager lust. Her movements reached their peak the moment her mind conjured up those first images. The indecent sounds of slurping, sucking, and moaning filled the hallway, no doubt spilling out into the hall beyond. Neither of them gave a single shit about who might discover them. Hell in the heat of the moment both of them kind of hoped they'd be discovered. Bernice had never been shy about sharing her fantasies of watching another man fuck him. Nor Taylor about sharing his occasionally bisexual desires when they watched porn together.

When the big moment finally arrived Taylor was at a complete loss for words or thoughts. He was no strange to the occasional prostate milking, courtesy of Bernice of course, but those past experiences paled in comparison to what he was feeling in that moment. Crossdressing as a famous video game characters had turned him on more than he realized. It felt like his entire body was on fire, the constant motion of his girlfriend's tongue inside his ass serving as the source. He could barely stand in the wake of her ministrations and the ache in his cock was so great he thought he was going to explode. After a few more seconds he did. Every inch of his body tensed up while his shaft swelled. A fountain of cum exploded out of him to spray messily across the lacy confines of his dress. It splashed across Bernice's hand and soaked much of her forearm, rivulets dribbling down the stained fabric concealing their shameful coupling. Load after hot stick load erupted from his tensing balls, more cum than either of them had ever seen dripping down their bodies. As it seemed to endlessly pump out of him Bernice couldn't help but pull back to admire the sheer quantity he'd produced. And trembled a little at how aroused she'd become. Even as the initial burst started to fade a steady trickle continued to seep from his softening manhood. It hung there, constantly releasing a long, stringy rope into the ever expanding puddle at their feet.

Overwhelmed by the smell and a little incensed at how much was being wasted Bernice could only watch his spunk drip uselessly to the floor for so long. Without hesitation her lips closed around his shaft once more, greedily slurping up all the jizz she could. Her fingers quickly buried themselves in his ass to replace her tongue and keep the font flowing for another few seconds. Though tired and barely able to stand Taylor moaned a little at the stimulation. His dick ever so slightly perked up but the drain on his endurance was far too high for him to get completely hard again. He could only wince and tremble while his girlfriend feasted on his seed as noisily as she could. The tips of her digits expertly prodded and rubbed his prostate until he was more drained than he'd ever been. Bernice drank down every last drop she could get her tongue on, continuing to suck and lick his member well after he'd finished. Both her mouth and fingers retreated at the same time when she was finally forced to accept that no more delicious, tart semen was on the menu. She emerged from beneath his dress and straightened to see what had become of her boyfriend. Idly licking her cum stained fingers and smoothing out her sweaty clothes Bernice spoke the first thing that came to her mind.

“We should do this again.”

Taylor nodded as much as he was able with his forehead pressed against the wall, “Yeah . . .”

“Not just the sex stuff.” She clarified.

“I know . . .”

“Oh! Great! I already came up with a few more cosplays I think you'd ber perfect for . . .”

“Perfect . . .”

“Do you need help walking out of here?”

Taylor chuckled and looked at her out of the corner of his eye, “Yeah . . .”

“All right, gimme your arm! You still owe me some pictures after all!”


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